Author Topic: Things are heating up for the CTA  (Read 7527 times)


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Things are heating up for the CTA
« on: March 09, 2013, 03:26:15 PM »
In December 2012, this website published a story about how US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher had written a terse letter to the Kalon Tripa, Dr Lobsang Sangay questioning the Prime Minister about certain machinations within the CTA to stifle the voice of democracy ( ).The US Congress just like India have been long-time friends with the CTA and helped set and fully funded Radio Free Asia, which was to be a platform for democracy to be expressed and thrive. Instead the RFA was used for the opposite, including being abused as the forum on which the previous Prime Minister of the Tibetans in exile, Professor Samdhong Rinpoche used as a means to propagate the CTA's hate message towards Dorje Shugden practitioners. The CTA quite clearly does not appreciate help from friends as it continues to make a mockery out of the great assistance provided for by the US and India.

Recently the present Prime Minister was warned by the US Congressman for the CTA's wrongful sacking of a RFA Director who apparently refused to toe the CTA's political line, something every democratic citizen should be able to enjoy without fear. Clearly the growth of democracy and freedom is not doing very well in the exile community despite the CTA claiming to be a strong advocate of human rights and civil liberties. How can it be a champion of democracy when it is still enforcing the Dorje Shugden ban?

Anyway if the CTA thought that the Congressman's letter of rebuke was the last of it, then they are wrong. Recently the Congressman Dana Rorahbacher heated up the matter by sounding the alarm with the US, House Foreign Affairs Committee indicating the Congressman's intention to pursue this matter to its end. In the process, it is likely that the CTA's undemocratic and illegal act such as the banning of Dorje Shugden practice as a politically expedient move to divide the Tibetan people will surface as well. This will put pressure on the CTA to explain to the world their reasons for this ugly breach of human rights.

Rep. Rohrabacher Sounds Alarm Regarding U.S. Overseas Broadcasting; Radio Free Asia at Center of Controversy

Jan 16, 2013 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Today, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Appropriations Committee regarding serious problems in the overseas broadcast services funded by the U.S. government.  Cong. Rohrabacher sites evidence uncovered after conducting a two year investigation while he was Chairman of the HFAC Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation during the 112th Congress.  His concerns focus on Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA), both under the supervision of the Broadcast Board of Governors.

“In October of last year,  Radio Free Asia President Libby Liu,  precipitously fired Tibet Service Director Jigme Ngapo with no accompanying explanation,” wrote Rohrabacher. “There are indications that this was the result of foreign influence, which would be a major cause for alarm. She has repeatedly failed to respond to my letters requesting details of this unwise action.”

There is no effective counterintelligence or vetting procedure for hiring employees; nor does the structure of the BBG and its agencies allow for adequate accountability to the American taxpayer.  RFA is particularly susceptible to becoming a personal fiefdom due to its structure and we may be seeing signs of that right now.

Broadcasting into Communist China and occupied Tibet is a case in point. “Jigme Ngapo needs to be reinstated as Tibetan Service Director to maintain the integrity and credibility of the RFA,” stated Rep. Rohrabacher, noting that the vast majority of RFA’s Tibet Service staff members signed a letter supporting reinstatement.

Regarding China, Rohrabacher wrote,  “I have repeatedly expressed my deep concern to VOA and RFA about their failure to cover important issues such as the ghoulish crime of forced human organ harvesting of political and religious dissidents [particularly the Falun Gong] in China, which is horrific and genocidal in nature. Calling attention to this subject infuriates the Chinese Communist government and VOA and RFA leadership refuses to give it the proper attention.”

Rep. Rohrabacher is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 12:56:02 PM »
Oh my!

I thought such cases would only happen in countries who are running on a dictatorship system?! I find that the act of just removing Jigme Ngapo is just too much for a body governing their people without any reason or rhyme!

Why does the CTA allow this to happen? Why do they suppress other Shugden practitioners? Where do these people find help and a way out of the misery they didn't even want in the first place?

From a third party who dearly embraces Buddhism from the Land of Snows, I find this piece of information disturbing even after understanding how the ban has affected the people of Tibet.....

