Author Topic: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi  (Read 8305 times)


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China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« on: February 25, 2013, 11:39:03 AM »
How interesting if China establishes contact with HH Dalai Lama again. If that happens, perhaps as a gesture of solidarity, the Dalai Lama will lift the ban on Dorje Shugden. I believe that the recent activities going on - HH Trijang Rinpoche's teaching tour of Europe, Lama Osel starting to teach at an FPMT centre, HH Dalai Lama saying he will stop publicly criticising Dorje Shugden, opening of a new Dorje Shugden monastery in Taiwan etc are signs indicating that things are changing for Dorje Shugden. I am eagerly awaiting what will happen in the next 12 months!

China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
2013/02/24 17:16:42

Taipei, Feb. 24 (CNA) Former Deputy Defense Minister Lin Chong-pin said Sunday that China is likely to resume contact with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama under the leadership of China's president-in-waiting Xi Jinping.

Lin said at a regional peace forum that once Xi stabilizes the situation in China and deals with the domestic and foreign issues, he may resume contact with the Dalai Lama or engage in dialogue with Tibet.

Xi is scheduled to take over from President Hu Jintao in March.

Lin noted that Xi's father Xi Zhongxun, China's late vice premier, was on friendly terms with the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama, who is next in rank after the Dalai Lama.

After the Tibetan leader went into exile, Xi Zhongxun publicly displayed a watch given to him by the Dalai Lama, Lin said, adding that Xi's wife Peng Liyuan is a Buddhist.

Lin said that despite China's adherence to atheism, billions of Chinese are religious followers and some former Chinese leaders also held religious beliefs.

Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin was known to recite Buddhist scriptures, according to Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Taiwan.

(By Scarlett Chai an
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 05:54:55 AM »
This is very encouraging news as China was known to be a communist state that does not really hold religion in any regard. As of recent years, China has become more and more open towards Buddhism, simply because Buddhism is a religion that advocates peace and has a policy to not get involved with the secular side of things (except in the case of Tibet, but that's a totally different case by itself. China has been undoing the effects of the cultural revolution but mostly only for Buddhism. Trijang Rinpoche has also predicted that China and India will rise as superpowers of the world and will at the same time embrace Buddhism as a national religion as well so it seems that his 'prophecy' is coming true, slowly but surely.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 12:48:49 PM »
The report makes considerable reference to Buddhism. If China is warming up to the Dalai Lama because of the Buddhism factor, then it is important that the Tibetans in exile engage the Chinese along the same lines instead of approaching purely from a political angle as they have in the past, and without any results. Accordingly, the CTA needs to understand that in order to appeal to the Chinese based on Buddhism, the Tibetans must uphold the highest standards of the religion and epitomize the Dharma.

To begin with the CTA should immediately bring down the Dorje Shugden ban, especially given that it is a growing practice amongst the Chinese Buddhists, with the government even sponsoring trips for Shugden lamas to teach abroad. The CTA's actions presently cannot be said to be Dharmic especially when the ban is so enormously schismatic in nature and will be even more so if the Dalai Lama's influence is allowed to extend to Chinese practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. Surely the Chinese government will not allow their own citizens to be affected by a religious ban imposed by their adversary.

Is it not much more advantageous for the CTA to bring down the ban and regain favor with the Shugden lamas, instead of being made to do so as a Chinese condition? There is no way the Chinese will agree with the ban if indeed dialogue between China and the CTA proceed that far. In fact there is no more mileage of any sort for the CTA to preserve the ban.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 02:08:30 PM »
Wow this is really a GOOD NEWS!!! I am surprised to see this change of mind from China.
I am sure it is something all Tibetans and the world is eagerly waiting to see what will be his next move.

There is even campaigns going on in view of this new hope for Tibetans.

Xi Jinping's Tibet Challenge
Xi Jinping is set to inherit both extraordinary power and a considerable number of major challenges, among them rule of restive Tibet.

Xi Jinping's Tibet Challenge: 60 Years of Failed Policies in Tibet gives an overview of China's failed policies in Tibet; policies which, despite six decades have not persuaded Tibetans to quietly acquiesce to China's rule but have seen levels of Tibetan resistance rising with over 50 Tibetans choosing self-immolation as an extreme act of protest.

