Author Topic: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance  (Read 5890 times)


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Interesting. On the same day His Holiness donates US$1mil to the Mind & Life Institute (, the Himachal Pradesh government is requesting for assistance from the central Indian government to bear the cost of security for the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa Urgyen Trinley (

Draw your own conclusions but Im just wondering if the funds from, say persecuting Dorje Shugden practitioners, could perhaps be redirected instead to these high lamas care and security? It would be put to much better use and you know, the Dalai Lama would have fewer enemies if his government stopped making them...

No wonder Congressman Dana Rohrabacher made allegations of serious financial mismanagement on the part of the Tibetan government ( It seems the Tibetan government hasnt got their priorities quite right.


His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Donates $1,000,000 to Mind & Life Institute
Hadley, Massachusetts (PRWEB) February 13, 2013

The Board and staff of the Mind & Life Institute were excited to learn this week of a pending gift of $1,000,000 to Mind and Life from Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

The gift, presented through The Dalai Lama Trust in New York, will provide crucial support for Mind and Life’s central activities. “This commitment to support Mind & Life’s core expenses took my breath away. It is both an expression of gratitude from His Holiness for what Mind and Life has achieved, but even more an encouragement and strong affirmation of the future work to which we are committed,” said Arthur Zajonc, President of Mind and Life.

Mind and Life programs to be supported by the gift include public dialogue events between scientists and contemplatives, Mapping the Mind, an interdisciplinary research initiative to explore the contours of human consciousness, as well as research to alleviate suffering associated with craving and addiction. Of particular interest to His Holiness is a new global research and development initiative, Educating our Humanity, that is inspired by His Holiness’ book Beyond Religion. This program recognizes that a modern ethics must reach beyond any particular religion for its foundation, and seeks to design a science-based curriculum to foster the ethical dimensions of human character such as compassion, altruism and kindness from early childhood through adulthood.

“This is a fantastic development and powerfully represents His Holiness’ most active support and encouragement of Mind and Life and its mission,” stated Thupten Jinpa, Chair of the Board at Mind and Life.


Himachal tells centre to bear cost of Dalai Lama, Karmapa security
Himachal Pradesh, Posted on Feb 13, 2013 at 05:23am IST

New Delhi: Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday again raised the issue of expenditure the state is incurring on the security of Tibetan spiritual leaders, the Dalai Lama and the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje and asked the central government to bear the expense.

"Only a small amount of assistance is being provided to the state for their security. The government of India should also provide liberal assistance for establishing Tibetan refugee units in Shimla and Tibetan refugee cell in Dharamsala," Governor Urmila Singh said at the governors' conference here.

More than 50 years ago, the Dalai Lama fled to India from Tibet and established his government-in-exile in Dharamsala.

Over 27,000 exiles are in the state, mainly in and around Dharamsala, say state government officials.

The governor also raised the demand to sanction a battalion of National Disaster Action Force and need to strengthen state's Narcotic Control Bureau.

Since the hill state falls in seismic zone IV and V, suggesting severest seismic sensitivity, she stressed the need for constituting a disaster action force in the state.

On curbing narcotics trade, the governor stressed on strengthening state's Narcotic Control Bureau as huge tracts in the interiors of Kullu and Mandi districts are under opium and cannabis cultivation.

Urmila Singh also called for liberal financial assistance for construction of roads and setting up border posts.

She asked the central government to re-consider the decision of withdrawing Indo-Tibet Border Police (ITBP) from Chamba district, which shares a border with Jammu and Kashmir.


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 04:20:00 AM »
How kind are the Indians in hosting the Tibetans and also even funding them without complaints. And what has the CTA done in return? nothing. But I do find it interesting that the Dalai Lama is not really supporting the CTA despite the fact that he probably receives millions in donations and also from the royalties from his books that were published in his name or his teachings that were published in books, audio tapes or video. But it does appear to me that HHDL has been working very hard to build connections and bridges with as many nations as possible. He has been working overtime as the face of the Tibetans for a long time...something the Sikyong now should do instead of just hiding behind the Dalai Lama's robes.


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 05:18:44 AM »
The Indian government has been very kind to have provided shelter and refuge to the Dalai Lama and hundreds of thousands Tibetan refugees since 1959. For over 50 years the Indian government has provided funding, land, diplomatic assistance and other assistances to the Dalai Lama and all Tibetan refugees. This is perhaps the most amazing thing for me as many Indians still live below the poverty line. Perhaps it is out of compassion or perhaps out of rivalry with China. Anyhow, they have done the Tibetans and Buddhism great favors.

