Author Topic: Reports of Abuse  (Read 8388 times)


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Reports of Abuse
« on: May 22, 2008, 06:50:01 PM »
I think it will be helpful to have a thread with reports of abuse.

Report from Otty, South India
May 22, 2008
Two journalists came to Ooty, Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu. They interviewed the families of Shugden devotees. They told their stories of discrimination and abuses. At 6 pm, the journalists went to Tibetan market where Shugden devotees and non devotees sell cloths together.
In the office of Tibetan market, the journalists asked the officer regarding the abusive situation experienced by Shugden devotees. He denied that Shugden devotees have problems. Later, the journalists brought a shugden devotee to the office, and said that there is a problem. The officer got angry and said: Why you question us? You must question the Tibetan representative in Bangalore, and the Dalai Lama. Then the office was surrounded by Tibetan men and women. Some young Tibetans tried to snatch their camera to smash down. They also threatened to beat the journalists who immediately went to the nearby police station for protection.

After that, a meeting was convened in the office. Shugden devotees are now in stress, thinking what they will do after the meeting.


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2008, 06:51:29 PM »
April 15, 2008
Report from South India
A couple in Mundogd Tibetan settlements was married on May 12. Normally the date for marriage was fixed consulting Tibetan calendar few months before. The newly wedded couple was abused and reprimanded by Tibetan people in the Camp, blaming that they disregards the sad news of court hearing against His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Eventually they had to apologized, and so too the driver who escorted the bride.
A rumor was intentionally spread in Sera monastery that Himalayan Buddhist Association has petitioned to Indian government to drive Shugden devotees out of the country; and that the government sanctioned their expulsion. The rumor is intended to pressurize and panic Shugden devotees.
According to the reliable sources, many Tibetans in Mundgod Tibetan settlements are unwilling to join the protest against Shugden devotees, believing that it could cause bloodshed. They still remember the horrible development in the year 2000 when then Dhokham Khamtsen, which is now known as Shar Ganden Nampar Gyalwe Ling, was attacked with stones and breaks by Tibetan mobs. 
Public are so careful for demanding blind obedience from Tibetan officers who always try to explode the bitterness in their heart, which are created by Tibetan officers with various baseless accusations and allegations for last ten years.


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2008, 06:51:57 PM »
April 13, 2008

In Ooty of Tamil Nadu State has a Tibetan Market near Botanical Garden. 74 families sell sweaters. Among these families, there are four families who worship the deity Dorje Shugden. Their lives became miserable since the campaign of swearing and signing of not to do any kinds of contact with them. Since that day, they lost long term friendship, relationship and so on, and thereby became outcasts. The image for these Tibetans is not less than monsters.
Now the situation developed into tense, upon hearing the writ petition filed in Delhi High Court. Tibetan vendors in the market are saying that shugden people brought our living Buddha to court, and therefore it is apparent that they were funded and helped by China. Group of youngster vendors said among themselves that these shugden devotees should not set free like this, and that they should be beaten. A notice was pasted on the board, reprimanding Shugden devotees.
These four families sell sweaters at the same market. They all sit on the row. They see each other since morning to evening. They showed disgraceful express and backbite. However, their expression and words give tremendous mental torture to them.
These four families are filled with tears, sadness, stress, and fear. How difficult for their children to live in hostile environment! And they are more vulnerable to assault and abuses. However, they go through religious discrimination and religious tension.
Since May 6 to 8, Mr. Thupten Lungrik, the minister for Education (Tibetan government in exile) went to Tibetan settlements in South India, to stir public sentiment. His visit was success. He could make many Tibetan emotional and aggressive.


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2016, 02:32:20 PM »
It is really clear that there is a ban. People who practice Dorje Shugden are often mistreated and treated terribly. These people live everyday of their lives with fear anything could happen at anytime the CTA people could arrest anyone who practice Dorje Shugden. It is not like Dorje Shugden has been proven to be Satan or some evil spirit. It is just people kicking up random junk that isn't even true.
Dorje Shugden has proven himself to be a fully enlightened Dharma protector, and yet the CTA still believes that Dorje Shugden is evil.
The claim that Dorje Shugden is a evil spirit is completely baseless and there is prove that Dorje Shugden is a Dharma protector fully capable of helping people.