Xi Jinping's Tibet Challenge

But I don't think China Xi Jinping would entertained the idea of banning Dorje Shugden practice. How can they when the current Panchen Lama practices it as well and I would not be surprised that the Chinese groomed Panchen Lama would well be the key in creating better better ties with Tibet... who else is of that same equal rank as His Holiness if it is not the Panchen Lama?  Noting that that Xi's father Xi Zhongxun, had a good friendships with with the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. And I am sure no one needs another uproar.

Yes if CTA was wise they would lift the ban already as many Shugden Lamas have already built good relationships and roots with the Chinese Govt... it is only a wise move to have more on their side of the fence in view of creating "harmony".


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2013, 05:41:41 AM »
To me, in order for CTA to be ready to talk to China, they should really do something about their own community and take the appropriate actions first, such as removing the Dorje Shugden ban to appear to be reputable and spiritual and to prove that they are not wanting Tibet back for a political purpose but so that they can have their own country back. They should also remove all the hate they have for China because it is rather hypocritical for them to claim to want to enter talks with China when they keep saying China's Panchen Lama is a fake and also label anyone that they do not like to be Chinese spies. CTA has much groundwork to cover before they are ready to enter talks with China and most of it is to establish that they are a mature government that can separate between religion and state. By upholding the ban against Dorje Shugden, they're just telling China and the rest of the world that they are not ready to have Tibet back.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 10:36:17 AM »
I think to start with, the Dalai Lama and the CTA has to call for a stop to the self-immolations. This would be a gesture of good faith that they have accepted China as their country and that they would operate within that framework as an autonomous region.

What would be most unpalatable to the CTA is that it would actually have to dissolve in order to show support of and allegiance to the Chinese/Tibetan authorities. Considering the ineffectuality of the CTA, i don't think it's a big issue. The biggest issue would be the lowering of their egos to accept this situation. But look at the potential upside, Tibetans can go back to Tibet, the Dalai Lama may be allowed back to Tibet and of course the Dalai Lama would have to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden because it is such a strong and popular practice in China and Tibet right now and best of all, the Dharma will grow in the region.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2013, 04:41:43 AM »
I think to start with, the Dalai Lama and the CTA has to call for a stop to the self-immolations. This would be a gesture of good faith that they have accepted China as their country and that they would operate within that framework as an autonomous region.

What would be most unpalatable to the CTA is that it would actually have to dissolve in order to show support of and allegiance to the Chinese/Tibetan authorities. Considering the ineffectuality of the CTA, i don't think it's a big issue. The biggest issue would be the lowering of their egos to accept this situation. But look at the potential upside, Tibetans can go back to Tibet, the Dalai Lama may be allowed back to Tibet and of course the Dalai Lama would have to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden because it is such a strong and popular practice in China and Tibet right now and best of all, the Dharma will grow in the region.

The CTA should really stop being hypocritical about China. The CTA keeps complaining about China not wanting to enter into talks with them but on the other hand, they accuse whomever they do not like as Chinese spies, instigate self immolations and perform actions like conducting pujas in memory of the self immolators and even have a football event by the name of Matyr's cup in memory of those who have died in self immolations although doing so will provoke China even more and will not lead them anywhere near to the talks. China is not stupid. They are also observing, waiting and watching and why would they want to engage talks with people that hate them so much? I dont think so that there will be much progress unless CTA cleans up their act and stop the self immolations, lift the Dorje Shugden ban and also stop the hatred against the Chinese before talks can really commence.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2013, 10:39:10 AM »
I think to start with, the Dalai Lama and the CTA has to call for a stop to the self-immolations. This would be a gesture of good faith that they have accepted China as their country and that they would operate within that framework as an autonomous region.

What would be most unpalatable to the CTA is that it would actually have to dissolve in order to show support of and allegiance to the Chinese/Tibetan authorities. Considering the ineffectuality of the CTA, i don't think it's a big issue. The biggest issue would be the lowering of their egos to accept this situation. But look at the potential upside, Tibetans can go back to Tibet, the Dalai Lama may be allowed back to Tibet and of course the Dalai Lama would have to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden because it is such a strong and popular practice in China and Tibet right now and best of all, the Dharma will grow in the region.

