Author Topic: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama  (Read 13075 times)


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Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:07:36 PM »

The Tibetan Government being held by mostly uneducated and unexposed group of individuals who did not perform well unfortunately. Even if they had the intent, they cannot perform beyond their lack of exposure to the outside world and more advanced forms of governments. Their corruptions and self-serving attitudes brought down the last ‘Shangri-la’ in the world.

Tibetans have left their homeland in 1959 due to the high corruptions of the aristocrats and until now are unable to return, stranded in India and scattered like ants throughout the planet. They claim China aggressively took over their country, being the case as it is, how is another country able to simply take over a country? Why didn’t other countries come to their aid? How could this happen? Where was the United Nations? Obviously the government of Tibet in the past were inept to claim their place in the modern world as well as hold on to their sovereignty. Today’s Tibetan youths in India and Nepal still verbalize their wish to return to their homeland. What is stopping them? Return as and when you please welcomed the Chinese Government. Why can’t Tibetans obtain their country back? Again obviously the so called Tibetan Government-in-exile are ineffective to ‘reclaim’ their country.

As much as the world and media adore His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, no one is willing to stick their necks out to back up Tibetan ‘independence’. All G-7 states and majority of countries in the world as well as the United Nations are officially firm in their policies that Tibet is an inalienable part of China. They will not interfere in China’s internal affairs.

Instead of working towards the betterment of their countrymen in forms of education, health, job opportunities and so on, Tibetan Government consistently find scapegoats to place blame on the continued loss of their country and failures. Current reasons cited as to why Tibet is still not independent is because majority of monasteries and people are worshipping the Powerful Protector Dorje Shugden! Dorje Shugden is harmful to Tibet’s independence and H.H. Dalai Lama’s life they vehemently promote in public speeches, on their websites and pamphlets distributed by the tens of thousands. How they came to this illogical conclusion is anyone’s guess.

Dorje Shugden has been worshipped by majority of Gelugpas and the Sakya patriarchs as well as Sakya monasteries for 350 years now. Even the Panchen Lamas propitiate this Deity. Suddenly Dorje Shugden is found out to be harmful! Dorje Shugden seems to have escaped undetected by countless highly realized lamas of both Gelug and Sakya lineages in hundreds of monasteries for 350 years and suddenly he is deemed harmful? How can hundreds of realized Scholars, masters, throne-holders, Geshes, teachers, hermit monks, Abbots for 350 years not realize Dorje Shugden is ‘harmful’? How can no one have the spiritual attainments to detect this? And if detected why was Dorje Shugden’s worship so prevalent and widespread? It is unbelievably ridiculous to assume only the Dalai Lama has the spiritual powers to detect which being is positive or negative. Even assuming the Dalai Lamas are the highest spiritual authority, we can see clearly the Great 13th Dalai Lama trusted, heeded and carried out the advice of the great Dharma King Dorje Shugden in 1932.

We were presented with a piece of information that clearly reveal the inconsistencies of the Tibetan Government now known as CTA now. CTA is short for Central Tibetan Administration still located in the hill town of Dharamsala in Northern India. Since 1959 the Tibetan government has been called the Exiled Tibetan Government. A further blow to the dignity of the Tibetans and the ego of the Tibetan ministers, the Indian Government due to pressure from China insisted a further downgrade to CTA. Tibetans are unable to call their ‘rulers’ in Dharamsala an exiled Government but simply CTA. The newly ‘elected’ Prime Minister in-exile has been downgraded to Head Administrator of the CTA.

This piece of writing is extracted from “THE GARLAND OF JEWELS: Chronicles of the Successive Emanations of Lord Lokeshvara”. In this it is explained clearly how His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama trusted and respected the advice of Dorje Shugden via the medium (oracle). The advice given to 13th Dalai Lama was carried out extensively and thoroughly with great urgency from Dalai Lama himself.

If you read the texts clearly, you will notice clearly the following inconsistencies:.....

Bloody hell... if a govt can change an entire historical record to suit their and when up to their whims and fancy, what does it tell you about the "authorities" you put your life and welfare in????