I thank Rep Rohrabacher for pointing this out to us and hope this issue will be resolved very soon.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 01:31:53 PM »
Ooh! this is interesting! CTA caught red handed for not being a democratic country! I wonder what does CTA have to say about this or how would they respond to this because if they keep quiet it will only make more and more people question CTA's so called democracy and once the lid is off, even the US will no longer support CTA or write articles that favor the CTA anymore. CTA will lose whatever little respect/favor/recognition they have from other countries. I didint know much about the whole RFA debacle, but now i have a clearer picture: that CTA is just demonstrating their undemocraticness.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 04:04:20 PM »
It is just a matter of time when the world will become aware of what the CTA is really all about. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, one instance where doubts are beginning to fester as to the legitimacy and integrity of CTA. How much longer can the CTA hide the fact that they are indeed hypocrites rather than advocates of human rights and civil liberties? Let CTA continue their self-sabotaging ways and in time to come, their antics and undemocratic sentiments will turn and bite them back in their face. Looking forward to the near future when the ban is finally lifted and CTA's reputation is in shambles.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2013, 01:19:08 AM »
It is just a matter of time when the world will become aware of what the CTA is really all about. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, one instance where doubts are beginning to fester as to the legitimacy and integrity of CTA. How much longer can the CTA hide the fact that they are indeed hypocrites rather than advocates of human rights and civil liberties? Let CTA continue their self-sabotaging ways and in time to come, their antics and undemocratic sentiments will turn and bite them back in their face. Looking forward to the near future when the ban is finally lifted and CTA's reputation is in shambles.

CTA is just sabotaging themselves and causing themselves to fail with each step of the way that they are heading to. Eventually, people will find out that other than lack of democracy, the CTA also publishes hitlists of Lamas that they do not approve of and lists of people who do not align with their ideals and encourages the people to discriminate against them, throwing nasty accusations against them and the most disgusting of all is how the CTA promotes and probably instigates the self immolations in Tibet. Eventually all of these will be exposed. They can reduce the damage by apologizing to Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2013, 09:38:58 PM »
Thanks for this. Oh I really hope that something will be done from the USA government side.  However, unfortunately, I seriously doubt that anything concrete will be done because of political restraints due to the US government's dependency on keeping a good relationship with China. At the very least though, I hope that attention will be brought to the Dorje shugden issue,  which is desperately needed.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is someone who is respected for believing strongly in human rights and I think that he will do his best,  within the constraints of  US government policy.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 05:23:01 AM »
Thanks for this. Oh I really hope that something will be done from the USA government side.  However, unfortunately, I seriously doubt that anything concrete will be done because of political restraints due to the US government's dependency on keeping a good relationship with China. At the very least though, I hope that attention will be brought to the Dorje shugden issue,  which is desperately needed.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is someone who is respected for believing strongly in human rights and I think that he will do his best,  within the constraints of  US government policy.

There are also other constrains in this: the western media is biased to support the Dalai Lama no matter what because the Tibetan cause is actually being used to try and weaken China and China's reputation in the world. This is why the Dorje Shugden issue is covered up nicely and Dharamsala is painted as a beautiful community of poor pious Buddhists that has bee ousted from their home while ignoring the fact that the place is poorly developed as the leaders of that community are focusing on other things that are not as important as the welfare of the people such as the Dorje Shugden ban, self immolations and protests that do not do much help at all.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 04:29:50 PM »
In 2008, the Western media did give quite good coverage of the Dorje Shugden issue. Although I do not agree with the NKT protests against HH the Dalai Lama at that time, it did bring international attention to the Dorje Shugden ban. There has never been a Dharma Protector which has been in TIME magazine! And this was all because the Dalai Lama banned this practice. See the links below for some coverage!

New Statesman: Why did the Dalai Lama ban Dorje Shugden? (28 August 2008)

Time Magazine – The Dalai Lama’s Buddhist Foes (18 July 2008)

TV Documentary by France 24: The Dalai Lama’s Demons (Part 1 of 2) (2008)

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 01:45:41 AM »
I sure hope someone will investigate further on the shameful deception democracy that the CTA is painting to the world. What democracy is there when there is a ban on another person's faith. Why have no one pushed to investigate further on this area of not following human rights and freedom of religion I do not understand??? Let's hope Dana Rohrabacher will do something... hmm makes me wonder if we should write a letter about this issue to her.

CTA is not fighting for Tibetans and not freeing anyone... if anything they are creating more friction, division and disharmony amongst their own people. I see Shugden Lamas helping the Tibetans in Tibet more than the CTA. And they are helping spread the Dharma, which is even far greater than anything else. What have they done thus far except encouraging their own people to self-immolate? Their silence to this simply means the approved of it.

In 2008, the Western media did give quite good coverage of the Dorje Shugden issue. Although I do not agree with the NKT protests against HH the Dalai Lama at that time, it did bring international attention to the Dorje Shugden ban. There has never been a Dharma Protector which has been in TIME magazine! And this was all because the Dalai Lama banned this practice. See the links below for some coverage!

New Statesman: Why did the Dalai Lama ban Dorje Shugden? (28 August 2008)

Time Magazine – The Dalai Lama’s Buddhist Foes (18 July 2008)

TV Documentary by France 24: The Dalai Lama’s Demons (Part 1 of 2) (2008)

WB isn't just so strange and hilarious that the ban on Dorje Shugden has created so much global publicity? They say bad publicity is still publicity... how many people saw this issue or heard about Dorje Shugden name because of this ban? And isn't amazing the more they try to shut Dorje Shugden up, the more and more He arises. It it like the more you kill him... the more Dorje SHugden multiplies. Does that mean the Enlightened Dalai Lama and High Lamas have no power over Shugden? How can that be when they are emanations of Buddhas themselves? It just is not logical... hence the only one logical answer is that Dorje Shugden was, is not a demon spirit as they falsely claim! 


