Author Topic: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad  (Read 11144 times)


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The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« on: May 15, 2013, 06:37:14 PM »
I cant believe no one has mentioned this article yet on our forum here! China, sending a lama abroad to teach? Hang on a minute! Arent they meant to be atheist... ? So why are they getting so involved with religious affairs, sending lamas here and there to teach... and paying for the monasteries to be rebuilt? Sounds like their doing a lot more for Tibetan Buddhism and culture, than the Tibetans themselves are doing.

The irony is, if the Tibetans stopped self-immolating and causing unrest, the Chinese could focus on rebuilding the country. As it is, the Chinese are so fearful of investing there because of the instability... every time something crops up, the Chinese clamp down. Is that what Tibetans want, a country without any forms of modernisation? I cant imagine what they wish to go back to if they ever got back their lands... would all these modern time Tibetans born in exile be able to hack a life in the old romanticised Tibet theyve got floating about their heads?


The First Lama That China Sent Abroad

By: Mar Nee

In December 2012, Lama Jampa Ngodup Wangchuk Rinpoche became the first Tibetan lama to be appointed by the Chinese Government to travel on an official trip abroad to give Dharma teachings in Switzerland. He was even received by officials of the Chinese consulate in Zurich upon his arrival.

Lama Jampa Ngodup is a highly respected lama and is instrumental in the resurgence of Buddhism as the whole and promotion of Dorje Shugden’s practice in China through his large-scale teachings and initiations, such as the Dorje Shugden sogtae, to thousands of monastic and lay practitioners there. By officially nominating him to travel abroad to teach, this would mean that the Chinese government is openly encouraging the proliferation of Buddhism, China’s ancient heritage and Dorje Shugden’s practice. This claim is further supported by Chinese blogger Ji Xiang who claims that the practice of Dorje Shugden in particular is growing rapidly in China.

Lama Jampa Ngodup arrived in Switzerland to a warm welcome from H.E. Gonsar Rinpoche and his retinue of students

In Switzerland, Lama Jampa Ngodup was accorded such great respect that H.E. Gonsar Rinpoche personally received him at the airport and also escorted him in the traditional way with a golden parasol and incense into his center, Rabten Choeling. Lama Jampa Ngodup was then seated respectfully on a throne and the traditional offerings of body, speech and mind were offered to him before the teachings.

During his visit at the center, Lama Jampa Ngodup met with many practitioners – lay and ordained – including many esteemed scholars and masters like H.E. Rabgyä Rinpoche (Geshe Rabten’s unmistaken incarnation) and the great scholar and prolific debate master Gyumed Kensur Sonam Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Even world-famous healing lama H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche and Lama Michel Rinpoche flew to Switzerland to join when they heard that Lama Jampa Ngodup was giving teachings there.

Opening Doors
This event marks a significant shift in China’s strict policing of Tibetan monks. They are allowing Lama Jampa Ngodup to revitalise the teachings in China and also to travel because he has no affiliations with the Dalai Lama or the CTA (Central Tibetan Administration) due to his Dorje Shugden practice. Thus, it appears that the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has actually opened the doors for Tibetan lamas to promote Buddhism and Dorje Shugden’s practice within China and abroad.

Putting politics and bans aside, isn’t this precisely what the Tibetan government and people want for their lamas? To protect the Sangha and spread the Dharma in Tibet, China and beyond? If it is, then the Tibetan government must consider a different approach to their Chinese counterparts so that their own lamas can benefit not just Tibet’s 6 million but also China’s 1.2 billion population and the rest of the world. Wouldn’t that be something incredibly beneficial to rejoice in?

Lama Jampa Ngodup is so well respected, he was even received by the Chinese Consulate General from Zurich, Liang Jianquan

What the CTA do not realize is that while they have expended so much energy on suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners and curbing their Dharma activity, these Shugden lamas are flourishing strongly everywhere else in the world. Instead of shying away from the Chinese, these Shugden lamas have taken the bull by the horns and strived instead to develop much friendlier relationships with China. Because of this, they are now being allowed to practice and teach broadly throughout China, bring Dharma to the millions of people there, and even begin to spread it to the rest of the world too.

It remains to be seen what else in 2013 these great Shugden lamas will accomplish as Dorje Shugden takes to the stage as the world’s rising Protector. With the firm and established existence of large Dorje Shugden monasteries in China like Gonsa Monastery in Kham, we can only expect that more and more lamas from these monasteries will soon be traveling abroad to spread the teachings.

