Author Topic: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant  (Read 34210 times)


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Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« on: June 09, 2013, 02:34:27 AM »
Wow. eating something alive is the cruellest way of killing. I guess the pain is comparable to cancer or even more. I really hope that this restaurant would stop this!

Posted on 05 Jun 2012
Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant

STOMPer Minzy was disturbed by an online video which shows how this super-fresh frog sashimi was actually prepared in front of the customer while the frog was still alive. She felt that this is an extreme act of cruelty to animals.

In the video, the frog is kept alive in a kitchen until someone places an order. The frog is then stabbed by the chef's knife and stripped clean of its inedible innards. However, the frog can be seen twitching and its eyes blinking while served on an iced platter. After the sashimi bits are taken off, the rest of the frog is simmered to make a soup.

The frogs used in this dish are bullfrogs raised specifically for cooking and therefore safe and delish. The restaurant reportedly ships in only about five frogs per day.

The STOMPer wrote:

"I feel sick watching how the woman could still smile and eat the sashimi while the frog was looking at her.

"I love to eat frog porridge, especially frog legs! I'm fine with eating raw food but I definitely wouldn't want to see the frogs still twitching around on my plate and eventually die before my eyes.

"The poor frog in the video is being tortured alive and made to watch its own innards get ripped and placed on a serving platter. How cruel is that?"

Jessie Fong

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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2013, 09:27:07 AM »
Where humans are concerned, there are various types of "exotic" foods that are being served on the table. Frogs (alive or dead) are not the only living thing on a plate. Octopus is a common dish, too. I have heard of an old tale that goes ::: we will eat anything under the sun that walks/moves with its back towards the sky.

There are also instances where baby mice (preferable new born) are swallowed alive with bananas - this was way back during my grandparents' time and I am not sure if this is still a "delicacy", though at that time it was considered to help relieve certain ailments.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2013, 10:30:16 AM »
Maybe not incomparable to cancer but more like when you get caught by some psycho killer who slowly tortures and reap your organs apart while you are alive before killing you. If we do not want the same to happen to us, we should stop doing the same to another being. What goes around DO come around eventually.

I hope the Stomper is able to see that a meat do come from a life source. All animals were alive before killing them for some culinary dish. It's just not done in front of the public. If slaughter houses has glass windows, many people would turn vegetarian already.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2013, 12:31:48 PM »
This is indeed too cruel to be true.. but IT IS! Those who eat these things should envision themselves being eaten alive while watching their guts slowly be torn away and eaten by a larger being. Such cruelty seems to become the staple for mankind as more and more people want to eat "Exotic" food. No matter how exotic food can be, a life is a life and should not be taken!


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2013, 02:09:04 PM »
This woman who had eaten the frog alive, the chef who had slaughtered the frog, the restaurant owner, the supplier, and all the parties involved directly or indirectly in bringing the frog onto the platter are guilty of killing the frog!  It is very sadistic and without any conscience of all! It is bad to kill, what more to inflict death upon the frog slowly and painfully!

The karmic consequence for killing a sentient being – frog this case – is heavy.  Those involved in the killing will experience the same treatment in their future lives.  They will also have short life-span. frequent illnesses and unhealthy lives! 

The public must be educated about the karmic effects of killing.  It may not be easy to reeducate the adults who had been accustomed to eating meat.  However, children are easier to be educated from very young about the disadvantages of eating meat.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2013, 02:25:12 PM »
This is extremely act of cruelty to animals.Frogs like other amphibians,do indeed have intricate nervous systems and pain receptors.
Many seller are doing the same thing in the market and the worst case is they are skinned alive!Talking about cruelty,it is really awful how this woman can eat something that is still half alive and enjoyed it.
Be vegetarian will be a good choice.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2013, 03:52:18 PM »
Why would anyone eat something that is still alive and raw?? I find it very disturbing. Can anyone of them imagine themselves being eaten alive instead? Why would they still afford to have that conscience to eat something alive and see them suffer in front of their own eyes?? This is the crudest act I must say. Just as bad as eating monkey brains!


