Author Topic: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows  (Read 11290 times)


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History was made in South India at Sera Je Monastery when a 38-year-old Indian woman named Barkha Madan, who works as a model and Bollywood actress, became one of the first non-Himalayan Indian Tibetan Buddhist nuns in FPMT.

Barkha asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche to ordain at the end of his long life puja in early November 2012, during a photo session. “Is it good for me to ordain for the benefit of everyone?” she asked. “Good,” was Rinpoche’s reply paired with a thumbs-up. That evening there was a refuge ceremony in which Barkha participated. Wanting to ask Rinpoche again, she offered a khata with a letter requesting ordination. Rinpoche smiled and asked Ven. Roger, Rinpoche’s secretary, for the divination dice. “Maybe you should wait…” he hesitated. “Actually, tomorrow morning with Choden Rinpoche comes out best.”

Stunned, Barkha’s mouth hung open. “I jumped in my skin,” she told me later, having expected more time to prepare for ordination like Connie, the other young women who would be at the ceremony.

Although Ven. Robina, her mentor, had told her, “When the right time comes, you will ordain,” she was concerned that her family had not been informed and that she was scheduled to go on a three-month tour to promote her film, which was to be her livelihood, in addition to some savings, for her future life as a nun. She was afraid of what the media would make of a Bollywood star on tour in robes and a shaved head.

The three of us tossed around problems and solution back and forth: “I believe your mother loves you and wants to see you happy.” “A wig and a beautiful maroon gown in the first month; robes for the next two months.” “Do I have khatas and envelopes?” “Connie has extra robes you can use.” “Why don’t you go to Choden Rinpoche and find out when his next ordination ceremony would be?” But the conversation eventually ended with, “I don’t want to wait too long, after all, I could die tonight.”

Back in her room, Barkha could not sleep. She reached out to Lama Zopa Rinpoche in prayer to help her make up her mind. She felt Rinpoche’s energy enter her heart, and the next morning, after an early breakfast, she called Ven. Namjong at the Sera IMI House (FPMT’s house at Sera Monastery), and asked him, “Where do I go after ordaining as an Indian nun?”

In Indian culture, parents and family are very important so she called her mother. When she hesitantly expressed her wish, her mother replied, “What are you waiting for? Go for it.” This was her green light!

She met Connie at 8 a.m. to ask for her extra set of robes. Connie ran as fast as lightening, and they together arrived at Choden Rinpoche’s with little time to spare. After obtaining Rinpoche’s permission, Ven. Namjong buzzed off her long hair in minutes at Sera IMI House across the road. The whole process – hair cutting, quick shower, and robes – took 15 minutes. As Ven. Namdak was giving her a breakdown of the vows, her body began to shake and blissful tears began to pour down her face. After a few more last-minute instructions, she entered the room, saw Rinpoche and “melted.” Six other participants took getsül vows with her.

Later, when I saw her, she looked like she had always been a nun, except for her bright red nail polish on her fingers and toes. (The monks from Sera IMI House didn’t have, unsurprisingly, nail polish remover!) Although some people thought it was too rushed, she reports that most people were supportive, especially her sister who came from Bangalore to stay for a few days after her ordination.

Now Ven. Gyalten Samten, she remains as beautiful as she is strong, kind, unpretentious and gentle, and she has great faith in Lama Zopa Rinpoche. She felt like she was taken by the hand and guided “to this end” and feels that her being a nun will come out well for all sentient beings. “There is no turning back,” she said. “On November 4, 2012, at 11:20 a.m., I was reborn.”

Ven. Gyalten Samten has starred in four Bollywood films, acted in 20 TV shows and produced one film. Lama Zopa Rinpoche told her that promoting her most recently released film in robes would be good and has given her much personal instruction to help her on the path.

By Ven. Ingrid Norzin Braun


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2013, 03:46:56 AM »
Rejoice! She has what she wants... Fame and money yet she gives it up to be ordained. I am very happy for her as her family gave her the blessings to be a nun. The question that stood out was... “Is it good for me to ordain for the benefit of everyone?” She wants to be a nun for others and not for herself and her respect for the Sanghas. She inspires me to be like her. May she always be blessed!


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2013, 04:59:36 AM »
This is a beautiful inspiring article,a journey of an incredible woman named Barkha Madan.As Bollywood actresses are cashing their craze into scores of rupees by acting in them,she chose to give up everything from fame,wealth to be ordained as a nun.
Rejoice to her and may her spiritual journey blossom due her wisdom and faith in the Dharma to inspire and benefit many .

