Author Topic: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.  (Read 6134 times)


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The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« on: April 06, 2013, 07:34:16 PM »
Literally the first casualty of the anti-Dorje Shugden movement was no doubt one of the greatest masters to have lived, Zemey Rinpoche. Indeed the ban has done so much to drive away highly attained masters and just reading about Zemey Rinpoche gives you a clear impression of what the Shugden lamas are like - highly practiced in the Dharma, highly devoted to their Gurus and highly LOYAL to the Dalai Lama. Today a picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is prominently hung in Shar Ganden which came about as the result of Shugden monks being chased out of their own monasteries.

In the personal words of the illustrious Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche was his equal in knowledge and attainments and him, like so many other high lamas were denied by the Tibetan people but in doing so, they in fact denied themselves of the highest calibre of teachings so many could have had but for the ban.

Read about this great lama and consider how many more the ban has caused to leave Tibetan soil, here:

And one of the strangest irony is that the man the Dalai Lama trusts explicitly and is who is never far from His Holiness's side is Thubten Jinpa, who is one of Zemey Rinpoche's student. I would have taught than if the Dalai Lama were to lose complete trust and confidence in Zemey Rinpoche to the point of ostracizing him, then why trust the very person Zemey Rinpoche recommended to the Dalai Lama? Perhaps there is more to what meets the eye.

Read about it:
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 07:50:02 PM by vajratruth »


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 03:33:22 AM »
Literally the first casualty of the anti-Dorje Shugden movement was no doubt one of the greatest masters to have lived, Zemey Rinpoche. Indeed the ban has done so much to drive away highly attained masters and just reading about Zemey Rinpoche gives you a clear impression of what the Shugden lamas are like - highly practiced in the Dharma, highly devoted to their Gurus and highly LOYAL to the Dalai Lama. Today a picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is prominently hung in Shar Ganden which came about as the result of Shugden monks being chased out of their own monasteries.

In the personal words of the illustrious Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Zemey Rinpoche was his equal in knowledge and attainments and him, like so many other high lamas were denied by the Tibetan people but in doing so, they in fact denied themselves of the highest calibre of teachings so many could have had but for the ban.

Read about this great lama and consider how many more the ban has caused to leave Tibetan soil, here:

And one of the strangest irony is that the man the Dalai Lama trusts explicitly and is who is never far from His Holiness's side is Thubten Jinpa, who is one of Zemey Rinpoche's student. I would have taught than if the Dalai Lama were to lose complete trust and confidence in Zemey Rinpoche to the point of ostracizing him, then why trust the very person Zemey Rinpoche recommended to the Dalai Lama? Perhaps there is more to what meets the eye.

Read about it:

Like I have said in previous posts before, the CTA is chasing away people that can really help them with their Tibet cause and also help them to gain recognition from the world. There are so many highly successful Lamas who have the talent and abilities to rise up to the worldly standards and have remained there, with one such Lama being Gangchen Rinpoche who is a UN ambassador. So in other words, the Dorje Shugden ban is only pushing the CTA to go deeper and deeper into hopelessness. Factor that with the karma for them to snub high Lamas such as Zemey Rinpoche and Pabongkha Rinpoche as a result of the ban, they will only go lower and lower from here.


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 09:02:18 AM »
The picture of this great Gelug Master, whom Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche had proclaimed as being equal to him, prostrating - come rain or shine - to HH the Dalai Lama  outside the main teaching hall, throughout the duration of the Dalai Lama's teaching, can only bring tears to anyone's eyes. Such great humility from a man who had been so greatly wronged, prostrating and asking forgiveness for a 'sin' he had not committed, and such great devotion towards the  Dalai Lama.

Negative reactions to the controversial yellow book, written by Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche, as a documentation of Trijang Rinpoche's teachings about how Dorje Shugden had preserved the purity of the Dharma of the Gelug tradition, is reminiscent of the negative reaction toward the great Kyabje Pabonka Rinpoche, when he too spoke up in support of Dorje Shugden preserving the purity of the Gelug lineage teachings.

That Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche's incarnation has been found and enthroned, being recognized and confirmed by High Lamas throughout India, Tibet and Nepal, is a clear vindication of Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche as  an unquestionably great Master and lineage holder of the Gelug tradition.


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 03:24:04 AM »
The picture of this great Gelug Master, whom Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche had proclaimed as being equal to him, prostrating - come rain or shine - to HH the Dalai Lama  outside the main teaching hall, throughout the duration of the Dalai Lama's teaching, can only bring tears to anyone's eyes. Such great humility from a man who had been so greatly wronged, prostrating and asking forgiveness for a 'sin' he had not committed, and such great devotion towards the  Dalai Lama.

Negative reactions to the controversial yellow book, written by Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche, as a documentation of Trijang Rinpoche's teachings about how Dorje Shugden had preserved the purity of the Dharma of the Gelug tradition, is reminiscent of the negative reaction toward the great Kyabje Pabonka Rinpoche, when he too spoke up in support of Dorje Shugden preserving the purity of the Gelug lineage teachings.

That Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche's incarnation has been found and enthroned, being recognized and confirmed by High Lamas throughout India, Tibet and Nepal, is a clear vindication of Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche as  an unquestionably great Master and lineage holder of the Gelug tradition.

In more ways than one, the Yellow Book exposed the insecurities of the other traditions and it is not a pretty sight at all. I am still kind of bewildered by why and how were the teachings in the yellow book were taken out of context on purpose and made to sound hostile. If a person who has no idea of Buddhism or who is not a Gelug or who does not have guidance from a Gelug Lama reads the book, it would easily plant in negative connotations against Dorje Shugden. Before meeting my Guru, i read the Yellow Book and i also had misunderstandings about Dorje Shugden. It is until I met my Guru and this forum that I understand what is it all about and my misunderstandings disappear.


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 06:09:48 AM »

In more ways than one, the Yellow Book exposed the insecurities of the other traditions and it is not a pretty sight at all. I am still kind of bewildered by why and how were the teachings in the yellow book were taken out of context on purpose and made to sound hostile. If a person who has no idea of Buddhism or who is not a Gelug or who does not have guidance from a Gelug Lama reads the book, it would easily plant in negative connotations against Dorje Shugden. Before meeting my Guru, i read the Yellow Book and i also had misunderstandings about Dorje Shugden. It is until I met my Guru and this forum that I understand what is it all about and my misunderstandings disappear.

Dear Ensapa, you referred to some misunderstandings you had on your first reading of the Yellow Book which was subsequently cleared up after some explanation from your Guru. Can you please share here so that others many benefit as well?

Thank you.


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 03:44:21 AM »
Dear Ensapa, you referred to some misunderstandings you had on your first reading of the Yellow Book which was subsequently cleared up after some explanation from your Guru. Can you please share here so that others many benefit as well?

Thank you.

There are many stories in the Yellow Book that when read by someone that is not familiar or without a Guru or taken out of context, it can create misunderstandings. For example, take the story of Khadro Tulku:

A similar case can be narrated about Khardo Tulku Kelsang Thubten
Nyendak.Initially he sought teachings from Je Phaphongkha. But later, he
corrupted his philosophical view and practice. He received many Nyingma
teachings from Tsenyi Tulku along with the Reting Rinpoche
. He was
arrested with the Reting Rinpoche on the charges of plotting against the
life of the then Regent Tadak. Later he was imprisoned in a dark cell with
his legs in chains. After four years in jail, he was released during the
amnesty announced when His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was
enthroned. After that he was free to live according to his wish, but soon he
was passed away. So in short, all his deeds were unsuccessful which was
purely due to the miraculous power of Dorje Shugden.

The bolded parts of the text makes it sound as if the Khadro tulku and Reting Rinpoche's misfortunes were caused by Dorje Shugden and also because they dare to dabble in Nyingma teachings. To an ordinary reader who is not Gelug and is not aware of what is going on they would believe that Dorje Shugden will kill anyone who wants to study the Nyingma teachings, but if you re-read the story with the correct context and commentary, as my teacher has explained, and also some forum members here as well, that their deaths were not caused by Dorje Shugden but by their own negative karma for confusing others, and that Dorje Shugden never punished them, but they lost Dorje Shugden's protection because they dabbled in Nyingma teachings even though they were Gelug Lamas which could mislead others and confuse them.


