Author Topic: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???  (Read 20000 times)


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2013, 04:43:53 AM »
Very very sad to view how CTA responded. Truly unprofessional.
How can they ignore just like this. Nechung has been helping the Dalai Lama all the while. Is that because they felt embarrassing? Or they felt is not right to believes in Nechung's words?

If so, could this mean, deep in their heart it is not right to ban Dorje Shugden practices by just listening
to Nechung and ignored all the other High Lama who are practicing Dorje Shugden? E.g: Trijang Rinpoche

This seem exactly how they ignore the issues on the Ban of Dorje shugden.
Without proper debate, without listening the actual situation. Just ignore.. pretend not known. Can this be  the attitude of the people who are close to Dalai Lama? Who are so called going to release Tibet from Chinese Government? They seem not in line with what the Dalai Lama doing.

Up to now, it seems that Nechung has made a lot of incorrect predictions for the past 50 years or more. Obviously many Tibetans do not believe in Nechung after so many failed promises, but they cannot say it outright that they do not believe in Nechung anymore because it would mean saying that the Dalai Lama is wrong. So they take the easy way out and refuse to comment on the issue. It saves their political career, but at the same time it also brings down the name and the reputation of the CTA but then again thats not their issue because all they want is to have their positions in the parliament retained, who cares about how the world sees the CTA?

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2013, 04:16:03 AM »
After reading the article, it is so obvious why the Tibetan government is still not able to gain their independence from China. Even though the members of the Tibetan parliament consists of the most learned Tibetans, monks and Geshes, the way they reacted to questions from foreign reporters are not different from the uneducated ruffians on the streets. What is even worse is the fact that they made a mockery out of monks in their holy robes, the people who have renounced the world, kept their vows and spreading the dharma. This is clearly displayed to the whole world the Tibetan cabinet is not professional and thus badly represented.
What really puzzled my simple mind is: Why is HH the Dalai Lama who is one with Chenrezig, the Buddha of compassion consults Nechung who is a spirit and not enlightened on important state and religious matters?


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2013, 04:33:58 AM »
After reading the article, it is so obvious why the Tibetan government is still not able to gain their independence from China. Even though the members of the Tibetan parliament consists of the most learned Tibetans, monks and Geshes, the way they reacted to questions from foreign reporters are not different from the uneducated ruffians on the streets. What is even worse is the fact that they made a mockery out of monks in their holy robes, the people who have renounced the world, kept their vows and spreading the dharma. This is clearly displayed to the whole world the Tibetan cabinet is not professional and thus badly represented.
What really puzzled my simple mind is: Why is HH the Dalai Lama who is one with Chenrezig, the Buddha of compassion consults Nechung who is a spirit and not enlightened on important state and religious matters?

Perhaps, he is just doing that to appease the Nyingma practitioners and to settle their insecurities that the Gelug will overthrow them one day and there will be no more Nyingma. The other traditions have exhibited such paranoia in the past before and have bad mouthed Pabongkha and Trijang Rinpoche because of this as well and this is well documented. But one thing for sure, it does not seem to help improve the current situation with the Tibetans as we can see in this video, they fail to be more educated and they fail to improve themselves to be people who are deserving to administer Tibet.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2013, 04:37:46 AM »
I get the impression that they know about Nechung but they don't want to reveal any more information to the public. It is very likely they are afraid to lose the trust of the Tibetans and thus the power that come associated with it if word got out of that they do not trust Nechung. What is confusing is although they don't trust Nechung they do believe him on how bad Dorje Shugden is. One of the parliament member said Nechung gave them the "right way" advice when they cannot decide. Does CTA actually follow advice given by Nechung?

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2013, 04:57:49 AM »
Even their own people is losing faith? Or people are just not brave enough to speak up?

But the worst of all, the how the monk behaved. Is that how a monk should behave? Is that what CTA has trained? If a CTA monk can behave is such manner, what can we expect of the CTA parliment representatives? And he is a Geshe some more??

Kris, I am on the same view with you that the cabinet members are losing faith and they are not allowed to voice their views and opinions. To me, they are well educated and very learned and to behave in the way they did when they were posed the question by the foreign reporters were really not expected of them. It is more that they were caught off guard and could not come out with an explanation that would not get them into trouble with their employer, the government. And all the while, they could be trying very hard to contain their real feeling on this whole thorny subject from spilling out of them.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2013, 05:03:55 AM »
I get the impression that they know about Nechung but they don't want to reveal any more information to the public. It is very likely they are afraid to lose the trust of the Tibetans and thus the power that come associated with it if word got out of that they do not trust Nechung. What is confusing is although they don't trust Nechung they do believe him on how bad Dorje Shugden is. One of the parliament member said Nechung gave them the "right way" advice when they cannot decide. Does CTA actually follow advice given by Nechung?

If they did whole heartedly follow Nechung's advice, they would not have ended up where they are right now as Nechung has told them to follow the middle way policy from the start and listen to the Dalai Lama's advice and teachings, but did they do it? No. They only want the "easy" advice such as banning Dorje Shugden as opposed to the more "challenging" ones of actually applying the teachings and applying restraint on their desire for independence.  And it is that desire when expressed that sabotages the Tibetan cause greatly and makes the Dalai Lama look like a hypocrite in the eyes of the Chinese.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2013, 05:08:31 AM »
Up to now, it seems that Nechung has made a lot of incorrect predictions for the past 50 years or more. Obviously many Tibetans do not believe in Nechung after so many failed promises, but they cannot say it outright that they do not believe in Nechung anymore because it would mean saying that the Dalai Lama is wrong. So they take the easy way out and refuse to comment on the issue. It saves their political career, but at the same time it also brings down the name and the reputation of the CTA but then again thats not their issue because all they want is to have their positions in the parliament retained, who cares about how the world sees the CTA?

I beg to differ on this point on who cares about the CTA. If the members of CTA doesn't pull their weight, it is likely that they will lose support financially in face of the G7. Being in power denotes nothing when no work and results are shown. It is very sad to know that they do not realize this simple fact that their financial support and power will wear off eventually when CTA's reputation goes downhill.



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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2013, 05:20:07 AM »
Trying to be politically correct, these CTA members claim they don't know anything about Nechung. Unfortunately, by this disclaimer, they now look like political buffoons, trying to use bullying tactics to hide their fear of saying things that would harm their political career and future. 

It is scary to think that if ever Tibet were to gain independence(which currently seems most unlikely), these 'clowns' will be the members of the new Tibetan parliament - the hope of all Tibetans! Their lack of responsibility shows in their hiding behind a barrier of 'non-accountability'. They think that by saying they don't know about Nechung, they would not have to bear any consequences of such a non-committal stance.

On the one hand,they do not want to be caught on the wrong side of the Dalai Lama, whose full faith in Nechung is a given. On the other hand, they have lost faith in Nechung because of the increasing number of wrong predictions that Nechung has made, with dire consequences. Indeed, if HH Dalai Lama  and the CTA had listened to Nechung's advice and the Dalai Lama had stayed back in China, He would have perished! But here again, why did the Dalai Lama not listen to Nechung's advice. Instead he allowed Trijang Rinpoche to consult the oracle of Dorje Shugden, and listened to Dorje Shugden's advice to flee Tibet?

Remembering that the Dalai Lama, as an emanation of Chenrezig, does not need to consult oracles  in the first place, we now see that Nechung, in whom the Dalai Lama  has full trust and whom He consults all the time, is on the wane. This is because his predictions are becoming increasingly wrong. Doesn't this indicate that the way is being paved for Nechung to fade out and for Dorje Shugden, the Protector of these degenerate times, to move in and take Nechung's place? 



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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2013, 05:20:58 AM »
Up to now, it seems that Nechung has made a lot of incorrect predictions for the past 50 years or more. Obviously many Tibetans do not believe in Nechung after so many failed promises, but they cannot say it outright that they do not believe in Nechung anymore because it would mean saying that the Dalai Lama is wrong. So they take the easy way out and refuse to comment on the issue. It saves their political career, but at the same time it also brings down the name and the reputation of the CTA but then again thats not their issue because all they want is to have their positions in the parliament retained, who cares about how the world sees the CTA?

