Author Topic: Tibetan abuses continue in India  (Read 10154 times)


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Tibetan abuses continue in India
« on: May 23, 2008, 09:56:04 PM »

-Clinics in a Tibetan settlement were giving medicines to Tibetans against tuberculosis, and a group of Tibetan attacked a doctor who was helping Dorje Shugden practitioners. (Sorry I did not understand all the details, but I think this was yesterday, probably in Ooti.)

-The house of Geshe Chimey Tsering, a member of the Dorje shugden Charitable Devotees Society was set up in fire and burned down.

-Dalai Lama asked Tibetans in settlement 3 in Mundgod to go into hunger strike to demonstrate against China, then he changes and, as he is saying publicly in the West that the Tibetan Government will give financial aid to help the Chinese victims of the eathquake, he orders Tibetan families to collect money instead for this purpose (not that they have much money at all!).

It is not case of "go nyi" ´two faces´ anymore, but multiple. How much longer will last the myth of the Dalai Lama? The dirt is bursting from all sides, and in these modern days of the Internet, they cannot contain it, and their media manipulation is not working. People like Robert Thurman... are getting too old to do image control and move the puppets on the string.


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 05:34:51 PM »
Dear Rolang,

"-The house of Geshe Chimey Tsering, a member of the Dorje shugden Charitable Devotees Society was set up in fire and burned down."

Is this really true? Do you know more details? I am very shocked to hear this!

Thank you for any further information on this and of course also the doctor who has been attacked (incredible: as a doctor you have to take an oath to help anyone in need of medical assistance...).

Yours, beggar


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 06:12:40 PM »




« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 06:26:50 PM by Guru »

a friend

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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 06:59:39 PM »
The attacks against the practitioners started BEFORE the demonstrations.

Actually the demos started as an answer to the more recent attacks.


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2008, 07:21:15 PM »
just found this new article in the 'new internationalist' website, it's a very good and reputable magazine sold worldwide and covers human rights issues! Hopefully the article will appear in there next issue. This is the first really good article i've seen as well as the suite 101 article.

Deity banned
Outrage as Dalai Lama denounces Dorje Shugden

Buddhists picketed the Dalai Lama’s recent visit to the United States and Europe. They protested against the ban on the worship of the 350-year-old deity, Dorje Shugden, whom they say is one of the most revered in the Buddhist religion. In 1996 the Dalai Lama announced that worship of Dorje Shugden was banned and explained that his oracle, Nechung, had advised him that the deity was a threat to his personal safety and the future of Tibet.

The Tibetan Government-in-exile said its employees must stop worshipping the deity or be sacked. The office of the Dalai Lama told the superiors of the Sermey Monastic College in Bylakuppe, India: ‘If there is anyone who continues to worship Dorje (Shugden), make a list of their names, birthplace and class... Keep the original and send us a copy of the list.’

According to PK Dey, a human-rights lawyer from Delhi: ‘Those worshipping Shugden are experiencing tremendous harassment. It is not in a particular part of the country, but everywhere there are Tibetans. Dalai Lama supporters are going from house to house searching.’ For example, in Clementown, India, the house of a family of Shugden worshippers was stoned and then firebombed. Wanted posters describe people believed to be Shugden leaders as the top ten enemies of the state. The posters have been put up in monasteries, settlements and in Dharamsala by the Government-in-exile’s Department of Security.

Dorje Shugden worshippers say the ban and its implementation are in direct conflict with the proposed constitution of a free Tibet, laid down by the Dalai Lama in 1963. The constitution states that all religious denominations are equal before the law, and every Tibetan shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. But when Dorje Shugden worshippers challenged the ban, the Tibetan Government-in-exile stated that: ‘Concepts like democracy and freedom of religion are empty when it comes to the well-being of the Dalai Lama and the common cause of Tibet.’

During recent peace vigils a petition with 15,000 signatures was handed to the Dalai Lama stating the need for all Tibetan traditions to flourish. Protesters asked him to sign a declaration of freedom to worship Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama refused.

He says that he banned the worship of Dorje Shugden because it is a divisive deity that causes sectarianism among his followers, and is leading to the degeneration of Buddhism. But in doing so he has left many Tibetans confused. Gonsar Rinpoche, a Tibetan Lama who has worshipped Dorje Shugden throughout his life, says: ‘I cannot accept this ban on Shugden. If I accept that all my wise and great masters are demon worshippers, then their teachings are wrong, everything they believe in is wrong. That is not possible.’

