Killing is already a big no no, in this case we have to eat them alive and see them suffer in front of us for our pleasure it’s really sickening. How can we be so selfish? Just because it’s not our flesh, not us being eaten alive and we can take on seeing others being tortured that is really inhuman.
There is no different between human meat and animals meat because it’s from a living being that can feel pain, scared, worry… could we let other being in such a feeling and we can enjoy hurting them. We just forget to put ourselves in their shoe and just being ignorant.
Believing in karma will make us realize what goes around comes around. This is one of those natural laws I have been studying. Karma is the Sanskrit word for action and is derived from the root Kri meaning “to do”. In actuality, karma is both action and its consequence simultaneously. At the most basic level, the law of karma is synonymous with the law of cause and effect. Common phrases associated with this law include “You Reap What You Sow” or the “Fruits Of One’s Labor”.
Even the choice to eat a particular food or drink a specific drink is a karmic event. Having a cup of coffee for instance has a very precise effect on your body, mood, thoughts and ultimately your actions.
In summary, we must become a witness to our thoughts which give rise to action and make choices that are in alignment with our highest good. We do this by tapping into our intuition and have the foresight into the potential consequences of our decisions.