That's so true. What does the CTA have to lose? They've lost their country, they've lost their people to self immolations and the ban..and of course to other countries, they've lost support, their government..what more do they want to lose? Of course it is great news that China may seem to want to resume contact with His Holiness, but if the CTA do not get their act right, then resuming contact with His Holiness for the CTA wouldn't make much difference. Of course for Tibetan Buddhism to flourish in China, this is extremely beneficial but really, how will it impact Tibet?

Speaking of the CTA, I haven't heard much from or of Lobsang Sangey since he assumed his role as Kalon Tripa. Anyone has the latest goss?


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2013, 12:11:15 PM »
How interesting if China establishes contact with HH Dalai Lama again. If that happens, perhaps as a gesture of solidarity, the Dalai Lama will lift the ban on Dorje Shugden. I believe that the recent activities going on - HH Trijang Rinpoche's teaching tour of Europe, Lama Osel starting to teach at an FPMT centre, HH Dalai Lama saying he will stop publicly criticising Dorje Shugden, opening of a new Dorje Shugden monastery in Taiwan etc are signs indicating that things are changing for Dorje Shugden. I am eagerly awaiting what will happen in the next 12 months!

I like what Wisdom Being said about things falling into place for Dorje Shugden and the movement. Over the last few years there have been heated debate over who's right and who's wrong but those who held onto their faith and devotion towards their Gurus will now see the fruits of their devotion.

Some may view it as trials and tribulations and some may view it as obstacles before the advent of something big in the world. But before anything comes into realization, let us all continue to keep up the good work of upholding the Dharma of the great King Tsongkhapa and follow the nectar like instructions of our beloved Gurus, ensure their long life and well being in order for the teachings to continue. This is very important now and for the future generations.

The possibility of China reconnecting with HHDL is an event the majority of Tibetans and those fighting for this cause may be looking forward to. What will happen then is still a question mark, but what we can do now is to hope for the better.

remember, Love Shugden, love all Lamas and HEAL THE WORLD!
Harry Nephew

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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2013, 04:02:15 PM »
There are two separate but connected issues here. First, the Tibetans must amongst themselves and with leadership and guidance from the CTA work out and agree on a single purpose - a single and unified Tibetan cause. Presently there seems to be discord between the Dalai Lama/CTA's policy of seeking Tibetan autonomy under Chinese sovereignty and the direction of other influential Tibetan bodies such as the Tibetan Youth Congress demanding outright independence. The average Tibetan seems to be just seeking to return to their homeland and see the Dalai Lama back in Tibet as their final objective regardless of political conditions. In that regard, the CTA must first reign in all the government and semi-government bodies before engaging with China. Frankly, it is nigh on impossible for the Tibetans to regain independence because the Tibet issue does not exist alone and have repercussions on China's foreign policy. As it is, there is no unity amongst the Tibetan people as to their final objective. So long as this is outstanding, what is the point of resuming contact with the Chinese leadership?

It is this that the CTA must first tackle and I will even go as far to say that it may even be more difficult for the CTA to unite the Tibetans than for them to negotiate with the Chinese. The stance of those advocating for autonomy is reconciliatory in tone whereas those pushing for independence are confrontational. the CTA need to bridge this gap before working out the agenda with China.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2013, 04:28:31 PM »
I like this idea of China re-establishing contact with the Dalai Lama. This will bring lots of benefit to the Tibetans as well as the Chinese out there who are Buddhist. Whether or not China accepts the fact, there are many Chinese who still revere the Dalai Lama. No matter how much the government tries to censor the Dalai Lama, I strongly believe if there is a will, there will be a way.

And of course, this will bring lots of benefit to Dorje Shugden practitioners also as it seems like China is pro-Dorje Shugden. I saw this article on titled Operation Make Friends and I thought it made a lot of sense. Link here:

Many of the Dorje Shugden Lamas are also connecting with China because that is the right thing to do! Imagine..China has over a billion citizens so surely they would be a good market to spread the practice of Dorje Shugden but first and foremost it is important to 'reconnect' with China. So surely this is good news!