Sara Chamberlain

Dalai Lama versus Dorje Shugden
Is His Holiness Practicing Religious Persecution?
© Jenn Hardy

May 16, 2008

The Western Shugden Society has alleged the Dalai Lama is enforcing a ban that puts spiritual freedom in jeopardy. Is His Holiness guilty of religious cleansing?
The Dalai Lama is the face of Buddhism. By extension, he is the face of inner peace and compassion. It is nearly impossible to separate the Dalai Lama from the ancient religion—perhaps as difficult as it is to imagine anyone opposing his views or calling him a liar. His charisma, charm and familiarity also make it hard to imagine why a group of people might stage protests against him.

But they are. And many would argue the peaceful protests that have been, and continue to be staged against the 14th Dalai Lama, are happening with good reason.

Protest at Colgate University
April 22, 2008 at Colgate University, New York was the first of what has been suggested might be many protests staged against the Dalai Lama as he travels in the West. As he spoke to an audience of over 5,000 people inside, hundreds gathered outside in a noisy but peaceful protest. Some of the protesters were representing the Chinese, but the bulk of the protestors, close to 500, represented what is known as the Western Shugden Society— a group of Buddhists reigning from all over the world who claim to have been “abandoned by the Dalai Lama,” and subjected to religious persecution through a ban of one of their practices.

Pure Lineage
The Western Shugden Society’s members practice what they call “the prayer of Dorje Shugden.” They say it is “a pure and harmless spiritual practice they have received from their Spiritual Guides,” and that Shugden practice is a centuries-old tradition, passed down to the Dalai Lama himself. To ban the practice, they say, is to destroy the pure lineage.

There is nothing new about the Dalai Lama opposing Shugden (or Dholgyal) practice. The 5th Dalai Lama and the 13th Dalai Lama took issue with it, and the current (14th) Dalai Lama has said it “degenerates the Buddhist practice into a form of spirit worship.” It seems, however, that recently things have been taken to a whole new level.

Is There Actually a Ban in Place?
During the protest in New York, one of the Dalai Lama’s representatives, Tashi Wangdi came out to speak to news cameras. He said, “I think there is a lot of misunderstanding. I was trying to explain that. There is no ban.”

As he walked away, Buddhist nun Kelsang Pema, one of the demonstration organizers told cameras, “There is absolutely no misunderstanding. There is a ban, there’s discrimination, there’s hypocrisy.” She went on to say she had been to India twice in the last month upon the request of Shugden practitioners to see first hand the devastation that was being caused. She witnessed families divided, children expelled from schools and people denied the ability to buy food if they are Shugden practitioners or if they associate with Shugdens.

And how does the grocery store clerk know who you do or do not pray to? He asks for your identity card.

According to the WSS website since January of this year the all Tibetans have been made to sign a declaration put in place by the Dalai Lama “forsaking the practice forever and promising not to associate in any way – spiritually, financially, socially or materially – with anyone who does not sign.” If you sign, you get an identity card proving it.

The WSS says the monks who refused to sign the declaration were “expelled from their monasteries and nunneries, forbidden to associate with other Tibetans, even to eat with or shop from them, and left to fend for themselves without any support.”

“I always believe since all different traditions have some potential to bring inner peace, inner value ... it is important to keep one's own tradition,” said the Dalai Lama to an Ann Arbor, MI, audience two days before the Colgate talk. “Urging the crowd to practice the religion they were raised in and not convert,” paraphrases his official website, “because all traditions, he said, have something to offer.”

The copyright of the article Dalai Lama versus Dorje Shugden in Political Leaders in the News is owned by Jenn Hardy. Permission to republish Dalai Lama versus Dorje Shugden must be granted by the author in writing.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 09:14:50 PM by theloneranger »


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2008, 08:28:34 PM »
Loneranger, can you please scan the arcticle of the New Internationalist the magazine and post it as an image?



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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2008, 09:25:14 PM »
hi rolang

sorry guys, i've just been informed that the article from new internationalist is an old one. Do not despair though, we can all write to them and email at:

good luck!

« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 10:06:02 PM by theloneranger »


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2008, 10:28:16 PM »
Dear Guru,

When are you going to understand that this is not a matter of hating the Dala Lama or not, we are not against the person (him), but to some actions that he has done and have had very bad consequences.

As a friend says, "The attacks against the practitioners started BEFORE the demonstrations", before, long ago!!, many years back!!!, can't you see is obvious???

