Why of course humans are more superior than animals in all sense , both biologically and spiritually . That is precisely why being re born in the animal realm is considered in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism, as the lower realms ! Even in Christianity , humans are considered to be superior to the extent that they believe it is their God given right to kill and consume animals as sustenance for mankind . In islam , also they believe that animals are not "created" equal to humans and as such they are sacrificed to please Allah as an act of devotion and piety and later consumed by humans , and they are considered to be blessed because of their sacrifice to sustain the meat eating humans .
The difference is that certain religions forbids the slaughter of animals for whatever purpose , such as Buddhism , due to the fact that it is a religion that emphasizes on compassion and wisdom. As such , despite the fact that Buddhism categorically states that being born human is more superior to animal rebirths , it does not automatically encourages humans to abuse and kill animals , it is a choice that every human has , thats is to choose to practice compassion and wisdom or NOT . Thats is also why humans are seen to be more superior to animals ! That is the ability to think and choose the correct path , as opposed to being animals that are controlled by their basic animal instincts to survive .