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2013, 04:10:39 AM »
More and more disturbing undemocratic news of the CTA are being uncovered and raised. This is all due to the hard working people of this forum whose voices are being heard by many leaders of other democratic nations. I also heard of letters explaining about the injustice being meted out to Shugdenpas being received by Indian officials. Good work, whoever you folks are. 


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 05:09:55 AM »
As much as the CTA would not like people to know about their dark little secrets, they have to be exposed and the whole world must know that they have been tricked by the CTA as most people see the CTA as an oasis of peace but it is not that and it is anything but democratic. Thanks to the US' PR machine, the CTA is made to look like a mystical place of peace and most people actually believe that while the Dorje Shugden issue is ignored completely. However the latest debacle with RFA is proof that CTA is not democratic and the world has start to notice. They better buck up before it is too late.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2013, 08:38:40 AM »
My! My! CTA! You are shown up clearly for your blatantly anti-democratic moves and abuse of a forum for democracy - the Radio Free Asia! Just imagine not high-lighting such atrocious crimes against human rights and freedoms, as condoning China's "forced human organ harvesting of political and religious dissidents" (by remaining silent on these issues)and instead using RFA as a forum to "propagate CTA's (harmful )hate messages" against innocent Dorje Dhugden practitioners who have done nothing more than practicing Guru Devotion and remaining faithful to Shugden practice!

Where is there credibility or integrity left ,for you, to earn some respect from others?


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2013, 02:30:47 AM »
My! My! CTA! You are shown up clearly for your blatantly anti-democratic moves and abuse of a forum for democracy - the Radio Free Asia! Just imagine not high-lighting such atrocious crimes against human rights and freedoms, as condoning China's "forced human organ harvesting of political and religious dissidents" (by remaining silent on these issues)and instead using RFA as a forum to "propagate CTA's (harmful )hate messages" against innocent Dorje Dhugden practitioners who have done nothing more than practicing Guru Devotion and remaining faithful to Shugden practice!

Where is there credibility or integrity left ,for you, to earn some respect from others?

what is worse is that they are not only not highlighting the real crimes against humanity, but they themselves are perpetuating it with the Dorje Shugden ban, complete with hitlists with Lamas who practice Dorje Shugden. What kind of real government would enforce religious oppression? They are no different from the Taliban who oppresses and routinely kills Muslims of a sect that they do not approve of, except without the actual killing because CTA is just too inept in everything that they do. CTA should drop the Dorje Shugden ban and focus their efforts on being a real government.


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2013, 03:35:08 AM »
In 2008, the Western media did give quite good coverage of the Dorje Shugden issue. Although I do not agree with the NKT protests against HH the Dalai Lama at that time, it did bring international attention to the Dorje Shugden ban. There has never been a Dharma Protector which has been in TIME magazine! And this was all because the Dalai Lama banned this practice. See the links below for some coverage!

New Statesman: Why did the Dalai Lama ban Dorje Shugden? (28 August 2008)

Time Magazine – The Dalai Lama’s Buddhist Foes (18 July 2008)

TV Documentary by France 24: The Dalai Lama’s Demons (Part 1 of 2) (2008)

Yeah it created quite a doubt for me too during that time as protests against the Dalai Lama were quite intense. I got to know about Dorje Shugden back then. Sorry to say I has diubts over this protector back then but in the end after reading through and through (no less thanks to!) I have begin to understand more amd more and eventually got to know about the truth behind thr ban. Let's call it a plot then. It is through this ban that many people came to know about this prestigious protector of our time! May the ban be lifted very soon!


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Re: Things are heating up for the CTA
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2013, 04:20:16 AM »
Yeah it created quite a doubt for me too during that time as protests against the Dalai Lama were quite intense. I got to know about Dorje Shugden back then. Sorry to say I has diubts over this protector back then but in the end after reading through and through (no less thanks to!) I have begin to understand more amd more and eventually got to know about the truth behind thr ban. Let's call it a plot then. It is through this ban that many people came to know about this prestigious protector of our time! May the ban be lifted very soon!

Due to the way the western media has portrayed Dorje Shugden, it would plant doubts in anyone's mind as well. But the more important thing is to have the doubts actually cleared over time. Eventually people will ask about Dorje Shugden and they will want to know what is really going on and when they find out who Dorje Shugden really is, they will change their minds. It happened to me too when I read those reports i thought that Dorje Shugden was bad until I found out more information about him and I changed my mind after I realize that it was all lies and misinformation. The media cannot be trusted that much anymore these days and everything they say should be checked.