Author Topic: Say what? Tibetan Youth Congress Do Not Wanna Follow The Dalai Lama's way?!  (Read 10696 times)


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This is some really interesting BIG NEWS! Just what's going to happen next?
It seems like the TYC has had it and they are going against the Dalai Lama's policy of Tibetan autonomy. Looks like CTA is in a lota trouble. Just what do you think will happen next? Can HHDL and the CTA calm their people, bring them together? Or perhaps the heavy negative karma of schism and separating their own people from the Dorje Shugden ban is returning in full ircle back to them???

They are even calling Nechung - the State Oracle a liar now! Dike!!!

What is your take?

Dalai Lama Loses Control

The Tibetan Youth Congress was as its name stipulated, was formed by the Tibetan youth in the 1970s. It is an organisation which headquartered in Dharamsala, which is a political group that voices its opinions on Tibetan affairs, culture, and its future.

They have a meeting every 3 years of which this year 80 sub-centres from around the world gathered in Dharamsala for their meeting. It is a six-day event and during this year’s eventful meeting, the Tibetan Youth Congress discussed what has transpired over the past years and the future of Tibet. At the same time, they are voting in new committee. Over 130 members participated in the meeting of which many have come from all over the world. The key point in this year’s discussion was the Middle-Way policy adopted by His Holiness the Dalai Lama starting from 1987.

The agenda of this Middle-Way is to adopt China’s policy of Tibet integrating into China or autonomous state, and to give up Tibetan independence. Out of the 130 members, majority were against this policy. The 34 that were for the policy were from Bangalore, Bylakuppe, Mungod, Hunsur, Kollegal, Dalhousie, Pondoh, and Ladakh. The 34 members were completely against fighting for independence, and were pro Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way approach. The 96 majority members were against the Dalai Lama’s pro-Middle-Way policy against China and wish to fight for complete independence of Tibet. They are exhausted in waiting for the Middle-Way policy to fruition, of which nothing has manifested since its inception in 1987. The 34 members in a dramatic turnaround stormed out of the meeting, refused to participate and wrote a letter to the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) asking the congress to reconsider the Dalai Lama’s Middle- Way, failing which they will resign from their posts. The Middle-Way concept to integrate Tibet into Greater China as an autonomous state was proposed by the Dalai Lama to make Tibet a zone of peace and addressed to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in 1988.

The Executive Members of the Tibetan Youth Congress had proposed a three-point resolution to be adopted by the gathering on opening day of the meeting this year. The first point was to apologise to the Dalai Lama for causing any difficulties for him. The second point was to withdraw an earlier resolution that had passed, which was to lobby the members of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile to change the official stance from seeking autonomy to independence.  The third point was for the Tibetan Youth Congress to continue with their aim and goal towards a fully independent Tibet without any form of autonomy. The 34 members felt that Tibetan Youth Congress should change their stance to the Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way. This difference in opinion has created tremendous upheaval within the Tibetan communities and in Dharamsala itself. It has split Tibetan refugees population into two factions, one pro-Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way stance, the other against.

We are seeing more and more tension and dissension among the Tibetans with the Dalai Lama’s policy. They recognise the fact that the aging Dalai Lama and his Tibetan Government in Exile are not accomplishing autonomy or independence. Everyone though silent, is in mortal fear of what will happen to the Tibetans after the passing of the Dalai Lama. Although in reality, the Tibetans consider it inauspicious and a bad omen to talk about the death of the Dalai Lama or any High Lama for that matter. Tibetans will avoid that subject for fear of bringing inauspicious circumstances to arise, creating obstacles to the Dalai Lama’s life. Even so, many Tibetans feel much frustration, fear, impatience, and even anger towards the ineffectiveness of the Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way policy.

