Author Topic: German protests  (Read 16662 times)


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German protests
« on: May 16, 2008, 09:38:25 PM »
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 09:55:30 PM by theloneranger »

a friend

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Re: German protests
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 11:28:39 PM »
Some Chinese have voiced revulsion towards the Dalai Lama, but the loudest protests during his visit to Bochum Friday were from a dissenting Tibetan religious faction. The Shugden sect accused him of discriminating against their beliefs.

The Dalai Lama responded that Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns had voted against the Shugden cult. He said he respected freedom of opinion and the Shugden group were entitled to hold their protest.

Well, this is so intelligent! I mean, on the part of the Dalai Lama. He surely has good Public Relations advisors.
So guys, are we going to allow this sacharine version to fly?

Please, use the addresses for Germany that I posed today and send letters. Forget dictator, forget saffron robed whatever, send everything that has to do with his segregation of Tibetans, with his abuse of power against religious people.

Be careful, he is winning the press again with his smiles and his intelligent lies. And he is trying to anger us with his condescendence. Let's give him the antidote of truth, not of our indignant how he dares, such a liar, evil dictator, no...

Let's not be brutal or stupid. We have to be more intelligent than him.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 11:59:48 PM by a friend »


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Re: German protests
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2008, 07:21:10 AM »
The message has definitely arrived to the german journalists, that "something" is happening in the DL Buddhist community. This is a huge success of the very 1st demo. Now, let's continue to encourage the journalists to investigate for more details. The DL logic will not satisfy questions about religious freedom and democracy.
Here is one of many links o the demos:


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Re: German protests
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2008, 08:18:23 AM »
what does the link say? I can't read german, lol


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Re: German protests
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2008, 08:42:26 AM »
more pictures from reuters agency


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Re: German protests
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2008, 01:40:36 PM »
more links:-

from searching on the net, there seems to be alot of press reports on the protest. Shame i can't read german though!


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Re: German protests
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2008, 02:04:11 PM »
Here's a rough translation of the article. You can use the Google Translate tool to translate websites.

Applause and protest in Bochum
German country visit of the Dalai Lama
By Christoph Schurian

On Friday afternoon (16.05.08), the Dalai Lama the first major speech of his German visit the country. Before the hall are the expectations high. The Tibetans impressed the visitors. As they can with the counter-demonstration a Buddhist splinter group little start.

Shugden protest at the stadium ring
Bochum, Stadionring: On one side of the street the Congress Hall, on the other orange gewandete about two hundred demonstrators behind a fencings. They are from different countries, mostly from other European countries arrived. As a somewhat shrill call geratenes mantra since hours: "Dalai Lama, give us religious freedom!" Or, in broken German: "Dalai Lama, stop 'on lying!" On the second day of its journey German gets the Dalai Lama the first wind.

Demonstrators in China paid?

The friendly face of Tibet
The noisy demonstrators belong to the Western Shugden Society. For the Dalai Lama is  Shugden 1, a sect that lost nothing in monasteries. And that is for the Shugden oppression, says Barbara Pietzcker of the Western Shugden Society: "Why should we not follow our traditions?" The Dalai Lama, the Buddhist lines together rather than separate.

Ms. Dolma, a Tibetan exile, who for 20 years in Dortmund lives Fights violently with the Protestierern. The were from China but paid schimpft them. Only the Shugden likely in today's Tibet monasteries built yet, thanks to the Chinese financial assistance they would have a huge monastery built in London. Given the situation in Tibet, the unrest and repression before the Olympic Games now has a dispute with the Dalai Lama to ignite, "that simply does not."

A great thinker
Inge Piebenbring: Buddhistin from Schwelm
Also Inge Piepenbring Shugden wants to have nothing to do. "Sewing," says the Buddhistin from Schwelm and shake. Although they belong to another budhistischen line as the Dalai Lama, but to have them nothing. "This is one of the greatest thinkers of our time," says Piepenbring. In India, they have several years teaching at the Dalai Lama visited.

