Author Topic: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck  (Read 8627 times)


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Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:43:41 AM »
Here's a very heart warming but sad story. And again, the question is, why marry when there is no love or when there are mental issues between the 2? The child suffers.

Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
by Li on Thursday, June 6, 2013 182 comments comments

From iFeng & Sohu:

6-Year-Old Boy Has Neck Cut By Mother, Falls on Ground; Upon Seeing Her About to Kill Herself, Endures Pain and Wrestles Knife Away

On the morning of June 5, a Jiaxing city Haining county netizen reported that a mother prepared to commit suicide after slashing her son’s neck only to have the perceptive son, in order to save his mother, ignore his own injury, get up, and try to wrestle the knife away from his mother. During the struggle for the knife, the son’s hands were cut by the sharp knife. Perhaps as a result of love reawakening reason, the mother subsequently called the police.

At present, after emergency medical treatment and surgery, both mother and son are out of life-threatening danger.

Call in the Morning to Ex-Husband: “I’m Dying, And Your Son’s Already Dead”

After this Zhejiang Online reporter gathered information from the Haining police and hospital, it was roughly understood that the mother is surnamed Zhan, is 34 years old, and from Chunan.

Zhan’s temper is very poor, and often had fights with ex-husband Shi and his family members over minor family issues, even shouting threats to kill herself by jumping off the building or writing giant words on their apartment’s walls. If 6-year-old son Xiao Yu didn’t do things her way, she would hit him with a stick.

As a result of the couple not getting along, Zhan and her ex-husband divorced in 2010, with custody of the son given to the husband. Before the divorce, Zhan worked in a Haining factory. After the divorce, Zhan didn’t leave her ex-husband’s home, but instead made a place for herself to sleep and continued to live there for half a year.

In April of this year, Zhan once again returned to her ex-husband’s place, made a place for herself to sleep in the car shed, and lived there for a while. Her son Xiao Yu would live there with her sometimes.

Yesterday [June 4], after yet another trifle, Zhan had an argument with her mother-in-law, and in her anger, she went to the kindergarten, picked up and left with her son.

It was only when Shi went to pick up his child that he found out from the teacher that his son had been picked up by the mother. He called Zhan but could not get through. Given that there had been incidents before where Zhan had taken their son out without returning the entire night, even leaving for as long as over 20 days without returning home, the family did not think much of it at the time.

Until this morning [June 5], when Zhan called and said something to the effect of “I’m dying, and your son is already dead”. Shi has said such angry and spiteful words before, so Shi ignored her and hung up the phone.

Then Zhan called her father-in-law, and her father-in-law also paid her no attention.

It wasn’t until Shi received another call from Zhan and could hear the sound of an ambulance from the other end that he realized that something bad happened. At the time, he just thought it was his ex-wife having attempted suicide, but never in his dreams would he have thought she might lay her hands on their child. Until he rushed to the hospital, saw his son lying on the stretcher, neck covered with blood, where he stood in shock.

The Son Has Already Regained Consciousness; In Good Mental State and No Serious Harm

Today [June 5], Xiaoyu was supposed to go to his kindergarten to take a class graduation photo. At a little past 5:00 in the morning, Zhan took her son to Dongshan Park, and used a 20-30 centimeter long fruit knife making a cut on Xiao Yu’s neck. Scared and frightened, Xiao Yu fell to the ground in pain, fresh blood flowing. As Zhan prepared to use the knife to cut her own neck, Xiao Yu struggled to yell, “Mom, don’t”, reaching out with his small hand trying to wrest away the knife in his mother’s hand, and during the struggle, Xiao Yu’s hand was also cut and wounded.

Perhaps it was her son’s plea that reawakened the mother’s reason [because] after Zhan made one cut on her neck, she stopped, and dialed 120 and 110 [emergency numbers for ambulance and police].

After the incident, Haining Police immediately dispatched police, and the ambulance also immediately took mother and son to hospital where after emergency treatment, the two of them are out of life-threatening danger.

According to the latest information from the hospital, Xiao Yu has already regained consciousness, is in a good mental state, and with no serious harm. Zhan too has been transferred to a regular room.

Inside Zhan’s handbag, police discovered more than ten suicide notes, saying things like “I am leaving and I am going to take this love with me too…”, reflecting Zhan’s world-weary state of mind.

At present, the specific reasons for Zhan violent crime are under further investigation.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2013, 10:45:34 AM »
The result of her bad temper --- her anger getting in the way of logic.

Luckily the mother realised in time the wrong action when the son struggled to remove the knife.  She managed to call in for help, just in time to save themselves.

Was it temporary insanity at work or was the cause because of her angersome attitude?  There have been many reports of children being on the receiving end of their parents' grunt.


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 10:14:08 PM »
Thanks for sharing this touching story. It is a relief that both the son and the mother are safe now. The son seems like a Buddhisattva who is full of compassion that touched his mother’s heart and stopped her from doing harm. 

Indeed, anger causes harm to ourselves as well as our loved one too. We should always be aware of our state of mind especially when anger arises as it is the root of the three poisons of our mind. In this modern world, people tend to have a lot of stress and in depression. I sincerely hope the ban will be lifted soonest so that more will know Lord Shugden and be blessed by Manjushri to have his wisdom to handle the stress in the modern society and also be protected and blessed by him. 


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2013, 01:51:22 AM »
I feel that it is pretty sad that the woman's selfish action of attempting to emotionally blackmail her ex husband involved her innocent son in the process which was not necessary at all. All children love their parents and this story does prove just that, but on the contrary, it also proves that shotgun marriages are dangerous as there are people who get married not because of love but due to other reasons such as being afraid of being lonely and so forth and when time passes and they realize that their partner is not who they think they are, they get unhappy, divorce, cheat and so on. I hope that the lady recovers her senses and never does this again.


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2013, 02:34:43 PM »
Most people are not good in 'sharing or 'expressing' personal matters and have the tendency to keep things bottled up inside. Reading this article ,gives me the impression that she takes out her anger towards her ex husband and his family on her helpless 6yrs old son by hurting him to get back at her husband.
My heart goes to this wonderful,filial little boy.It is heartbreaking to see this little boy who trust and look up to his  mother so much so that in the face of evil inflicted upon him,he continue to display his unconditional love.
How do you decide who deserves worthy of your compassion and who deserves punishment?


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2013, 03:28:25 PM »
There is more than meets the eye. What we read and see on the surface does not really mean it is true. How and why such a person reacts in such a way we cannot be the judge as we are not there and the one who truly understands. Yes taking a life is not something that will garner a positive result, if it is based on Karma the law of causes and effect. However what have propelled this women to have reacted this way and her son and husband to be part of the whole ordeal also says a lot about Karma. We can't escape from our Karma.


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2013, 03:29:27 PM »
What on earth is going on these day? Why would a mother would risk the well bring of her child in order to blackmail his own husband. Never a wise move to help a situation, luckily enough damage were in control otherwise it would definitely leave a very dark memory in the mother's mind stream in future. We have been taught over and over again to be less attached with what happened to our lives. If this troubled family knew how to be less attached with their emotions and what not, this will not have happen in the first place.

DS Star

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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2013, 06:37:11 PM »
Exactly, similar to Brian's question, why would this mother risk her own son's life just to blackmail her ex-husband?

This is indeed a very sad family tragedy. Like what sonam dhargey said:

What we read and see on the surface does not really mean it is true. How and why such a person reacts in such a way we cannot be the judge as we are not there and the one who truly understands...

How can we judge when we don't know what this woman went through as a wife to her ex-husband and a daughter in-law to this family?

Who knows, she maybe suffered from emotional torture or she is a person with mental disorder...

When I was very young, my uncle married a woman from a foreign land who has a family history of mental disorder (which we only found out after the marriage). Soon after her 5th child was born, she was sent to asylum for mental problems. My mother told me that part of the reason my uncle's wife became insane was my uncle's attitude towards her. She was never really recover until her death some 20 years later.

My uncle is not a bad person but as a man at that time, he never show respect to his wife and always subject her to emotional tortures; and he also never bother to help her with house chores or tending to the children even during her maternity period. He behaved like a 'normal' Asian man i.e. king of the house.

This may or may not be the case for this woman, my point is, no one really know their problems.

From Buddhist point of view, sufferings spurs mainly from our ignorance, anger, hatred and also our attachment to impermanent things.

..If this troubled family knew how to be less attached with their emotions and what not, this will not have happen in the first place.

Brian is right, if only they knew how to handle their emotions and be less attached, then this tragedy can be avoided.

The only consolation we can find from this tragedy is that, the 6-year-old boy proven to be a heroic selfless child, his act to save his mother is equivalent to an action by a bodhisattva.


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2013, 09:10:02 PM »
This is a very sad incident indeed for both the little boy and the mother. If is possible the mother has been in mental trauma since a long time as they have discovered many pieces of suicidal notes. Suicidal notes are warning sign of very psychological instability. However in this case the mother wanting to commit suicide verbally for many times and both husband and in-laws have become insensitive to it. Now thinking back it cannot be just a one-sided party faults. From my own experience when we are placed in under a lot of stress because of one pushing responsibility to another and blaming the others both side accumulates stress, it can become a vicious cycle where both sides blame each others. Blaming of what? Mostly expectations and money. Our expectations can be proven wrong as pointed out that responsibilities are not shared in the family. This non-responsibility attitude can be carried to the workplace which results in performance. As good performance helps build self-confidence low performance lower one's self-confidence level which leads to stress. The stress opens up in family situation when one has a family.


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Re: Little Boy Stops Suicidal Mom Even After She Cut His Neck
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2013, 04:13:35 PM »
What a great relief to hear that the mother and child are out of life threatening danger. Anger and the inability to control her emotions caused the mother to react in this way. Every child needs a parent’s love and even though this young boy was hurt by his mother, he did not reacted negatively but tried to save his mother from killing herself. Luckily the mother woke up to her senses and did the right thing by calling for help. I hope she will learn to be more sensible and never make the same mistake again.