At the same time, to reject this Middle-Way policy is tantamount to rejecting the Dalai Lama himself. Within Tibetan society, although they flaunt their government as democratic, actually it is autocratic. Whatever the Dalai Lama said must be followed and any differences in opinion, regardless of motivation, will be tantamount to being a traitor against the Dalai Lama. This would be unheard of and considered unacceptable. Violent physical fighting have broken out in pockets of Tibetan settlements throughout India, by the supporters of the pro and anti-Middle-Way policies. The Tibetan Government in Exile and the Tibetan communities are in turmoil, confusion, and tremendous upheaval.  For the first time people are expressing their lack of faith, and trust in the Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way policy.

TYC President Tsewang Rigzin delivering the inaugural address at the 15th Greneral Body Meeting of TYC in Dharamsala on May 27, 2013

Not being able to cast votes, the TYC are in great danger of completely dissolving and breaking apart as the majority are against the Dalai Lama’s Middle-Way policy. The situation has become so urgent that the President of the TYC, Tsewang Rigzin approached His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Private Office Secretary Kungo Lobsang Jinpa to intervene. The Private Office of the Dalai Lama recognising the danger within the political organisation instructed Samdhong Rinpoche to join the TYC meeting to intervene immediately, and to speak on behalf of the Dalai Lama and the Middle –Way policy. Samdhong Rinpoche obliged and representing the Gaden Podrang, or in other words, His Holiness the Dalai Lama suddenly arrived at the TYC meeting in hopes of calming down the situation of which it has been futile so far. A few days ago, the Kashag announced that Nechung oracle has commented that self-immolation is not good at all and must stop immediately. The Tibetan people responded that the Kashag is again using Nechung’s name to lie to them. They reasoned that if it was really Nechung’s pronouncement, why did Nechung wait for more than 110 people to die from self-immolation before he gave such advice. Is that the track record of a so-called Buddhist protector? To wait till 110 people have died and then suddenly say, “Self-immolation is wrong in achieving Tibet’s purpose.”  People reject the Kashag’s announcement and even said that they are always lying and using Nechung to cover their tracks. The Tibetan populist has also claimed that the Kashag lied 20 years ago when they proudly proclaimed that Nechung said it is good to announce and recognise the highly sought after incarnation of the Panchen Lama Gendun Chokyi . Upon announcement of the Panchen Lama’s incarnation, the Chinese immediately took the young Panchen Lama and his family, and they were never heard of again. Why would Nechung with his so called foresight and clairvoyance allow the announcement of the Panchen Lama which led to his house arrest and disappearance until today?

More and more Tibetans are openly expressing that Tibet State Oracle Nechung and Tibetan leaders such as the Kashag are lying, that their lies are surfacing and it is hard for them to cover their misdeeds. Tension is high. Why would the Dalai Lama allow the Kashag and Nechung to lie? Why does Nechung lie? Why does the Kashag lie? Why are the Tibetan people waiting this long to express their opinions? A simple and clear answer is Tibet has gotten nowhere in their pursuance of independence/ autonomy and their patience is running out. They have listened to and followed the Kashag’s and Nechung’s instructions for over 4 decades now with no result. The aging Dalai Lama has brought fear and impatience to the Tibetan people who wonder what is their fate after the demise or death of the Dalai Lama.

The Kashag and the Tibetan Government in Exile have not accomplished a long term goal for the people in Tibet and outside of Tibet in Exile. Their failure in this has been covered up and they have used many scapegoats to avoid admitting their failures. From pointing fingers at different members of the Tibetan government themselves as well as using Dorje Shugden as a reason for not gaining independence.  Dorje Shugden has been the favourite scapegoat of the Tibetan Government in Exile for the last two decades. They blamed Dorje Shugden as the main cause of Tibet not gaining independence and therefore his practice should be abandoned and banned, which they have done so.

Since abandoning and banning the practice of Dorje Shugden and alienating his followers, what success have they achieved for the independence or autonomy of the Tibetan nation? They cannot further blame Dorje Shugden as the cause of their failures, as their inept governance of the Tibetan people is starkly clear for all to see. The Dalai Lama is now 76 years old and how many more years can he live? What will happen to the Tibetan people inside of Tibet and the exile communities of India after his death?