Chinese capitalism
Visit to Bochum

Dalai Lama for large and small
Interested: Daniel Deimel
The theme of the Dalai Lama lecture interested him, says Daniel Deimel: "Globalization and human rights - are the key concepts of our time". Even if he is not interested in the religious, the Chinese have no right to Tibet and the Tibetan culture to destroy: "If the holy sites in former shopping center building, then capitalism shows his true face," says the mid: "This is a cultural revolution! "

A god king in Bochum
Mario Welz is impressed
Mario Welz is also impressed. "Despite strict non-violence fear that the Chinese rulers before him." The Bochum today wishes to a personal impression of the so-called "god king": "If not often that we in our village as a present," laughs Welz. If the policy is so reluctant to zugehe the Tibetans, then of course economic interests are at stake. But the reverse is also true: Hesse Prime Minister Roland Koch schmücke with the religious leaders but also "image reasons".

Donations and human rights
To collect donations for earthquake victims in China
The arrival of the Dalai Lama in the multi-purpose hall next to the Ruhr Stadium delayed - by more than one hour. But not the protest of the Buddhists is to blame. "His Holiness" had simply verplaudert in conversation with the children of a Catholic kindergarten in Wattenscheid. Time for two Chinese with a cardboard box next to the waiting to go along. Shortly successfully collect donations for the earthquake victims in the Chinese province of Sichuan. Disappointed Sen says Gao, a Chinese living in Germany, the Germans were world champions but donations, but now, they would hardly donation: "Who is different from the donations, how can the Human Rights strongly?"

Comments on the subject: 9
GoIn wrote 8 hours (s):
Dalai Lama has himself many decades D. SHUGDEN practiced. In addition, D. Shugden a relatively small share in the Buddhist practice. What is the master by the Dalai Lama would say. When his students, even the Dalai Lama, now only for political diplomatic (?) Background and abysses out claims; BUDDHISTEN that those who practise D. Shugden (also from the same tradition as himself!) Is now at once as a "Splinter group" or a sect titled? And above all: Excluded and threatened. That is going too far. What is true, must remain true!

Marco Polo wrote on 16.05.2008, 22.15 Clock:
I am enthusiastic about this feingeistigen, friedfertigem man and God, the Chinese government to unsuccessfully seeking to demonise. The Dalai Lama will take place despite all versoehnliche words for China and the games. As time readers schaetze I Helmut Schmidt. However, not all the arguments on Tibet. Of course, the Dalai Lama as the head ladies. But he prefers not be seen as the Heilsbringer throughout the world. He schaetzt the situation of its people have a right - some go it wirtschaftllich better. But the improvement also justifies the loss of cultural identity and thus? This "David against Goliath struggle" would be China's reputation in the world to rise by an invitation to the Dalai Lama to the Olympic Games! A grossherzige the gesture would show that the country is the meaning of the games really understood!

MG wrote on 16.05.2008, 21.42 Clock:
Hello, I think once it despite all the speculation, opinion makers, etc. Despite a einmahliges experience for the Dalai Lama in close to see and hear. A gläubiges, rechtschaffenes people of Tibetan, I do not know how many thousands, can not be wrong. A unique opportunity for those who have an opportunity to be present. The Dalai Lama is just a man, like any other but also an institution. The already have, for example, some gentlemen Harrer and Aufschnaiter recognized the Tibet for many years before the reign of China have already recognized. And today it is still so. It runs best when his feeling follows. As an ordinary citizen of course. If different calculus, as part of the "authority" to hear is rather not. Those fits the Dalai now not quite the stuff and they can be denied because they fear their trading partners to offend China. Na .. he is already sick ...

For and Against .......
wrote on 16.05.2008, 21.41 Clock:
Ergaenzung: love Chinese donations collector with ignorant, provocative comments they receive no money! We are world champions, and spend happy - but VOLUNTARY and in its sole discretion. Your inquiry, anklagender index finger in this context is exactly the same way as the permanent laecherlich interference of their government. Another question why they live here rather than in their home ?????!!!!