If they can wipe out such a historical event, imagine what they can do to you if they do not like you? Oh my gawwwdness.  And this is exactly what's happening with Shugden practitioners in India!!! They are eliminated and alienated!

If it is like this, might as well go get another citizenship and govt. It is after all a freedom of choice! Why have a government that you cannot trust and that could probably back stab you any time. In fact hey, doesn't this sound like communism? The more I think about it the more it is disturbing!!!

Time for a new Government perhaps?


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2013, 07:56:44 PM »
Well, after reading this article, it's show clearly how ungrateful the Tibetan goverment-in-exile (aka CTA now)is. This book was approved and published by the Tibetan Goverment-in-exile's printing house in Dharamsala in 1984, and it stated clearly, HH The 13th Dalai Lama actually accepted and followed the advise from Dorje Shugden in order to stop some emergency obstacles of the entire Tibet.

But this is all forgotten after the Tibetan escaped from Tibet after 1959. The protector that protected the nation and people turn into a demon that will shortent HH The 14th DL's life over night. If Dorje Shugden really wanted to kill or harm HH Dalai Lama, why does't DS do it during 13th Dalai Lama's time or much earlier the 5th Dalai Lama time ? Are from the 5th - 13th Dalai Lama have no power to know DS is harmful (if he is)? Only 14th Dalai Lama able to realised this, this is so illogical.

While CTA ban Dorje Shugden's practice or its practitioners, they are saying all the lineage masters who practice DS for hundred of years are wrong, which also means they broken their samaya with their teachers. A lot of obstacles will appear if one lost respect or saying bad things behind one's spiritual master or even trying to harm them. By doing this smart action, CTA themself have collected more than enough bad karma that they will never got their holy land, monasteries, mountains, rivers back.

If their samaya with their guru is not clear, more obstacles will appear and come back to harm them. I'm not a Buddhism scholar but it's sound just so logic. In one hand they want their country back, in the other hand they are contributing more obstacles for their welfare, isn't that funny ??

CTA should stop spread the news that DS will shortent HHDL's life, because if he's the real HHDL, no one can harm him. Also the more disharmony CTA created, the longer their wish will come true. Well, I can wait to see CTA total vanish in this earth.

diamond girl

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2013, 09:36:35 PM »
How much more evidence is required for the CTA and the world who preach that Dorje Shugden is "evil" to just see, understand and lift this nonsense Ban??

So true that if a government can enforce anything they feel is "right" at the expense of morale and humanity, they should be banned themselves? Why don't other countries ban the CTA? Give the CTA a taste of their own medicine. BAN CTA!

May someone with sense and compassion read this article and this whole website and please lift this Ban... enough suffering already. There are more problems in this world to think about like global warming! Save the Planet, Lift the Ban.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2013, 07:30:46 AM »
Well, on the flipside, perhaps the Tibetan government had a role to play in the bigger scheme of things. If Tibet would not have been lost, the Dharma would have remained in Tibet and would only be practiced by an elite few. The Chinese forced the lamas to travel and brought the Dharma to almost every corner of the world. Sangha and practitioners from many nationalities have emerged and there's a lot of translations going on to elucidate the Dharma for the people at large. Thanks to the inept and archaic Tibetan government and diplomacy, Tibet was lost to China but the world gained the Dharma.

Even right now as the Tibetan government which is now dubbed CTA or Central Tibetan adminsitration continue to uphold a silly archaic ban on Dorje Shugden, China is obvious allowing Dorje Shugden's practice ato thrive in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Perhaps, they see them as a political weapon or a balancing force within the Tibetan political scene both in Tibet and the community in India. Whatever it is, it is inadvertently spreading Buddhism in a manner that is sanctioned and perhaps even encouraged by the Chinese leaders. Therefore, what appears to be negative is actually bringing about tremendous benefit. It will become even more apparent in time.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2013, 04:39:31 PM »
How much more evidence is required for the CTA and the world who preach that Dorje Shugden is "evil" to just see, understand and lift this nonsense Ban??

So true that if a government can enforce anything they feel is "right" at the expense of morale and humanity, they should be banned themselves? Why don't other countries ban the CTA? Give the CTA a taste of their own medicine. BAN CTA!

May someone with sense and compassion read this article and this whole website and please lift this Ban... enough suffering already. There are more problems in this world to think about like global warming! Save the Planet, Lift the Ban.

Unfortunately to the Dalai Lama's fanatics, they would dismiss such historical evidence as lies as they cannot accept the fact that Dorje Shugden is not, in their minds, satan. those who are weak minded would require someone to blame their misfortunes to and unfortunately many of these find Dorje Shugden a very convenient target just because the Dalai Lama said so. In this 'battle', it is more about educating people to see the truth rather than to believe in what the Dalai Lama fanatics say regarding Dorje Shugden as they tend to spread misinformation about Dorje Shugden and Gelugpa a lot.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 03:00:32 PM »
Well, on the flipside, perhaps the Tibetan government had a role to play in the bigger scheme of things. If Tibet would not have been lost, the Dharma would have remained in Tibet and would only be practiced by an elite few. The Chinese forced the lamas to travel and brought the Dharma to almost every corner of the world. Sangha and practitioners from many nationalities have emerged and there's a lot of translations going on to elucidate the Dharma for the people at large. Thanks to the inept and archaic Tibetan government and diplomacy, Tibet was lost to China but the world gained the Dharma.

Even right now as the Tibetan government which is now dubbed CTA or Central Tibetan adminsitration continue to uphold a silly archaic ban on Dorje Shugden, China is obvious allowing Dorje Shugden's practice ato thrive in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Perhaps, they see them as a political weapon or a balancing force within the Tibetan political scene both in Tibet and the community in India. Whatever it is, it is inadvertently spreading Buddhism in a manner that is sanctioned and perhaps even encouraged by the Chinese leaders. Therefore, what appears to be negative is actually bringing about tremendous benefit. It will become even more apparent in time.

Nahhhhh hahaha... Big Uncle as positive as we should be about the whole shebang... I really do think the Tibetan Government are not very "SMART". Hence the lost of their country. However, their ignorance was a conducive condition that ripened for the "enlightened" ones to use as required ingredients to ripen and  burst out in to the world!!!

So I would say... the good karma of the Tibetans have ran out and their bad ones caught up with them because in Dharma we learn, you own your own karma and not even the all the Buddhas can help you if you do not purify them yourself. So I guess they are going through a purification process as a whole but what would they be collecting if they keep on condemning the "Enlightened ones" like Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen, like Trijang Rinpoche, Panchen Lama, Gangchen Rinpoche, Domo Rinpoche, the Abbot of Shar Gaden etc etc... If you can collect merits by serving, praising, respecting these highly attained Lamas then surely you can collect negative karma and demerits from having negative thoughts, speech and action about these highly attained Lamas... that is only logical!

So having said all that the Tibetans aren't very smart cos they are not playing it safe, because they still ban, harass and make life difficult for Shugden practitioners! Can you imagine that people would give His Holiness Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche nasty stairs and the CTA made it very very difficult for Trijang Rinpoche to do anything.. to the point that people were attacking His Ladrang and throwing stones at His house until He had to escape and move to Switzerland and then eventually to Canada! So yeah imagine their Karma there!?!



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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2013, 03:12:53 AM »
Well, on the flipside, perhaps the Tibetan government had a role to play in the bigger scheme of things. If Tibet would not have been lost, the Dharma would have remained in Tibet and would only be practiced by an elite few. The Chinese forced the lamas to travel and brought the Dharma to almost every corner of the world. Sangha and practitioners from many nationalities have emerged and there's a lot of translations going on to elucidate the Dharma for the people at large. Thanks to the inept and archaic Tibetan government and diplomacy, Tibet was lost to China but the world gained the Dharma.