Dorje Shugden has been a principal protector of Tibetan Buddhism, especially within the Gelug and Sakya school of Buddhism, with followers among Kagyu and Nyingma also. He has been blamed from nuns disrobing to bad weather condition, to threatening of the Dalai Lama’s long life, and even creating the causes for the lack of success in gaining independence of Tibet. How can one protector deity be so powerful in creating all these problems? It is almost like the Judeo-Christian eternal fight of God and his nemesis, the Devil.  It would seem it is ridiculous to blame one deity, Dorje Shugden, to be the cause of all of Tibet’s woes.

The Kashag and Tibetan government are now experiencing the very dissension, schism, and disharmony they have caused to the millions of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. The Tibetan government should invite the oracle of Dorje Shugden, request him to take trance and offer sincere apologies and amending of spiritual relations in order to deflect further karmic repercussions. They should unite the Tibetan people and religion without conflict and scapegoating. The Tibetan government should duly apologise to this compassionate, world peace protector Dorje Shugden. It can only serve to benefit them. Their current policies have not achieved any fruitioning and the Dalai Lama is aging. Therefore, they must attempt a new policy, new direction and a new stance.

The Tibetan Government in Exile and the Dalai Lama should stop courting and entertaining Western governments who will not take any action against the Chinese towards Tibetan independence. In fact, the Tibetan government and Dalai Lama should go out of their way and cease all interaction with Western governments and reach out to the Chinese government before it is too late. The simple fact of the matter is Tibet is in China, not America. So the President they should court and please is the Chinese Premier, not the US leader. If they were to reach out, and humbly approach the Chinese government, it would help the Tibetans within Tibet and outside of Tibet. After all, the Dalai Lama has no power in Tibet, and the only way he can help his Tibetan people is via the Chinese government. It is essential for His Holiness the Dalai Lama to make friends and go to Beijing to repair relations with China. Only by doing so, China will lighten their tight policies against Tibet and give more autonomous benefits, if not the name itself. In conclusion, the Tibetan Government in Exile should make full apologies to the protector deity Dorje Shugden who can only help in their purpose and not harm.

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So now, the Tibetan Youth Congress has rejected the Dalai Lama's Middle Way policy with regards to integrating Tibet as an autonomous part of China. Rejecting the Dalai Lama's Middle Way may sound rather traitorous. As a Tibetan, one never rejects anything that comes from the Dalai Lama, or is supported by the Dalai Lama. 
But this is the culmination of over two decades of frustrated and fruitless wait for the Dalai Lama and his team, the Kanshag, to successfully negotiate a secure future for Tibet - be it full independence for Tibet or autonomy. The Youth Congress and the Tibetans are worried about the future of Tibet and Tibetans after the Dalai Lama passes on.
Yet, over and above all this, my take is that all if this is being  ‘stage-managed’ by HH Dalai Lama, emanation of compassionate Chenrezig. I feel that He is paving the way for the ban to be lifted peacefully and ‘painlessly’, by forcibly removing Himself as a figure put on a pedestal by all Tibetans all this while. Now, the young Tibetans and more and more Tibetans are becoming ‘disenchanted’ with Him and the CTA. Their lack of faith in His Middle Way has created unrest and schism in the Tibetan community, somewhat like the schism that CTA had created in the community over Shugden . So from pro-  and anti – Shugden, the schism has now moved to pro- and anti- Middle Way policy .
Tibetans are losing faith in the Middle Way policy and in the State Oracle – Nechung.  Nechung that the Dalai Lama believes in so strongly, cannot be depended on. To them he is a liar as has been proven by his prediction that led to the Dalai-Lama-chosen Panchen Lama to be kidnapped by the Chinese and held hostage until now. Again, why did Nechung take so long, after 110 precious Tibetan lives had been lost, to pronounce that self-immolation was wrong? If Nechung has been proven to be wrong and unreliable as an oracle, isn’t it most likely that he was wrong in pronouncing that Dorje Shugden is a spirit and that He( Dorje Shugden)threatened the life of HH Dalai Lama and the cause of Tibet’s freedom?
As a next logical step,  wouldn’t Tibetans begin to lose faith in the Dalai Lama Himself?