For and Against ...
wrote on 16.05.2008, 21.31 Clock:
When a man as much attention as the Dalai Lama controversial discussions are normal. Normal, however, it is not that the Chinese government constantly meddling in German politics! The Honourable Counsellor should be advised to contact the essence of a democracy. Here you can free his mind EVERY observations without Repressialien, even if the government uncomfortable. Furthermore, German politicians need not BEVORMUNDUNG with whom they speak. Especially not as KOTAU over economic interests. Obviously, with Chinese assistance Dalai Lama opponents transported to Bochum - permante violations of foreign countries as imposing controls. What with the so-called "peace torch-run" has started at every kritschen Aeusserung immediately resumed .!!!!!!!!! Arms, aengstliche Chinese government - they actually have enough "STATE-AUFPASSER" to the athletes in the world to control ?????


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Re: German protests
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2008, 02:06:55 PM »
One thing dangerous though is that we are being defined not as gelugpas but as 'Shugden devotees' or from the 'shugden sect' like it says in the article. We're being labelled a 'splinter group' or 'sect'. This implies that we are  'excentrics' and/or 'marginals'. This reduces our legitimacy and the scale of the persecution in people's minds.

We have to change that label. We are Gelugpas from the Dalai-Lama's very own school of buddhism. A school that he is severly persecuting affecting the lives of millions of peoples.

Let's not allow the other side to define us. Let's define ourselves appropriately.

a friend

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Re: German protests
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2008, 04:14:33 PM »

Of course the word "cult" has been used yesterday. The Dalai Lama himself, who else, is using the word "cult".

Alexis, what you are pointing at is very important.

Yesterday I sent letters to every one of the German addresses I posted in the Forum. It was a short letter, (yes, short ;)), and the only subject was precisely that one. Why does he talk about "cult"? And then in one sentence I reestablished the truth, and below I put the pertinent links.

I chose to send them links. Like that they look into it if they want to, this shows the journalist some respect. And I didn't send them to general websites (except for the venerable charitable society) I sent them links specific to the articles I wanted them to read.

I suggest that we send whatever we deem worthwhile precisely to the newspapers that published something. It's not always easy to find their "Kontakt", and sometimes the true contact appears under "Impressum". And sometimes it's just forms that you have to fill in, in situ.

Ok, guys, if you want, here you have the contacts for the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, where the information appeared. Write on!

The editor:
[email protected]

Chefredakteur (this one is boss of the writers inside the news place):
[email protected]

For online ksta-tv:

[email protected]
The director:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

So this should be easy, just copy and paste.
Let's go on, let's do it!



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Re: German protests
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2008, 04:29:49 PM »
A Tanslation from Google translate

Only on the edge is the spiritual head of Tibetans on the situation in his country. Harmony and inner satisfaction are his subject.

Bochum - "Dalai Lama, stop lying." The senior citizens' group, which just a bus from the Sauerland entstiegen, to the Tibetan god king for the first time live to experience acts visibly perplexed and disturbed by the Sprechchöre, from the other side of the road herüberschallen. Young people in wine-red robes hold high the signs stating "Give religious freedom" and "Stop Discrimination in monasteries to read. In brochures, before the main entrance of the Ruhr Congress Hall will be distributed, the widely admired religious leaders as "Buddhist dictator of the 21st Century "denigrated. Unusual music before a performance by the Dalai Lama. "The stone has either Meier," explains entfährt is one of the Sauerländer event visitor, "or the Chinese embassy."

The shrill tones do not want it to the aura of absolute peacefulness fit, the religious head of the Tibetans by his sheer presence distills. That him to start his five-country visit German calculated in Bochum wind, so to speak from their own stock entgegenschlagen would also seem that has him puzzled. Spontaneous as he is, he goes in his lecture, which was of "human rights and globalization", the demonstrators. His Holiness first looks worried drein, then laughs his finest Dalai Lama laughing, as the giggling sounds. "I welcome these people warmly welcome and look forward to the speech and freedom of demonstration in Germany can enjoy."

