Author Topic: HE Gangchen Rinpoche presents HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche with a DS thangka!  (Read 9740 times)


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Something wonderful to rejoice at! These are lovely, unique photos of HE Gangchen Rinpoche presenting a beautiful and precious Dorje Shugden thangka to HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche during HH Trijang Rinpoche's visit to Italy last year.

What a spectacular birthday gift from HE Gangchen Rinpoche! I'm so happy to see this and to share with everyone! Thank you very much to the very special person who shared these pics with me! May Dorje Shugden lamas live long and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma!
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 04:18:34 PM by DharmaDefender »
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Im speechless.

For all the people who said that Trijang Rinpoche no longer practises Dorje Shugden, HERES YOUR PROOF. HE IS PRACTISING. The Dalai Lama lets him practise, and he IS PRACTISING. What does that mean? His students practise. His associates practise. He talks about the practice. He is spreading the practice.

THANK YOU YOUR HOLINESS for giving us all hope. To know that you have remained steady and faithful to our Protector...I know I chose the right path by sticking with Dorje Shugden. I bow down to your lotus feet Trijang Rinpoche, the guru of all gurus. May you live another thousand lifetimes and return over and over again to bless us with your penetrative insight and masterful comprehension of the stainless Buddhadharma.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 04:18:17 PM by DharmaDefender »


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Dear Wisdom Being,

You consistently contribute wonderful words of wisdom, information and updates on this forum. Practitioners like you make this forum what it is today-a safe haven to discuss Dorje Shugden topics.

Now you have posted these wonderful photos of His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche offering a Dorje Shugden image to HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche in 2012. We are amazed with you sharing these photos. We at find it heartwarming and encouraging to see this. It really brought great joy to us to know Trijang Rinpoche is so firm on the practice of his great predecessors.

We will post up the photos as a permanent article and also share it on various social media platforms. Many would be very encouraged to see this photograph. It will have longevity if it is one of the articles of this website.

If you would like us to add anything, do let us know.

Much gratitude,

On behalf of
all the people who generously manage this website

Something wonderful to rejoice at! These are lovely, unique photos of HE Gangchen Rinpoche presenting a beautiful and precious Dorje Shugden thangka to HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche during HH Trijang Rinpoche's visit to Italy last year.

What a spectacular birthday gift from HE Gangchen Rinpoche! I'm so happy to see this and to share with everyone! Thank you very much to the very special person who shared these pics with me! May Dorje Shugden lamas live long and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma!


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Dear Mana,

Thank you for your kind words. I love this space as it is full of wonderful information which i truly treasure. I must say i do come here everyday. That's my attachment! There is constantly fresh and breaking news, like the recent exciting news about HH Dalai Lama saying he would stop condemning Dorje Shugden, that really brings hope and joy to my heart. I very much appreciate the admin of this site for their hard work!

These photos of HH Gangchen Rinpoche and HH Trijang Choktrul were shared to me by a very dear and kind friend and I was so happy when my friend said I could share it!! I must say I was amazed how fast the admin put up the article after I posted it here! The article is great. I will be more than happy to share more photos and information on these great Dorje Shugden lamas or news from anywhere as and when I can.

Thank you for all your insightful posts too, Mana... i love reading your comments and many of those who come here to contribute in the forum. May Dorje Shugden's practice grow every stronger and the great Dorje Shugden lamas work continue from life to life!

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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It may be Gangchen Rinpoche's birthday gift to Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, but for Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world this is such a just reward and a sure gift of hope. For so long, Shugden practitioners have been portrayed as a marginal cult practicing on the shadier edges of spirit worship and so many so-called high lamas turned their backs to this great Protector. And now it is clear, that the Guru of all Gurus, His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche has never abandoned Dorje Shugden and continues to hold the Protector with such tremendous reverence and worship.

If Dorje Shugden is highly regarded by Trijang Rinpoche himself, the Guru of so many teachers and lamas around the world and if Trijang Rinpoche is present today admiring a poster of Dorje Shugden, who would dare say that Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit and practicing him will take us to the lower realms. If anyone needs to know which Buddha to propitiate, then propitiate the Buddha that a known enlightened mind does. Cannot go wrong there.

The picture proves that all the disparaging remarks that have been said about Dorje Shugden are lies and anyone who recognizes how attained Trijang Rinpoche is should wake up immediately.


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This is a photo worth making viral! (I'm very proud of the fact that I've just learnt this new term "going viral"). I've shared it on my facebook  ;D

I do wonder what Tibetans the CTA will make of this. It will probably upset them terribly to know that Trijang Rinpoche isn't anywhere near giving up the practice. What a funny position they are in now, that they have to remain courteous and friendly to him because the Dalai Lama has "allowed" his practice, but perhaps inwardly frustrated that he's on "the other side", the supposed enemy.

Now here he is with their biggest "enemy", Dorje Shugden, and taking a long hard look at the picture too, almost like he's admiring it. To add insult to injury,  it's not just a photo of Dorje Shugden, it was also a gift from Gangchen Rinpoche - another of the Tibetans and CTA's nemesis! There's just so much in this photo, so many layers to make the supporters of the ban squirm and to also give so much hope to DS practitioners. I rejoice most that it shows just how firmly Trijang Rinpoche is in his practice. And it certainly doesn't look like he's scrunching up this picture or throwing it out any time soon!


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HE Gangchen Rinpoche did not only gift HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche with a Dorje Shugden thangka...He gifted all Dorje Shugden practitioners hope! With HH Trijang Rinpoche holding up the thangka, this shows that if His Holiness being one of the greatest Lamas in the world practices Dorje Shugden, what reason do we have not to practice?