From India, the Dalai Lama were able to bring Buddhism directly and via his Lamas to the rest of the world especially the west and ironically with the ban of Dorje Shugden to China as well. He has also written many books and I expect huge amount of royalty income from these books. Also, I expect much sponsorship and donations to given directly or indirectly to to Him. So it is for him to do as he sees fit how to use the money generated and in this case to donate USD1 mil to the Mind & Life Institute is his prerogative.

The Himachal Pradesh government similarly has the right to ask the central government for assistance to provide funds for the security of the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa. Whether the ban on the protector resulted in higher need for security are debatable. After all, leaders needs security anyway.

Sorry, I won't read much into this.


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2013, 08:29:44 AM »
Hmmm Perhaps it is coincidence but if i was the HP government, i would be rather peeved at bearing the cost of maintaining the Tibetan refugee community with little subsidy from central government AND THEN seeing HH Dalai Lama freely donating a million bucks to an American organisation. I mean, fair enough, that the Dalai Lama should donate to whoever he wishes - after all the donations come to him, the royalties of books comes to him, but i wonder if the HP government thinks what do they get in return? Perhaps some tourist dollars? But the cost probably outweighs the income.

So what does the Tibetan community do for its very kind and accommodating host, India? The least the Tibetans can do is to obey the Indian law and respect the constitution, which grants religious freedom. By its anti-Dorje Shugden policy, the Tibetan community is basically telling the Indian government that they don't give a flying toss about the Indian constitution. What kind of gratitude is that?

See this for the Indian constitution issue:

Article 15 Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth

(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.

Article 25 Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion

(1) Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2013, 01:40:50 AM »
The Indian government has been very kind to have provided shelter and refuge to the Dalai Lama and hundreds of thousands Tibetan refugees since 1959. For over 50 years the Indian government has provided funding, land, diplomatic assistance and other assistances to the Dalai Lama and all Tibetan refugees. This is perhaps the most amazing thing for me as many Indians still live below the poverty line. Perhaps it is out of compassion or perhaps out of rivalry with China. Anyhow, they have done the Tibetans and Buddhism great favors.

From India, the Dalai Lama were able to bring Buddhism directly and via his Lamas to the rest of the world especially the west and ironically with the ban of Dorje Shugden to China as well. He has also written many books and I expect huge amount of royalty income from these books. Also, I expect much sponsorship and donations to given directly or indirectly to to Him. So it is for him to do as he sees fit how to use the money generated and in this case to donate USD1 mil to the Mind & Life Institute is his prerogative.

The Himachal Pradesh government similarly has the right to ask the central government for assistance to provide funds for the security of the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa. Whether the ban on the protector resulted in higher need for security are debatable. After all, leaders needs security anyway.

Sorry, I won't read much into this.

YJ, your first paragraph makes no sense at all. What have the Tibetans done for the Indians except eat into their policing budget to control riots and put out self-immolators? The fact that the Indians have been kind to the Tibetans is precisely the point - the Tibetans have spent all the years since 1959 taking from the Indians, and what have they given back? Not even a contribution to the Indian budget spent on protecting the Dalai Lama.

Neither does your second paragraph make much sense? The fact he IS earning huge royalties from it, and that the CTA is NOT contributing to his security detail makes it even more of a concern...the fact that Tibetans have continued to languish in poorly laid out, poorly provided-for refugee encampments since 1959 is a cause for concern. Yet the CTA spends their budget on donations and suppressing Dorje Shugen practitioners.

Leaders need security but even Obama pays for his own security when hes on his downtime, as does good ol Dave Cameron. Even the British royals pay for their own security during their downtime. So why is the Dalai Lama exempt, especially when his teachings are about easing the burden on others? Perhaps it is good for the HP government to make such offerings of sponsoring the security of the Dalai Lama, thereby protecting Chenrezig but on the CTAs part, they dont do a lot with their budget in order to protect their leader.


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 04:14:05 AM »
YJ, your first paragraph makes no sense at all. What have the Tibetans done for the Indians except eat into their policing budget to control riots and put out self-immolators? The fact that the Indians have been kind to the Tibetans is precisely the point - the Tibetans have spent all the years since 1959 taking from the Indians, and what have they given back? Not even a contribution to the Indian budget spent on protecting the Dalai Lama.

Neither does your second paragraph make much sense? The fact he IS earning huge royalties from it, and that the CTA is NOT contributing to his security detail makes it even more of a concern...the fact that Tibetans have continued to languish in poorly laid out, poorly provided-for refugee encampments since 1959 is a cause for concern. Yet the CTA spends their budget on donations and suppressing Dorje Shugen practitioners.