To his listeners love it, or if he kokettiert that he had "nothing exceptional to offer" had - "certainly no miracle or healing powers." When the demonstrators if it were members of the Buddhist community Shugden, and the conflict with them is ancient. Even before 370 years ago, the Fifth Dalai Lama certain practices of worship in a protective spirit of this faith disapproves direction and be intervened against them. And nothing else, he had "responsibility for our community" done. A few minutes are the remarks of the 14th Dalai Lama as archaic and from another world, and you get a feel for how far the roots of Tibetan Buddhism back. And that it is clearly also internal conflicts, some of whom rarely penetrates to the outside.

The man, from his Indian exile in Germany has come around again for his solidarity with beleaguered people to advertise to speak this afternoon a lot of inner satisfaction, on balance, positive emotions and harmony. Not a single time he goes directly to the situation in Tibet - only at the end, he speaks of "immense difficulties" and an uncertain future. And of course he loses no word on the domestic debate excited about his visit. In Berlin, above all parts of the Social Democrats with Miss pleasure the appearance of Bundestag President Norbert Lammert (CDU) in his home town of persecution. The Dalai Lama is not an entertainer, said Lammert, but a "teacher of wisdom and one of the few authorities of our time". His fascination was based on his personal modesty and on the certainty of his convictions. Lammert is not limited to a noncommittal greeting word, but is very specific: "We should not only the Olympic fire to Beijing, but also the torch of freedom." And Roland Koch, Minister President of Hesse executive hurries to the microphone to explain the 72-year-old knows that the time for a solution to the Tibetan problem almost.

While he was in the public appearance in the Congress Hall political abstinence imposed advertises the Dalai Lama in the morning at a reception in Bochum urged City Hall to the cultural and religious autonomy of Tibet. And again and again gebetsmühlenhaft so to speak, he repeated that it is not a go independence from Beijing. More than once, he stresses his respect for the Chinese brothers and sisters ", whose Buddhist traditions" at least three or four centuries older than we. " At the same time, it becomes clear how difficult the technocrats in Beijing KP leadership with such a spiritual personality. It spans the wide arc of the appreciation for the democratic achievements of the Federal Republic to a catalogue of unfulfilled wishes to the Chinese rulers. The "Ocean of Wisdom", as on every morning against four clock up, in a hotel room reciting mantras and a quarter of an hour fitness training behind him, proving once more as a gifted storyteller. And some of his seemingly random anecdotes eingestreuten also now in its 33rd Germany-stay more news value.

During his Advertise for "genuine autonomy" invokes the Dalai Lama chosen to Mao. When he reported that the chairman a great teacher was wise, "except in religious affairs", he was almost shaking with laughter and proposes to the leg. "Like a Son", he, as "15-year-old teenager" political responsibility for over six million Tibetans had to be treated by Mao felt. "Do you have its own flag," Mao did at one of these meetings want to know, and when he endorsing the question, that the CP leaders encouraged him, they blow it. "The translator, then here was still living in Beijing and can testify."

On the front wall of the Council hall emblazoned with the Tibetan flag of the rising sun, especially the Chinese Photographers of the state news agency did not often enough scan. A memorable background motif. One of the journalists write from the People's Republic of the Dalai Lama speaks directly: "You have criminals in front of you." Thus, the otherwise smooth religious leader of the Tibetans in the Chinese "government propaganda", which had claimed, the "rebellion" was by the Dalai Lama clique-driven ". It was a complete miscalculation of his power, accept that he can "control everything". The sometimes violent protests condemned again, but makes no secret of the fact that his authority after nearly 50 years in exile, not all impatient to reach young people.

If his mission fulfilled one day see Beijing concessions for a degree of autonomy abzuringen, "then the institution is also available Dalai Lama". If it bows deeply and disappears. However, the "Tibetan issue" continue when Tenzin Gyatso just one day have a "simple monk"?


