Author Topic: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...  (Read 13108 times)

DS Star

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Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:57:34 PM »
These videos showed how to roast suckling pigs in different countries...

Small | Large

Small | Large

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Look delicious to you?
Now watch this cute little piglet in this video and then tell me...

Small | Large

How can we eat this cute little fellow?
How do we put a knife on its neck and take its life out?

Reality shocked!
Watch this video, we can see that the shoppers were angry when the man putting cute little piglet into the box to 'produce' instant 'sausage'. Before that they were happily eating away the cooked sausage though...

Small | Large

Though it was just a prank by a TV program but I think it sends message to these people.

So when we didn't witness it, we are fooling ourselves to say, it is OKAY to eat meat as long as we don't kill the animals ourselves. We don't want to be the one to take the lives but we want to enjoy the meat of the dead animals... we are very selfish actually...

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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 08:25:23 AM »
So when we didn't witness it, we are fooling ourselves to say, it is OKAY to eat meat as long as we don't kill the animals ourselves. We don't want to be the one to take the lives but we want to enjoy the meat of the dead animals... we are very selfish actually..

Selfish maybe, deluded certainly.
Selfish: I think of me above all.
Deluded: my intelligence is not able to absorb and realize the truth despite all the evidences given to me.

Why do I say that?
I say that because I have a wonderful mother, a wonderful father and wonderful sibblings, I also have amazing friends, and I know a great deal of people that are not selfish, that are actually compassionate, that are helpful, that are always reaching out to others, that are generous, that are patient... YET they eat meat.
So it is not, I think, that they are selfish, it is that they are deluded in thinking that ALL these qualities DO NOT apply to the dining table.

Does this make them bad people? No, it does not, they act out delusion, not our of anger in fact.
Yet, they are hurting others, indirectly, and they do not seem to be able to see it.... Even though it is so clear to see!
This is what we call DELUSION, not necessarily (not with exactitude anyway) SELFISHNESS...

Tenzin K

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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 04:24:30 PM »
What a selfish behavior!
We don’t want to be the one who kill but create the cause for others and actually we directly create the negative karma for others. So sad!

We ask others to kill for us!
Killing is already so bad. It’s so sad to see the animals being killed for our attachment but yet it’s still not enough but we create other people to carry out the action. This will just create heavier karma.
Look at our selfish action, because of pleasing our attachment so many have to suffer and its created by ourselves.

Wake up and realize now!
May my daily prayer to Lord Shugden make me gain more wisdom able to make others realize their selfish act in harming animals.


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 03:29:58 AM »
Whether its a cute sucking piglet, or a chicken or duck... it should not matter... killing and roasting them for meat is just plain wrong.

Since we're in the topic of pigs... I hope everyone knows that pigs are highly intelligent animals. That's why some people actually take pot belly pigs as pets, just like dogs. There was even a case where the pig saved his owner from stroke by getting medical attention.

I hope people will realize that they can change their eating habits especially when they have a choice. It's not like we do not have a choice with the food we eat (example, children having no choice but to eat the food served by his/her parents)... but we're all adults and we buy and cook our own food... make it a compassionate choice and avoid the killing.


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 11:26:19 AM »
From the Buddhism point of view, eating meat brings no benefit at all to all the parties concerned - the animal, the butcher, the cook and the consumer.  The effect of killing the piglet or any livestock is to experience the similar fate in the future!  Due to ignorance, many continue to kill to eat.  Meat consumers may not be personally killing the livestock, but they had created the causes for the livestock to be killed for their desire for meat.  Meat consumers have the choice of heavy negative karmas or a healthy lifestyle being a vegetarian.  Let the cute piglets survive please!


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 12:12:09 PM »
People eat meat thinking that the animal magically appeared on their plate without having to be killed. its like the fact that the animal has to be killed is erased out from the picture and the consumer/diner just automatically thinks that the meat is just to satisfy them. Ignorance ? Yes. But most people avoid accepting the fact that killing is involved. Like for instance, when I show my friends videos of animal cruelty or videos of animals in slaugther houses, they switch it off immediately or tell me off for it. They tell me off for showing them the truth. Great. talk about avoidance.

Animals should not be killed just for foodor for our own desirous pleasures. Period.


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 01:39:53 PM »
Yes, the last video drives home a painful truth: that when we don't see an animal alive and kicking one moment , and becoming minced or roasted meat the next,  we go about enjoying the meat served in the form we like best,oblivious to the pain and suffering of the animal being slaughtered or roasted or chopped up.

What if, in place of the suckling pig, a human baby were killed, roasted and served up as food? Horrible thought, isn't it?  But then  a suckling pig is also a living being and can feel pain as intensely as a human. What makes them  lesser beings?

Unfortunately,as long as people are so habituated to only satisfy their taste buds to the exclusion of all thoughts of others' suffering, meat will still be consumed in abundance.

When we go vegetarian, we practice compassion not only toward the animal which would otherwise have been killed for us, we also direct our compassion toward the butcher as we spare him from collecting heavy negative karma from killing a being.


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2013, 03:52:40 PM »
The last video has been removed, and a similar video can be found here:

Baby Pig Fresh Pork Sausage Prank

Before I become vegetarian, I NEVER think about where the meat come from and just happily eating them away. Killing of animals for food is a truth hidden to many. The process is cruel. When I tell many of my friends about the torturous process of killing pigs, cows, chickens etc, they will still pretend they didn't know and "can't resist because of good taste"... furthermore, some of them are Buddhist and they understand karma.. :(

The piglets are cute, but killing a piglet and killing a full grown pig causes the same pain to the animal. So please stop eating animals...


