Author Topic: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat  (Read 8541 times)


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Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« on: June 02, 2013, 06:06:46 PM »
Little Boy Explains To His Mother Why He Doesn't Want To Eat Octopus

hope rainbow

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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 06:25:15 PM »
Oh... there it is, simple and plain straight forward...
Woaw... the whole topic of eating animals in 1 minute, nothing to add...
It is so touching and true, his mother has tears of joy for her son has just figured it out right there...
This video must be world spread, such a perfect teaching!


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 09:15:00 PM »
“Unless you become like little children, you can’t see the kingdom of Heaven” ~ Said a man from judean desert 2000 years ago.

Children are more open to questions and the mysteries of life. They are also able to appreciate the simplicity of life. This unable them to process information and think very simply that animals are friends, we don't eat them.

We should learn to unlearn from the conditionings we received from society and relearn from children, just like how this child's mother was touched by her son.

This is such a good example to instil in children to not eat meat from a young age.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 12:56:26 AM »
Very beautiful. I guessed if children can think like that everyone would listen but for an adult thinking in this way we would questions them to death. Why? Because we think children are not polluted without any motive while adult thinking in this way would be considered 'childish', or 'unnatural'. We are using different filters here because we are more cautions towards adults as compared to children. Why? We considered adult has some kind of motive hiding behind what they said while children are genuine with what they said.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2013, 08:29:48 AM »
Luiz said: "When we eat the animals, they die". So beautiful and simple. He also said: "You gotta take care of them....not eat them!".

So beautiful and simple. Beyond logic. For me this is beyond no need to apply logic. It is just the truth. A child is compassionate if we allow them. But most including myself....we do/did not allow our children this nature. We feed them meat.

hope rainbow

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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2013, 03:12:42 PM »
Let's not drape children with a cloack of innocence neither, I know kids that at the same age kill ants for pleasure...
Each kid will come to his birth with habits carried from previous lives, this kid obviously brought with him the habit of a learned and convinced vegetarian...

“Unless you become like little children, you can’t see the kingdom of Heaven” ~ Said a man from judean desert 2000 years ago.

Children are more open to questions and the mysteries of life. They are also able to appreciate the simplicity of life. This unable them to process information and think very simply that animals are friends, we don't eat them.

We should learn to unlearn from the conditionings we received from society and relearn from children, just like how this child's mother was touched by her son.

This is such a good example to instil in children to not eat meat from a young age.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2013, 04:21:31 PM »
Not all children have the same logic as this child. It could be due to his previous imprints from previous lives that prevents him from eating meat.

What he said is just so true, "When we eat the animals, they die. We gotta take care of them, not eat them". Straightforward, touching and logical; no wonder there were tears in her mother's eyes as what he said touched her.

Tenzin K

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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2013, 05:36:34 PM »
Interesting to see this kid have such a simple reason of not eating animals meat. In fact a lot of people should learn from him. I strongly believe he must have an imprint on vegetarianism and great compassion. It's very rare to see kids have such thought especially at such a young age. I'm total rejoice and impress.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2013, 04:14:48 AM »
Then there is the difficulty of discerning the difference between how something feels and what something is. Too often, arguments about eating animals aren’t arguments at all, but statements of taste. And where there are facts — this is how much pork we eat; these are how many mangrove swamps have been destroyed by aquaculture; this is how a cow is killed — there’s the question of what we can actually do with them. Should they be ethically compelling? Communally? Legally? Or just more information for each eater to digest as he sees fit?

Putting aside, for a moment, there are more than ten billion land animals slaughtered for food every year in America, and putting aside the environment, and workers, and such directly related issues as world hunger, flu epidemics, and biodiversity, there is also the question of how we think of ourselves and one another.

Today, at stake in the question of eating animals is not only our basic ability to respond to sentient life, but our ability to respond to parts of our own (animal) being. There is a war not only between us and them, but between us and us. It is a war as old as story and more unbalanced than at any point in history. As philosopher and social critic Jacques Derrida reflects, it is an unequal struggle, a war (whose inequality could one day be reversed) being waged between, on the one hand, those who violate not only animal life but even and also this sentiment of compassion, and, on the other hand, those who appeal for an irrefutable testimony to this pity.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2013, 04:08:03 PM »
Beautiful and simple indeed. It is very beautiful that a child would be able to think this way as opposed to most children (and adults!) attached to the taste of meat. This child has the ability to think compassionately towards the sufferings of animals. I like it when he said “you gotta take care of them… not eat them”. The mother was visibly touched by what she heard. I hope more adults can access to watch this video so that they will start to realise how important it is to teach our future generations of not killing by stop feeding them with meat.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2013, 11:47:53 AM »
This child obviously has the maturity to think correctly.  It took a small meal of octopus to send him thinking that we should not eat animals. And he could carry on his conversation with his mum without throwing tantrums. He could actually carry on a conversation with an adult, logically.  This child must seriously have imprints from previous lives. Most if not all kids his age would be running around happily with their toys and playing games, rather than sparing a thought for our animal friends.

DS Star

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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2013, 07:17:48 PM »
It is not complicated at all... it is just a simple logic...

"When we eat them, they die"
"Octopus is animal" "Chicken is animal" "Cow is animal"

Simple yet true... no need long explanation. This 3 year-old boy says it all within few minutes but to majority of people, adults especially, this simple switch of eating preference requires a mammoth effort.

This is the truth that was mentioned even in Lamrim, "Liberation in the palm of your hand" by Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche. When explaining on the Law of Cause and Effect, and the Ten Non-virtuous Actions, Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche told a story on animals that were brought to monastery and later slaughtered to be lunch for monks in monastery.

At first the animals in the story were confident they will not be killed because monks study about compassion and not killing. However the monk ordered a butcher to slaughter them. On its dying breath the cow actually cursed the monks.

The moral of the story is, when we preach compassion, our actions should be in-line with it.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2013, 01:59:25 PM »
Just the sight of unwanted thoughts of cows heads getting cut off alive,crying in pain will definitely put a child off eating meat.Meat eating can cause health problems.Protein can be found in vegetables sources as well as meat.By limiting a child intake of meat, he/she can become healthier.Studies have shown that by eating a low fat vegetarian diet,people with heart disease can be cured.Gout,diabetes, and colon cancer are other diseases that are caused by over -consumption of meat.These diseases are not only common among adults but children too.


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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2013, 02:51:31 PM »
This young boy is full of compassion! It will put every adult meat-eater to shame!  If the young boy can reason out logically why the animals should not be eaten, it is illogical that the adult meat-eater cannot do the same!  The boy's action is commendable because he practised what he had said. We should rejoice for his compassion.  It is rare to see a boy having such compassion.  This act of compassion had arisen from the seed of compassion in his mind which he had planted in his past lives!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Simple Logic of a Child on Not Eating Meat
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2013, 03:19:57 PM »
So simple but logic explanation from a young, innocent little boy. Everyone knows this fact too, it is just that most meat eaters are so attached to the taste of meat and can't stop themselves from consuming more meat even though it involves killing more living beings. So even claimed that certain animals are put here on earth to be eaten. Such a mistaken statement to console themselves indeed. May this short and simple little video bring more people to realize animals are not for their dietary consumption.