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Re: German protests
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2008, 09:27:40 PM »
hi guys

try not to over analyse these reports, it's gonna take along time for the media to come onto our side. This will drag on for a very long time, and we have to be prepared to be in for the long haul.  It will take time for the media to look into our claims as we all well know, this is a complexed issue.  But it could be just one news channel or one newspaper who see an exclusive story to report that could swing it and get the barrell rolling and then the rest of the media will follow route. Just watch how one story from reuters gets fed to so many news agencies, news channels and newspapers worldwide. We must be just happy creating the causes and conditions for now, it will take time for people to become educated but when they do things will change.   Don't worry, at first we may recieve some negative press reports but this time we are loaded with evidence and facts to back up our claims. 

a friend

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Re: German protests
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2008, 11:48:47 PM »

Ranger you are absolutely right.
It might take time. But we have all the time in the world. And we are going to keep on trying.

Nowadays the problem is "equanimous" journalism. You give space to one side, then you call the other side, everyone says their thing, and that's it. Journalists are happy with their great political correctness. And also they do not have to work hard and they don't take any risk. And of course that beautiful, sad Maiden, Truth is still prisoner in the Tower of the Big Lie.

We need some serious character that picks up the truth of the matter and gets a little bit angry at having been duped for so long by the Dalai Lama. Then he or her has to do some serious reading, then some serious writing, then convince his or her boss to publish his or her findings.

Let's hope it's going to happen soon. In Germany alone at least a hundred journalists have received the information. May be we'will hit gold soon, may be not. Let's go on trying.



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Re: German protests
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2008, 10:24:20 AM »
Wow, i just did a google search on 'shugden' and 'Bochum' together, i was astonished at the amount of news articles from germany the search generated. 6 or 7 pages of up to date news reports.  This is very positive!  The western shugden society are saying that the demo was very successful!


a friend

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Re: German protests
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2008, 03:30:51 PM »
This is from the website of the WSS. Excellent!

Extracted from Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 17/18
(The largest German quality paper)

‘Stop lying’
The protest in Bochum

It sounds like a shout from the football stadium on the other side of the road; but here, it is an allegation: ‘Dalai Lama, stop lying’. Again and again, the 300 robe-clad protesters shout the phrase. Drivers pass with their windows down – maybe they cannot believe what they are hearing. Are there really people outside of China, Tibetans even, who have got something against the Dalai Lama?

On the opposite side of the road the 72 year old delivers a speech on ‘The challenge of the future: Globalisation and Human Rights’ to 3000 listeners. The listeners plaudite, again the Nobel Peace Price winner is the pop star, one ‘of the last authorities in our time’, as German parliament president Norbert Lammert praises him.

Outside stands Markus Rehnert, he is fed up with these anthemns of praise. The Bonner, Buddhist for many years, is demonstrating here together with Tibetans in exile from Europe against the ‘myth of the Dalai Lama’ as he calls it.

The protesters are followers of Dorje Shugden, a traditional Buddhist Deity. They have their prayers and maintain their own monasteries. In Germany alone, Rehnert estimates, there are ‘several thousand’ Shugden worshippers.

And in Tibet, many practice Shugden only ‘discreetly’, since their practice has been rejected by the Dalai Lama for a long time – regarding the Deity as ‘demon or evil spirit’. Officially, any disadvantaging is being denied but ‘we are being ostraziced and persecuted’. Rehnert who also answers to the name Kelsang Ananda, talks about ‘subtle pressure and death fears’.

On Friday, the Shugden followers demonstrated for the first time for the freedom of their religious practice. And they do it by using the means of the Dalai Lama himself: publicly, with the media.

Rehnert with his soft voice can hardly be heard against the noise of the protesters who are shouting and waving their placards. It is very professionally organised.

Charges that the group is being supported by China, Rehnert denies as ‘gross nonsense’. ‘This is a killing argument. Whoever is not in favour of the Dalai Lama, is made half a Chinese.’

However, there is no intention to engage in politics but simply to have their religious freedom. At the end, this is what the Dalai Lama is asking from China but unfortunately, the general public hardly takes an interest in his activities in Tibet: ‘In here, the Dalai Lama is marketing himself as our [Buddhists] leader. We encourage the people to also look behind the facade.’ (Author: Dirk Graalmann)

One snow crystal at a time a little snow ball will show a little snow ball will roll, a little snow ball will grow ... and an avalanche might blow! Inshallah!  ;)
Anyway, go look at the pictures in the WSS website and their own reporting of events: