Author Topic: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???  (Read 19987 times)


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CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« on: May 29, 2013, 12:00:35 AM »
Read this very interesting article by Tenzin Choje! Either the CTA is in complete denial over the role of a spirit that they do not trust and yet allow to set policies that affect all Tibetans or they are truly ignorant about what's going on in their own backyard:

"To say that you do not know Nechung is to say that you are unaware of what drives Tibetan policies and with that, this parliament has clearly failed their duty as the representative of the public. It is their job to know what affects and influences government policies. They either brush it off fearfully or try to intimidate the questioner, in this case, the reporter, a very rude and backward way of answering a question. The reason why is because nobody is allowed to question the authority of the Dalai Lama and to say that they do not believe in Nechung would mean that they are going against the Dalai Lama’s spiritual authority and decisions, so many of them dodge that question to play on the safe side. But what they say do not match their body language, as it clearly shows in the video that they are not convinced at all with what they spoke of, and are only doing it out of fear"

Read the full story here:


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 04:48:44 PM »
I am completely appalled by the actions of the parliamentary members of the CTA. It is pretty obvious that they are not interested at all at the matters of the state and they think that everything is a joke. Well, with people like these the parliament, no wonder they were unable to achieve much in the past 50 years, wether or not it is about improving the quality of Dharamsala and developing it properly or the cause of the Tibetan independence or even talks with China. Results speak louder than words, and so does actions. No matter how much you say you believe in Nechung but your body language says otherwise, you dont really believe him. How can these people even get to be a member of the parliament anyway?


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2013, 07:20:19 PM »
One good thing from this video we know for certain how the CTA members really believe in the power and predictive abilities which is not at all. There is a silver lining in this story it is so clear to see they do not have faith in Nechung. The support for Nechung is getting is getting worst



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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2013, 05:55:45 AM »
One good thing from this video we know for certain how the CTA members really believe in the power and predictive abilities which is not at all. There is a silver lining in this story it is so clear to see they do not have faith in Nechung. The support for Nechung is getting is getting worst

But yet, everyone has to agree with the Dalai Lama even if they do not like or support Nechung because if they dont they will be said as going against the Dalai Lama and that could mean serious discrimination in Dharamsala which is something that nobody wants to bring it upon themselves. But in general, the kashag has lost their faith in Nechung who has brought upon lots of unhappiness and failure to the Tibetan government - including an attempt to feed the wrong medicine to the 13th Dalai Lama and even told the current Dalai Lama to stay in Tibet. It's a good thing that HHDL decided to listen to Dorje Shugden's advice to go, or else we would have no Dalai Lama.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2013, 04:50:05 PM »
Read this very interesting article by Tenzin Choje! Either the CTA is in complete denial over the role of a spirit that they do not trust and yet allow to set policies that affect all Tibetans or they are truly ignorant about what's going on in their own backyard:

"To say that you do not know Nechung is to say that you are unaware of what drives Tibetan policies and with that, this parliament has clearly failed their duty as the representative of the public. It is their job to know what affects and influences government policies. They either brush it off fearfully or try to intimidate the questioner, in this case, the reporter, a very rude and backward way of answering a question. The reason why is because nobody is allowed to question the authority of the Dalai Lama and to say that they do not believe in Nechung would mean that they are going against the Dalai Lama’s spiritual authority and decisions, so many of them dodge that question to play on the safe side. But what they say do not match their body language, as it clearly shows in the video that they are not convinced at all with what they spoke of, and are only doing it out of fear"

Read the full story here:

If they, the sangha can talk and act so unprofessionally, I can only imagine the Parliament they have?!

I mean think about it, the whole world knows about the Tibetan Govt and the Dalai Lama himself seeks advice from Nechung. Who are they kidding really? Do you not think So what's there to dodge the question in such a nonchalant manner?

Is this how they represent His Holiness??? Sure is bad representation! Sure makes them look silly, not very authoritative, not trust worthy for sure.

All I can say is... now wonder they lost their country, yikes!

Dulzie Bear

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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2013, 08:55:47 PM »
This is sheer cowardice and professional negligence rearing its ugliest head. For these so-called representatives of the people to say that they know nothing about a spirit whom they have allowed to regulate the government, and in such a casual manner, is deceitful which makes these people very dangerous.

Nechung has had a free reign for hundreds of years and have determined or swayed the way the Tibetan people have been ruled especially under the 14th Dalai Lama who himself confessed that he listens to Nechung. What is Chenrezig taken advice from a spirit anyway, but I digress. It was Nechung's advice that led to the Dorje Shugden ban and when the hapless CTA could not decide what to do (notwithstanding the fact that the very concept of preserving human rights should not be an alien idea to any democratic government member) they consulted the very spirit they are now denying knowledge of.

The ban tore the Tibetan society asunder from inside out and upon Nechung's say, the CTA institutionalized mass persecutions. Monks were expelled, people lost their livelihoods and many lived in danger of their lives and the CTA says they know nothing about Nechung? There are no two ways about it - either these people are liars or incompetent fools not worthy of being in government.

As for the more polished interviewees, I have 2 suggestions. If any member of the parliament does not know what to do or which direction to take in determining policies that affect lives, then they should step down and let those who do know replace them. As for the interviewee who claimed or inferred that Nechung is always right, might I suggest he read up in some basic history on Nechung, especially with regard to the 13th Dalai Lama and Nechung advice for the 14th to remain in Tibet and look forward to being shelled by Chinese canons. Nechung had on a number of occasions proclaimed that the Tibetans will soon regain their country. That person is the very embodiment of idiocy.

I am saddest to see the reply by the monk who is supposed to be a Geshe. What is so funny about being a monk? What is so funny about portraying the significance of wearing the robes incorrectly? What is so funny about a serious question being asked regarding a spirit who has been allowed to make decisions that have destroyed lives? What is so funny about painting the Tibetan people in such a school-boy maladroitness when they desperately need the world's support which incidentally is diminishing?

With the greatest respect to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, IS THIS YOUR GOVERNMENT THAT WILL RULE 6 MILLION TIBETANS? The Dalai Lama should take good note - his own government does not trust in the spirit that he relies on. So what does that say about His Holiness's leadership to insist on depending on Nechung? What does it say about his own people's confidence in the Dalai Lama when he keeps insisting on allowing a spirit whom the government does not trust, determine policies? And why force the government to keep enforcing a religious ban based on the advice of a spirit the CTA itself does not trust or supposedly know nothing about?

Now I have really seen it all.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2013, 03:19:03 AM »

If they, the sangha can talk and act so unprofessionally, I can only imagine the Parliament they have?!

I mean think about it, the whole world knows about the Tibetan Govt and the Dalai Lama himself seeks advice from Nechung. Who are they kidding really? Do you not think So what's there to dodge the question in such a nonchalant manner?

Is this how they represent His Holiness??? Sure is bad representation! Sure makes them look silly, not very authoritative, not trust worthy for sure.

All I can say is... now wonder they lost their country, yikes!

It's not just that the sangha member is acting unprofessionally. It is as if he does not respect the robes that he is wearing at all. He is jesting about his monkhood and he makes it look as if it is a joke. On another angle, he is doing this to also intimidate the journalist by laughing loudly. Is this how a monk should act? It's a clear sign that he has already been influenced negatively by his peers with low mentality and whose mental and education level is that of some backwards farmer. No wonder CTA is going down with people like this. It wont be long before the CTA gets downgraded once again, simply because they allow such backwards people to enter the parliament.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2013, 09:35:02 PM »
Even their own people is losing faith? Or people are just not brave enough to speak up?

But the worst of all, the how the monk behaved. Is that how a monk should behave? Is that what CTA has trained? If a CTA monk can behave is such manner, what can we expect of the CTA parliment representatives? And he is a Geshe some more??


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2013, 02:13:04 AM »
Even their own people is losing faith? Or people are just not brave enough to speak up?

But the worst of all, the how the monk behaved. Is that how a monk should behave? Is that what CTA has trained? If a CTA monk can behave is such manner, what can we expect of the CTA parliment representatives? And he is a Geshe some more??

We can see evidently that the CTA causes the Sangha to degenerate as this is what happens when monks participate or join the Tibetan government. They get negatively influenced by their peers and become just like the uneducated laypeople around. There is not much to be said about the monks' behavior, except that he is not a monk but someone who happens to be in robes. A monk should not and never behave in this way as it shows how undisciplined and how untrained he is in all aspects. As long as the CTA is around, Dharma in Dharamsala will never grow except those in Shar Ganden and Serpom as they are the destroyer of the Dharma.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2013, 09:57:44 AM »
I am very disappointed the way a Geshe replied this question. It is so unprofessional! A Geshe is equivalent to Tibetan Buddhist academic degree for monks and nuns. If this is how a Geshe replied questions on Buddhism topic, I really have doubts on how he managed to get his Geshe and how knowledgeable he is in Buddhism after studying for years in a monastery.

Nechung has been the principal protector divinity of the Tibetan government and His Holiness Dalai Lama. HHDL and CTA has placed so much faith on Nechung, much more than Dorje Shugden even though Nechung is not an enlightened protector, and has been consulting him for most matters including political decisions. How would a Geshe just shrug off questions pertaining to official matters in this way? It has really made me losing faith in the Geshe produced by the CTA systems.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2013, 06:17:30 AM »
This is sheer cowardice and professional negligence rearing its ugliest head. For these so-called representatives of the people to say that they know nothing about a spirit whom they have allowed to regulate the government, and in such a casual manner, is deceitful which makes these people very dangerous.

Nechung has had a free reign for hundreds of years and have determined or swayed the way the Tibetan people have been ruled especially under the 14th Dalai Lama who himself confessed that he listens to Nechung. What is Chenrezig taken advice from a spirit anyway, but I digress. It was Nechung's advice that led to the Dorje Shugden ban and when the hapless CTA could not decide what to do (notwithstanding the fact that the very concept of preserving human rights should not be an alien idea to any democratic government member) they consulted the very spirit they are now denying knowledge of.

The ban tore the Tibetan society asunder from inside out and upon Nechung's say, the CTA institutionalized mass persecutions. Monks were expelled, people lost their livelihoods and many lived in danger of their lives and the CTA says they know nothing about Nechung? There are no two ways about it - either these people are liars or incompetent fools not worthy of being in government.

As for the more polished interviewees, I have 2 suggestions. If any member of the parliament does not know what to do or which direction to take in determining policies that affect lives, then they should step down and let those who do know replace them. As for the interviewee who claimed or inferred that Nechung is always right, might I suggest he read up in some basic history on Nechung, especially with regard to the 13th Dalai Lama and Nechung advice for the 14th to remain in Tibet and look forward to being shelled by Chinese canons. Nechung had on a number of occasions proclaimed that the Tibetans will soon regain their country. That person is the very embodiment of idiocy.

I am saddest to see the reply by the monk who is supposed to be a Geshe. What is so funny about being a monk? What is so funny about portraying the significance of wearing the robes incorrectly? What is so funny about a serious question being asked regarding a spirit who has been allowed to make decisions that have destroyed lives? What is so funny about painting the Tibetan people in such a school-boy maladroitness when they desperately need the world's support which incidentally is diminishing?

With the greatest respect to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, IS THIS YOUR GOVERNMENT THAT WILL RULE 6 MILLION TIBETANS? The Dalai Lama should take good note - his own government does not trust in the spirit that he relies on. So what does that say about His Holiness's leadership to insist on depending on Nechung? What does it say about his own people's confidence in the Dalai Lama when he keeps insisting on allowing a spirit whom the government does not trust, determine policies? And why force the government to keep enforcing a religious ban based on the advice of a spirit the CTA itself does not trust or supposedly know nothing about?

Now I have really seen it all.

Obviously this will not be the government that will be ruling Tibet because they cannot even rule, govern and manage Dharamsala effectively. The parliament change their policies all the why make them in the first place if you're gonna change them later? It does not make sense at all. With a government like that and that this is the attitude of the parliament members, there is no way that whatever they do will be successful unless they wake up and do something about it.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2013, 04:36:08 PM »
There is definitely some conspiracy going on within the CTA itself.

Why would they have to hide about Nechung when it is obvious that they do take advises from Nechung. They just did not want to seem as though they are going against HH Dalai Lama, but it seems that they are not agreeing to HH Dalai Lama's way of governing anymore.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2013, 03:29:27 AM »
The direction of the CTA
After this video, one can safely conclude that there are serious flaws within CTA’s parliament. If what we have seen here in this clip is supposed to be the most educated Tibetans of Dharamsala, representing the population of Tibetans, how can we expect the CTA to take care of the people in Dharamsala and more so, govern Tibet? If they behave in such a disrespectful way towards journalists whom they are supposed to put on their best behavior to, imagine how do they treat their own people? The blatant bullying that is being displayed by the members of parliament to the journalists would be just the tip of the iceberg, and it would be obvious that the oppression that they will impose on those who are under them many times more. With such a parliament, coupled with the inability to move on from an archaic, religious ban turned secular, it is no wonder CTA is unable to achieve self autonomy for the last 50 years or so.

To add on to the above, CTA officials do not practice democracy. They are more interested in their drinks and food as shown in this video than to look after the welfare of their own people and country, a country lost and they are not doing much to get back. If they can answer the journalists as shown in this video, imagine how the people were treated, especially shugdenpas.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2013, 04:46:29 AM »
The direction of the CTA
After this video, one can safely conclude that there are serious flaws within CTA’s parliament. If what we have seen here in this clip is supposed to be the most educated Tibetans of Dharamsala, representing the population of Tibetans, how can we expect the CTA to take care of the people in Dharamsala and more so, govern Tibet? If they behave in such a disrespectful way towards journalists whom they are supposed to put on their best behavior to, imagine how do they treat their own people? The blatant bullying that is being displayed by the members of parliament to the journalists would be just the tip of the iceberg, and it would be obvious that the oppression that they will impose on those who are under them many times more. With such a parliament, coupled with the inability to move on from an archaic, religious ban turned secular, it is no wonder CTA is unable to achieve self autonomy for the last 50 years or so.

To add on to the above, CTA officials do not practice democracy. They are more interested in their drinks and food as shown in this video than to look after the welfare of their own people and country, a country lost and they are not doing much to get back. If they can answer the journalists as shown in this video, imagine how the people were treated, especially shugdenpas.

Just look at CTA and look at what they have achieved so far. Even the establishment of the temples and the government were done by the Dalai Lama and under his instructions, not by the CTA's initiative. CTA has done nothing much for the people, and after this article and video, one can see why: they are obviously more interested in their own welfare as demonstrated by the last person in the interview where he prefers to drink his butter tea rather than answer the journalists in a more professional manner. If these are considered the most educated people in Dharamsala, it sends shivers down my spine to think of how the uneducated people of Dharamsala will be.

christine V

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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2013, 02:17:17 AM »
Very very sad to view how CTA responded. Truly unprofessional.
How can they ignore just like this. Nechung has been helping the Dalai Lama all the while. Is that because they felt embarrassing? Or they felt is not right to believes in Nechung's words?

If so, could this mean, deep in their heart it is not right to ban Dorje Shugden practices by just listening
to Nechung and ignored all the other High Lama who are practicing Dorje Shugden? E.g: Trijang Rinpoche

This seem exactly how they ignore the issues on the Ban of Dorje shugden.
Without proper debate, without listening the actual situation. Just ignore.. pretend not known. Can this be  the attitude of the people who are close to Dalai Lama? Who are so called going to release Tibet from Chinese Government? They seem not in line with what the Dalai Lama doing.