Even right now as the Tibetan government which is now dubbed CTA or Central Tibetan adminsitration continue to uphold a silly archaic ban on Dorje Shugden, China is obvious allowing Dorje Shugden's practice ato thrive in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Perhaps, they see them as a political weapon or a balancing force within the Tibetan political scene both in Tibet and the community in India. Whatever it is, it is inadvertently spreading Buddhism in a manner that is sanctioned and perhaps even encouraged by the Chinese leaders. Therefore, what appears to be negative is actually bringing about tremendous benefit. It will become even more apparent in time.

Nahhhhh hahaha... Big Uncle as positive as we should be about the whole shebang... I really do think the Tibetan Government are not very "SMART". Hence the lost of their country. However, their ignorance was a conducive condition that ripened for the "enlightened" ones to use as required ingredients to ripen and  burst out in to the world!!!

So I would say... the good karma of the Tibetans have ran out and their bad ones caught up with them because in Dharma we learn, you own your own karma and not even the all the Buddhas can help you if you do not purify them yourself. So I guess they are going through a purification process as a whole but what would they be collecting if they keep on condemning the "Enlightened ones" like Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen, like Trijang Rinpoche, Panchen Lama, Gangchen Rinpoche, Domo Rinpoche, the Abbot of Shar Gaden etc etc... If you can collect merits by serving, praising, respecting these highly attained Lamas then surely you can collect negative karma and demerits from having negative thoughts, speech and action about these highly attained Lamas... that is only logical!

So having said all that the Tibetans aren't very smart cos they are not playing it safe, because they still ban, harass and make life difficult for Shugden practitioners! Can you imagine that people would give His Holiness Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche nasty stairs and the CTA made it very very difficult for Trijang Rinpoche to do anything.. to the point that people were attacking His Ladrang and throwing stones at His house until He had to escape and move to Switzerland and then eventually to Canada! So yeah imagine their Karma there!?!

The CTA has been engaging in activities that inhibit the growth of the Dharma for centuries. Remember how they shut off Chakya Rolpa Dorje's ladrang and incarnation because he was getting more popular and richer than the Dalai Lama? Or who could forget how Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen was demonized and killed because Sangye Gyatso thought he as a threat to the Dalai Lama's popularity. All of these actions will definitely create immense negative bad karma and it has to ripen. That is how Tibet was lost to China and now the CTA will stand to lose even more if they continue these pathetic actions.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2013, 04:44:12 AM »
Well, on the flipside, perhaps the Tibetan government had a role to play in the bigger scheme of things. If Tibet would not have been lost, the Dharma would have remained in Tibet and would only be practiced by an elite few. The Chinese forced the lamas to travel and brought the Dharma to almost every corner of the world. Sangha and practitioners from many nationalities have emerged and there's a lot of translations going on to elucidate the Dharma for the people at large. Thanks to the inept and archaic Tibetan government and diplomacy, Tibet was lost to China but the world gained the Dharma.

Even right now as the Tibetan government which is now dubbed CTA or Central Tibetan adminsitration continue to uphold a silly archaic ban on Dorje Shugden, China is obvious allowing Dorje Shugden's practice ato thrive in Chinese-ruled Tibet. Perhaps, they see them as a political weapon or a balancing force within the Tibetan political scene both in Tibet and the community in India. Whatever it is, it is inadvertently spreading Buddhism in a manner that is sanctioned and perhaps even encouraged by the Chinese leaders. Therefore, what appears to be negative is actually bringing about tremendous benefit. It will become even more apparent in time.

Nahhhhh hahaha... Big Uncle as positive as we should be about the whole shebang... I really do think the Tibetan Government are not very "SMART". Hence the lost of their country. However, their ignorance was a conducive condition that ripened for the "enlightened" ones to use as required ingredients to ripen and  burst out in to the world!!!

So I would say... the good karma of the Tibetans have ran out and their bad ones caught up with them because in Dharma we learn, you own your own karma and not even the all the Buddhas can help you if you do not purify them yourself. So I guess they are going through a purification process as a whole but what would they be collecting if they keep on condemning the "Enlightened ones" like Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen, like Trijang Rinpoche, Panchen Lama, Gangchen Rinpoche, Domo Rinpoche, the Abbot of Shar Gaden etc etc... If you can collect merits by serving, praising, respecting these highly attained Lamas then surely you can collect negative karma and demerits from having negative thoughts, speech and action about these highly attained Lamas... that is only logical!

