Author Topic: Reality Bites  (Read 10462 times)

Positive Change

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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2013, 09:03:57 PM »
I wouldn't hold your breath for the CTA to be gone or ineffective any time soon. Side with HHDL, Dharma and CTA and not the genocidal Chinese Govt.


Well... I do not think it as 'taking sides' as you so eloquently put it. It is about examining facts and taking into account inconsistencies and disparities that do not make sense. In any court of law, one is innocent until proven guilty... Should a democratically elected government such as the CTA not practice this fundamental understanding?

The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

If the jurors or judge have no doubt as to the defendant's guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proven the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and the defendant should be pronounced guilty.

The term connotes that evidence establishes a particular point to a moral certainty and that it is beyond dispute that any reasonable alternative is possible. It does not mean that no doubt exists as to the accused's guilt, but only that no Reasonable Doubt is possible from the evidence presented.

Beyond a reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof that must be met in any trial. In civil litigation, the standard of proof is either proof by a preponderance of the evidence or proof by clear and convincing evidence. These are lower burdens of proof. A preponderance of the evidence simply means that one side has more evidence in its favor than the other, even by the smallest degree. Clear and Convincing Proof is evidence that establishes a high probability that the fact sought to be proved is true. The main reason that the high proof standard of reasonable doubt is used in criminal trials is that such proceedings can result in the deprivation of a defendant's liberty or even in his or her death. These outcomes are far more severe than in civil trials, in which money damages are the common remedy.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2013, 12:47:34 AM »
To be fair, China did destroy Buddhism in Tibet and mainland China itself in a catastrophic scale during cultural revolution: temples were burnt, dharma books were burnt, statues were smashed, monks/nuns were jailed or killed. So whatever China did was unforgivable, and nothing that they do now can repair the damage.

That much said, CTA is no better either, they are not interested in preserving Buddhism at all, although they claim they do, but that's merely a PR tactic to gain support from the international community. How can you suppress your own most prominent Buddhism lineage (Gelug/Dorje Shugden) and still calim that you champion Buddhism? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

Do not listen to CTA, they are up to no good.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2013, 04:37:53 AM »
To be fair, China did destroy Buddhism in Tibet and mainland China itself in a catastrophic scale during cultural revolution: temples were burnt, dharma books were burnt, statues were smashed, monks/nuns were jailed or killed. So whatever China did was unforgivable, and nothing that they do now can repair the damage.
While they may not be able to repair the damage instantly, they are doing their best to repair the damage by repairing temples, giving allowances to monks and nuns and hosting Buddhist conferences and so forth. To me, that is somewhat acceptable.

That much said, CTA is no better either, they are not interested in preserving Buddhism at all, although they claim they do, but that's merely a PR tactic to gain support from the international community. How can you suppress your own most prominent Buddhism lineage (Gelug/Dorje Shugden) and still calim that you champion Buddhism? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

Do not listen to CTA, they are up to no good.
Has there been any reports of the CTA benefitting the sangha? Did the CTA have an annual event where they sponsor the sangha's expenses? No. They did nothing to help the Dharma. Yet many innocent westerners continue to be deceived by the CTA.

I'll only believe CTA when they have done something like an annual sponsoring of robes for the whole of Ganden and it comes out in phayul or buddhistchannel or something, perhaps they're too poor to do that  but at least they could lift the Dorje Shugden ban.

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2013, 10:08:36 AM »
Without CTA you wouldn't even have Ganden or any of the monasteries or Tibetan communities! Without HHDL you wouldn't even have Tibetan Buddhism let alone the spirit Shugden! ;) Be grateful to your real master as the saying goes.  :)


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2013, 10:55:46 AM »
Without CTA you wouldn't even have Ganden or any of the monasteries or Tibetan communities! Without HHDL you wouldn't even have Tibetan Buddhism let alone the spirit Shugden! ;) Be grateful to your real master as the saying goes.  :)

That might be true, but all of it was the Dalai Lama's initiative and it was not on the CTA's initiative. Obviously the world has to thank the Dalai Lama for bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the world as without him, there would be no Tibetan Buddhism, but on the other hand, given CTA's track record of how they banned lamas and traditions and their current track record of not contributing to the sangha at this moment (id like to see news of  CTA sponsoring the sangha. I really do.) i dont really trust them. I guess you can say that on that page, I am the same as Nechung :D Trust the Dalai Lama, but not the government officials!


