Author Topic: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water  (Read 14319 times)


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Here's more evidence of China's moral decay:

Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
by Fauna on Monday, May 13, 2013 169 comments

From NetEase:

Guizhou Man Abused Own Daughter for 5 Years: Head Scalded with Boiling Water, Mouth Sewn with Fishing Line
Scalding head with boiling water, sewing mouth with fishing line, pricking fingers with needles… When such cruel torture that can only be seen in Red Crag are put to use on an 11-year-old little girl’s body, what kind of thoughts would you have? Xiao Li of Jingsha county Shichang town Goupi village has suffered this kind of abuse for 5 years, the perpetrator being her own father. After receiving the report, the local police station arrested Xiao Li’s father, while a Xiao Li covered with injuries was admitted to the hospital for medical care. At present, the relevant investigation is undergoing.

Abusing his own daughter, evil father detained

May 8th, pig gelder Master Fu was walking on a small road in Goupi Village of Shichang town of Jinsha county as usual when suddenly he saw a little girl standing on the side of the road talking to herself, occasionally hurling abuse towards pedestrians who passed her. Master Fu approached her and saw that the little girl had scars all over her body, her scalp without a single spot unscarred, a ghastly sight. From those around him, he learned that the little girl is called Xiao Li, is just 11 years old, and as a result of long-term beating and abuse from her father, she has already become absent-minded/withdrawn.

A villager told him, that neighbors in Shichang town Goupi village have long known about the treatment Xiao Li has experienced, and everyone has admonished Xiao Li’s father before, but it has all been for naught. Owing to sensitivity to a fellow villager’s face, everyone has found it difficult to get involved in this “private household matter”.

Indignant Master Fu immediately reported the matter to the police.

Around the same time, Xiao Li’s paternal grandfather also walked through the Shichang police station doors, no longer able to endure [the abuse of his granddaughter], previously worried of misgivings between father and son, of making private family problems public, but afraid of his daughter sooner or later dying in his son Yang XX’s hands.

Soon after, Yang XX was apprehended by police just as he was going to the market in the village. In the face of police interrogation, Yang Shihai admitted the evil acts he committed against Xiao Li for years. Xiao Li too was admitted to the Shichang town hospital to receive medical treatment.

Shichang town police chief Fang Xuping explains that at present, Yang XX has already been administratively detained, the police are currently investigating and collecting evidence, and shall in accordance with the forensic appraisal of the injuries administer justice against Yang XX in accordance with the law.

Suffered verbal abuse and physical beatings, often hungry

Inside the Shichang hospital ward, this reporter met Xiao Li. If it weren’t for the doctor’s introduction, no one would have believed this withdrawn, wound-covered, emaciated little girl is already 11 years old.

The hospital-issued hospitalization records say in the 6 years prior to the child patient entering the hospital, her father has often used wooden sticks, ropes, and such things to hoist the child victim up to be beaten, used sewing needles to prick the child’s fingers and arms, causing injuries to the child’s soft tissues all over her body, and what more, often let the child go hungry, causing the child’s development to be poor, nutrition to be poor, and her entire body being thin, with multiple scars on her face. Most of the hair on the top of her head no longer grows, with abnormal skin temperature and humidity, poor elasticity, and some of her wounds are infected, with pus leaking out.

According to the recollection of Xiao Le’s grandmother, after Xiao Li’s parents gave birth to her, they left home [typically moved to another part of the country] for work, so Xiao Li lived with her grandfather and grandmother, until her parents returned to their hometown when she was 5 years old.

Being separated for many years and finally being able to be reunited with one’s parents is, for many “left-behind” children in impoverished mountain areas, supposed to be a very happy thing. However, this was the beginning of Xiao Li’s nightmare, and the moment this nightmare started, it went on for 5 years.

The grandmother says Xiao Li is the family’s eldest child, with 1 little sister and 3 little brothers. Like many children in the rural village, Xiao Li started helping with household chores at the young age of 5, waking up every day at dawn to go out and cut hogweed, then go to school, coming home after school in the evening to do other household work.

She doesn’t remember when it began but Xiao Li often was yelled at by her parents, and her diligence and hard work not only did not get her parents’ forgiveness but escalated the verbal abuse to beatings.

In addition to verbal abuse and beatings, Xiao Li also often did not get enough to eat, sometimes only eating one meal a day.

