Author Topic: Buddhist leaders use technology to reach masses  (Read 9413 times)


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Re: Buddhist leaders use technology to reach masses
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2013, 05:33:53 AM »
To spread the Holy teachings, monks can't help but to embrace technology. Of course having a face to face teaching is far more personal but is cannot compare to the reach that can be obtained if the same teaching is to be posted on YouTube !

First it is very effective as the teaching need to be given once and to be recorded. Once on You tube, it can be viewed by countless individuals repeatedly if need be.

Secondly the teaching can be completely perceived, it can benefit people even after the monks is gone into clear light

Thirdly, the teaching can be presented directly to the viewer, perceiving its content without the risk of errors in transcription

Néed I say more?
Down with the BAN!!!