I beg to differ on this point on who cares about the CTA. If the members of CTA doesn't pull their weight, it is likely that they will lose support financially in face of the G7. Being in power denotes nothing when no work and results are shown. It is very sad to know that they do not realize this simple fact that their financial support and power will wear off eventually when CTA's reputation goes downhill.

In the 'normal' world, people who hold positions of power are supposed to do their job and if they are not doing it, they will be forced to step down and take responsibility. The fact that CTA does not punish nonperforming ministers, as long as they are aligned to the Dalai Lama and their own policies shows that they are incapable of doing any work and consequently, there are no results in whatever they do or try to achieve. If I was the CTA, I would start weeding out incompetent members of the parliament, especially of those who appeared in the video above before they do more damage.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2013, 05:24:34 AM »
I get the impression that they know about Nechung but they don't want to reveal any more information to the public. It is very likely they are afraid to lose the trust of the Tibetans and thus the power that come associated with it if word got out of that they do not trust Nechung. What is confusing is although they don't trust Nechung they do believe him on how bad Dorje Shugden is. One of the parliament member said Nechung gave them the "right way" advice when they cannot decide. Does CTA actually follow advice given by Nechung?

I find the statement of the CTA members most unbecoming of the representatives of the Tibetan people. Everybody knows that H.H. the Dalai Lama has been consulting Nechung on important occasions.  It is possible that CTA members do not wish to be held responsible for anything that has to do with decisions made based on the advice of the Nechung oracle. This is because the oracle has made mistakes in the past. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the members of parliament to respond in a professional and dignified manner regarding a very old Tibetan practice of consulting oracles which should be respected and upheld. Dorje Shugden oracles are known to be extremely accurate. It is time for the CTA to realize that Lord Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Dharma protector who can be relied upon by the genuine practitioner.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2013, 05:41:46 AM »
I get the impression that they know about Nechung but they don't want to reveal any more information to the public. It is very likely they are afraid to lose the trust of the Tibetans and thus the power that come associated with it if word got out of that they do not trust Nechung. What is confusing is although they don't trust Nechung they do believe him on how bad Dorje Shugden is. One of the parliament member said Nechung gave them the "right way" advice when they cannot decide. Does CTA actually follow advice given by Nechung?

I find the statement of the CTA members most unbecoming of the representatives of the Tibetan people. Everybody knows that H.H. the Dalai Lama has been consulting Nechung on important occasions.  It is possible that CTA members do not wish to be held responsible for anything that has to do with decisions made based on the advice of the Nechung oracle. This is because the oracle has made mistakes in the past. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the members of parliament to respond in a professional and dignified manner regarding a very old Tibetan practice of consulting oracles which should be respected and upheld. Dorje Shugden oracles are known to be extremely accurate. It is time for the CTA to realize that Lord Dorje Shugden is an enlightened Dharma protector who can be relied upon by the genuine practitioner.

Another way to see this is: how is it that people who cannot even take responsibility for themselves and to just represent their actions and statements, and also to represent the Tibetan Parliament in making such statements be ministers in the Parliament and there is no disciplinary action taken against them? If something similar were to happen in a developed country, the minister in question will be summoned and forced to make a public statement regarding this matter but the Tibetans get away with it scot free. This explains a lot on their ability to be accountable, which is none at all.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2013, 05:44:02 AM »
Very very sad to view how CTA responded. Truly unprofessional.
How can they ignore just like this. Nechung has been helping the Dalai Lama all the while. Is that because they felt embarrassing? Or they felt is not right to believes in Nechung's words?

If so, could this mean, deep in their heart it is not right to ban Dorje Shugden practices by just listening
to Nechung and ignored all the other High Lama who are practicing Dorje Shugden? E.g: Trijang Rinpoche

This seem exactly how they ignore the issues on the Ban of Dorje shugden.
Without proper debate, without listening the actual situation. Just ignore.. pretend not known. Can this be  the attitude of the people who are close to Dalai Lama? Who are so called going to release Tibet from Chinese Government? They seem not in line with what the Dalai Lama doing.