One day, when Xiao Li came home from school and was preparing to eat, Xiao Li’s father wrestled her rice bowl away from her, saying to her: “Don’t eat rice, eat the vegetables instead, leave the rice for your younger brothers.” As a result of not eating enough long-term, Xiao Li’s size resembles that of an average four to five year old child.

Scalded head with boiling water, unbelievably claiming it was to get rid of daughter’s lice

“He sometimes even beat me along with her, using tobacco stems hitting my back, hitting my head with pot lids…” As Xiao Li’s grandmother brought these up, old tears began flowing. Seeing her precious granddaughter suffering such vicious abuse, she too tried stopping her son, but to no avail. What made her even more terrified was that when she could no longer bear the beatings, Xiao Li would run to her grandmother’s house to take refuge. but Yang XX would chase her to her grandmother’s house, and even beat his own 72-year-old mother as well.

As for why her son often violently hit her granddaughter, the old grandmother was unable to say the reason why as well. She says maybe it is because of [her son's] preference for sons over daughters, but in short, Xiao Li would always be beaten by her son for various excuses.

One time, Yang XX took a book, pointed at a word in the book for Xiao Li to read. Xiao Li, who is just in second grade, simply doesn’t recognize this character, but this too became a reason for Yang XX’s rage: Don’t even recognize many characters, so why go to school! So it became yet another beating, and what more, often there was variety: Using fishing line to sew the mouth, kneeling on a ground covered with broken glass, pricking the fingers with needles… To this day, Xiao Li is riddled with scars all over her body.

October 17th last year, Xiao Li came home after going into the mountains to cut hogweed, and before she could eat, Yang XX without explanation picked Xiao Li up by both her legs and pressed her head into a pot of boiling water. Xiao Li’s screaming, begging, struggling, none of it stayed her father’s hand.

After a Goupi village cadre heard of this, he immediately reported it to the police. When asked why he did such a vicious thing to his own daughter, Yang XX tried to argue: He discovered a lot of lice in his daughter’s hair, so using boiling water to scald her head was to get rid of her lice.

According to Shichang town police chief Fang Xupin’s recollection, according to Yang XX’s statement at the time, plus Xiao Li’s injuries not being severe, the police conducted criticism education [lectured], and ordered him to immediately take Xiao Li to the hospital for medical care, as well as having him write a letter of guarantee [a written pledge].

However, this didn’t stop Yang XX. After returning home, he continued to use various reasons to beat/abuse Xiao Li. The lack of hair and terrifying scarred scalp on Xiao Li’s head are a result of a second, more intense “scalding with boiling water”.

Town government and netizens intervene to help

Shichang town Party Organizing Committee member Chen Yuefang explains that after the incident occurred [was reported to police by Master Fu and Xiao Li's grandfather], the town Party Committee and government placed high importance on the matter, with the town police on one hand organizing police forces to arrest Yang XX, and on the other hand rushing to Goupi village to take Xiao Li to the town hospital. When Jinsha county’s Women’s League received news, the immediately arranged for various relevant leaders to visit Shichang Town to visit Xiao Li.

Weibo netizen @??? rushed to the scene at the first moment possible, to visit Xiao Li, and used the internet to call on everyone to give their attention to this matter. She says she has already organized some volunteers and plans to use collecting donations and other methods to provide help to Xiao Li. The thing that is worrisome is that in consideration of Xiao Li’s grandfather and grandmother’s ages already being so old, the matter of Xiao Li’s rearing and education will encounter some difficulties, so she hopes the government as well as kind-hearted people can give Xiao Li even more concern and care.

Regarding this, Chen Yuefang expressed that the town government has already begun working on Xiao Li’s future guardianship, and in consideration of Xiao Li’s special circumstances, the town hospital immediately exempted Xiao Li’s medical care costs. In order to help Xiao Li return to normal life as fast as possible, the Shichang town government will organize the town correctional center, school, and class to form a psychological counseling group, to provide psychological counseling for Xiao Li. As for Xiao Li’s ongoing medical treatment and schooling, the town government will solicit donations, establish a dedicated fund and account, ensuring that the money will be used as intended, as well as appoint Xiao Li’s grandfather and grandmother as her temporary guardians, appoint town cadres and village cadres to regularly follow and provide guidance, to become familiar with Xiao Li’s living, schooling, and psychological situation, and provide help in many aspects.

