Author Topic: Extremist Buddhist Leader  (Read 12336 times)


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Extremist Buddhist Leader
« on: April 09, 2013, 04:11:38 AM »
Nothing Venerable about this leader... Never taught I'd read about an extremist Buddhist leader that has caused much unrest and someone that uses hatred to fight their cause... instead of promoting world peace among the diverse religions, he launches hate campaigns against the muslims... how shameful.


Apr 08, Colombo: Executive committee member Sri Lanka's extremist Buddhist Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organization Dilantha Vithanage announced that a group of BBS delegates will soon visit the United States.

The visitors include the Secretary of BBS Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero and the national organizer Witharandeniye Nanda Thero.

Vithanage told media that the purpose of the visit is to construct a worldwide BBS network.

BBS is a hardline anti US and anti-western Sinhala Buddhist organization which recently launched a wave of hate campaigns against Muslims.

The organizations' vehement campaign succeeded in withdrawing Halal certification from food items. The Organization has further vowed to fight against the head covering of Muslim women.

The militant like organization harassed a BBC journalist and illegally held a Muslim journalist who was covering one of their rallies held in Maharagama.

Bodu Bala Sena's hardline attitude towards other religions has drawn concern from moderate Sri Lankans who fear that a Taliban like group is in the formation if the government and the society fail to take action against the group.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 10:40:16 AM »
It is rather sad that a Buddhist leader can act in such a manner. Any true buddhist will not spread hatred to "fight" for any cause because the basis of Buddhism is that sufferings are cause by hatred, attachment and ignorance. By his campaign he is also spreading and promoting attachment and ignorance as well.
I urge all Buddhist not to support such negative actions and instead promote peace and harmony.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2013, 03:34:55 AM »
The first thought that goes into my mind is where's his compassion.   He has to realise that there will be waves of violences and strikes once he has started the network. I reckon there will  be more harm than good...if so, as a buddhist why do it.  I start to wondering what is his motives...but well, in this degenerate times in samsara, anything can happen.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 04:45:08 AM »
This is what happens when people confuse Buddhism with their cultural identity. They tend to get very insecure over it and they are very afraid that people would take that away from them. In any case, this is not good news and this would be the first fundamentalist Buddhist group in the world...and the first case of Buddhists going backwards instead of forward. Buddhism never encouraged exclusivity or intolerance or to be overly obsessed with 'preserving the purity' to the point of harming others. So it is pretty sad to see this sort of thing happening.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 08:13:51 AM »
Buddhism promotes practices like kindness, love, compassion and etc. toward others.  How could Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) promote hatred against Muslims? It is totally against the Buddhist principles! Hatred eventually leads to war.  The world doesn’t want war, the world wants peace!
The authorities and the Buddhist communities in Sri Lanka must step in quick to prevent BBS from doing further damage and disrepute to Buddhism.  Buddhism advocates the practice of Middle Way not extremism. BBS should learn to live in harmony with Muslims in the country and around the world. 


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 08:48:22 AM »
Another report on these extremist buddhist leader and his group. Kinda sad that they created such poor reputation. Buddhists have always been known to promote peace.... unfortunately, not with this group =(

Apr 11, Colombo: Controversial Buddhist organization in Sri Lanka, Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has raided a clothing store to check for clothes with prints that disrespected Buddhism.

The BBS has reportedly received a tip that a clothing store in Battaramulla sold clothes which carried prints that disrespected Buddhism.

The local media reported that the BBS has found 10 sarongs with the print of the Sacred Tooth Relic and Kandy Perahera on them during the raid on the clothes store.

BBS Coordinator, Ven. Aluththawe Ananda Thero, who was part of the group that carried out the raid, has said that the person or persons involved in demeaning the sacredness of the Tooth Relic should be arrested and brought before the law.

However, personnel from the Thalangama Police had arrived at the scene and requested the Buddhist clergy to leave the premises and assured that an inquiry will be conducted into the incident.

Meanwhile, the BBS has introduced a hotline to seek any clarification on statements reportedly issued by them.

The BBS has said any information regarding statements by the organization could be clarified by calling 0773218677.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2013, 06:20:12 AM »
Another report on these extremist buddhist leader and his group. Kinda sad that they created such poor reputation. Buddhists have always been known to promote peace.... unfortunately, not with this group =(

Apr 11, Colombo: Controversial Buddhist organization in Sri Lanka, Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has raided a clothing store to check for clothes with prints that disrespected Buddhism.

The BBS has reportedly received a tip that a clothing store in Battaramulla sold clothes which carried prints that disrespected Buddhism.

The local media reported that the BBS has found 10 sarongs with the print of the Sacred Tooth Relic and Kandy Perahera on them during the raid on the clothes store.

BBS Coordinator, Ven. Aluththawe Ananda Thero, who was part of the group that carried out the raid, has said that the person or persons involved in demeaning the sacredness of the Tooth Relic should be arrested and brought before the law.

However, personnel from the Thalangama Police had arrived at the scene and requested the Buddhist clergy to leave the premises and assured that an inquiry will be conducted into the incident.

