Author Topic: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested  (Read 7404 times)


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Here's something interesting because why is it that when some Chinese official hires an assassin it's suddenly big news but when CTA does it, everything is covered up? CTA's karma is ripening and returning to them.

Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
Phayul[Thursday, May 23, 2013 21:31]

The accused Penpa Tsering, 33, in an undated photo.

DHARAMSHALA, May 23: An alleged Chinese spy has been arrested by Indian police from the exile Tibetan headquarters of Dharamshala following a tip-off by Tibetan security agencies.

The Department of Security of the Central Tibetan Administration in a release today said that the accused Penpa Tsering, 33, a former member of the People's Liberation Army, was hatching a “terror plot” to poison two Tibetan youths aimed at “spreading chaos and terror in the Tibetan community.”

“A terror plot to poison two Tibetan youths – Tashi Gyaltsen@Tashi Dhondup and Karma Yeshi@Tashi by Chinese Security Agencies aimed at spreading chaos and terror in the Tibetan community was uncovered,” the release said.

“This latest exposure goes well beyond Chinese government’s aggressive intelligence gathering on His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Central Tibetan Administration and other exile based organisations to undermine the exile community.”

According to the DoS, the accused hails from Lhari region of Nagchu in central Tibet and confessed to Tibetan security officials that he was first recruited and then sent across to India in 2009 by Li Yuquan who was then working as Party Secretary of Political and Legal Committee; Head of Public Security Bureau of Nagchu Prefecture, ‘TAR’ and a member of the 9th National People’s Congress of TAR. Li has been since transferred to Chamdo Prefecture, TAR but holding the same portfolio as before.

“Penpa Tsering is fully trained in intelligence tradecrafts and physical combat including weapon handling. He was in PLA from 1999 to 2002 and later worked in Public Security Bureau, Nagchu Prefecture prior to coming to India,” the release noted.

“Li Yuquan has initially tasked Penpa Tsering to collect intelligence on alleged “terrorist” activities against China by Central Tibetan Administration and Tibetan NGOs based in exile. He was asked to report on health condition and schedules of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.”

The accused had posed himself as a staff of the DoS and made contacts with numerous individuals to “collect specific intelligence on exile based Tibetan NGOs, important personalities, new comers from Tibet and vulnerabilities in Tibetan community; and reported these information to his handler on regular basis through phone, Internet based Weechat and QQ.”

Penpa Tsering was later tasked to poison the two Tibetan youths – Tashi Gyaltsen and Karma Yeshi – both of whom had escaped to India in early 2010.

“To execute this terror plot, Li summoned Penpa Tsering twice to Kathmandu, Nepal since 2012,” the DoS said. “Li along with other Chinese agents personally instructed him to eliminate the two youths by poisoning. Three different poisonous substances were first tested in front of his eyes on two puppies and a chicken and then handed to him.”

Penpa Tsering is believed to have received more than Indian Rupees Eleven lakhs from Li Yuquan since May 2009 for providing intelligence reports and task of eliminating the above two youths.

Following the revelations, the DoS appealed “all sensible and right thinking Tibetans to cooperate with us in further exposing evil designs of Chinese security agencies by providing credible and timely information whenever they come across of any such nature.”

The local police chief later told reporters that they have arrested Penpa Tsering on suspicion.

"We were keeping an eye on him after receiving a written complaint from Tibetan security agencies about his suspicious activity and on Wednesday evening, we arrested him," said superintendent of police (SP), Kangra, Balbir Thakur.

Big Uncle

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I read through this and I don't really know what's the significance of this piece of news. I don't even know if its authentic, whether it was made up or whether it was really the Chinese government that really sent this spy to India. After all, I am sure small provincial government officials could be doing this on his own, which I think is very dangerous for China's reputation and I wonder if China really need to go through this route.

That's why I tend to think that this is made up. Why would China care of 2 runaway Tibetan youths and want them dead? I think they were just runaways and they are of no real threat at all. Hence, to me the story doesn't hold water and I tend to believed that it was staged. However, I do believe that China is engaged in heavy information gathering because I think they have to monitor the Tibetans and gauge how big of a threat they are because their leaders and policies affect the Tibetan people in China.


