Author Topic: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm  (Read 4387 times)


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HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« on: March 30, 2013, 05:10:59 AM »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama offering Aarati (lamp offering) to the idol of Lord Krishna and his consort Rukmini during his visit to the Sri Udasin Karshni Ashram on March 12, 2013 in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. (Photo/Tenzin Taklha/OHHDL)

This picture caught my eye when I found it posted on the FB wall of a fellow Tibetan. The thing is, it is against our refuge vows to pray to worldly gods but here, for one reason or another, HHDL wears the Chogyo which is the robes of an ordained monk to make offerings to Krishna and his wife.....Why is it okay to make offerings to a worldling but warns against the practice of DS?

Another case of contradiction and inconsistency which needs consideration.
Harry Nephew

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Big Uncle

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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2013, 06:46:36 AM »
Well, I think that perhaps the Dalai Lama is just making offerings and not really relying on these gods. You know, it is something like how we offer gifts to friends that have helped you and you are trying to enlist to help you in a certain endeavor? In all fairness, I think the Dalai Lama is doing that and not like he is setting up a Hindu altar in Dharamsala and take refuge in the Gods. After all, the Dalai Lama is pretty much established that fact with the worship of Nechung.

He is very clear with regards to Nechung, he is propitiated to clear obstacles and not in reference of the refuge of reliance. Therefore, even when Nechung takes trance, he comes over to make offerings to the Dalai Lama and not the other way round. I am sure if Krishna and his consort took trance, they would have done the same considering the fact that they would be able to perceive the true identity of the Dalai Lama in much the same way as Nechung.


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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 02:31:12 PM »
I think the Dalai Lama is only showing his respect for the gods as it is important to show respect for everyone as you might not know of the outcome. I dont think that making an offering to a worldly god automatically means that we are taking refuge in that god. We can make offerings to land deities to make friends with them and appease them, but it does not mean at all that we are taking them as objects of refuge, nor does it mean that we want them to do something for us. So, in doing the offering, the Dalai Lama is appeasing both the deities and the believers of the deities and he has to continually show that he is very close to India to appease the Indian government so that they wont be harsh on Dharamsala.


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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 09:45:38 PM »
Agreed with Big Uncle and Ensapa, I would think HH Dalai Lama is just making offerings and making friends Lord Krishna and his consort Rukmini. It does not mean HHDL is taking refuge to Lord Krishna. From here, I see that he is respecting other religions and beings. However, it is contradicting that HHDL is banning on Dorje Shugden and setting a double standard treatment towards Dorje Shugden practitioners. The only reasons that I think logical would be it’s for a bigger picture to spread Dharma. 

christine V

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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2013, 04:03:27 AM »
To my opinion, HH Dalai Lama is showing friendliness. Is like when you are doing visit, you will bring some present to offer to the house owner. HH Dalai Lama not only did offering for Lord Krishna and his consort Rukmini, His Holiness even offer prayer at Hijrat Mosque in Srinagar on 14th July 2012.  (source: Mizzima News) H.H even received  a honorary doctorate degree from Jamia Millia Islamia, “a university with a Muslim flavor.” (source

HH Dalai Lama is showing the value of equanimity , love and compassion are universal no matter which culture you from, what are the backgrounds.

As for the issues of H.H banned Dorje Shugden, the truth will be reveal when the ban is lifted. We have to remember as long as we grasp towards our projections, whatever point of views we have will lead to that projections. 


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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2013, 05:25:55 PM »
I am in agreement with what both Ensapa and Big Uncle . I cannot imagine His Holiness going to visit his hosts in India and then giving them a Dharma talk on why he cannot make offerings to worldly gods as they are NOT a proper object refuge ! Imagine how his host will feel ? Imagine his holiness giving them the reason that it is the worldly gods that should be giving him the offerings and respects instead LOL ?! Now that would really be shocking and not in His Holiness's character at all . What he did only serves to show us his humility, compassion and leadership. Thank you for sharing the news. 


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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2013, 05:52:08 AM »
In more ways than one, HHDL is generating good PR for the Tibetans and for Buddhism in general by being friendly to everyone and to every religion everywhere. He rubs shoulders with the pope, the imams, the hindus (but i havent seen him with the Jains (the traditional 'enemy' of Buddhism) or the Jews yet though. So it is quite obvious that the Dalai Lama just wants to make friends and pacify the other religions through his actions and it is not that he has converted into their religions. Here in this picture the Dalai Lama is wearing a skullcap which is worn by the Muslims. But that dosent make him a Muslim. After all, he has many hats to wear.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: HHDL making offerings to other Gods.... Hmmmm
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2015, 06:26:45 AM »
Was the Dalai Lama being politically correct to make offerings to other Gods?  Then is it not possible that such events are prevented by not being created so the the Dalai Lama does not need to be seen as breaking his vows as the Head of Tibetan Buddhism.

Does looking appropriate means that much to the Dalai Lama?  Being nice with others to gain good image while within Tibetan Buddhism doctrine, he will not even tolerate the worship of Dorje Shigden. 

Let us, Shugdenpas judge for ourselves and remain steadfast in our faith in Dorje Shugden.