Author Topic: Bottomless Heart  (Read 10204 times)

DS Star

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Bottomless Heart
« on: June 08, 2013, 08:21:09 PM »
“When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space.” ? Pema Chodron, "Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living"

We always guard our 'heart' the wrong way... we thought we should shield it from being hurt and so, we make it numb and insensitive to others' needs and plights.

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"... It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give..."

Our potential is actually limitless. The challenge is for us to acknowledge it and to find the 'key' to open it. This potential is also known as 'Buddha nature' ; the nature of our heart is like the Buddha's - compassionate and limitless.

We only need to find the courage to open it...


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 01:37:45 AM »
There is this saying : Think with your heart and not with your brain.
When we act according to our heart, there is no right or wrong, just what needs to be done. We stop judging other people and stop thinking we are the only ones who are right. When everyone in the world thinks like this, there would be no samsara...

Mother nature is 'strange'. Most of the time, we follow and trust our instincts to make a decision. And most of the time, it is the right decision. We just have to open up our hearts and follow what we feel....

Jessie Fong

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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2013, 05:04:56 AM »
Thinking with your heart means you are guided by emotions.
Thinking with your head, you are guided systematically, analytically.

I guess it also depends on the situation you are in, as to whether you should think with your heart or your head?

Ultimately it is the right decision that matters.


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 09:46:19 AM »
There is no doubt that the heart is bottomless. It has limitless potential...for good and for bad as well. By nature, we have compassion but because we are in samsara, we have delusions that constantly affect our thinking and behavior and hence our action and its results. This because of out throwing and completion karma. These karmic manifestation are sometime good and sometime bad depending on the law of karma.

Since karma manifest with strongest first, the familiar (habituated) second and everything being equal, the oldest last, we are thought to create the motivations and affinities with the Buddhas. Being the strongest, if done correctly, our best intentions, compassion and wisdom will take the forefront of our actions and the result will be good.

Then only will our lives be spend in a fruitful way.


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2013, 01:55:20 PM »
This mind is nothing other than Buddha nature.To see this nature is what is meant by religious practice.When one realizes one's Buddha nature,wrong relationships will instantly disappear,words will be of no concern,the dust of the Dharma will not stain you. The real Buddha is none other than the heart of all beings,the master of seeing,hearing and percieving.


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2013, 02:46:04 PM »
Limitless is the extent of space,
Limitless is the karma and delusion of beings,
And limitless is the karma and delusion of beings.
Such are the limits of my aspirations.

(King of Prayers)


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2013, 04:02:55 PM »
Oftentimes the head and the heart are not in harmony, and when you listen to ONLY the head, it leads to a great source of confusion.One minute the head tells you one thing, then a few minutes later it tells you something else, and before you know it you end up more confused than when you began.

Living a life run by your head is limited and will misguide you out of the poetry that is each moment.
The heart has an intelligence and knows things that the head cannot know – it has a knowing beyond logic. The heart is beyond mere emotion, but rooted in deep wisdom.There are things that you know deep down.

Sometimes we are afraid to OWN our inner-knowing, so we create the false sense of confusion for ourselves. CONFUSION is a game we play with ourselves to keep ourselves stuck where we are. The more you remain confused, the less you need to make a choice and take action. Confusion keeps you playing small.

It can be scary to get clear and own the fact that underneath the fear and confusion, you DO indeed know what to do. As you own your knowing, there are no more excuses – only the courageous responsibility to follow your truth.

We avoid truly listening to our heart sometimes because we are afraid of what that might mean to be that honest. Perhaps it will mean acknowledging that your relationship needs to end, or that it is time to leave your unfulfilling job.

There is a part of you that knows everything, since at the deepest level you are everything. When you allow yourself to listen to your heart, it will guide you on the right path. Your heart has an intelligence and wisdom – even though it might not always be easy, and sometimes rather challenging, there is usually a deeper sense of peace that comes with following your true heart’s knowing.

Deep peace is living your deepest truth, rather than out of the confines of your fear. The stress, anxiety, craziness we feel often happens because we are stuck in our heads, when in reality everything inside of us is saying something else. There is often a gap between what the head says and the heart says. The degree to which you follow only the head is the degree to which you will suffer.

To go against your true heart’s knowing is to betray yourself, and to betray yourself only leads to pain.


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2013, 06:33:31 AM »
Is it our heart or mind? Wheres the 'heart' actually? We feel something when we touch, think, emotionally active. We even feel when we are in dreams. But where's that 'heart' or the bottomless heart that controls our actions. The heart or mind comes about whenever condition arises. Its unreliable actually. But it can also b use for meritorious acts if we have a good knoeledge of dharma.


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2013, 03:28:55 PM »
Buddha nature is in all of us! How do you know? Your heart feels 'heavy' and it makes you feel like crying whenever you see an act of kindness, charity, love, compassion in action. Bottomless is the right word... Always be compassionate and help everyone around us...

Big Uncle

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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2013, 04:04:43 PM »
Compassion is our true nature. It is because all of us have real and bottomless compassion deep inside of us that achieving it is possible for everyone. We just need to uncover it with practice, diligence and deep contemplations. How do proof of its existence in everyone? Very easy. Just observe - everyone has got someone they love, cherish and they would do anything for that person... even in the most hardened criminals. However, not everyone is has a evil and cruel heart. With just this simple perspective, we can see that compassion is truly inherent in us. We just need to uncover it. We need to nurture it so it will full blossom one day when we would have compassion for everyone and every being around us.


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2013, 12:25:44 PM »

I always believe that everyone have bottomless heart and compassion heart. Sometimes we may act in such as way too emotionally due to our mind thinking at the time or influence by people around. We can't blame on others' advice and support as they are trying to help because we are their closed one. Hence, it is important to practise dharma to find our wisdom and inner peace. With this, we able to think wise and control our mind before we making decision or taking any action. That's where we found our bottomless heart. Follow our heart.

DS Star

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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2013, 01:13:51 AM »
Great Compassion meditation guide by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso to generate a strong wish to release all living beings from contaminated rebirth and suffering:

"I cannot bear the suffering of these countless mother beings. Trapped in the prison of samsara, they have to experience again and again, in life after life, endlessly, the immense sufferings of birth, sickness, ageing and death, having to part with what they like, having to encounter what they do not like, and failing to satisfy their desires."


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Re: Bottomless Heart
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2013, 08:44:13 AM »
"Compassion is our true nature. It is because all of us have real and bottomless compassion deep inside of us that achieving it is possible for everyone. We just need to uncover it with practice, diligence and deep contemplations"
We need to reduce and eliminate the importance of the "I" in every decision that we make, then maybe we will discover this Bottomless Heart ! We generally place tremendous amount of efforts to protect our egos and feelings that we are not able to feel the needs of the others around us. The most we can achieve is a mind of "pity" which is not equivalent to Compassion. To get to the level of Compassion , the "I" have to be totally eliminated to the extent that we are willing to exchange ourselves with others even in the most undesirable circumstances.