Jessie Fong

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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2013, 07:57:05 AM »
Barkha Madam aka Ven. Gyalten Samten knew deep inside her that she wanted to be a nun. So when the time was right, it just happened. She inspires a lot of women who have the wish to became Sangha members.

She may have given up her fame & wealth but she received much more in return.

May she continue in her spiritual journey to inspire and benefit many.


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2013, 08:58:26 AM »
Good news! An actress willing to let go everything to be a nun in such a short time is trully amazing. i think when the seeds ripenned nothing can stop that and just go with the flow. She will definately inspire others with her fame and popularity she will bring dharma to more now.


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2013, 09:50:08 AM »
Ven Gyalten Samten looks very nice in her robes. I'm glad she didn't hesitate. Karma can change with different conditions. Being a celebrity, she will be an inspiration to women who have similar aspirations. She also demonstrates great faith in and devotion to her guru.


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2013, 06:38:26 PM »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche had asked Ven. Gyalten Samten to promote her most recently released film in robes knowing that it will benefit her and the general public. Bollywood is an environment that thrives on the Eight Worldly Concerns.  Her fans and the general public would be interested to know why a successful and famous movie star would end up being a nun! Ven Gyalten Samten could make use of her past experience as a famous Bollywood star to attract people to Buddhism. She can show the World that living as a nun is better than being a movie star in Bollywood!


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2013, 08:07:00 PM »
What a beautiful account of someone who has worked so hard to gain fame and fortune to let go and to choose the path of spiritual with the motivation of benefiting others!  :D

I can feel that is eager wanting to become a nun but has fear that something may hold her back if she didn't become one as soon as possible. As can be seen, doubt, one of our delusions, is starting to take hold because she is consciously choosing a spiritual path instead of a worldly path.

The most impact to me is I don’t want to wait too long, after all, I could die tonight. Seriously we can die in our next breath. There is no time to delay. Not deciding, or choosing virtues, means, we have decided on non-virtues. Our mind at this current stage operated very much on duality. Therefore it is very paramount to consciously think through, decide on this seemingly unimportant thoughts.


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2013, 05:42:27 PM »
Good to know some of the rich and famous who is with so much fame and influence can gained realization and transformed themselves to served the Dharma entirely. It is very fortunate that we have so many High Lamas out there in the world which are very compassionate to teach Dharma to us. With the rich and famous jumped on to the Dharma boat it can be very well inspiring for some to find out more in regards of Buddhism. Rejoice!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2013, 10:27:53 AM »
This is so beautiful and inspiring. A pretty and successful film star who have starred in four films have decided to put behind all the glitter and glamour of stardom to pursue something higher: spirituality. Miss Barkha Madan's decision to renounce the samsara world definitely sent a strong message to the world that there is more to life than just making lots of money and indulging oneself. May she inspire more young and successful individuals to choose the spiritual paths.


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2013, 12:05:24 PM »
It is remarkable for someone to be able to gain realization and becoming a nun under such ‘circumstances’ of living in the world of fame and wealth. Having achieved notable accolades in the entertainment industry in India did not deter Bakha Madam or rather Ven. Gyalten Samten to renounce herself and focusing on her spiritual path from now on. I am very sure that she has given herself and her family members the best gift in her current life by becoming a nun for the benefit of others. Perhaps this was all pre-meditated: Barkha's motivation of gaining fame and then renouncing it all was to inspire others that if she can make it, so can others. May she remain steadfast for the Dharma and inspire many more to Dharma.



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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2013, 06:55:40 AM »
Its beautiful to see someone in the showbiz to have such huge realization and inspiration to become a nun.She knows what she want in life, for this lifetime. I believe she has contemplated well before she decided on this journey which is not easy for anyone if we doesnt have enough merits.


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2013, 08:27:11 AM »
Wow... this is amazing. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story of Ven Gyeltsen Samten, lovely ordination name for a very inspiring person.

It's always wonderful to see someone choosing a monastic life over their samsaric lives... and in her case, as a famous Indian Actress, she certainly found more meaning living life in accordance with the path to enlightenment rather than fueling her life with samsaric desires. Rejoice, for such greatness has bloomed in someone's mind... the ability to realize the benefits of being ordained over becoming a super star!