Big Uncle

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With all due respect, I think that it is about time that such things happen. I do not rejoice because it is adversely affecting the Dalai Lama. However, I am not surprise that its happening because as the article describes very clearly the frustration, impatience and anxiety that the Tibetans must be feeling towards the non-effectiveness of the Dalai Lama's self-autonomy policy.

This is just the sign of the times and as more people get comfortable with the idea of rejecting the Dalai Lama's policies, then, even the Dorje Shugden ban can be brought down under such sentiment. What the Dalai Lama says and enforces does not necessarily have to be agreed with particularly if it directly affects Tibetan solidarity and harmony. I am wondering if this growing sentiment will the Dalai Lama's political stance will eventually spill over to the Dorje Shugden ban. I suspect it would and this along with other factors at play would eventually bring the Dorje Shugden ban down. There's no way the ban would go on forever. Definitely, it would not.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


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A few days ago, the Kashag announced that Nechung oracle has commented that self-immolation is not good at all and must stop immediately.

From this part, and from how it is being announced to TYC, it is pretty clear that CTA/TYC is behind the self immolations. Otherwise, why the need to tell them that Nechung says that the self immolations were wrong? Obviously and clearly, the CTA has been sending instructions to the TYC to execute the self immolations in Tibet and it is still going on. There was almost no news of the self immolations after China's crackdown on the instigators of the self immolations until recently where the self immolations seemed to have begun again. It does not require Nechung to tell them that self immolations are actually harming the Tibetan cause, anyone who can think logically and who understands how the world works now will know it will only make things worse for the Tibetans and for CTA. Even before, there are many hints of the CTA is the ones behind the self immolations, as the current and previous kalon tripas have expressed disappointment on the lack of attention given to the self immolations by the world, the way a businessman would say if his marketing strategy did not work. Now they're using Nechung to cover their ass? Poor, poor Nechung.


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A stinging article that links almost directly the TYC to the self immolations:

Self-immolation abetted by deliberate glorification
Global Times | 2013-1-16 23:53:01
By Lin Xu   

Police in Northwest China's Gansu Province arrested seven people for their alleged role in inciting a local Tibetan villager to self-immolate, according to Xinhua News Agency Tuesday. These seven key members of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) of the Dalai group are accused of plotting the self-immolation of Sangye Gyatso, a 26-year-old villager in the city of Hezuo, Gansu's Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, on Oct 6, 2012.

China has strengthened the crackdown on self-immolation instigators. The authorities stated that those inciting self-immolation would be charged with intentional murder and the police revealed details of how the Tibetan separatists in exile abetting self-immolation actions in China immediately after they cracked a self-immolation case. These efforts help both Chinese society and the international community better understand the nature of Tibetan self-immolation. However, fighting against instigating self-immolation is not an easy task, since some are still trying to glorify the extreme self-harm.

The city of Dharamsala offered prayers to remember the reported first self-immolator of this year. The victim, who was between the age of 19 and 22 according to different sources, set himself ablaze on January 13. An artist is working on a series of portraits of Tibetan self-immolators, praising them for "dying for human dignity."

The Chinese government needs to be decisive on cracking down on Tibetan self-immolation.

The TYC is the biggest and most extreme and vigorous organization of Tibetan exiles. It was accused of plotting the 3.14 Lhasa riots in 2008. Tsewang Rigzin, the president of TYC, once encouraged violent suicide attacks to realize the organization's political goal. There is a dangerous tendency of the organization moving toward terrorism.

According to Chinese police, those intentional instigators promised the self-immolators they would send their photos overseas and ask the Dalai Lama to pray for them. They highlighted the self-immolation cases with words and photos through overseas pro-"Tibetan Independence" media. Those young Tibetans sacrificed their lives for the political pursuits of TYC.

