Author Topic: Christian Pope Resigns because he's too weary to remain in office.  (Read 11120 times)

Big Uncle

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Re: Christian Pope Resigns because he's too weary to remain in office.
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2013, 08:44:22 AM »
A lightning bolt struck The Vatican on Monday night just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced he was to renouncing his role as head of the Catholic Church. Watch the video of the link below. Was it a sign that the gods were unhappy? Or was it just a mere coincidence??

Well, I am not surprised because there's already an old prophecy that has resurfaced that says that the next pope to assume office would be the last pope. I heard from someone who read that it was Nostradamus and recently I read in this thread itself, an Irish saint that made this prediction. According to the saint, the end of days or Armageddon would ensue right after the fall of the papacy. That's what the saint saw but I think, it would mean to me, the fall of the Catholic faith and not the end of the world. For the Christians, it would be cataclysmic but i think that this is just overplayed. The recent end of the Mayan calendar did not follow by the end of the world. So that means, apocalypse is just another fable of the bible that would most likely not come true.