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I read through this and I don't really know what's the significance of this piece of news. I don't even know if its authentic, whether it was made up or whether it was really the Chinese government that really sent this spy to India. After all, I am sure small provincial government officials could be doing this on his own, which I think is very dangerous for China's reputation and I wonder if China really need to go through this route.

That's why I tend to think that this is made up. Why would China care of 2 runaway Tibetan youths and want them dead? I think they were just runaways and they are of no real threat at all. Hence, to me the story doesn't hold water and I tend to believed that it was staged. However, I do believe that China is engaged in heavy information gathering because I think they have to monitor the Tibetans and gauge how big of a threat they are because their leaders and policies affect the Tibetan people in China.

If this is actually made up, it shows us that CTA is delusional and paranoid because they know that they have offended one of the most powerful nations in the world and they have no idea what will China do to them and therefore they are always scared and their paranoia has caused them to lose sight of reality. And yet they continue to spread lies like these that will make the situation worse for them. It does correlate to the ban and to the way they treat Dorje Shugden practitioners: the CTA is delusional to a very high extent which is why they can discriminate against Dorje Shugden practitioners while claiming to be Buddhist. They are not even fit to govern any land, let alone take over Tibet. They should clean up their act and start by lifting the ban.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 06:38:42 PM »
After reading it makes me feel that this article is a fake, just to let people think and believe that the Chinese agents want to kill the Tibetans for the sake of killing and owning them. Letting the Tibetans know their position.

How is it possible to create chaos when you kill two Tibetan youths? It is not like those youths have a very high position within the Tibetan community for all to know them. By doing that it does not even have any purpose to kill them at all. Only their families and friends would be affected. How does it even affect the whole Tibetan community by merely poisoning those two youths?


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 03:23:01 AM »
After reading it makes me feel that this article is a fake, just to let people think and believe that the Chinese agents want to kill the Tibetans for the sake of killing and owning them. Letting the Tibetans know their position.

How is it possible to create chaos when you kill two Tibetan youths? It is not like those youths have a very high position within the Tibetan community for all to know them. By doing that it does not even have any purpose to kill them at all. Only their families and friends would be affected. How does it even affect the whole Tibetan community by merely poisoning those two youths?

It sows fear and dischord into the heart of the Tibetans, mainly because most of them are uneducated and they do not know any better. To put it more bluntly, the majority of the Tibetans think like sheep, and they are easily fearful of anything and everything. And thus, news articles like these are designed to provoke their hatred against the Chinese even more even though they are quite unsubstantiated at all, but it still drives fear into the hearts and minds of the Tibetans, fulfilling the author's objectives.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2013, 03:13:29 PM »
Personally, i find this news report extremely flawed. The Chinese would have far superior intelligence than this so-called spy. The objective of assassinating the two Tibetans has no basis - the two guys are nobodies, as far as I can tell. Why on earth would the Chinese government wish to have them killed. This seems more like the CTA fabricating some news to make themselves sound more important than they are. I am sure that should the Chinese government wish to assassinate anyone, it would be done without anyone knowing about it. Just look at the so-called facts of the case. Anyone who believes this should carefully rethink why.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 10:12:17 PM »
Personally, i find this news report extremely flawed. The Chinese would have far superior intelligence than this so-called spy. The objective of assassinating the two Tibetans has no basis - the two guys are nobodies, as far as I can tell. Why on earth would the Chinese government wish to have them killed. This seems more like the CTA fabricating some news to make themselves sound more important than they are. I am sure that should the Chinese government wish to assassinate anyone, it would be done without anyone knowing about it. Just look at the so-called facts of the case. Anyone who believes this should carefully rethink why.

Yes, this is what I meant. The two planned victims are nobody to start off with. They would not highlight this issue at all. Although that fear would be aroused in the hearts of the Tibetans, but it would not help in any situation. The truth of the culprit of all these stories would be known to them in time. When they do know that the party that is creating so much unrest in their emotions is the CTA (only making as a reference), then they would lose faith and stop believing in CTA anymore. Knowing that China has done many great deeds for them.