China legally protects people's freedom of religion, however, this doesn't include protection for those disturbing social security and damaging people's lives under the name of religion. Those breaching the doctrines of Buddhism and claiming others' lives for political ambitions must be severely punished based on law. Besides legal means, religious and social forces should be encouraged to participate in fighting against self-immolation instigation.


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Sorry for my mis-spelling of Kashag in my earlier post.

The Tibetan people feel that the Kashag is using Nechung's name to cover their lies.The Kashag is setting themselves up for ridicule. Why so? Here in this post, whenever it is convenient for them, we see them call up the name of Nechung to cover their tracks. Yet, when challenged directly by reporters regarding their stance on Nechung, they become evasive and dodgy. For instance , when asked by French reporters in an interview,  "Do you believe in Nechung's advice?", their response was to dodge the question. Instead they were playing musical chairs by telling the reporters to refer the question to another person, as they knew nothing about Nechung!

On the one hand , they claimed they knew nothing about Nechung. On the other(as it suited them to do so), they have been citing Nechung's advice to support their lies, eg, Nechung advising Tibetans to stop self-immolation , only after 110 people had yielded up their precious lives!


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Sorry for my mis-spelling of Kashag in my earlier post.

The Tibetan people feel that the Kashag is using Nechung's name to cover their lies.The Kashag is setting themselves up for ridicule. Why so? Here in this post, whenever it is convenient for them, we see them call up the name of Nechung to cover their tracks. Yet, when challenged directly by reporters regarding their stance on Nechung, they become evasive and dodgy. For instance , when asked by French reporters in an interview,  "Do you believe in Nechung's advice?", their response was to dodge the question. Instead they were playing musical chairs by telling the reporters to refer the question to another person, as they knew nothing about Nechung!

On the one hand , they claimed they knew nothing about Nechung. On the other(as it suited them to do so), they have been citing Nechung's advice to support their lies, eg, Nechung advising Tibetans to stop self-immolation , only after 110 people had yielded up their precious lives!

It's obvious that Nechung is being used as a scapegoat by the CTA. When anything goes wrong, Nechung's name comes up, or he is used to justify sudden changes. He was also used to justify the Dorje Shugden ban with shaky answers. It is pretty obvious that the CTA is not democratic but they depend entirely on Nechung to lead the government because they want to use something because the CTA is unable to take responsibility for whatever decisions or mistakes that they have made, but they want the benefits yet not the responsibility to come with it. Is this the mark of a proper parliament? no. It's the mark of a government that does not deserve to govern any sort of land whatsoever because they are simply unable to take responsibility.


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Maybe this is Karma come back, CTA created so much confusion in people's mind and so much disharmony between DS and non DS practitioners, now disharmony arise in their own organization. By putting the ban on DS issue, CTA collected a lot of bad Karma which will come back to them eventually, and the disharmony is already a start. As we all can see from the article, majority from TYC are not supporting HH Dalai Lama's policy, this might come from the Karma of broken samaya between HHDL with HH Trijang Rinpoche.

Only 34 out of 130 TYC's members are supporting HHDL or CTA policy, and the 34 of them are those who based in India, which always watched by CTA, we will never know do they actually follow CTA by will or not. But for those who staying outside India, those who based in Canada or USA, they are watching what have CTA have done towards the Tibetan community. Almost 60 in exile, CTA or Tibetan Government in Exile have not nothing but brought harm and disharmony to their own people, for example the DS ban have separated many from their families, schools, monasteries, friends and etc, is there any reason for them to support a government like this ?

I'm not surprise that the younger generation have lost faith in CTA or Nechung, because whatever they have done brought no benefit at all. CTA keep using Nechung's name to come out with many lies to make their stories sound real but things have become clearer and clearer nowadays. If Nechung really knows DS is an evil spirit, why he only announced much later ? Why not Nechung give prediction when HHDL practice DS? Why Nechung allow a high famous DS lama, HH Trijang Rinpoche to be one of the HHDL's tutor ? Why Nechung always gave prediction much more later ? Is Nechung have no clairvoyance or because CTA is using Nechung to come out with their own stories ?