So having said all that the Tibetans aren't very smart cos they are not playing it safe, because they still ban, harass and make life difficult for Shugden practitioners! Can you imagine that people would give His Holiness Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche nasty stairs and the CTA made it very very difficult for Trijang Rinpoche to do anything.. to the point that people were attacking His Ladrang and throwing stones at His house until He had to escape and move to Switzerland and then eventually to Canada! So yeah imagine their Karma there!?!
I am not being positive. That's the truth. I never said that this was planned by the Tibetan government so please don't interpret wrongly. What the Tibetan government and its latest incarnation, the CTA, will definitely have to face their karma. That's for sure.

But I am talking about the effects of the fall of Tibet, has brought and carried Buddhism all over the world. The Dorje Shugden ban, although designed to stamp out the practice has resulted in just the total opposite. Lamas who practiced either emigrated, went underground or has joined Serpom or Shar Gaden. As I had said earlier that the direct result of the ban has also allowed China to be opened to Dorje Shugden Lamas and monasteries. So, if CTA really wanna do something to stop this, stop the ban. Simple.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2013, 04:48:53 AM »
The CTA has been engaging in activities that inhibit the growth of the Dharma for centuries. Remember how they shut off Chakya Rolpa Dorje's ladrang and incarnation because he was getting more popular and richer than the Dalai Lama? Or who could forget how Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen was demonized and killed because Sangye Gyatso thought he as a threat to the Dalai Lama's popularity. All of these actions will definitely create immense negative bad karma and it has to ripen. That is how Tibet was lost to China and now the CTA will stand to lose even more if they continue these pathetic actions.


Please share how the does the shutting of ladrangs and the murder of Sangye Gyatso caused Tibet to be lost to China? That part is a little stunted and devoid of explanations. I really do not see any co-relation between those crimes committed against a few High Lamas and TIbet as a whole. Please explain as many people would like to know. Thanks


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2013, 05:14:56 AM »

Please share how the does the shutting of ladrangs and the murder of Sangye Gyatso caused Tibet to be lost to China? That part is a little stunted and devoid of explanations. I really do not see any co-relation between those crimes committed against a few High Lamas and TIbet as a whole. Please explain as many people would like to know. Thanks

A High Lama has the potential to benefit thousands of people, if not millions. To cut short the spiritual works of a high Lama would be the same as denying these thousands or millions of people a chance for spirituality and true happiness. That is the reason why these high lamas are respected and if we praise and pray to them and we will gain good merits from that, surely shutting down their ladrangs and bad mouthing them would bring upon huge amounts of negative karma as well, right?

Trijang Rinpoche has said clearly that the invasion of Tibet was brought upon with the destruction of Reting Rinpoche's monastery and his murder, that the karma from that action broke the last straw.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2013, 05:07:29 AM »

Please share how the does the shutting of ladrangs and the murder of Sangye Gyatso caused Tibet to be lost to China? That part is a little stunted and devoid of explanations. I really do not see any co-relation between those crimes committed against a few High Lamas and TIbet as a whole. Please explain as many people would like to know. Thanks

A High Lama has the potential to benefit thousands of people, if not millions. To cut short the spiritual works of a high Lama would be the same as denying these thousands or millions of people a chance for spirituality and true happiness. That is the reason why these high lamas are respected and if we praise and pray to them and we will gain good merits from that, surely shutting down their ladrangs and bad mouthing them would bring upon huge amounts of negative karma as well, right?

Trijang Rinpoche has said clearly that the invasion of Tibet was brought upon with the destruction of Reting Rinpoche's monastery and his murder, that the karma from that action broke the last straw.

Does it mean that history will repeat itself with the closure of Trijang Ladrang in Dharamsala? The TGIE back then dismissed all of the people inside of Trijang Ladrang and destructed the building.