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2013, 09:04:38 PM »
Indeed it is very cruel. More importantly the person who is eating the frog, being unaware, will experience the same pain in many folds in future. The cook, the restaurant, and everyone in the chain of making the live frog as a dish will receive similar karma by participating in this cruel act. Not forgetting if only slaughter house has glass doors, every day many animals are killed for consumption purposes. It is a common cruel act behind close door. Eating a dead or alive animal will incur the same type of karma from killing, that is reborn in three lower realms and weak or disease ridden body in future.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2013, 01:15:39 AM »
Serving meal while the poor animal is alive is unthinkable and crude to the highest degree. I dont know what pain the poor frogs had to endue and I certainly wish and pray this will stop. Whoever order this dish must be cast out of human race for he or she is without feeling and compassion.

There is so much resources on this planet, why does one need to kill to survive? is it worth the karma of killing just for one meal??


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2013, 10:39:09 AM »
This is beyond cruel, i just do not understand why there are this kind of dishes being invented or this type of presentation been excepted by the public. How could one endure or even enjoy their meal with this poor living thing lying on the plate still living. It is bad enough for one who include meat in their diet in terms of health and spiritually.

I am totally against this. Please stop this kind of presentation if you are a chef who happened to read my post here.

Tenzin K

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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2013, 01:53:36 PM »
Killing is already a big no no, in this case we have to eat them alive and see them suffer in front of us for our pleasure it’s really sickening. How can we be so selfish? Just because it’s not our flesh, not us being eaten alive and we can take on seeing others being tortured that is really inhuman.

There is no different between human meat and animals meat because it’s from a living being that can feel pain, scared, worry… could we let other being in such a feeling and we can enjoy hurting them. We just forget to put ourselves in their shoe and just being ignorant.

Believing in karma will make us realize what goes around comes around. This is one of those natural laws I have been studying. Karma is the Sanskrit word for action and is derived from the root Kri meaning “to do”. In actuality, karma is both action and its consequence simultaneously. At the most basic level, the law of karma is synonymous with the law of cause and effect. Common phrases associated with this law include “You Reap What You Sow” or the “Fruits Of One’s Labor”.

Even the choice to eat a particular food or drink a specific drink is a karmic event. Having a cup of coffee for instance has a very precise effect on your body, mood, thoughts and ultimately your actions.

In summary, we must become a witness to our thoughts which give rise to action and make choices that are in alignment with our highest good. We do this by tapping into our intuition and have the foresight into the potential consequences of our decisions.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2013, 06:05:01 AM »
the biggest justification that most people use when eating meat is that the animals dont feel anything if we kill them. But that is not true as you can see from the bullfrog's eyes that it is suffering from pain that cannot be expressed in words as he sees himself being eaten alive. Killing an animal itself is a very horrible thing to do, but to actually eat them alive is just beyond imagination as why would anyone would want to inflict something like this, just because they think the animals cant feel when they actually can? what sort of pleasure does one derive from this?


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2013, 01:40:56 PM »
Yes, this is very cruel. It is an inhumane act but to the food connoisseurs this dish is a delicacy. Gosh I can’t imagine how anyone can have the heart to eat something alive and enjoyed it without thinking of how the poor frogs had to suffer and endure the pain. Merciless! The karmic repercussions will be very heavy as eating them alive and enjoying it is worst then killing.


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2013, 03:19:44 AM »
This kind of food preparation is not very uncommon in china and maybe japan. i heard of fish and legged animals being served alive with their skin and meat dipping into hotpot. Its an act of cruelty but consumer are chasing for thrills even at meals....very degenerate. The bad karma created is extremely bad and if the consumer has no confession and felt happy creating such acts. Karmic repercussions will definitely be heavy. 


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Re: Isn't this cruel? Frog served alive at Japanese restaurant
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2013, 06:39:11 AM »
This kind of food preparation is not very uncommon in china and maybe japan. i heard of fish and legged animals being served alive with their skin and meat dipping into hotpot. Its an act of cruelty but consumer are chasing for thrills even at meals....very degenerate. The bad karma created is extremely bad and if the consumer has no confession and felt happy creating such acts. Karmic repercussions will definitely be heavy.

The suffering that they brought upon these animals will create the karma that will attract disasters to that country, for some reason it does make sense as China and Japan both have a lot of natural disasters happening all the time. And what is worse is the government  not doing anything to stop these barbaric acts when they should regulate between what can be done to animals and whatnot. Many developed nations have rules on these, except for China and Japan which is very sad indeed.