... with loads of brilliant pictures in the article here!


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2013, 05:11:20 AM »
Wow I am very touched by al the pictures and accompanying text because usually in Tibetan temples there's always this very strong anti Chinese sentiment that creeps around ( well, with temples and cultural fascination comes politics! and racism!) but you dont see here. It is very unusual to see a Tibetan Lama and Chinese people in western countries come together. What is more heart touching is to see  how much in harmony the westerners are, sitting in the talks and how Gonsar Rinpoche greeted Lama Jampa. CTA does not know what they are missing out on, truly.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 04:45:21 PM »
Communism basically removed religion out of their equation. When China starting to adopt materialism, and since people are not spiritual, it created a lot of issues in the society. Therefore, China is now getting back the religion because it has proven that people who are with religion commit less crime.

However, many masters, including Venerable Xing Yun, has said many times that is difficult to spread Dharma in China, and it is even more difficult to spread than Christian. I would say the reason is Tibetan related, and it is indeed very sad to see that Tibet is the cause of Dharma not spreading fast in China :(

We need to resolve this Tibetan issue soon for Dharma to spread far and wide!


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 05:04:57 PM »
DharmaDefender what a gem you have found! Thank you. Yes as Chinese grow in stature, economically and culturally only makes sense for them to let the world know things that they are proud to have within their borders.

And one of those tings they are proud to have is no other that the great Lama Ngodup Wangchuk Rinppche. This article made me realise there was a lot of work done by the Chinese to pave the way for this Rinpoche to visit outside of China. I truly believe this lama is all about spreading buddha dharma and not concerned about politics. for the Chinese face, prestige is ever so important they would have been very careful to determine which Lama they can send out and which one they can't. And they picked one who is loyal to Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden's lineage.  If the lama was all about name, fame, Tibetan independence and etc he would have sought asylum in an embassy situated in Switzerland itself, he was all for the spreading of dharma.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 04:03:51 AM »
Communism basically removed religion out of their equation. When China starting to adopt materialism, and since people are not spiritual, it created a lot of issues in the society. Therefore, China is now getting back the religion because it has proven that people who are with religion commit less crime.

However, many masters, including Venerable Xing Yun, has said many times that is difficult to spread Dharma in China, and it is even more difficult to spread than Christian. I would say the reason is Tibetan related, and it is indeed very sad to see that Tibet is the cause of Dharma not spreading fast in China :(

We need to resolve this Tibetan issue soon for Dharma to spread far and wide!

Buddhism is one of the few official recognized religions in China and from there, we can see that China is turning to religion and spirituality more and more as an antidote to the aftereffects of the cultural revolution. With that said, it is definitely harder to be Buddhist than to be another religion because Buddhism forces us to look at the truth instead of telling us that someone will save us and all we need to do for salvation is to pray to that being or person. As such, many people would usually turn away and defect to an 'easier' religion instead. I wouldnt say its Tibetan related because Buddhism is well established in China anyway. it's because most people are unable to face the truth.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 05:39:44 PM »
Very exciting news... totally rejoice to see this...

Lama Jampa Ngodru Rinpoche, is one of the most influential lama of our time from Tibet, especially in Kham area. He is famous for his understanding our many different lineage, especially DS practice. The current reincarnation of Zemey Rinpoche also received DS life entrustment initiation (sogtae) from Lama Jampa Ngodru. (read more here: [url][/url] )

It's very great to see all this real lama, who only focus on spreading the teaching of lord Buddha instead of getting involve in politic, bringing more Dharma to different people from all over the world. Lama like Jampa Ngodro promote practice inner and outer peace to people?not independence of Tibet. Why should a Lama get involve in any political stand, which monk suppose to be free from all mundane activities. Even Buddha Shakyamuni himself need to let go of his royal background which he suppose to be the Ruler of ancient India, so when monk should take up any political duty?

It's nice to see China government is developing more and more Tibet monastery and support the growth of Dharma, at the same time support Sangha member to rebuild people inner peace. China is growing and if we really want Dharma to grow, why don't just work with China government hand in hand to bring inner and other peace to millions.