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It has been decades and no signs of improvement or development can be seen from HH Dalai Lama’s Middle Way policy.  Tibetans in exile and in China have waited patiently enough and far too long.  CTA is the biggest disappointment to them!  The Western world has done little to help HH Dalai Lama and Tibetans to regain their independence. China will not budge!

Hence, it is not an irony for the majority of the Tibetan Youth Congress members to go against HH Dalai Lama’s policy! In fact it is only normal for these Tibetans to react in this way.  Tibetans in exile are living in the 21st centuries, around the world and not within the confines and times of the old Tibet.  It is time these young and new generation do something to effect a change.  But what can they do? 



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The younger generation Tibetans are obviously more educated than the older ones. So obviously they know and realizes all the 'games' that the CTA has been playing the Tibetans for decades... they must have been thinking of this for a long time now, but only garnered enough support this time round to outwardly object the policy that they do not agree with.

I think, being more literate and liberal, I don't see these young members that object the Dalai Lama's Middle way policy as being trouble makes... infact, they do so respectfully, showing their understanding that they no longer will allow religion interfere with state matter and put their foot down. A very daring move I must say, knowing how the rest of the 'Autocratic'-loving community would react towards them... probably just as how they would react towards DS practitioners.

Well, with these bunch of people, looks like Tibet's future is not as gloomy as we all thought it would be


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To me it is very simple... "WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND"... We Buddhist believe in Karma so I guess the silly CTA is getting their wheel of sharp weapons turning full circle upon them. I do hope they can realise this. Remember how many Highly attained Lama's they have encouraged the lay practitioners to put down, attack and even threatened their lives... Can you imagine they dare threatened His Holiness Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche's life when the ban got heated up, which forced the young Trijang Rinpoche to have no choice but to escape out from Gaden. Can u imagine the karma for that along with so many other Lamas like Gangchen Rinpoche who they have as one of the many on their wanted hit list to kill?!

So many people's lives, families and friends thorn a part, became enemies, became horrible because of the sill Tibetan Govt encouraging disanction and disharmony in so many people's lives!
So NOW their KARMA come back... so NOW WHAT???

If the CTA has any ounce of wisdom, and if they are looking at this website closely... let's hope they are "smart" enough to read some advice given in this article as well....

The Kashag and Tibetan government are now experiencing the very dissension, schism, and disharmony they have caused to the millions of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. The Tibetan government should invite the oracle of Dorje Shugden, request him to take trance and offer sincere apologies and amending of spiritual relations in order to deflect further karmic repercussions. They should unite the Tibetan people and religion without conflict and scapegoating. The Tibetan government should duly apologise to this compassionate, world peace protector Dorje Shugden. It can only serve to benefit them. Their current policies have not achieved any fruitioning and the Dalai Lama is aging. Therefore, they must attempt a new policy, new direction and a new stance.

The Tibetan Government in Exile and the Dalai Lama should stop courting and entertaining Western governments who will not take any action against the Chinese towards Tibetan independence. In fact, the Tibetan government and Dalai Lama should go out of their way and cease all interaction with Western governments and reach out to the Chinese government before it is too late. The simple fact of the matter is Tibet is in China, not America. So the President they should court and please is the Chinese Premier, not the US leader. If they were to reach out, and humbly approach the Chinese government, it would help the Tibetans within Tibet and outside of Tibet. After all, the Dalai Lama has no power in Tibet, and the only way he can help his Tibetan people is via the Chinese government. It is essential for His Holiness the Dalai Lama to make friends and go to Beijing to repair relations with China. Only by doing so, China will lighten their tight policies against Tibet and give more autonomous benefits, if not the name itself. In conclusion, the Tibetan Government in Exile should make full apologies to the protector deity Dorje Shugden who can only help in their purpose and not harm.

