Author Topic: The instant animosity towards Shugdenpas  (Read 14514 times)


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Re: The instant animosity towards Shugdenpas
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2013, 07:24:22 PM »
In the Tibetan Buddhist world, Dorje Shugden practitioners are like people with a transmittable disease, where everyone avoids.

Funny that people are judged by what they choose to do, not by who they inherently are. Dorje Shugden practitioners have a kind heart too, have wisdom, compassion, genorisity and are just like non-DS practitioners. You cannot distinguish between a DS practitioner and a non DS practitioner just by looking at them. In the same way, they should not be discriminated against because they are just like you and I. Many attained masters and lamas are DS practitioners too, and by far much more virtuous and compassionate than some non ds-practitioners.

The animosity towards Shugdenpas can be likened to say, a Buddhist  and a Christian. What the Dalai Lama has said is saying his way or no other way. A Buddhist shouldn't discriminate a Christian becuase religious freedom pervades. In the same way, Shugdenpas shouldnt be discriminated against by non-shugdenpas

But now Dorje Shugden is marketed as a blasphemous practice by the Dalai Lama and anyone who practices him is 'evil' and even mentioning his name in the presence of a Nyingma/Kagyu Lama brings bad luck (OMB LOL FUNNIEST JOKE OF THE DAY) and anti Shugden charms are being sold in Tibetan communities, made by Dagom Rinpoche and a few other old Nyingma Lamas. Its not religious freedom anymore when the Dalai Lama declared the ban, it was like when the Pope declared that Gnosticism was not Christianity and ordered its followers to be prosecuted and the books burned (even though it is) but what is really wrong about this is CTA following and enforcing the edict even though it is just a secular government.


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Re: The instant animosity towards Shugdenpas
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2013, 05:39:44 AM »
As Buddhist we are supposed to develop compassion towards other mentally and physically, what was said in the group has no such qualities of compassion at all.

The fact that people cannot have a proper discussion on dorje Shugden shows that people are relying on the the Dalai Lama like a GOD and they probably do not have the answers to many questions thrown to them. This reminds me of the 18 headed monster during Buddha's time who under the ill advise of his mother created a lot of suffering for himself.  he was a brahmin who debated with monks from a previous buddha's time, and though he was the monks had superior knowledge and training, out of blind love for his mother he challenged the monks all the time. But he kept losing in debate, in the end, his mother advised him to use name calling (calling monks all sorts of animals) and rough words hence he was born as a beast with 18 animal heads.

I also liked what Kris said, Dorje Shugden practitioners do no commit the 5 heinous crimes that can be purified, there is no need or necessary to treat us badly. 


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Re: The instant animosity towards Shugdenpas
« Reply #32 on: April 01, 2013, 06:43:32 AM »
As Buddhist we are supposed to develop compassion towards other mentally and physically, what was said in the group has no such qualities of compassion at all.

The fact that people cannot have a proper discussion on dorje Shugden shows that people are relying on the the Dalai Lama like a GOD and they probably do not have the answers to many questions thrown to them. This reminds me of the 18 headed monster during Buddha's time who under the ill advise of his mother created a lot of suffering for himself.  he was a brahmin who debated with monks from a previous buddha's time, and though he was the monks had superior knowledge and training, out of blind love for his mother he challenged the monks all the time. But he kept losing in debate, in the end, his mother advised him to use name calling (calling monks all sorts of animals) and rough words hence he was born as a beast with 18 animal heads.

I also liked what Kris said, Dorje Shugden practitioners do no commit the 5 heinous crimes that can be purified, there is no need or necessary to treat us badly.

I do find that the lack of compassion and tolerance in most Buddhist forums other than this one quite disturbing especially when it comes to the Dorje Shugden issue. There is very little tolerance and understanding when it comes to this issue and the forum leaders seem to prefer to keep this issue in the dark so that people will be misled and information would be further from their hands and eyes. It's a tactic to keep people to tow in line and for them to force people into a certain mould. It's pretty clear that their understanding of Buddhism isnt deep and they are only following the Dalai Lama with blind faith as opposed to actually investigating the teachings first, and then make a decision from there.