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2013, 02:45:27 AM »
This is a very nice news indeed because it shows that an actress that has fame and money give them up for something higher in life  - enlightenment and peace of mind, and the fact that she has fame and money and she is still unhappy and that she can give it up for Dharma! that's something to rejoice indeed! This story reminds me of this one as well:

Zina is Ordained
From 1967: Thubten Yeshe Meets a Russian Princess by Adele Hulse, Big Love author:

Lama Yeshe: “Zina had decided to become a nun. I thought that was a good idea. But since according to the Vinaya, novice ordination requires the participation of at least four monks in addition to the preceptor, Lama Zopa and I couldn’t do it ourselves, so we went to Dharamsala to ask His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He couldn’t do it either but arranged for some other lamas to ordain her…”

Thubten Yeshe and Zopa Rinpoche returned to Darjeeling and then went to Calcutta to meet up with Zina. This trip must have given them their first sight of the ocean. The trio then traveled to Dharamsala. There they went to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama and make offerings. This was only the second time Zopa Rinpoche had seen His Holiness; the first time had been outside the Dalhousie school, when he had come to meet Mrs. Bedi.

During this audience, Zina took off all her jewelry and offered it to the Dalai Lama. Afterward, her thick blonde hair was shaved off and on 31 July 1968 she was ordained by Kyabjé Trijang Rinpoche at his home, Nowrojee Kotee Villa. She was given the name Thubten Changchub Palmo.

Two weeks later, on August 14, 1968, traveling papers issued by the Indian government arrived for Thubten Yeshe and Zopa Rinpoche. The papers stated that “Serjhey Thubten Zipa Tulku R.C. No 284/Buxa and Serjhey Thubten Yeshey R.C. No 869/Buxa are invited to Ceylon for one year by Mrs. C. Rookes, St. George, Kandy, who will meet the cost of their journey and also their maintenance in Ceylon.”

Yet after all that, they did not go. Lama Yeshe: “For some reason I felt uneasy about going to Ceylon, so I suggested to Zina that we go to Nepal instead. It was close to Tibet and beautiful, peaceful and quiet. Environment is very important and I thought that since Zina was now a nun, she needed to be where she could lead a simple life. Taking ordination alone is not enough; after leaving life in the big samsara, you need time to adjust to life as a monk or nun, and your surroundings are very important in this.”

There were additional reasons why they did not go. Ceylon and Tibet adhere to traditions of Buddhist practice—known respectively as Theravadan and Mahayana—which, although they derive from a common source, evolved along different lines. Endeavoring to establish a Mahayana monastery in a Theravadan country may therefore have resulted in difficulties. As well, Ceylon’s climate was hot and humid and Zopa Rinpoche’s health was still quite fragile. Also, Zina no longer controlled large sums of money; in fact, she was often close to broke.

But they couldn’t stay in India, either. Indian government spies still watched Zina’s every move. Four or five spies lurked constantly, and another, who had a classic curly moustache, had even sat with them in the same train carriage on their way to Dharamsala. The Indian government refused to give Zina another visa.

So it was decided they should go to Nepal, where Lama Zopa had been born. Nepal had other advantages—there were mountains, and it was cold and beautiful and close to Tibet. So they left Dharamsala and traveled to Delhi where Zina put them all up in the new Hotel Oberoi Intercontinental. They arrived in Nepal in October 1968. A message was rapidly dispatched to Losang Nyima in Buxa to please come and bring the rest of their belongings, which consisted mostly of Tibetan pecha (loose-leaf Tibetan texts).

Many of Thubten Yeshe’s peers were deeply shocked that a monk of his stature would walk out of his monastery before completing his geshe degree and run off to Nepal with an Inji female. But every move Thubten Yeshe made was personally approved by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his two tutors, Kyabjé Ling Rinpoche and Kyabjé Trijang Rinpoche.

Zopa Rinpoche was his constant companion and Thubten Yeshe committed himself totally to this exceptional student. That year, the committee at Buxa decided to make early nominations for the geshe exam entrants; they included Thubten Yeshe’s name in that list. But he never returned to Buxa. When his classmates and friends received their geshe degrees, they remembered their friend. “This was how he had chosen to use his time,” said Geshe Jampa Tegchok. “There is a lot of waiting around for the geshe degree and he was already very knowledgeable in all the subjects. In fact, he had all the qualifications of a geshe and many monks called him by that title despite his never officially receiving the degree.”

Once again Thubten Yeshe had made his own decision against the advice of others, such as his teacher Geshe Sopa, who had advised him to stay on and complete the degree. “But he left anyway, taking Lama Zopa, who also had to study. And then they met this Zina!” said Geshe Sopa. It was all most irregular.

Zina herself was a very famous actress in her heyday


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Re: The “Bollywood” Nun: An Indian Actress Takes Ordination Vows
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2013, 03:59:23 PM »
Ven Gyalten Samten certainly looks very nice in her robes. I am very happy for her steadfastness for Dharma. She did not hesitate and became a nun for the benefit of other sentient beings which i feel is the best gift she had ever offered to her loved ones especially parents. Being a well known figure in the entertainment industry, she will be the figure of focus in why for a woman of such status would choose for a life in nun hood.