And if, this story is created with the intention for it to be a spoken topic in the Western community, I think that the author of the article has failed terribly because the victims are no one to start with. How would the Western community be interested when they are not someone that they know.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2013, 05:49:31 AM »
Personally, i find this news report extremely flawed. The Chinese would have far superior intelligence than this so-called spy. The objective of assassinating the two Tibetans has no basis - the two guys are nobodies, as far as I can tell. Why on earth would the Chinese government wish to have them killed. This seems more like the CTA fabricating some news to make themselves sound more important than they are. I am sure that should the Chinese government wish to assassinate anyone, it would be done without anyone knowing about it. Just look at the so-called facts of the case. Anyone who believes this should carefully rethink why.

But sadly, those who really do believe this news will not even carefully rethink why because they are automatically dispositioned to hate china and support Tibet no matter how ridiculous the reasons may be. It's as if they're hard wired that way. All that they see from this news article is how cruel China is, assassinating the Tibetans and how much harder they have to work to freeing Tibet  from the clutches of China. There is no reason for China to assassinate two unknown Tibetan men who does nothing at all that is of interest to China.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2013, 10:23:28 PM »
But sadly, those who really do believe this news will not even carefully rethink why because they are automatically dispositioned to hate china and support Tibet no matter how ridiculous the reasons may be. It's as if they're hard wired that way. All that they see from this news article is how cruel China is, assassinating the Tibetans and how much harder they have to work to freeing Tibet  from the clutches of China. There is no reason for China to assassinate two unknown Tibetan men who does nothing at all that is of interest to China.

If that is the case for them, they can only blame themselves for their naivety. Reason is that they have chosen to be so short sighted, not analyzing the situation before they jump into conclusion. If this is the case for the Westerners, I would say that their white knight syndrome of to help those that are more unfortunate has failed. This is because they cannot even take a neutral stand, understand the situation, then judge the credibility of the story, how would they be able to stand up for the Tibetans or even anyone else? If the Tibetans are fooled by this report, it only shows how backward the Tibetans are in analyzing situations like this, and people would have serious doubts about their mentality level.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2013, 03:06:05 AM »
But sadly, those who really do believe this news will not even carefully rethink why because they are automatically dispositioned to hate china and support Tibet no matter how ridiculous the reasons may be. It's as if they're hard wired that way. All that they see from this news article is how cruel China is, assassinating the Tibetans and how much harder they have to work to freeing Tibet  from the clutches of China. There is no reason for China to assassinate two unknown Tibetan men who does nothing at all that is of interest to China.

If that is the case for them, they can only blame themselves for their naivety. Reason is that they have chosen to be so short sighted, not analyzing the situation before they jump into conclusion. If this is the case for the Westerners, I would say that their white knight syndrome of to help those that are more unfortunate has failed. This is because they cannot even take a neutral stand, understand the situation, then judge the credibility of the story, how would they be able to stand up for the Tibetans or even anyone else? If the Tibetans are fooled by this report, it only shows how backward the Tibetans are in analyzing situations like this, and people would have serious doubts about their mentality level.

These people are also what Sharmar Rinpoche refers to as "package believers", where after having trust in the Dalai Lama they just take whatever he says to be true, and by extension, the CTA. many tibetan Buddhists I have met seem to be inclined to adopt Tibetan culture and for some, to worship Tibetan culture (not the religion) and to act and think like a Tibetan even though they clearly are not Tibetan. I find it ridiculous and funny at the same time, but I guess, nothing much can be done about this at all.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2013, 10:51:24 PM »
This is just what they choose to believe and act. But I do agree with you that many people today they are "practicing" Tibetan Buddhism, but instead they are actually worshiping the Tibetan culture instead. They do not really understand what Tibetan Buddhism is about but they think that they do know. It is just upsetting to see so many of the Westerners like that. Thinking that they know everything, but in fact, they know nothing at all.


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Re: Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2013, 09:12:23 AM »
Plot to poison Tibetans in Dharamshala foiled, Chinese spy arrested
Phayul[Thursday, May 23, 2013 21:31]

The accused Penpa Tsering, 33, in an undated photo.