Chen Yuefang says, to put an end to this kind of incident happening again, the relevant departments will conduct checks and inspections of the entire town’s women and children.

At present, the town government has already arranged for Xiao Li’s grandparents to be at the hospital, providing them with living subsidies every day.

On Sina Weibo:

@????: Little Girl Abused by Father for 5 Years: Head Scalded with Boiling Water, Mouth Sewn with Fishing Line. Scalding her head with boiling water, sewing her mouth with fishing line, forcing her to kneel on broken glass, pricking her fingers with needles… Xiao Li of Jinsha county Shichang town Goupi village has suffered this kind of abuse for 5 years, the perpetrator being her own father. 11-year-old Xiao Li is covered with injuries, emaciated, and has already become absent-minded/withdrawn. At present, her father has already been detained.

Her scalded scalp has never fully healed.

A kind-hearted person brought some yogurt.

A doctor examining Xiao Li.

Fingertips riddled with scars from needle pricks.


Jessie Fong

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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 10:05:51 AM »
I would want to believe that the father is insane, to start off with. How could he torture his daughter, for no apparent reason?  Well, if he is one father who favors only the males, then it would have been better had he sent the girl up for adoption.  This is one father who was not properly brought up.

And I must say that he is so "creative", thinking of various ways to torture and abuse the poor little girl; and for coming up with an excuse of ridding her of lice by putting her head into boiling water.

If only the punishment for such abuse is an eye for an eye, how would he feel if it was his head in the cauldron of boiling water?


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 12:59:47 PM »
It really is terrible to read news about child abuse such as this.... But lets not make it a China thing. Child abuse in America also occurs and in equally disturbing abuse methods.

I think the issue here is people often hide the facts about child abuse for the sake of saving face. Also because others feel it is not their part to interfere in internal problems of a family.

However, that is a totally wrong concept especially when a small child is being tortured so severely to the point of almost losing her life... We should not hesitate to report on those that abuse their children or even abuse animals... because when we hesitate, another being has to put up with the suffering.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 01:37:08 AM »
Perhaps the father himself has mental problems? it seems that his wife has left him and so he takes on his frustration and the pain of his wife's betrayal on his daughter. But what is sad is that nobody really took any action to take away his daughter from him and put her into foster care until the whole thing was highlighted to the media. In a way, society has failed her and the intervention now might have came a bit too late. I really hope that she can recover from her ordeal and be a normal person.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2013, 02:18:13 PM »
I think for 5 years this child was left to be abused is more disturbing. How can we just ignore that child being abused for so long especially her immediate family can just let it go on for so long. All the more as a family, they should intervene and seek help. Obviously this poor girl's father have some mental disorders to abuse his own child especially in this manner. We cannot just sit around and just mind our business if we see a anyone being abused.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2013, 03:43:14 PM »
my sincere prayers to this poor girl for having undergone so much torture and sufferings. I believe she is of strong character now after having gone through so much. Five years is not short but really a very long period for such a young girl to experience sufferings. I wonder why would anyone would take a chance to create abuse for this young kid. I hope the abusing father will be brought to justice!


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 07:16:41 AM »
no matter how you want to see it, society has failed this little girl by allowing her to suffer for so long. This decay in society can only be addressed by spirituality. from the news, we know that the local authorities were aware of this but did not do anything. Not only that, the neighbours were also aware of the girl's abuse but choose to ignore it. If they have acted earlier the girl would have suffered less. It is only after a media coverage that people start to help her and I find this quite hypocritical and sad at the same time.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2013, 03:25:24 PM »
I will never understand what parent will abuse their own baby or child.It is unthinkable !Abuse is a word one really cannot understand until they have seen the depth of what can happen when a child is an abusive situation.It is easy to give into rage and feel that rage which feeds the ego.
It is sad but that is the basis of all abuse and bullying .Those that give in to it are truly the ones that are weak.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2013, 04:57:20 PM »
This is really appalling news , I am amazed that the crimes committed by this depraved father could go on for so long without any police action. This man should be sent to a mental institution ! But again , why was this child singled out by the father ? What kind of karma does this father and daughter have with each other , as if some act of revenge is being acted out by the father towards his own daughter , so filled with hate ! Whatever it is , this man should be punished and given medical attention. I disagreed with Ensapa , that its a China phenomena , being degenerate and all , but isn't child abuse a human problem the world over ?