Meanwhile, the BBS has introduced a hotline to seek any clarification on statements reportedly issued by them.

The BBS has said any information regarding statements by the organization could be clarified by calling 0773218677.

That is actually way too much for people claiming to be Buddhist. The Buddha has always reminded his disciples not to be too attached to the doctrine or to the Buddha himself simply because it would not bring any benefit. To conduct raids and to assert Buddhist supremacy goes against the Buddha's teaching as a whole and it is just something that I find really horrible and sickening. Just because they are the majority, it does not make them any more right to do something like this. Gosh, i hope some Buddhists would speak up against them.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2013, 09:31:26 AM »
It is sad and sickening to see people practice extremism, no matter what religion. Yet, this instance of Buddhists adopting a hard-line attitude towards other religions is most unacceptable. It goes against the grain of Buddhism. Buddha taught kindness and compassion and non-violence, as cornerstones of Buddhism. Buddhism is supposed to be the least dogmatic of all religions.

Reflecting on this, we are once more reminded of how anti-Shugdenists, the CTA, and those in the Dalai Lama  camp, have treated Shugden practitioners with violence too. They are 'extremists' who just label Dorje Shugden as a spirit, without justification, and torment and abuse Shugden practitioners who, because of devotion to their Guru, have continued their practice of Shugden, despite the ban.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2013, 04:25:34 AM »
Most Buddhist know that there will always be renegade and rebellious leaders ,as we had during the time of Buddha.Buddhism promotes compassion,non-violence and loving kindness springs from a fundamental selflessness.It is sad to know a Buddhist leader behaved in such a manner.
The Buddha and our teachers preach against violence and to promote peace and harmony.Right intention being one of the important steps in the "eight fold path" in Buddhism.
Once we know what is right,it is so hard to pursue doing what is wrong.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2013, 11:40:12 AM »
What is this world turning into? Buddhists against Buddhists in the ban by the CTA against Dorje Shugden practice and practitioners where so many innocent people humiliated and suffered. Now so called Buddhists in Sri Lanka against people of other faiths. Times and people's minds are really degenerating.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2013, 03:05:14 PM »
This is indeed not a pleasant news. Buddhism is a religion that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on the Buddha's Teachings.  Buddhism promotes world peace, non violence, compassion and  tolerance yet it is a shame to hear of this Buddhist leader behaving like this.

DS Star

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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2013, 04:54:37 PM »
It is sad and sickening to see people practice extremism, no matter what religion. Yet, this instance of Buddhists adopting a hard-line attitude towards other religions is most unacceptable. It goes against the grain of Buddhism. Buddha taught kindness and compassion and non-violence, as cornerstones of Buddhism. Buddhism is supposed to be the least dogmatic of all religions.

Reflecting on this, we are once more reminded of how anti-Shugdenists, the CTA, and those in the Dalai Lama  camp, have treated Shugden practitioners with violence too. They are 'extremists' who just label Dorje Shugden as a spirit, without justification, and torment and abuse Shugden practitioners who, because of devotion to their Guru, have continued their practice of Shugden, despite the ban.

Well-said Vajrastorm. It is indeed very scary to witness such a false "righteous actions" by a religious group. One who uses religion to spread hatred, I cannot accept this person or group as 'champion' for Buddhism; for Buddha promotes compassion, not hatred...

"Though much he recites the Sacred Texts, but acts not accordingly, that heedless man is like a cowherd who counts others’ kine. He has no share in the fruits of the Holy life.

Though little he recites the Sacred Texts, but acts in accordance with the teaching, forsaking lust, hatred and ignorance, truly knowing, with mind well freed, clinging to naught here and hereafter, he shares the fruits of the Holy life
." Buddha (Dhammapada)

Jessie Fong

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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2013, 05:51:47 PM »
A few days before, people were rejoicing on the opening of the largest Buddhist temple in Europe. Sited in Rome, also home to the the largest Mosque in Europe. While in Sri Lanka, a Buddhist leader is going against other religious faiths.

How sad that a religious leader can be part and parcel of such action.  Going against the grain of Buddha's teachings of compassion, peace, non-violence.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2013, 08:02:28 PM »
It is sad to hear that a Buddhist religious leader would do such actions as to anti another religion and causing harm to the practitioners of other religion. Buddhism promotes compassion, peace, harmony and equality. How religious a person is does not mean he is holding a very high position in a Buddhist organisation. This Buddhist leader and the group is clearly not religious at all as they are causing harm to others and it is definitely not aligned with the basic five precepts.
May they gain wisdom and really follow the Buddhist way of promoting compassion, peace and harmony to the society and all beings.


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Re: Extremist Buddhist Leader
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2013, 03:09:15 PM »
Obviously it is not Buddhism that this so called BBS an Extremist Buddhist Leader is preaching. What come around goes around. This BBS is porbably taking advantage of the situation as an opportunity to spread is selfish actions in the name of Buddhism. He is merely using it Buddhism as a front to promote his own ideology. If he is a learned Buddhist, he would understand karma. What he has done will come back to him in the form of karma repercussions.