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2013, 08:29:36 AM »
There are replaceable vegetarian meat for suckling pig like texture. Meat eaters go for this 'delicacy' because of its crispy layer of skin after its on the roast under low and slow fire. Its has becoming very common in the chinese society and considerably a dish for any celebrations. Now, the piglet is too cute to be eaten, there are many more humane options to satisfy our crave for food and healthier choices.


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2013, 01:01:54 PM »
Sad to say, I used to like it a lot before Buddhism. I never thought of the pain and sufferings that those poor babies had to go through! But the point is that, be it a baby pig, mummy pig or whatever other animals, it is so wrong to have them slaughtered just to satisfy our ignorant tummy. Eewww... putting a corpse into my mouth and tummy is just so wrong!There are so many nice non meat meals out there.. Pleas be kind and compassionate!


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2013, 02:23:46 PM »
It is a habit to this present day,and it's just way too obvious and clear according to the precepts that you shouldn't be eating meat.There's really no other way you can defend eating meat unless that's absolutely the only thing you can eat in order to sustain your body through cultivation,meaning,you only eat meat not for the flavors and pleasure,but your mind is free from such defiled attachment it's just because you have nothing else to eat.


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2013, 04:04:50 PM »
I was one of those people who ate meat and refused to watch videos of how animals are bred and killed for human consumption. It never occurs to me that these animals have families too and we are killing their loved ones to fill our cravings and taste buds.  I was avoiding the truth until few years back when I started to watch documentaries of animal abuse. Ever since then I have stopped taking meat and I am glad I did.

Animals deserve to live and not killed for our eating pleasure. Be kind to animals and be a vegetarian. So many lives will be saved and we are also helping the breeders, traders and butchers to have less negative karma.

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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2013, 08:41:31 AM »
OMB... This is really shocking. Shocking not because such acts exists but because such videos and information is out there and yet there is this senseless murder to satisfy a most selfish desire and greed. It has gone beyond a want and a need... it is pure and utter selfish desire because, if we are honest with ourselves, we DO NOT need to eat the poor piglet. Regardless of whatever justifications we give ourselves, it is not right to take another life, especially when there is not an iota of need at all! Sigh.

I remember on a vacation in Asia after university, I was in a beachfront restaurant and they were serving all manners of seafood. At the table, there was quite a variety of friends from all walks of life and nationalities. One of them was an English lass whom surprisingly had not seen a "whole fish". Meaning she had only ever seen the fillet of a fish and not really been served a whole fish in its totality with head and eyes and all.

She freaked out! She literally turned green and when asked why, she said, how can you eat something with the lifeless eyes staring back at you? That in itself highlights the naivety and ignorance of people in general. Or is it plain and simple not wanting to see... If we check within ourselves that is the manner in which our delusions are so strong that we find the most absurd justifications for our actions!


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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2013, 01:02:13 PM »
Shocking reality for all of us. Before i met Buddhism in my early lifehood, i used to eat a lot of meat be it mutton, pork, fishes you name it. The sufferings of these animals killed/slaughtered/enduring the life being in the breeding farm awaiting death would not come to my mind. It is through Buddhism that i chance upon realising the suffering of these animals and came to understand that they have consciousness and does feel the pain. Slowly i cut out meat from my daily consumption as i feel sorry for them and it does give me this guilty feeling if i want to go on a meat diet again and fortunately i managed to control the desire for meat.

DS Star

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Re: Suckling baby piglet... too cute to eat? Maybe not...
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2013, 04:18:59 PM »
OMB... This is really shocking. Shocking not because such acts exists but because such videos and information is out there and yet there is this senseless murder to satisfy a most selfish desire and greed. It has gone beyond a want and a need... it is pure and utter selfish desire because, if we are honest with ourselves, we DO NOT need to eat the poor piglet. Regardless of whatever justifications we give ourselves, it is not right to take another life, especially when there is not an iota of need at all! Sigh.

I remember on a vacation in Asia after university, I was in a beachfront restaurant and they were serving all manners of seafood. At the table, there was quite a variety of friends from all walks of life and nationalities. One of them was an English lass whom surprisingly had not seen a "whole fish". Meaning she had only ever seen the fillet of a fish and not really been served a whole fish in its totality with head and eyes and all.

She freaked out! She literally turned green and when asked why, she said, how can you eat something with the lifeless eyes staring back at you? That in itself highlights the naivety and ignorance of people in general. Or is it plain and simple not wanting to see... If we check within ourselves that is the manner in which our delusions are so strong that we find the most absurd justifications for our actions!

It is shocking when we see the truth...but, unfortunately,we prefer to live in our delusions...

When I posted on my niece's Facebook timeline a video of how seals and baby seals were killed (clubbed brutally on their heads) and their bloods stained the white snowy lands of northern Canada, she deleted it and wrote to tell me to stop posting such videos on her timeline...

My niece lives in Canada, so I thought by posting the video, it will help to cause awareness among Canadians, thus will help to put pressure on their Government to stop such cruelty... but for people like my niece, though they thought the act is horrible but they refuse to see the truth and will never do anything to help change the situation...  :'(