Author Topic: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West  (Read 7452 times)


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Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« on: April 16, 2013, 08:41:31 PM »
Although this You Tube video is a couple of years old, it goes to show how the Dalai Lama, and along with him, the Tibetan cause has lost tremendous amount of traction in so far as receiving support from the US and the West.

The Unites States Of America is a truly democratic country where the voice of the people are heard and heeded and therefore it is not good news when the people of America, a country which has been the biggest supporter of the Tibetan cause, start to speak out against the Dalai Lama on national television. It would appear that as the Dalai Lama drops in popularity, so does support for Tibet's fight for freedom.

As recent as last year, we learn of US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's stern letter to Dr Lobsang Sangay ( )accusing the Tibetan leader of conspiracy to deny the Tibetans of democracy and that issue has not been resolved. It is only natural that once someone starts doubting the credibility of a person or his cause, others will start digging for stories and this process itself undermines the Tibetan cause.

It is tremendously unfortunate that the CTA has failed to protect the Dalai Lama's reputation and have solely depended on His Holiness to do all the work for the Tibetan cause.  I wonder what the CTA will do now and I wonder how the CTA can continue its fight for freedom and depend on the West once the western nations realize that they have been fooled into supporting a dictatorial government in the guise of a democratic one. What democratic government in the modern world would dare ban a religious practice such as the Dorje Shugden ban decreed by the CTA in 2008?

See video:
The Dalai Lama is a Liar Small | Large

And this to see if the Chinese invasion of Tibet was in fact good for the Tibetans:

Michael Parenti - Dalai Lama is not all he's cracked up to be?

« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 08:56:08 PM by vajratruth »


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 05:10:18 AM »
Although this You Tube video is a couple of years old, it goes to show how the Dalai Lama, and along with him, the Tibetan cause has lost tremendous amount of traction in so far as receiving support from the US and the West.

The Unites States Of America is a truly democratic country where the voice of the people are heard and heeded and therefore it is not good news when the people of America, a country which has been the biggest supporter of the Tibetan cause, start to speak out against the Dalai Lama on national television. It would appear that as the Dalai Lama drops in popularity, so does support for Tibet's fight for freedom.

As recent as last year, we learn of US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's stern letter to Dr Lobsang Sangay ( )accusing the Tibetan leader of conspiracy to deny the Tibetans of democracy and that issue has not been resolved. It is only natural that once someone starts doubting the credibility of a person or his cause, others will start digging for stories and this process itself undermines the Tibetan cause.

It is tremendously unfortunate that the CTA has failed to protect the Dalai Lama's reputation and have solely depended on His Holiness to do all the work for the Tibetan cause.  I wonder what the CTA will do now and I wonder how the CTA can continue its fight for freedom and depend on the West once the western nations realize that they have been fooled into supporting a dictatorial government in the guise of a democratic one. What democratic government in the modern world would dare ban a religious practice such as the Dorje Shugden ban decreed by the CTA in 2008?

See video:
The Dalai Lama is a Liar

And this to see if the Chinese invasion of Tibet was in fact good for the Tibetans:

Michael Parenti - Dalai Lama is not all he's cracked up to be?

I find it funny that LS has yet to respond to that letter and he has chosen to ignore that completely. Hmm. Sounds familiar? Yes, thats what him and the Dalai Lama does to open letters about Dorje Shugden as well. Do that enough times and  people will no longer respect the CTA. By ignoring open letters the CTA creates the cause for more to come their way and eventually when enough of them are sent to them, nobody will be on their side anymore as people wake up to the truth. LS must stop hiding and owe up and be a responsible prime minister.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 02:05:32 PM »
I think another reason why the Dalai Lama is losing ground is because of his stand on the Dorje Shugden ban.  The United States is a democratic country where there is freedom  of religion.  The United States may not want to be friends with someone who bans the practice of a particular Buddha. 

