Author Topic: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!  (Read 12400 times)


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To Lama Dorje Shugden,
In places where people are wild and untamed,
 You assist and protect me. You show reasons for them to turn
 Their minds around towards the dharma.
When I have no money, food, medicine or housing,
 You provide everything for me. And what I need your provisions grow
 And increase with time. You show me the six paramitas continuously.
When I am depressed, sad and lose hope,
 You assure me of your presence, your blessings and your friendship
 Lifting my spirits. No friend can be better than you.
When I have been abandoned by others who are not real friends,
 You are my real friend, confidant and inspiration. You show me a
 Friendship that is super worldly and at the same time worldly.
When I am afraid, attacked or have been cheated,
 You replace what has been taken, reassure me and
 Advise me to continue. You give with love, abundance and no agenda.
 You give solely to benefit.
You are my Buddha, my yidam, my Guru, my protector and my
 Complete source of blessings. By relying on your rituals, mantras, prayers and puja,
 I can always create a powerful Vajra Manjushri link to you that will extend
 To future lives.
May I never be separated from you in this and future lives.
 Bless me to gain real genuine bodhicitta, love, forgiveness,
 Compassion and skilfull means.
You give me purpose, goals and visions that surpass anything
 We can be attached to or be tricked by in samsara. Nothing we have attachment
 For in samsara can hold light next to your advice and your goals for us.
 I trust you and surrender my attachments to your goals and advice. Which are
 Meant for my benefit.
Bless me to have entourage, sponsors, help, assistance and
 Many auspicious signs from You. Follow me like a shadow to the body.
 Never abandon me when my mind occasionally turns negative and
 Keep me close to you. Let me always have close contact, signs and omens from you.
 You are no other than the Gentle Lord Manjushri in a worldly form to rescue me.
I love you as I have not loved anyone else. I trust you because you will never disappoint me.
 I believe in you because you abide in pure compassion and powerful abilities.
 I will never choose anything or anyone in samsara over you. You never ask me to choose, but I am just expressing your nature and the reasons for my choice.
Your presence, blessings and existence is permanent without permanence whereas the friends and objects I am attached to do not last and in the end have to be abandoned or leave. I am left in despair even before they leave. But your presence is promised till the 1,000th Buddha appears. I choose you and your ways Lord Protector.
I hold you close to me. You are more precious than diamonds, gold, money, rich friends, foods, travel, palaces, fame and reputation to me as your nature is fixed yet changing. I will remain loyal and devoted to you above anything because it is so rare to find such a support such as you in this degenerate age.
Hold me close. Love me. Protect me. Bless me. Watch over me and my loved ones. Show me swift action to tame my and other’s mind. In return I promise you to work compassionately and skilfully towards the benefit of others. I promise you to develop in this life compassion, love and wisdom so I may rank among the highly skilled beings that take birth for others. Bless me to be so and not be afraid. As fear arises from ignorance and not the state of our goals.
I must and will realize you are far better to cling to than children, parents, husband, wife, partner, friend, sponsor, confidant and any relations I deem to have, have had or will have. By resolutely alliancing myself to You, I will in fact benefit those I have wrongly or conceptually clung to. Bless me to realize and immediately enact this attitude.
May I gain your wisdom mind that is equal to the attainments described by Nagarjuna and Lam Rim. May I not be stuck in the quicksands of samsara and my tight mind anymore. All sufferings, problems, delusions, and their results arise from my clinging to the wrong objects time and time again. Finally I have found the right being to rest my mind with and this being is no other than You.
Om Svasti!
composed by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
 May 25th, 2013


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 02:18:53 PM »
Thank You Namdrol for this very auspicious posting. This prayers blows my mind and I am beyond words in joy and at the same time hugely humbled by it. I rejoice that the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has blessed us all with this prayer.
I will make this part of of my daily prayer.

May all that is in the prayer becomes true for me by holding my samaya strong and pure.


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 11:10:53 PM »
Thank you for this post, thank you, thank you.
For us to have the incredible opportunity to receive such a prayer is just mind blowing! Totally awesome!
The least I can do, the least, is to include it in my daily prayer to my outsanding Protector, and I have started today.
The prayer is so straight-forward, so clear, written for our times, with words of our days, yet it carries the very wisdom of Manjushri in full depth. Wow!


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 12:52:26 AM »
Thank you for this amazing prayer! And it was composed by the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen himself! On Saga Dawa, no less! I resonate very strongly with this prayer as he highlights the obstacles that a practitioner of this day and age has to go through in order to practice the Dharma. I feel very safe and blessed to have met Dorje Shugden in this lifetime, who has brought me to meet my Guru even when i did not even know him before, but I am very positive that me meeting my Guru is a result of Dorje Shugden's guidance, love, care and blessings.


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2013, 01:50:27 AM »
Thank you for posting this prayer composed by Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, no less... i remember reading about the possible incarnations of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen awhile back on this website but hadn't heard anything since. Is there any more news regarding this incarnation? It would be very encouraging for Dorje Shugden practitioners everywhere to receive positive news!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2013, 06:50:59 AM »
This is absolutely awesome! There cannot be a doubt that this was composed by none other than the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. How else could it be explained? The qualities, the love, the benefit, the compassion and skillful means, the generosity, the power, the never giving up, and the wisdom written here in praise to Dorje Shugden surely must have come from another highly attained being, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

When will you reveal yourself to the world?

christine V

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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2013, 06:55:57 AM »
Dear Namdrol,

My hand shake, tears drop when i read this prayer!
This prayer is so closed to my heart and to the situation i am facing.
It ease my pain when i reading through this prayer.

This is not only a prayer , but contains Dharma knowledge in the prayer.