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 07:50:23 AM »
It is saddening to read about the fate of Zemey Rinpoche but knowing that the unmistakable incarnation of Zemey Rinpoche has been found shows that he must have done something right in his previous life that he continues doing what he did before.

Worshipping evil spirits will definitely not bring you back as a reincarnated Rinpoche, so why are all these high lamas who are Shugden practitioners coming back to spread the Dharma to many? It is contradictory in itself for them to do "something bad" but on the other hand, spread something so pure and beneficial such as the Dharma. I think other Dharma Protectors would have manifested something to stop and inervene false and incorrect spreading of the Dharma.

Many have sacrificed since the ban on Dorje shugden was enforced but look at how much Dorje Shugden's name has spread in the world of Tibetan Buddhism, be it good or bad. The sacrifices and persecution of DS Practitioners cannot keep on going on, the injustice has to be brought down. The sacrifices made by the many have brought benefits to even more, and it cannot go unappreciated. 


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2013, 04:53:04 AM »
It is saddening to read about the fate of Zemey Rinpoche but knowing that the unmistakable incarnation of Zemey Rinpoche has been found shows that he must have done something right in his previous life that he continues doing what he did before.

Worshipping evil spirits will definitely not bring you back as a reincarnated Rinpoche, so why are all these high lamas who are Shugden practitioners coming back to spread the Dharma to many? It is contradictory in itself for them to do "something bad" but on the other hand, spread something so pure and beneficial such as the Dharma. I think other Dharma Protectors would have manifested something to stop and inervene false and incorrect spreading of the Dharma.

Many have sacrificed since the ban on Dorje shugden was enforced but look at how much Dorje Shugden's name has spread in the world of Tibetan Buddhism, be it good or bad. The sacrifices and persecution of DS Practitioners cannot keep on going on, the injustice has to be brought down. The sacrifices made by the many have brought benefits to even more, and it cannot go unappreciated.

Many Dorje Shugden practitioners and lamas were forced to work a lot more harder due to the ban, and they had to give up a lot of comforts such as support from CTA and support from the community around but they still thrive because they focus on the pure Dharma. At least they wont be bothered by the CTA and be cornered into doing things to comply with the Dalai Lama or with the CTA such as swearing in for something or being made to do pujas for self immolation victims which is not exactly the best thing to do because it only enforces the idea that self immolation is correct. In that way, Shar Ganden is freed from responsibilities that they would otherwise have to do which distracts them from the Dharma.


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2013, 07:51:28 PM »
The first casualty of this ANTI SHUGDEN campaign was the truth. Many people would have been given wrong information and hence they acted out from that wrong information.

Zemey Rinpoche who despite being ostracized by HHDL, still prostrated humbly to HHDL when HHDL came for teachings at gaden, that shows the real quality of Zemey Rinpoche. This is a campaign that is not clear cut and has a lot of inconsistencies in it, so much so if you look at it deeply there is a lot that cannot be rationalized.   


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Re: The First Casualty Of The Anti-Shugden Campaign.
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2013, 05:53:33 AM »
The first casualty of this ANTI SHUGDEN campaign was the truth. Many people would have been given wrong information and hence they acted out from that wrong information.

Zemey Rinpoche who despite being ostracized by HHDL, still prostrated humbly to HHDL when HHDL came for teachings at gaden, that shows the real quality of Zemey Rinpoche. This is a campaign that is not clear cut and has a lot of inconsistencies in it, so much so if you look at it deeply there is a lot that cannot be rationalized.

It was more or less out of fanaticism for the Dalai lama and to be on his good side that people acted out against the Dorje Shugden. It is as simple as that. It was not due to any spiritual reasons, nor was it that they found out and is convicted that Dorje Shugden is evil because many of them cannot produce concrete and reasonable evidence against Dorje Shugden, thus you dont see any of them in this forum but when they are elsewhere on the net, they go all full out and criticize and step down on anyone talking about Dorje Shugden because the people there dont know any better.