Surely the United States of America will think twice about being friends with the Dalai Lama due to his stance on Dorje Shugden.                                                                                                                                         


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 03:21:36 PM »
This is 3 years old. The loss in faith by the west with regards to the Dalai Lama is seeping in but a bit slow. Dana Rohrabacher was making some noise back in 2012 but re did reacted to the unethical elections held this year.

Quite an interesting read, really.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2016, 07:23:05 AM »
Well, hardly surprising that CTA will ignore the open letters since they don’t have any valid justifications in the first place. Might as well keep quiet since the more they talk the more they seem to tie themselves in knots.

As time goes by more and more are beginning to see the contradictions, it will lead to more questions asked. The more they ignore, the more it works against them. Guess that CTA knowing that the support is diminishing slowly but surely, they are just milking the situation as much as they can.

It would be good if there were more traction but with each western powerhouse having its own internal issues to deal with and this issue not quite significant enough to further their cause, realistically, things will move at a slower pace. Further, with China’s growing economic significance, many would think twice about jeopardising their trade relationships with China on the account of CTA or Dalai Lama. It is not rocket science, by meeting the Dalai Lama, there is no benefit for them (perhaps even detriment), whereas being on good terms with China will bring quite significant benefits.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2016, 10:08:19 AM »
I think another reason why the Dalai Lama is losing ground is because of his stand on the Dorje Shugden ban.  The United States is a democratic country where there is freedom  of religion.  The United States may not want to be friends with someone who bans the practice of a particular Buddha. 

Surely the United States of America will think twice about being friends with the Dalai Lama due to his stance on Dorje Shugden.                                                                                                                                         

This is just so true! It is because of the oppression that H.H. Dalai Lama and the people that represent him that is causing him to lose his grounds. It is just so funny like how in these years that Dalai Lama does not go for events to garner support for Tibetan causes, but now He is in Brussels attending something like that. It just makes you wonder if the rumour that he is gravely sick is true or not.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2016, 08:03:38 PM »
Although the news was in 2012, four years on and the Dalai Lama is loosing even more. Countries are competing to be in China's favour due to the rise in China's political and economic prowess. As such they are careful to keep the Dalai Lama at a distant so as to not incur China's displeasure which may affect their trade agreements. I just find it amazing that after 60 years in exile, the political structure of the Tibetan governing had not changed much to rectify their feudal status. How do they expect to move forward to match the needs of their people in today's world? They are no longer confined within Tibet surrounded by mountains with little access to the outside world, in exile, the Tibetans are now living in host countries and being exposed to how other countries are governed. Using the Dalai Lama in his "God" like status to control the Tibetans and using the ban on Dorje Shugden's practice as a distraction to control their people, CTA has chosen the wrong move. They should have chosen clean governance to elevate their people's standard of living and as such they are better able to support the Free Tibet ideals. Also they should have stop antagonising China to allow a cordial relationship as a platform for dialogue. People judge by actions not talks, so with information so easily available on social media, all of CTA's policies and actions that are against human rights and religious freedom are being exposed worldwide. Now with the Dalai Lama softening his stance on the ban of Dorje Shugden by stating that his life will not be harmed nor the Tibetan Freedom cause, the CTA should swiftly move to follow the Dalai Lama's wishes. It is a way for them to redeem themselves whilst the Dalai Lama is still around to absorb their wrongness.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2016, 03:31:10 PM »
Now with the Dalai Lama softening his stance on the ban of Dorje Shugden by stating that his life will not be harmed nor the Tibetan Freedom cause, the CTA should swiftly move to follow the Dalai Lama's wishes. It is a way for them to redeem themselves whilst the Dalai Lama is still around to absorb their wrongness.

Agree with SabS that CTA should swiftly redeem themselves whilst the Dalai Lama is still around but looking at CTA’s subsequent actions, it doesn’t look like CTA has wizen up to this.