The acceptance of this precious gift also signifies that HH Trijang Rinpoche is all ready to spread the Dharma throughout the how He recently did in Europe. There's a nice piece of article on the Dorje Shugden website about this (

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!


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The articles up! Check it out here and leave your comments...thank you again Trijang Rinpoche, Wisdom Being and for giving us hope :)


Dorje Shugden in the Hands of H.H. Trijang Rinpoche

H.H. Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche looking closely at the Dorje Shugden thangka

We thank our forum members for posting these precious pictures. We have included this in our articles for longevity's sake.

On the occasion of H.H. Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche's birthday celebrations in October 2012, at H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche's Albagnano Healing Meditation Centre in Italy, H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche offered a stunning depiction of our holy protector Dorje Shugden to H.H. Trijang Rinpoche. Of course you can see H.H. Trijang Rinpoche carefully looking at it and very pleased.

We at rejoice to see this offering of such an auspicious gift to this young lama who has begun to turn the wheel of Dharma and reconnect with the same blessed teachings and practices of his predecessor, including Dorje Shugden.

H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche offering the Dorje Shugden thangka to H.H. Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche

It is especially significant that this beautiful painting is offered to H.H. Trijang Rinpoche by another of the world’s most renowned and erudite Dorje Shugden Lamas, H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche. Just as Gangchen Rinpoche’s Dharma work and teachings continue to flourish in many far corners in all continents, so too will Trijang Rinpoche’s teachings begin to grow. The meeting of these great lamas can only bring more goodness, growth and Dharma to beings everywhere. Dorje Shugden will protect them and continue to provide the necessary conditions for the growth of the works of these holy lamas.

May H.H. the young Trijang Rinpoche have as powerful an influence on the world as he did in his previous life. May he live long and help to bring the practice of Dorje Shugden to stainless heights everywhere!


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Dear admin... thank you so much for posting these wonderful pictures for the world to see... it is truly a rejoicing event in deed!! This picture truly has so many significance and powerful. Gangchen Rinpoche really is an amazing extraordinary being... how He inspires, encourages and supports Trijang Rinpoche's work and creating the causes and condition for Trijang Rinpoche's legacy to continue!

I so deeply love and respect Gangchen Rinpoche, he has done so much more in spreading the Dharma all over the world, met with the pope, is a member of United Nations, and he has even brought the Dharma and Buddhism back in to His own home land Tibet! He gives not only Dorje Shugden practitioners "hope", he also gives hope for Buddha Dharma to grow and with this world peace. He has created healing centres, he has healed many I am sure and also created healers. What Gangchen Rinpoche has done far way exceeds what teh CTA has done who only rides on the fame of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama... so what if there is no 15th Dalai Lama? Yet the CTA condemns Gangchen Rinpoche and even release a wanted hit list and they even sent life threatening messages to Gangchen Rinpoche. What kind of government is this?

If anything the CTA should thank Gangchen Rinpoche and should create a good relationship with Gangchen Rinpoche. Through my observations, Gangchen Rinpoche seems to be the only one who could possible help preserve the Tibetan tradition in Tibet and probably their key in creating any kind of dialogue with China!!


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Thank you so much for this picture as it shows us so much, that we should always follow the examples of the holy Gurus who will not give up their teachings for anything and that they will resume their practice no matter what happens. It is really touching to see Trijang Rinpoche being able to carry out his Dharma protector practice that he has done for so many hundreds of years and how successfully he is in his Dharma works, all thanks to the help of the Dharma protector. Trijang Rinpoche did not exactly say that he will give up the Dharma protector in the interview many years ago, just that he does not want to take sides either for the Dorje Shugden practitioners or the Dalai Lama. He wanted to focus on his practice and I find that beautiful.  May Trijang Rinpoche's Dharma works explode!


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Rejoice to see Trijang Rinpoche receiving such a meaningful give from Gangchen Rinpoche. Beautiful!

With this picture, there is no doubt that high lamas such as Trijang Rinpoche and Gangchen Rinpoche are practicing Dorje Shugden. At the same time, Trijang Rinpoche is “allowed” by HHDL to practice Dorje Shugden. So, it is clearly shown that Dorje Shugden is not a harmful spirit but good and OK to practice.

Can’t wait for the ban to be lifted soonest and everyone can practice Dorje Shugden freely!


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Big Uncle

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This is a wonderful picture of hope for all of us, Dorje Shugden practitioners. I know I am just echoing with glee what the others here have said before. But I got to express the joy that all of us are experiencing by merely looking at these meaningful picture. It was unusual that the Dalai Lama allowed Trijang Rinpoche to practice but now, we know why. He's to openly propagate Dorje Shugden when the time is right. This seems to me that the time is near and that perhaps, the ban would be lifted in due time. I am just happy to be able to witness this first hand.


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These pictures are really well taken clearly showing Dorje Shugden image, the presenter and recipient. Like the saying goes: A picture paints a thousand words.

I pray that the year 2013 will hasten the lifting of the ban. May HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, HE Gangchen Rinpoche, and all high incarnated lamas continue to teach the dharma and spread the practice of Dorje Shugden.


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These lovely pictures of Gangchen Rinpoche, presenting a DS thangka to HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, speak a thousand words. First it dispels any lingering doubt of Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche not continuing the practice of Dorje Shugden of his previous incarnation.This in turn is great news and brings hopes to all concerning the future of Dorje Shugden and his practice. It is reassuring to know, from this,that Trijang Choktrul will take on where his previous incarnation left off.   

This gesture of  a great Master giving a Dorje Shugden Thangka to another,at this time, may well signify that the whole process of Dorje Shugden returning as  rightful Protector of Je Tsongkhapa's teaching is being set in motion. It's great news! it's rejoicing news!