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2013, 10:34:29 PM »

The CTA is a pretend-democracy and what puzzles me is how willingly India and the rest of the world plays along with it. I think, the world support the Tibetans in exile have been receiving all these years were more out of anti-Chine sentiments than pro-Tibet ones. I shudder to think how the CTA can reinvent itself and move forward after His Holiness passes into clear light. One the one hand, the Dalai Lama is keeping the Tibetans together and on the other hand, he may also be the reason why there is no true democratic practices yet. Whatever the reason may be, the CTA serves very little purpose today. Imagine all the "new" support it could harness by removing the ban. All Shugden practitioners (and I will not be surprised if the number is larger than the CTA imagines) will look at Dr. Lobsang Sangay with gratitude and appreciation. In addition the very influential lamas like Gangchen Rinpoche and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche who is for certain heading for super-stardom in the world of Tibetan Buddhism, will become allies of the CTA instead of people the CTA oppose. Is that not much better?

The Indian Govt needs to friends with China more than ever before... I doubt India will allow CTA to create conflict with these two parties as they are interdependent even more so then before. It is time for CTA to not be ignorant about this and to realize their strategies have all failed throughout the yearsin exile and hence change their stance. Definitely I agree that if they decided to finally act democratically and lift the discriminating Dorje Shugden ban... they will at least achieve one goal they claim they wish to make - uniting the Tibetans - start with your own people in exile first and the influential Lama's like Trijang Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche, who have been smart enough to create good ties with China because they have foreseen the future and how influential China is in all aspects, even in religious aspects especially now. It could be for another economic reason why spirituality is now being heavily promoted in China, but whatever the case is... for us it is a good opportunity to spread the Dharma.... it is our window to plant seeds  and create a new wave for Dharma to grow and flourish so why not seize the opportun ities being presented?! It would be silly not to realize this and miss the boat CTA.

Second Meeting of China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue Held in New Delhi

On November 26, 2012, China and India made in-depth and extensive dialogue and exchanges over how to strengthen strategic, economic and trade cooperation, promote bilateral macro-economic policy communication and coordination, as well as deepen and expand pragmatic cooperation in the fields of investment, infrastructure, high-technology, energy efficiency, environment protection and energy.

During the 2nd Meeting of China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue in the Indian capital, the Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, Zhang Ping, and Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission of India, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, addressed the attendants on the overall outlook of bilateral cooperation.

In his speech, Zhang said the dialogue is an important platform created by the governments of the two countries in order to exchange experiences in economic development and broaden cooperation, as well as an organic part of the Sino-India Strategic Partnership.

As two biggest developing countries in the world, China and India are moving forward on the road of renovation. Both countries share many common interests in the world today, he said.

Zhang said that the just-concluded 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has clearly pointed out that China will implement a more active open policy and under this guideline, China will consolidate its strategic partnership with India with a strategic and long-term perspective to seek and push forward common interests, develop and expand space of cooperation, learn from each other's experiences and open each other's market.

Zhang suggested that the two countries deepen communication and coordination of each other's macro-economic policy, push forward cooperation in infrastructure including railway, power, telecommunications, improve investment atmosphere, carry out green economic cooperation like renewable energy, energy efficiency and environment protection.

Ahluwalia said the dialogue is a mechanism aimed at promoting exchanges in multiple fields between the two countries, and India- China cooperation has huge potential.