Why else would shortly after such advice from the Dalai Lama’s message, Penpa Tsering (CTA’s representative in USA), be allowed to rally Tibetans to unite together and get rid of Dorje Shugden practitioners (via youtube video)? Even if one tries to conjure up an excuse and claim it is done in his personal capacity, surely such action which blatantly contradicts what the Dalai Lama has said, warrants CTA doing something to stop it rather than no repercussion at all.

After all isn’t going against what was said by Dalai Lama one of the main basis for CTA to persecute Dorje Shugden practitioners all these years?

The other alternative scenario (to CTA not wizening up) is CTA blatantly side stepping this issue in order to continue abusing their power to serve CTA’s own interests. Both scenarios do not bode well (secularly and karmically) for CTA.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2016, 07:04:08 AM »
Now with the Dalai Lama softening his stance on the ban of Dorje Shugden by stating that his life will not be harmed nor the Tibetan Freedom cause, the CTA should swiftly move to follow the Dalai Lama's wishes. It is a way for them to redeem themselves whilst the Dalai Lama is still around to absorb their wrongness.

Totally agree with you Sab. Now is the best opportunity for them to redeem their mistakes but sad to say they are not doing anything positive and constructive. In fact, they have not adhered to the Dalai Lama wishes. Dorje Shugden cannot and will not harm the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan Freedom cause! Why can’t the CTA understand that??? Why are they so stubborn and still refuse to accept the truth??? Why must Dorje Shugden practitioners suffer for CTA’s selfish interest???

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2016, 01:13:21 PM »

Totally agree with you Sab. Now is the best opportunity for them to redeem their mistakes but sad to say they are not doing anything positive and constructive. In fact, they have not adhered to the Dalai Lama wishes. Dorje Shugden cannot and will not harm the Dalai Lama or the Tibetan Freedom cause! Why can’t the CTA understand that??? Why are they so stubborn and still refuse to accept the truth??? Why must Dorje Shugden practitioners suffer for CTA’s selfish interest???

Pgdharma, it doesn't look like the CTA is intending to get any constructive action on towards a better life for the Tibetans. Continuing to make a scapegoat out of Dorje Shugden is just their way to distract the attention of the world away from the fact that the CTA have failed to perform their duties. The westerners are no fools and they would not support any government that rob their citizens of their religious freedom. This is so worrisome but I see it is just a matter of time when the financial aids from the West would also dwindle.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2016, 04:31:24 PM »
Indeed, the westerners are no fool but it does appear some influential ones were willing to play the fool and support CTA likely due to their hidden agendas against China in the early days. However, with China’s growing economic significance, such people are changing tactics and no longer find it worthwhile to continue supporting the idea of CTA being a pain to China or even hindering China.

In fact, now, many would think twice about jeopardising their trade relationships with China on the account of CTA or Dalai Lama. Hence, we see the receptiveness to Dalai Lama in the West is not as open and warm as before with many even turning down Dalai Lama’s visit. Even President Obama has been carefully distancing himself from ruffling China too much (so much as that the US President is receiving Dalai Lama via backdoor literally

As it now stands, mostly for the world at large, there is no longer any benefit in meeting the Dalai Lama but likely detriment (some even shunning the Dalai lama’s visit), whereas being on good terms with China will bring quite significant benefits.

Thus, fair to say that the donations and financial aids from the West are slowly drying up judging from the dwindling support and now it is just a matter of time for CTA.


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Re: Dalai Lamai losing ground in the West
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2016, 04:36:43 AM »
In a way, you can say Dalai Lama is losing ground because the Tibet issue has been dragged for so many years, but HH Dalai Lama still has his charm and image of peace. Also, USA and Europe countries are using HH Dalai Lama as a tool to bargain or "balance" the rising of China. Personally it is sad to see HHDL is being used as a tool by the western countries against China, but on the other hand, it still bring Buddhism to a greater height. So, it is multi-fold.

To make things worse, China has risen to a great power and huge economy entity where every country wants to be friend with. Many people are getting financial help from China to execute big projects in their own country. Therefore I feel the Free Tibet is a failed project.