In time to come the CTA will start to feel karma coming back at them due to all the disharmony they have caused.


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2016, 03:59:50 PM »
There have been many cases of abuse being reported by journalist in print and on video. Unfortunately, only those aware of the struggle will know. Very few people unfamiliar with the Tibetans in exile situation and the Shugden ban will know of the struggles and abuse.

Thank you to the admin for highlighting issues in the article in What most of us can do is to draw people 's awareness to the website and the various video interviews on youtube. Some people prefer to see for themselves the actual footage of the testimonials of the Shugen practitioners.

Keep up the good work.


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2016, 11:29:30 AM »
Thank you WisdomBuddha and for posting the articles of abuse to bring awareness to the sufferings of the Shugden practitioners. Whether there is a ban or not, Buddhist practitioners should respect each other's choice of religion or practises. Did Buddha go round discriminating others based on their religion? Buddha had only taught wisdom and compassion.

It is really sad to learn that as the world becomes more modernised with progressive ideas, here the Anti-Shugdenpas are regressing in their thoughts and actions. Their actions are so contradictory to the Dalai Lama's constant teaching of peace and compassion. Why has he not spoken out against the sufferings of the Shugden practitioners or the huge negative karma being accumulated by his followers. Instead the Dalai Lama encouraged them to take harsh actions against Shugden practitioners, as seen from many video footages in this site. Thank goodness this site had brought unbiased proofs to the readers or many would still be deceived by Dalai Lama's "benign face of compassion".


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2016, 05:03:24 PM »
These bullying tactics will always happen. Bullies will always try to intimidate others into their way of thinking. They are nothing but naughty kids. But in this case, the bullied are the ones stressed as they are in the situation every day.

Hopefully, the Indian will see the light of day and do something about it. As the years roll by and a different Prime Minister appears on the Indian horizon, things will have to change if not due to spiritual awakening, then also to different political agenda.

May the ignorant gain wisdom and gain light to dispel darkness in their heart for compassion to arise.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2016, 01:19:49 PM »

Hopefully, the Indian will see the light of day and do something about it. As the years roll by and a different Prime Minister appears on the Indian horizon, things will have to change if not due to spiritual awakening, then also to different political agenda.

Grandmapele, the bullied ones are not the only stressed ones in this context. The Indian police and the local councils are also burdened by these abuse problems among the Tibetans. In addition to having to keep the peace and security among the Indian citizens, they have the additional duties to settle the cases of bullies among the Tibetans living in the settlement.

It can be quite difficult at times because the Tibetans living in the settlement are governed by their government-in-exile and the Indian police does not have a say in these abusive cases among the Tibetans. The Indian government have been so kind and generous to host the refugees Tibetans and they are causing more problems to the Indian government.

These squabbles would not have taken place if there is no ban on which deity they choose to practice. It is time the Tibetan Government removed the ban on Dorje Shugden practice and return the freedom of religion to its citizens.


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2016, 05:50:41 AM »
It is clear that there is a ban. Thank you, Wisdombuddha for creating the awareness of the abuse.  I think it is logical to say that we should respect each other’s believes and religions. The Dalai Lama has always promotes peace and harmony amongst religions but he is not announcing that Dorje Shugden practitioners can practice what they believe and give them peace and freedom.

Thank you to the hardworking team behind this website for helping to create awareness of the ban, discrimination and abuse.  When more people step forward to give testimony, the community will be more aware of the sufferings of DS practitioners.  Here’s a link to a testimony of emotional abuse and discrimination:


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Re: Reports of Abuse
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2016, 10:42:24 PM »
This ban has created so much pain and suffering. It is a shame that Buddhists do such things and are not practicing Dharma. When does this end stop?
Thank you for always creating awareness. May the ban on Dorje Shugden end soon!