It' sad to see CTA who suppose to bring happiness to Tibetan will not do anything for their people, but just adding pressure to Dorje Shugden practitioners, which caused some of them need to separate from their family for years.

I'm not a Tibetan, but I just hate when people using Dharma/spiritual to gain political power, it's totally against the Buddha teaching. Well once again, thanks for posting this wonderful news....     



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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 05:40:46 PM »
Very exciting news... totally rejoice to see this...

Lama Jampa Ngodru Rinpoche, is one of the most influential lama of our time from Tibet, especially in Kham area. He is famous for his understanding our many different lineage, especially DS practice. The current reincarnation of Zemey Rinpoche also received DS life entrustment initiation (sogtae) from Lama Jampa Ngodru. (read more here: )

It's very great to see all this real lama, who only focus on spreading the teaching of lord Buddha instead of getting involve in politic, bringing more Dharma to different people from all over the world. Lama like Jampa Ngodro promote practice inner and outer peace to people?not independence of Tibet. Why should a Lama get involve in any political stand, which monk suppose to be free from all mundane activities. Even Buddha Shakyamuni himself need to let go of his royal background which he suppose to be the Ruler of ancient India, so when monk should take up any political duty?

It's nice to see China government is developing more and more Tibet monastery and support the growth of Dharma, at the same time support Sangha member to rebuild people inner peace. China is growing and if we really want Dharma to grow, why don't just work with China government hand in hand to bring inner and other peace to millions.

It' sad to see CTA who suppose to bring happiness to Tibetan will not do anything for their people, but just adding pressure to Dorje Shugden practitioners, which caused some of them need to separate from their family for years.

I'm not a Tibetan, but I just hate when people using Dharma/spiritual to gain political power, it's totally against the Buddha teaching. Well once again, thanks for posting this wonderful news....     


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2013, 09:14:07 AM »
Very exciting news... totally rejoice to see this...

Lama Jampa Ngodru Rinpoche, is one of the most influential lama of our time from Tibet, especially in Kham area. He is famous for his understanding our many different lineage, especially DS practice. The current reincarnation of Zemey Rinpoche also received DS life entrustment initiation (sogtae) from Lama Jampa Ngodru. (read more here: )

It's very great to see all this real lama, who only focus on spreading the teaching of lord Buddha instead of getting involve in politic, bringing more Dharma to different people from all over the world. Lama like Jampa Ngodro promote practice inner and outer peace to people?not independence of Tibet. Why should a Lama get involve in any political stand, which monk suppose to be free from all mundane activities. Even Buddha Shakyamuni himself need to let go of his royal background which he suppose to be the Ruler of ancient India, so when monk should take up any political duty?

It's nice to see China government is developing more and more Tibet monastery and support the growth of Dharma, at the same time support Sangha member to rebuild people inner peace. China is growing and if we really want Dharma to grow, why don't just work with China government hand in hand to bring inner and other peace to millions.

It' sad to see CTA who suppose to bring happiness to Tibetan will not do anything for their people, but just adding pressure to Dorje Shugden practitioners, which caused some of them need to separate from their family for years.

I'm not a Tibetan, but I just hate when people using Dharma/spiritual to gain political power, it's totally against the Buddha teaching. Well once again, thanks for posting this wonderful news....   

The Tibetans, are unfortunately still human and they do use Buddhism to further their political causes by claiming that China is preventing their people from practicing Buddhism when in actual fact, China does allow, only that they do not allow the worshipping of the Dalai Lama. Well, the Dalai Lama may be the king of Tibet, but there are many other Buddhas and Lamas worth of refuge so if the worship of HHDL is not allowed, it wouldnt be blocking religious freedom because it is the law of the land. But unfortunately, this was twisted by the CTA into making China look like they are oppressing the Tibetans when in actual fact, it is just the CTA using religion to justify their cause.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2013, 02:40:38 PM »
This is such a great news! Rejoice!

China government has been very cautious in religious practice within China especially after the incident of Fa-Lun-Gong. It is a big step for China to sending Lama aboard to spread Dharma!

In addition, Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche is a highly respected lama in China. Having studied under the masters Jampa Genga and Rinchen Gonpo Rinpoche at Sera Monastery in Tibet, Lama Jampa Ngodrup is particularly known for his powerful Lamrim teachings and his spread of Dorje Shugden’s practice.