Taking into consideration how many people have benefited from the teachings of the late Trijang Dorje Chang, TGIE has degraded itself to CTA and what would be its future?
Harry Nephew

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2013, 05:14:09 AM »
Does it mean that history will repeat itself with the closure of Trijang Ladrang in Dharamsala? The TGIE back then dismissed all of the people inside of Trijang Ladrang and destructed the building.

Taking into consideration how many people have benefited from the teachings of the late Trijang Dorje Chang, TGIE has degraded itself to CTA and what would be its future?

Unfortunately for the CTA, history has indeed repeated itself and the future does not seem to be very bright for them due to them shutting down Trijang Ladrang. Personally, I feel that it was done for the sake of greed as Trijang Ladrang would have contained a lot of expensive items and offerings that were inherited from the previous Trijang Rinpoche and CTA needed the money. They have done this to Chankya Rolpa Dorje before, so i am not surprised if they would do the same thing now.

In any case, CTA is digging their own grave, karmically.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2013, 04:24:18 AM »
Looks like the Tibetans in exile are getting further away from their path to getting their independence and own country back. All these due to the fact they are ruled by a group of mainly uneducated people running the so called government. What is really sad is these Tibetans are following the pronouncement by their government blindly because they are not educated and believe all the promises their leaders made to them, including the misleading statement that worship of Dorje Shugden is hindering the process of getting their independent country back from China. Hopefully the CTA will come to their senses to let the Tibetans have the real freedom to practice the religion/deities of their choice. Which means the lifting of the ban on Dorje Shugden. Maybe then they will get their independence from China too.


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2013, 04:35:50 AM »
I would like to reiterate that the story of how HH 13th Dalai Lama had heeded and followed Dorje Shugden's advice as to how to avert a takeover of Tibet by China, does show up an inconsistency in the current  behavior of HH 14th Dalai Lama, who must surely be of the same mind-stream of his previous incarnation.Where his previous incarnation had paid full heed to Dorje Shugden's advice and thus warded of imminent danger of Tibet's takeover by China, why is it that HH the 14th Dalai Lama takes a totally opposite stance and puts a ban on Shugden practice, claiming that it was for the best interest of his well-being and the cause of Tibet's freedom?

Again, how can HH the 14th Dalai Lama have written the beautiful praise and prayer to Dorje Shugden "Melody of the Unceasing Vajra", showing unmistakenly his great devotion to Dorje Shugden , at one time, and now take a 180-degree turn and condemn Shugden as a spirit and placing  a ban on his practice?

Such inconsistency and such contradiction in behavior can only be explained in terms of "the bigger picture". But while that has yet to unfold,many Shugden practitioners are suffering tremendously from the ban and their subsequent ostracism from mainstream Tibetans. This is such a mockery of the declaration by CTA of democracy and religious freedom for Tibet and all Tibetans !


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Re: Dorje Shugden assists the Great 13th Dalai Lama
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2013, 04:37:01 AM »
Looks like the Tibetans in exile are getting further away from their path to getting their independence and own country back. All these due to the fact they are ruled by a group of mainly uneducated people running the so called government. What is really sad is these Tibetans are following the pronouncement by their government blindly because they are not educated and believe all the promises their leaders made to them, including the misleading statement that worship of Dorje Shugden is hindering the process of getting their independent country back from China. Hopefully the CTA will come to their senses to let the Tibetans have the real freedom to practice the religion/deities of their choice. Which means the lifting of the ban on Dorje Shugden. Maybe then they will get their independence from China too.

The CTA has got the upper hand on all these things because the entire nation is not a well-educated nation with proper education system in order to empower the people to think for themselves. Rather, a very simple minded follow suit mentality which does not bring any of the community and people to a higher state of living and mentality.

What brings people to the next level is feeding them with information and skills for them to upgrade themselves to the next level of living. There can only be benefit out of this for the immediate and future generations, what more needs to be said about protecting the CTA's image and effort?

If the root of the problem is not addressed, let's not dwell on any fact of getting independance for the Tibetans because in the root of the problem, nothing is done to rectify the subject matter.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!