Leaders need security but even Obama pays for his own security when hes on his downtime, as does good ol Dave Cameron. Even the British royals pay for their own security during their downtime. So why is the Dalai Lama exempt, especially when his teachings are about easing the burden on others? Perhaps it is good for the HP government to make such offerings of sponsoring the security of the Dalai Lama, thereby protecting Chenrezig but on the CTAs part, they dont do a lot with their budget in order to protect their leader.

The  HP government is so kind to provide the CTA with fundings and security as well as fund the security for HHDL's safety, and what has CTA done to repay their kindness except holding rallies and hunger strikes, and the one or two self immolations? And somewhere on the net i did read about the sikyong asking the Indian government to help them regain Tibet back from China. isnt that absurd? All they have done is just take take take take and take and not give back. In a proper country, it is the government of that country that is responsible for the prime minister or president's security and not the government that they are riding on. CTA should come up with the funding and not be this way.

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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2013, 03:59:53 PM »
Well I personally reckon whatever HHDL does with money from his "personal coffers" has really no relevance to Himachal Pradesh asking for assistance from the central government of India for expenditure with regards to HHDL's security. This really should not be taken in with the same breath as it is a separate issue altogether!

For one, the issue of expenses on HHDL's security is one which the host country should absorb anyway. India most willingly accepted HHDL with open arms into her borders and that comes with a "price". A host can't say you are welcome and then ask the guest to pay can they? Hence my point is that, the issue of expenditure with regards to HHDL security should be an internal issue within India and has nothing to do with how much HHDL wants to give away to charity!

After all, the benefits of having such a prominent and holy being within your borders far out weights the price one has to "pay".


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2013, 05:05:15 AM »
For one, it is quite odd to have the government of India to pay for the Dalai Lama's security where it is the CTA's responsibility to do so. And I can see how the govt of HP can feel frustrated when they have to pay for HHDL's security while HHDL has so much money to donate to various causes, but he has not given back much to the Indian government (on a secular level, of course, we cant talk about spiritual values because we have to be realistic. spirituality does not really pay the bills except for the tourism factor) so there is the catch there. Perhaps is this what you were trying to highlight, Dharmadefender?


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2013, 05:50:41 PM »
Well I personally reckon whatever HHDL does with money from his "personal coffers" has really no relevance to Himachal Pradesh asking for assistance from the central government of India for expenditure with regards to HHDL's security. This really should not be taken in with the same breath as it is a separate issue altogether!

For one, the issue of expenses on HHDL's security is one which the host country should absorb anyway. India most willingly accepted HHDL with open arms into her borders and that comes with a "price". A host can't say you are welcome and then ask the guest to pay can they? Hence my point is that, the issue of expenditure with regards to HHDL security should be an internal issue within India and has nothing to do with how much HHDL wants to give away to charity!

After all, the benefits of having such a prominent and holy being within your borders far out weights the price one has to "pay".

No, I strongly disagree. The responsibility of the Dalai Lamas safety should fall on the Tibetans. When Obama travels abroad, is it up to the host country to provide personal security for Obama, or up to his Secret Service agents to do the job?  So why is it the Dalai Lama is different? It is Indian guards, Indian-funded cameras, Indian police, Indian everything...where do the Tibetans figure in the equation? My point is simple - the Tibetans give NOTHING back to the Indians. Their not even responsible for the safety of their leader. In fact, the HP govt should be asking the CTA and not the central government to pay for, or at least contribute towards the security expenses...since His Holiness is able to solicit donations from all over the world, why cant the CTA solicit contributions towards this? India has 6.2bil people who have no security livelihood, let alone a police guard so Delhi can ill-afford this expense.


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Re: Dalai Lama donates US$1mil whilst HP government requests for assistance
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 04:27:08 AM »
No, I strongly disagree. The responsibility of the Dalai Lamas safety should fall on the Tibetans. When Obama travels abroad, is it up to the host country to provide personal security for Obama, or up to his Secret Service agents to do the job?  So why is it the Dalai Lama is different? It is Indian guards, Indian-funded cameras, Indian police, Indian everything...where do the Tibetans figure in the equation? My point is simple - the Tibetans give NOTHING back to the Indians. Their not even responsible for the safety of their leader. In fact, the HP govt should be asking the CTA and not the central government to pay for, or at least contribute towards the security expenses...since His Holiness is able to solicit donations from all over the world, why cant the CTA solicit contributions towards this? India has 6.2bil people who have no security livelihood, let alone a police guard so Delhi can ill-afford this expense.

No wonder the CTA is not recognized anywhere because they do not even do what is expected of them as a government. they cannot stand up on their own and neither have they contributed much to the world after the initial process of setting up monasteries in India after the diaspora. That is the only contribution worthy of mentioning that they have made to the world and everything after that was just either nothing or bad things like the ban on Dorje Shugden or self immolations. So what has CTA done for India?