Now with the support from China government, can’t wait to hear more about Lama Jampa spreading Dharma around China and the world!

For more info about Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche :


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2013, 08:06:09 AM »
This is such a great news! Rejoice!

China government has been very cautious in religious practice within China especially after the incident of Fa-Lun-Gong. It is a big step for China to sending Lama aboard to spread Dharma!

In addition, Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche is a highly respected lama in China. Having studied under the masters Jampa Genga and Rinchen Gonpo Rinpoche at Sera Monastery in Tibet, Lama Jampa Ngodrup is particularly known for his powerful Lamrim teachings and his spread of Dorje Shugden’s practice.

Now with the support from China government, can’t wait to hear more about Lama Jampa spreading Dharma around China and the world!

For more info about Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche :

If China sends more and more lamas abroad, it would basically shoot down CTA's claim that China is suppressing religious freedom. And when that happens, CTA will lose even  more credibility to their claims, and eventually nobody will believe CTA anymore and they will start questioning the polices of the CTA. When that happens, they can forget about their whole independence movement. With that said, I am really happy to see that such Lamas do exist and are doing Dharma work to spread the Dharma around the world, with all the lineages intact and focusing completely on the Dharma and nothing on politics. This should be the way.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2013, 03:42:37 PM »
What an amazing piece of news! Atheists sending monks abroad to teach? Strange scenario but nevertheless positive move. However, why did China send it's first Buddhist emissary abroad to a Dorje Shugden temple instead of so many other non-DS centres in Europe? Politically motivated or not, I still pray that many more monks will be sent abroad to teach.



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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2013, 05:00:28 AM »
What an amazing piece of news! Atheists sending monks abroad to teach? Strange scenario but nevertheless positive move. However, why did China send it's first Buddhist emissary abroad to a Dorje Shugden temple instead of so many other non-DS centres in Europe? Politically motivated or not, I still pray that many more monks will be sent abroad to teach.

I wouldnt say this as politically motivated because non DS Tibetan Buddhist centers around the world, especially in the west are usually anti China at the same time and are pro Tibetan independence and as such, they would find it ridiculous to invite a China endorsed monk into their gompa. Of course, this is more or less, politics talking in more ways than one and their complete failure of identifying that the Dharma is a lot more than just tibetan independence alone. There is also a very high possibility that  most of these centers would think that it is just another attempt from China to brainwash the masses due to the lack of exposure, wisdom, equanimity and knowledge about the whole situation as a whole.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2013, 09:14:37 AM »
The Chinese Government was being astute in sending the first Tibetan Lama to a western country, which would be more acceptable of Lamas sent by them. Great Masters and Lamas, like HE Gonsar Rinpoche, have already built a strong support and following of Tibetan Buddhism through their monasteries and centers in the West. In the case of HE Gonsar Rinpoche, it would have been through his center, Rabten Choeling.

True enough, when Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche arrived in Zurich, he was accorded a grand and warm welcome by HE Gonsar Rinpoche and his students. Furthermore, world-renowned Masters, like HE Gangchen, flew in to meet him , and so did Lama Michel Rinpoche. There to meet him were other great Masters too like HE Rabgyae Rinpoche and Gyumed Kensur Sonam Gyaltsen. Even Chinese officials in the consulate in Zurich also gave him a warm reception.

Sending abroad a great Tibetan Master, Lama Jampa Ngodrup, establishes the Chinese Government's sincere interest and  engagement in Buddhism. Lama Jampa Ngodrup, one of the few great Lamas,who chose to remain behind in Tibet when it was invaded by the Chinese, has earned the great respect of both Tibetans and the Chinese by being an erudite scholar as well as  by his great compassion in spreading the Dharma far and wide in China. Despite  suffering tremendously in the hands of the Chinese, he was without rancour. After his release, he worked tirelessly to ensure that the Dharma of Je Tsongkhapa's lineage remain firm on what was now Chinese soil.

Most of all, as a devoted practitioner of Dorje Shugden, he  also untiringly spread the Shugden practice far and wide.

Thus, while CTA was busy bashing at Shugden practitioners and vehemently enforcing the ban on them, Lamas ,like Lama Jampa  Ngodrup, were wasting no opportunity to promote Tibetan Buddhism, Je Tsongkhapa's teachings and Dorje Shugden practice. Now with the strong support and endorsement of the Chinese Government, the Dharma and Shugden practice will surely flourish in China. Furthermore, by sending Lama Jampa Ngodrup abroad to teach the Dharma , China is also encouraging the spread of Dharma  and Dorje Shugden practice abroad.