In this samsara, it is very true that we would not know when will lover becomes stranger, friend become enemy. When is the time we will lost everything and suffered.
The only "person" that we can rely on is Dharma Protector, in this case Dorje Shugden.
Dorje Shugden, show us the compassion and wisdom methods, guide us through our daily struggle.

I wanted to read this prayer everyday:-
As an inspiration , to be a compassionate person - be kind to everyone, every living beings.
As a motivation- when i have no idea on my projects that i am working on- request for resources and motivate me not to give up.
As a reminder- remind me of keep strong Guru-student relations. Remind me the impermanent of samsara.

Thank you to current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen for this prayer.


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2013, 02:31:49 PM »
I like this prayer a lot!!  8)

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2013, 02:57:30 PM »
Thank you so much Namdrol, for posting this meaningful prayer here for us all. I am feeling very grateful that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen is back here among us. May He continue to stay here and guide all beings to the path of enlightenment. In the prayer, I can feel the devotion Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen have for Dorje Shugden. And how he have surrendered everything we foolishly see as so precious to us. May I be able to have these devotion to my teacher and to Dorje Shugden. Wish the day would come very soon when Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen would be able to show his holy form to everyone, just as in His previous life.


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2013, 04:05:23 PM »
I was driving out with my girlfriend and was discussing about this fantastic poem. And she asked is this another step to turning Dorje Shugden into a Yidam practice and it made me think yes why not. It makes a lot of sense that Dorje Shudgen does the function of a Yidam it certainly has all the qualities of Yidam and speed us on our way towards enlightenment.

Looking forward to hear more creativity and scholarship by the incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen. 

Big Uncle

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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2013, 04:52:44 PM »
What a beautiful prayer. It does sound like it was composed by a lama who has very intimate connection with Dorje Shugden. I love it very much and I must say that it has aroused in me the curiosity of how this prayer was procured and the whereabouts of this Dorje Shugden tulku.

I understand the secrecy surrounding his identity because of the danger to his life and his other works. However, at the same time, I am extremely intrigued and I am sure many others are. I am even wondering if the team responsible for this website is in close contact with the Dorje Shugden Tulku. Whatever it is, I am sure he is well and spreading Dharma to the whole world. May he live long and spread the Dharma far and wide.


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2013, 07:38:48 PM »
Dorje Shugden is the very embodiment of Manjushri's compassion, manifesting in worldly form so that many who do not possess the merits to otherwise connect with a Buddha, may do so in this life. That we are here reading a beautiful prayer that reverberates so profoundly with each of us is proof that Manjushri in wrathful form is keeping his promise that those who walk the Dharma path and undertake the study and practice of Tsongkhapa's teachings do not walk alone.

The prayer itself is a reflection of the many trials that we face in this modern but debased state and there is no doubt that the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen walks amongst us, and therefore understands the problems we face in the modern age. We can practice with great confidence knowing for sure that a Buddha is here with us. This prayer therefore is a call to arms for Dorje Shugden practitioners to be even more resolute in the practice and more determined to spread the teachings of Tsongkhapa and perpetuate the Gelugpa lineage.

Someone asked how sure I am that this prayer is composed by the present incarnation of TDG. I know because it resounds clearly and accurately of how Dorje Shugden has provided for all my needs so that I can practice the Dharma, and this is the very purpose of Tulku Drakpa agreeing to become the Protector. Dorje Shugden never once demanded that we worship him purely for the sake of worship, but that we propitiate him so that our obstacles are removed in our Dharma path. And how do we do that? Not by supernatural magic but by developing the correct view of our worldly desires and by developing the aspiration to have a wisdom mind. Nothing in the prayer seeks to glorify the deity himself and every part of the prayer is a wish for the practitioners to develop the wisdom mind. If this is not Manjushri, then who can it be?


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2013, 04:06:59 AM »
life, love, death, hate,
projections which binds us close
to the very thing which brings
disappointments, dissatisfaction and depression.

yet within the sea of Samsara,
a Bodhisattva decides to arise and lead
an ocean of barbarians towards liberation
giving hope, light and respite

shall we sit and wait for the Light?
or should we go and help him fight?
let us bring this light to many others
by fighting this war against our deluded selves


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2013, 06:44:30 AM »
What a beautiful prayer. It does sound like it was composed by a lama who has very intimate connection with Dorje Shugden. I love it very much and I must say that it has aroused in me the curiosity of how this prayer was procured and the whereabouts of this Dorje Shugden tulku.

I understand the secrecy surrounding his identity because of the danger to his life and his other works. However, at the same time, I am extremely intrigued and I am sure many others are. I am even wondering if the team responsible for this website is in close contact with the Dorje Shugden Tulku. Whatever it is, I am sure he is well and spreading Dharma to the whole world. May he live long and spread the Dharma far and wide.

It is without a doubt that the current incarnation of Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen composed this, or at least, a lama who has a very close relationship with Dorje Shugden as it shows very clearly how much Dorje Shugden has helped him over the years. Dorje Shugden is real and he does offer his assistance and help to those who ask for his help and those who practice the Dharma sincerely and the emergence of this prayer proves that as a fact. I am sure many more people who has received direct help from Dorje Shugden will find that this prayer resonates with them perfectly.


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Re: A Prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2013, 01:47:18 PM »
What a powerful and beautiful prayer, some of the parts are so true and by being so true it is so sad. It's so sad that our world has becoming this way. I am so glad that i am able to know Dorje Shugden and i sincerely hope that this practice will be lifted very very soon. And i really hope that Dorje Shugden the powerful Buddha will be able to help so many more sentient beings and many will be have the merits to be able to practice Him in the very near future.