He said the two countries have many things to exchange and India is very much interested in the achievement made by China in infrastructure like highways, ports and railways, while China is also interested in the experiences accumulated by India in many fields.

Ahluwalia added that India-China economic growth is exerting a huge impact on the reshaping of global economic order and India would like to cooperate with China in multilateral frameworks like G20 and BRICS.

During the meeting, the governments and enterprises of the two countries also signed a number of agreements on joint study of cooperation, railway, software, energy and energy efficiency.

The first such dialogue was held in Beijing in September 2011, after Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh agreed to launch the dialogue in 2010.



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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2013, 08:05:11 PM »
Without CTA you wouldn't even have Ganden or any of the monasteries or Tibetan communities! Without HHDL you wouldn't even have Tibetan Buddhism let alone the spirit Shugden! ;) Be grateful to your real master as the saying goes.  :)

What are you saying Tenzin Gyatso??? Ganden and the other monasteries as well as the Tibetan community of people existed long before the CTA came about. The CTA is a failed experiment at democracy and today, the Tibetan people have prevailed not because of the CTA but in spite of the CTA. The Tibetan people still in the homeland do not owe their livelihood and spirituality to the Tibetan government in exile at all, but to China. The monasteries that have been built in Tibet in the last decade or so were built with the support of the Chinese government, not the CTA.

As for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as much as I respect and love him, he did not give us Buddhism. The Buddha Dharma existed long before the first Dalai Lama came about. How can you infer that HHDL gave us Buddhism and how can Buddhism be dependent on the Dalai Lama singularly? The present Dalai Lama has said that perhaps he is the last in the lineage of Dalai Lamas. Does that mean Buddhism would disappear with His Holiness? Does that also mean that all Buddhas depend on the existence of Chenrezig in order to exist? Doesn't make much sense does it?

I do agree with you that we should be grateful to our real master who is in fact the Buddha emanating in the form of our Guru. It is with considerable disappointment that many lamas who have stopped practicing Dorje Shugden have not shown the same gratitude to their masters.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2013, 07:05:29 AM »
Without CTA you wouldn't even have Ganden or any of the monasteries or Tibetan communities! Without HHDL you wouldn't even have Tibetan Buddhism let alone the spirit Shugden! ;) Be grateful to your real master as the saying goes.  :)

What are you saying Tenzin Gyatso??? Ganden and the other monasteries as well as the Tibetan community of people existed long before the CTA came about. The CTA is a failed experiment at democracy and today, the Tibetan people have prevailed not because of the CTA but in spite of the CTA. The Tibetan people still in the homeland do not owe their livelihood and spirituality to the Tibetan government in exile at all, but to China. The monasteries that have been built in Tibet in the last decade or so were built with the support of the Chinese government, not the CTA.

As for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as much as I respect and love him, he did not give us Buddhism. The Buddha Dharma existed long before the first Dalai Lama came about. How can you infer that HHDL gave us Buddhism and how can Buddhism be dependent on the Dalai Lama singularly? The present Dalai Lama has said that perhaps he is the last in the lineage of Dalai Lamas. Does that mean Buddhism would disappear with His Holiness? Does that also mean that all Buddhas depend on the existence of Chenrezig in order to exist? Doesn't make much sense does it?

I do agree with you that we should be grateful to our real master who is in fact the Buddha emanating in the form of our Guru. It is with considerable disappointment that many lamas who have stopped practicing Dorje Shugden have not shown the same gratitude to their masters.

With this note, I'd like to point out that the monasteries and learning institutions were indeed re-established under the Dalai Lama's orders. It was not CTA's prerogative to re-establish the main learning centers in Dharamsala. If the Dalai Lama had not ordered their revival, I seriously doubt that the CTA would build those learning centers. I doubt that the CTA would do anything Buddhist on their own, if the Dalai Lama did not open his mouth and asked them to do it. I have no faith in the CTA at all after the hitlists on Trijang Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche. They are ugly losers and the ban only exposes this side of them.