When will the CTA ever wake up to the reality of all this, and lift the ban on Shugden?


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2013, 09:53:27 AM »
The Chinese Government was being astute in sending the first Tibetan Lama to a western country, which would be more acceptable of Lamas sent by them. Great Masters and Lamas, like HE Gonsar Rinpoche, have already built a strong support and following of Tibetan Buddhism through their monasteries and centers in the West. In the case of HE Gonsar Rinpoche, it would have been through his center, Rabten Choeling.

True enough, when Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche arrived in Zurich, he was accorded a grand and warm welcome by HE Gonsar Rinpoche and his students. Furthermore, world-renowned Masters, like HE Gangchen, flew in to meet him , and so did Lama Michel Rinpoche. There to meet him were other great Masters too like HE Rabgyae Rinpoche and Gyumed Kensur Sonam Gyaltsen. Even Chinese officials in the consulate in Zurich also gave him a warm reception.

Sending abroad a great Tibetan Master, Lama Jampa Ngodrup, establishes the Chinese Government's sincere interest and  engagement in Buddhism. Lama Jampa Ngodrup, one of the few great Lamas,who chose to remain behind in Tibet when it was invaded by the Chinese, has earned the great respect of both Tibetans and the Chinese by being an erudite scholar as well as  by his great compassion in spreading the Dharma far and wide in China. Despite  suffering tremendously in the hands of the Chinese, he was without rancour. After his release, he worked tirelessly to ensure that the Dharma of Je Tsongkhapa's lineage remain firm on what was now Chinese soil.

Most of all, as a devoted practitioner of Dorje Shugden, he  also untiringly spread the Shugden practice far and wide.

Thus, while CTA was busy bashing at Shugden practitioners and vehemently enforcing the ban on them, Lamas ,like Lama Jampa  Ngodrup, were wasting no opportunity to promote Tibetan Buddhism, Je Tsongkhapa's teachings and Dorje Shugden practice. Now with the strong support and endorsement of the Chinese Government, the Dharma and Shugden practice will surely flourish in China. Furthermore, by sending Lama Jampa Ngodrup abroad to teach the Dharma , China is also encouraging the spread of Dharma  and Dorje Shugden practice abroad.

When will the CTA ever wake up to the reality of all this, and lift the ban on Shugden?

probably never. CTA is in a perpetual self denial over the whole independence of Tibet situation. The only reason why they want to promote the ban and promote it so strongly is because HHDL said Dorje Shugden harms the Tibetan independence. But in what way? this is not explained, and the CTA and Tibetans just believe it just like that without questioning or without using their logic to reason it out. If the Dalai Lama or Nechung has not said that, I doubt that the CTA could care less about the Dorje Shugden ban, but at the same time it also shows how stupid they are and how little thought they actually put into anything they do or any of the policies that they implement. This is another very bad trait of theirs.


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Re: The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2013, 03:00:04 PM »
Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche, the first Lama to be sent abroad, by the Chinese Government, to spread the Dharma, is seen yet again, on a tireless route of preserving and spreading the Dharma beyond Tibet to the four corners of China. Here he is seen giving teachings on the Lamrim in Chengdu. The 17-day teachings were attended by 80 students including 8 Mahayana monks and nuns. The presence of these 8 Mahayana monks and nuns does show clearly that Gelug Lamas are not sectarian at all.

On the occasion of giving teachings on the Lamrim(Liberation in the Palm of Your Hands), it is only right and proper that Lama Jampa should give DS initiations. Dorje Shugden arose as a Protector to protect Je Tsongkhapa's teachings; and the Lamrim is central to Je Tsongkhapa's teachings. Lama Jampa also gave the Amitayus initiation.  Amitayus iniitation is for health and long life. Longevity and good health are so very necessary for a dharma practitioner , as she treads the Path, lifetime after lifetime, to Full Enlightenment.

Dorje Shugden is truly the Protector of this degenerate age, as was predicted by the 16th Karmapa and great masters, like Lama Jampa Ngodrup Rinpoche, continue tirelessly to  spread and promote His practice, alongside promoting and spreading the lineage teachings of Je Tsongkhapa.