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2013, 07:17:24 PM »
There are few lessons to learn from this terrible news.

1. It's more troubling when the good people do not do anything while the act of evil
Something definitely should have been done earlier to stop the father from committing more negative karma and to stop the child from suffering. Experiences like this may leave a strong negative imprint on the child which will create more negative actions in the future. It's two prongs.

2. Never to harm another living being for we will receive the same harm in future
Reading abuse stories about someone who does not have control of their lives such as a child or even an animal makes me think very much about my future life. Unfortunately, the experience this poor girl received is definitely not by chance. That is the truth. Our bad karma does follows us like our shadow.

3. We must collect more merits to purify all our past actions.
Engaging in dharma is the best solution to purify our negative actions which brings us such sufferings. If we are so lucky to meet the dharma, we must be abandon dharma. It's so easy to do that when our life appears to be so "good" and "comfortable".


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2013, 09:30:13 PM »
This is so inhumane! Who in the right mind will give so much harm? The father is of unsound mind, venting out his frustrations and anger on the poor little girl. How can a father do this to his own flesh and blood? It is so sad that society is such that those who knew about this abused did not do much to help the poor little girl and prevent her from further pain and sufferings.

What kind of karma the father and daughter had with each other? Coming back to haunt and revenge this young girl. But whatever it is, the father should be punished for his actions.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2013, 04:32:36 PM »
5 years?? Seriously? How can someone let such things happen to another being? Let alone a helpless child. So sad to see how ignorant and selfish people are. Just thinking of themselves when they clearly know what is going on. I dont think any of us can take the pain even for 1 hour! We must do what we can to help whenever we see or hear such things happening around us. Yes the karma is obviously there but we cannot always blame karma and not do anything to help in whatever way we can. May she get well mentally and physically soon. May we send our blessings to her and all the others who are suffering and without Dharma.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2013, 02:19:16 AM »
This is what happens when insanity sets into a human. They become inhumane. You can have your anger and frustration but not venge it onto another human being, let alone your own daughter. What has she got to do with your problems? This will surely be one hard trauma that the poor little girl has ever endured and will leave a very big mark in her growing up process. Let’s hope she will be ok from now on since the matter has been brought up to the public. This outlines how important to have Dharma in their lives. With Dharma, one would not want to harm another.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2013, 07:16:09 PM »
This is inhuman, it's painful to look at this photos, let alone this poor little girl need to go through this in her 11 years old body. This young girl is living under stress and fear for 5 years, and she just waiting for unexpected pain coming to her almost every single day.
It's very common in Chinese society, people will keep quiet even though for some serious issues like this. The villagers all know about how the father torture Xiao Li for 5 years, but they keep quiet because it's not their business. How could them leave it just happened like that ? I think it's because of selfish reason, the villagers also doesn't want to get into any trouble. If someone from the village did what Master Fu done for Xiao Li, she will not need to go through this for 5 years.
Xiao Li's situation also makes me think are we all ready made the ultimate GOD or we actually control our own fate. If we are all GOD's child, why does someone like Xiao Li need to go through this in her very young age ? Why someone can just live in a happy, comfortable, caring family, but someone like Xiao Li need to received this kind of torture every single day? Why the situation is so unfair even though we are all GOD's child.
From cases like this, makes me understand the karma really exist, and we have fully control on our own fate. Xiao Li might not did anything negative this life, but how come she still need to go through this ? Because in Buddhism we believe, karma followed us wherever we care, just like a shadow. So even in a new reborn body, we still carried karma from lifetimes ago, our bad karma could happened anytime, sometimes in a situation that we couldn't even handle.
I'm pity about Xiao Li's situation but from reading her story it remind me the karma exist, and we should always be kind.
I'm pray for Xiao Li's smooth recovery and I hope that's nothing negative will come upon to her. I also would like to thanks Master Fu who actually save her from living in hell.


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Re: Abused Little Girl Now Bald, Head Pressed into Boiling Water
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2013, 06:18:03 PM »
Well... with all the bad news surrounding the Chinese, here's some news to rejoice about.... how a group of men caught a small girl that fell off the 5th floor.

Anyway, there's really some weird bizarre news about China... Truly an interesting place i suppose

Delivery men catch child falling from 5th floor window