If among Tibetans they are attacking themselves is because the ban not because of the demonstrations.

You say that we have to do something different that does not cause anger to our opponents. Come on, give me a break!! In the West we use to do demonstrations when the human rights are violated. Throwing out monks from their  monasteries, attack people, make ostracism, and all that we know is happening, is not human, that kind of actions are not human. Actually we are defending the practice transmited by our celestial gurus; second, we are defending the reputation of Them; third, we are defending and protecting the tradition of Je Tsongkhapa and of course the practice of Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden; four: we are doing something that is LEGAL, we are defending the human rights, the religious freedom, we are doing something for the benefit of others.

So, do you think these points we are defending are a thread upon the life of the Dalai Lama and the independence of Tibet?? This is a lack of respect to the Dalai Lama?? Doy you think that the things we are defending are anti-Tibetan, anti-Buddhist, anti-Dharma?

Unfortunately, "the first shot, the first attack" was done by the Dalai Lama, and not because he is the Dalai Lama, we are not going to question his activities and make demonstrations, we are not going wait for something to happen, we are reasonable people.

If you really care about Tibetans, do something for them, help them...



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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2008, 10:36:05 AM »
yes, the house of Geshe Chime Tsering was burned down, and the cafe below too.

a friend

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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2008, 03:56:21 PM »
Rolang please,

could you tell how it happened and when? Thanks.


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2008, 05:37:44 PM »
Hi "a friend" (didn´t you know that people who use these type of busines cards are read by the wise as being the opposite of the message they try to convey?) I have no more information, but yes, the sources are reliable. The people from Dagom Gaden should know, just call any of your friends in India and they will tell you.

I am not sure how the house and the cafe were burnt, it is beleived it was provoked by the anti Shugden mobs, but I have no evidence, just beleive the feeling of the locals.

a friend

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No burning house happily
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2008, 03:35:08 PM »

I am happy to tell you that according to information gathered from the Charitable Society, Geshe Tseme Tsering house was never burned down by any fire.
Years ago, back in 1996, his house was stoned and its glass panes broken. This is bad enough.

WE ARE ALL KINDLY REQUESTED TO DOUBLE CHECK INFORMATION. We don't need more bad news, we have enough of them, we don't have to create them out ot the blue sky. Thank you.



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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2015, 04:20:57 PM »
It is really shocking to hear that the pro Dalai Lama people would attack a doctor who is serving Dorje Shugden practitioners.
Doctors are meant to treat people regardless of race, gender or ethnicity.
 The CTA has already taken a lot of freedom from Dorje Shugden practitioners and now they don't allow Shugdeners to get vaccines and medicines. Is this what Lord Shakyamunni dreamed of  centuries ago? Did he ask for violence and ill treatment? No, he did not.
Buddhism must be a sign of harmony, we must promote world peace not conflict and disharmony.
Look at the wars between the Catholics and protestants, see how many lives had been taken.
 Please CTA, end the conflict and disharmony, "everyone deserves the right to live no matter what they practice, they must always have the rights to do as they wish and even if they  did something wrong in your perspective, he deserves a right for a fair trial."


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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2015, 03:00:13 PM »
It really upsets me everytime I read news of innocent Dorje Shugden practitioners getting attacke dand in some cases killed just because they worship Dorje Shugden.

This case for example, a doctor trying to help a group of Dorje Shugden practitioners by giving medicine to fight tuberculosis was attacked just because the people he was helping worship Dorje Shugden.

Attacking people just because of who they worship is just so wrong and It is sad to see that H.H the Dalai Lama has not been speaking out much to condemn such attacks.

As a World renowned Buddhist leader, shouldn't  he do something about these attacks? Innocent people are being injured and killed not because of any land or territory dispute but ONLY because of a particular Buddha they worship.

Where is the freedom in this?

James Bond

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Re: Tibetan abuses continue in India
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2015, 05:11:47 PM »
This disgusts me. How can you hurt a doctor, who isn't even a Dorje Shugden practitioner, just because he is helping Dorje Shugden practitioners. In fact, its disgusting that you can even hurt someone who is only trying to help other. In my eyes i see immaturity and stupidity in this incident.

One, just because you feel strongly against a certain belief or deity, it doesn't give you the right to take action against those who follow your disliked belief. And certainly not physical action. By attacking the doctor who was helping Dorje Shudgen practioners it shows the level of violence anti-Dorje Shugden members are willing to go to in order to do what they think is right. Terrible.