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2013, 12:59:51 AM »
This news of Xi Jinping the incoming president of China who is pro the Dalai Lama is certainly interesting.  It gives hope to Tibetans to their cause they are fighting for all these years.  The political climate for Tibetans might change for the better and there could be sincere dialogue from China to achieve Tibetan objectives though might not be easy but could be progressively achieved with time.  However CTA must get their act together reuniting all the Tibetans to achieve the goal.  One important factor that will definitely help their cause will be lifting the DS ban and uniting all Tibetans.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2013, 02:43:46 AM »
Yes, dialogue is the best way to settle matters, be they economically, politically or spiritually. Wars have been fought and ended through dialogues, if only they had begun peaceful dialogues before the warring nations took to arms then thousands/millions of human lives would not have been lost.

On the current Tibetan issue, more dialogues must be initiated and the CTA should appeal to the Tibetan people that resorting to self immolation is not the answer. Practice compassion and wisdom but not resort to harmful actions that instill terror in people's mind.


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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2013, 02:55:23 AM »
The CTA should show more sincerity about their approach if they are to engage in a dialogue with China. First, to prove that they did not incite the self immolations, they should declare that self immolations harm the tibetan cause as it only makes China more reluctant to engage in talks with them and also that they should stop having prayer sessions for people who immolated themselves or at least keep them private as making them public will encourage more people to immolate themselves, especially restless youths who want to be heroes and who want recognition. CTA should also be clear if they want autonomy in Tibet or they want full independence, but it is for sure better for them to be not so greedy. Last but not least, CTA should prove that they are not entangled by religion by being independent from the Dalai Lama and lift the Dorje Shugden ban.

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Re: China seen likely to resume contact with Dalai Lama under Xi
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2013, 01:48:29 PM »
Very interesting news indeed! The stars are certainly lining up so to speak. The recent turn of events seem to hint or point to an emerging change in the whole Dorje Shugden issue/ban.

These are indeed exciting times ahead as we are so privy and incredibly blessed to be living in this great renaissance of Buddhism.

More related news:

Tibetans pin hopes on Dalai Lama-Xi Jinping rapport

DHARAMSHALA: The thousands of exiled Tibetans, living in this hill town, see a ray of hope whenever the Chinese leadership is under transition. This was specially so after 2008, when China denounced their autonomy proposal after nine rounds of talks. Fortunately for them, they have strong reasons to pin their hopes on the upcoming leadership in China this time.

Elderly monks and Tibetan leaders here have stated that Dalai Lama was once close to Xi Zhongxun, father of Xi Jinping, who is in line to become China's next president.

Often seen discussing the leadership changes in China, the monks and others, residing near the main Buddhist temple "Tsug-la-khang" in McLeodganj, maintained that during 1950s, Xi Zhongxun, former vice-premier and father of Xi Jinping, had close relations with Dalai Lama and that he had admiration for Panchen Lama as well.

"There are reasons to be optimistic, as I believe that he might take a different line on Tibet and will surely consider the Tibetan cause, as his father had respect for our spiritual leaders. Though China's policies for Tibet are unpredictable, we have some good reason for optimism this time," said Tenzin Gompo, a monk, dressed in his red robe.

Moreover, a few months back, Dalai Lama, who had reportedly gifted a watch to Zhongxun in 1954 in Beijing, had expressed optimism about the upcoming leadership in China, terming Xi Jinping as a "very friendly, comparatively more open-minded and very nice".

Though authorities at the Tibetan government in exile are not sure that the Chinese leaders will opt a different line towards Tibetan cause, they too have expectations about a favorable change due to this reason.

"Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay has also talked about this fact in a recent meeting of Tibetan support groups. We believe that Xi Jinping is a liberal leader. His wife is a famous folk singer and popular among masses. We hope this liberal approach will produce some good results. But will the son be like his father is yet to be seen," said Pema Chinjor, minister in exile for religion and culture. Sangay has mentioned that Dalai Lama had met Zhongxun in 1954, he added.

Xi Zhongxun died in 2002 and had opposed the crackdown on 1989 Tiananmen student protests, sources said.