Time has told us their policies are not working. Secondly, they should immediately cease all interaction with Western governments that only serve to irritate China and not bring them closer to their goals. China’s absorbing of Tibet into the Motherland, whether right or wrong, is a fact that cannot be changed by any Western government. No Western government has the power, say, or self-sacrificing courage to challenge China for Tibet. In fact, all Western governments are scurrying to be China’s best friend.

It would behoove Tibet and His Holiness to immediately make friends with China regardless of the past for the sake of Tibet and its unique culture.

Sounds like CLEAR ADVICE AND STEPS CTA can take before it is way too too late!!!


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The younger generation Tibetans are obviously more educated than the older ones. So obviously they know and realizes all the 'games' that the CTA has been playing the Tibetans for decades... they must have been thinking of this for a long time now, but only garnered enough support this time round to outwardly object the policy that they do not agree with.

I think, being more literate and liberal, I don't see these young members that object the Dalai Lama's Middle way policy as being trouble makes... infact, they do so respectfully, showing their understanding that they no longer will allow religion interfere with state matter and put their foot down. A very daring move I must say, knowing how the rest of the 'Autocratic'-loving community would react towards them... probably just as how they would react towards DS practitioners.

Well, with these bunch of people, looks like Tibet's future is not as gloomy as we all thought it would be

Well it would not mean anything if this new generation of Tibetans are not allowed to be part of the CTA and implement the necessary changes. There will always be someone from the old CTA to be in power and pick people whom they favor to be part of the CTA, so the cycle never stops unless a miracle happens. HHDL is also surprisingly quiet about this when he should be speaking up, but in any case, there isnt much hope. The older generation is just happy to have power in the CTA and dont do anything much with it while the younger generation is having insecurities about their cultural identity when they dont have a place to call their nation. They have to fix the cracks amongst themselves before they can move forward and not depend on HHDL or Nechung.


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While I have sympathy for people of Tibet (both in Tibet and in exile) for having to suffer so much since 1959, I remain my stand that Buddhism should stay away from politics. Buddhism is a way to gain enlightenment, to end suffering, but this whole scenario of mixing politics with Buddhism just got more and more suffering.

HH Dalai Lama should have the monks to focus on spreading the Dharma not taking part in politics. In a way, taking part in politics is deviating from practices because it creates even more suffering for many.

CTA, as it claims, should operate from democracy. Prime minister should run the country as if he means it: take care of all people regardless their religions.


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While I have sympathy for people of Tibet (both in Tibet and in exile) for having to suffer so much since 1959, I remain my stand that Buddhism should stay away from politics. Buddhism is a way to gain enlightenment, to end suffering, but this whole scenario of mixing politics with Buddhism just got more and more suffering.

HH Dalai Lama should have the monks to focus on spreading the Dharma not taking part in politics. In a way, taking part in politics is deviating from practices because it creates even more suffering for many.

CTA, as it claims, should operate from democracy. Prime minister should run the country as if he means it: take care of all people regardless their religions.

Politics or not, the Dalai Lama still has a duty to speak up against self immolations as he is still the spiritual leader of the people. His silence in the past have caused more and more lives to die unnecessarily. It is great that he has spoke up against the self immolations, but right now it is no longer within his control or within the CTA's control as the Tibetan youths who was misled by the CTA become more and more out of control. It is kinda sad to see that it is too late for more enforcement now, but perhaps might it be that this group of youths help lift the ban as more and more of them seek solace in Dorje Shugden's effectiveness and results compared to Nechung's empty promises? I wonder if they can be turned around to lift the ban since they are no longer obedient to the Dalai Lama or the CTA.


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For me, I still think that the Dalai Lama should not mix with all these political issues so much and leave it to the lay people in CTA to deal with it. I feel that if this is really the case, Dharma might be able to grow and spread even faster, helping all that would need it.

At the same time, I feel that it is time for the CTA to take the problems into their own hands, and not fully relying on the Sanghas to solve the problems. Instead, allow the Sanghas to do the spiritual work that they need to, and ask for advises only during times of need.