Author Topic: Monk loses protection?  (Read 10849 times)


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Re: Monk loses protection?
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2013, 07:21:45 AM »
Well, actually I believe that this whole incident has really got nothing to do with Dorje Shugden or the practice and I don't see how this makes Dorje Shugden look bad. Perhaps, Ensapa can explain further why he would say this. I think it makes the Chinese government look bad for its obvious cruel manner in which they torture people in order to get information out of their captives. Torture is a very primitive and authoritarian method to get information out of a captive.  I think it was valid that they arrest him but I do not agree to torture and the subsequent murder of the suspect. That would reflect very badly on the Chinese government and would perhaps encourage even more protests.                                                                                                                             

based on the other report, it seems that the videos of the Dalai Lama that was found on the monk were of the Dalai Lama denouncing Dorje Shugden. The interesting thing here is that how did the CTA know? Obviously with the other report, it is pretty clear that the CTA set everything up. This 'cleaned up' version does not have it. One thing for sure, tthis cleaned uo version makes the Chinese look bad for killing someone who has already been arrested, something that they should not have done and they should have exercised more restraint, especially when it comes to human life.


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Re: Monk loses protection?
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2013, 10:16:05 AM »
It is just not right for anyone to kill any Sangha member. It is not only morally wrong, but it is also very bad to be killing a Sangha.

Even if the monk has posted positive things about the Dalai Lama, it is the choice of the monk. The Chinese do not have any rights to be controlling what the monk chooses to believe. Although it is in fact wrong for the monk to be promoting the Dalai Lama in China.

I believe that there is such karmic effects on the monk is because of the negative karma he has accumulated by leaving his monastery when he know that they practice Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Monk loses protection?
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2013, 05:05:30 AM »
It is totally wrong and cruel to inflict harm on another human being regardless of position, color or creed. While the Chinese police were wrong in their action, the same is said of the CTA in supporting the ban on Dorje Shugden and taking matters into their own hands by furthering the ban via physical and verbal abuse to Dorje Shugden's practitioners. All this happening within the Buddhist community, which Lord Buddha taught love and compassion, forgiveness, patience and tolerance, etc. We are still living in the Dark Ages.


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Re: Monk loses protection?
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2013, 07:17:54 AM »
In China, it is a serious offence if one is found possessing the Dalai Lama's picture, video or book as these materials are of sentimental value and heartaches to the Tibetans would lead to create uprisings and riots against the Chinese government.  Hence the Chinese government implements strict rule to control the Tibetans by prosecuting them if found of these materials. 

Lord Dorje Shugden's protection shines on everyone but if you reject the Lord, you are rejecting protection.  Likewise the monk had rejected Lord Dorje Shugden and hence protection.


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Re: Monk loses protection?
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2013, 10:06:00 PM »
Chengdu - Tibetan man arrested for possesion of Dalai Lama's speech

September 25: Reports have emerged that a Tibetan man has been detained by the Chinese authorities in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, in May last year for alleged possession of Dalai Lama's speech.

A native of Welpen township in Machu County, Lobsang Namgyal, 26, was arrested from a market in Chengdu city where he was doing a part-time job, said Lhamo Kyab, a former political prisoner living here. “However after 9 months of his disappearance, Chinese authorities informed his family members about his detention in Chengdu city,” Kyab added.

Lobsang’s family was told that he was arrested for printing “politically sensitive documents” and being in possession of speeches by the exiled Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, according to Kyab.

Lobsang’s family members were told that Lobsang had committed a “serious crime” and were barred by Chinese authorities to provide him food and clothes in the detention centre.

In 2008, Lobsang was arrested with many other Tibetans for staging a peaceful protest in Machu County but was released later.

In 2011, after completion of his schooling, Lobsang had written a book titled Tsol (search)

Gabby Potter

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Re: Monk loses protection?
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2015, 10:56:59 PM »
I think that it's very unfair for a person or in this case, a monk who wants to practise what he wants to because he has great faith in Dorje Shugden getting beaten up. I mean how could you beat up a sangha? OMG...people are so mean, evil and malicious.