I agreed that it is an unprofessional way to respond to the question posted by the media. Dalai Lama and Nechung have played a main role in administering Tibet in the past. It is a blatant lie that they do not know about Nechung. Even if they do not know about Nechung it is impossible not to know from past historical information about Nechung when one is in the cabinet. If one is not allowed to comment for national security or safety reason there are still standard professional way to respond. However this is not the case for them. The way the question is being responded is out of their own personal reason, out of fear, as we can read from their body language.


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2013, 05:51:34 AM »
I fully agree with Dulzie Bear that these parliamentarians are hiding behind a veil of deceit, by professing that they do not know anything about Nechung . The consequences of this pronouncement are dire. HH Dalai Lama has been always relying on Nechung's advice to make decisions on matters of state, affecting all Tibetans. So how can such weighty decisions, so greatly influenced by Nechung, be treated so lightly by these parliamentarians, these policy decision makers for Tibet, as their denial of any knowledge of Nechung indicates?

Again, why should these parliamentarians on whose words the whole of Tibet hangs, be so fickle, deciding one moment to believe Nechung, when he advised that Dorje Shugden is a spirit, causing such a drastic step as the banning of the practice of Shugden to be enforced, and the next minute losing faith in Nechung's prediction. If they had seen Nechung failing as a Protector because of his many wrong predictions, how then can they depend on Nechung's word that Shugden is a malevolent spirit?


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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #28 on: June 29, 2013, 06:16:51 AM »
The direction of the CTA
After this video, one can safely conclude that there are serious flaws within CTA’s parliament. If what we have seen here in this clip is supposed to be the most educated Tibetans of Dharamsala, representing the population of Tibetans, how can we expect the CTA to take care of the people in Dharamsala and more so, govern Tibet? If they behave in such a disrespectful way towards journalists whom they are supposed to put on their best behavior to, imagine how do they treat their own people? The blatant bullying that is being displayed by the members of parliament to the journalists would be just the tip of the iceberg, and it would be obvious that the oppression that they will impose on those who are under them many times more. With such a parliament, coupled with the inability to move on from an archaic, religious ban turned secular, it is no wonder CTA is unable to achieve self autonomy for the last 50 years or so.

To add on to the above, CTA officials do not practice democracy. They are more interested in their drinks and food as shown in this video than to look after the welfare of their own people and country, a country lost and they are not doing much to get back. If they can answer the journalists as shown in this video, imagine how the people were treated, especially shugdenpas.

It is true that within such a socially challenged community, the CTA does not lead by being an example for people to emulate. On a global level, members withing the CTA would be laughed at for all the uncalled for body language and behaviour. They do not represent their cause for any form of liberation from their current well-being. Their only saving grace is the Dalai Lama's hard works in creating awareness for the entire Tibetan cause over so many decades. Being evasive about the Nechung issue is a small thing compared to the underlying backward mindset of the CTA. Well, give it another few years and see how it will survive.
Harry Nephew

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Re: CTA members say they know nothing about Nechung???
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2013, 02:05:19 AM »
It is true that within such a socially challenged community, the CTA does not lead by being an example for people to emulate. On a global level, members withing the CTA would be laughed at for all the uncalled for body language and behaviour. They do not represent their cause for any form of liberation from their current well-being. Their only saving grace is the Dalai Lama's hard works in creating awareness for the entire Tibetan cause over so many decades. Being evasive about the Nechung issue is a small thing compared to the underlying backward mindset of the CTA. Well, give it another few years and see how it will survive.

It is safe to say that the CTA depends on the Dalai Lama entirely, and i do not mean it in a spiritual sense. They depend on the Dalai Lama to do almost everything for them and the Dalai Lama is close to 80. If the Dalai Lama is no longer around or that he decides to enter a long retreat, I am sure that it will be the end of the CTA, so to speak. Instead of depending on the Dalai Lama in the wrong way, they should depend on him on the right way and implement their own disciplinary rules and standards, and learn to respect the constitution and punish members of parliament who do not perform.