DHARAMSHALA, May 23: An alleged Chinese spy has been arrested by Indian police from the exile Tibetan headquarters of Dharamshala following a tip-off by Tibetan security agencies.

The Department of Security of the Central Tibetan Administration in a release today said that the accused Penpa Tsering, 33, a former member of the People's Liberation Army, was hatching a “terror plot” to poison two Tibetan youths aimed at “spreading chaos and terror in the Tibetan community.”

“A terror plot to poison two Tibetan youths – Tashi Gyaltsen@Tashi Dhondup and Karma Yeshi@Tashi by Chinese Security Agencies aimed at spreading chaos and terror in the Tibetan community was uncovered,” the release said.

“This latest exposure goes well beyond Chinese government’s aggressive intelligence gathering on His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Central Tibetan Administration and other exile based organisations to undermine the exile community.”

According to the DoS, the accused hails from Lhari region of Nagchu in central Tibet and confessed to Tibetan security officials that he was first recruited and then sent across to India in 2009 by Li Yuquan who was then working as Party Secretary of Political and Legal Committee; Head of Public Security Bureau of Nagchu Prefecture, ‘TAR’ and a member of the 9th National People’s Congress of TAR. Li has been since transferred to Chamdo Prefecture, TAR but holding the same portfolio as before.

“Penpa Tsering is fully trained in intelligence tradecrafts and physical combat including weapon handling. He was in PLA from 1999 to 2002 and later worked in Public Security Bureau, Nagchu Prefecture prior to coming to India,” the release noted.

“Li Yuquan has initially tasked Penpa Tsering to collect intelligence on alleged “terrorist” activities against China by Central Tibetan Administration and Tibetan NGOs based in exile. He was asked to report on health condition and schedules of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.”

The accused had posed himself as a staff of the DoS and made contacts with numerous individuals to “collect specific intelligence on exile based Tibetan NGOs, important personalities, new comers from Tibet and vulnerabilities in Tibetan community; and reported these information to his handler on regular basis through phone, Internet based Weechat and QQ.”

Penpa Tsering was later tasked to poison the two Tibetan youths – Tashi Gyaltsen and Karma Yeshi – both of whom had escaped to India in early 2010.

“To execute this terror plot, Li summoned Penpa Tsering twice to Kathmandu, Nepal since 2012,” the DoS said. “Li along with other Chinese agents personally instructed him to eliminate the two youths by poisoning. Three different poisonous substances were first tested in front of his eyes on two puppies and a chicken and then handed to him.”

Penpa Tsering is believed to have received more than Indian Rupees Eleven lakhs from Li Yuquan since May 2009 for providing intelligence reports and task of eliminating the above two youths.

Following the revelations, the DoS appealed “all sensible and right thinking Tibetans to cooperate with us in further exposing evil designs of Chinese security agencies by providing credible and timely information whenever they come across of any such nature.”

The local police chief later told reporters that they have arrested Penpa Tsering on suspicion.

"We were keeping an eye on him after receiving a written complaint from Tibetan security agencies about his suspicious activity and on Wednesday evening, we arrested him," said superintendent of police (SP), Kangra, Balbir Thakur.

Not only is the languaging used hilarious but why would poisoning two Tibetans cause widespread terror throughout the population? All you have to say is "Dorje Shugden" and already panic is spread haha bad jokes aside, they seem to be doing a fine job themselves with their mob mentality.

In answer to Ensapas question, its selectivity and the Tibetan propaganda machine going at it again. This machine manipulates the aforementioned mob mentality where everyone just latches on to whatever skewed information they receive, without bothering to analyse or read between the lines. If it suits what they want to achieve and what they want to hear, then their like a pack of dogs that start to bark when one is set off.

Thankfully the younger generation of Tibetans are less prone to this kind of behaviour, and theyve got some brilliant thinkers like Jamyang Norbu to foster their intellectual development. And as youve got more young Tibetans travelling abroad and gaining greater exposure outside of the Tibetan exodus, all of this is what I base my hope on when it comes to the Dorje Shugden ban being lifted. Its def not the old warhorses in the Parliament.