Just do not understand how is prostituting yourself to attract new member is a holy act? It is because these bunch of people using religion as an excuse to feed their own desire? Pity those children who is growing up under this amount of pressure and situation.
While searching for more information regarding the matter, i found the below story:
Rose McGowan Opens Up About Years in CultRose McGowan reveals that she spent the first nine years of her life in a cult in Italy in a shocking new interview.
The Conan the Barbarian star opens up about being a part of the Children of God sect, a group that celebrated free love and prepared for the second coming of Jesus.
The Florence-born star’s parents were members of the sect’s church in the Italian countryside, and while actress remembers the setting as “idyllic” and “pastoral,” she says she knew she didn’t fit in with the group.
“You weren’t allowed to have imperfections,” she explained. “I had a little wart on my thumb, and I remember walking down this hallway – a door opened and some adult grabbed me and just cut it off with a razor blade and stuck me back out in the hallway with it still bleeding.”
The former “Charmed” star also says she wasn’t into the hippie lifestyle, noting to People, “I came out of the womb waving red lipstick,” and also had a big problem with the subservient role of women in the sect.
“I did not want to be like those women,” McGowan states. “There were basically there to serve the men sexually – you were allowed to have more than one wife.”
According to the actress, when the cult began advocating child-adult sexual relations, her father pulled the family out of it, and took them to America.
“My dad was strong enough to realize that this hippie love had gone south,” she explains.
Still, their escape was not easy.
McGowan and her family left the cult in the middle of the night and hid in a stone house. “I remember a man trying to break in with a hammer,” she says.
Years later, McGowan returned to her childhood town with her then-boyfriend Marilyn Manson. “We created quite a stir,” she admits.