Author Topic: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle  (Read 13043 times)


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NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« on: July 13, 2013, 06:44:58 PM »
Check this out! Theres just been an article published about how Dorje Shugden saved a driver from a really horrible accident. I know this stuff is kind of worldly - Ive had friends at my centre say Dorje Shugden shouldnt really be called on for protection in worldly affairs since he is enlightened - but I feel sharing stories like this really help to cement peoples faith in our protector. After all, why appear in worldly form when your not going to get involved in worldly affairs eh?


Joyriding into a miracle
By: Freya Mandes

The rain had been lashing down for the last four hours, and the wind was still howling through the trees. Loose soil had washed down all over the roads, hiding the potholes, and there were broken twigs and branches everywhere. “There is no way in hell I’m driving in that weather,” I told my friends.

So as soon as it all died down, we all piled into my car, ready to make our way home. It was pitch black outside so I was driving slower than usual. We were relaxed, talking excitedly about what we would do once we got home, when it happened.

It happened slowly at first, like nothing out of the ordinary. I felt the tyres give way a little and a thought flashed through my mind, “Yeah, I can handle this, I’ve skidded before. Just keep calm.” It was all very different seconds later, when the skidding continued and my car spun violently out of control, landing with a loud thud inside a muddy ditch.

When stuff like this happens, you react in one of two ways – either total shock, or total autopilot. To this day, I’m still not quite sure which I felt. All I remember was realizing that my engine was still running and that my car still worked. I threw my gear into reverse, hoping I would be able to pull myself out but no such luck. We were deep in a ditch, stuck on a dark on a rural road (isn’t that how every serial killer movie begins?).

“Never mind,” I thought to myself, “There’s no use sitting in the car and fretting, I just have to get out to survey the damage and then figure out what to do next.” Killing the engine, I clambered over to the passenger seat (the driver’s door was stuck) and jumped out, straight into knee-deep mud. I began to walk around to inspect the damage, an exercise that soon proved to be futile because the entire front of my car was submerged, so any damage was hidden.

You know when you walk into really soft mud and get stuck? Then try to pull yourself out but you can’t without leaving your shoe behind, because there’s a strong vacuum in its place? Well, in my case, that ‘mud’ was the ditch and that ‘shoe’ was my car. There was no way it was going to come out without the almighty (hydraulic!) forces of a tow truck. It was then that relief that everyone was unharmed gave way to panic – it was 2am in a tiny rural town, so what tow truck service would still be available?

I was a split second away from walking in the dark to try and find some help, when out of nowhere a motorbike showed up. Two teenage boys were out on a joyride and had decided to turn down our deserted road (yes, at 2am!). Excitedly, we flagged them down, ignoring all the horror stories we had heard about rapists and murderers scouting for their next victims.

After explaining what had happened, we asked them, without much hope, if they knew of any tow truck operators. As luck would have it, they immediately answered yes, their neighbor was a tow truck operator and yes, he operates 24 hours a day. After exchanging phone numbers with us, they left to call on their neighbor, promising to return as quickly as they could.

Flash forward half an hour later, when my car was pulled soaking wet out of the ditch. A closer inspection of my vehicle showed that aside from a dented fender, and a dented passenger door, not much else was wrong. The engine was still running and all the electricals were good to go. The estimated damage? Approximately US$500.

In a small rural town where most go to bed at 10pm, where did those boys come from? Why did they choose to turn down our road? How is it they had a tow truck operator as a neighbor? Why wasn’t my car more badly damaged, considering the scale of the accident? All these questions, I believe, can only be answered by Dorje Shugden. I firmly believe that it was Dorje Shugden who cushioned my car during the impact, then spurred those boys on to take that joyride and encourage them to turn down our road for without them, perhaps my friends and I would have been stuck on that road for a much longer time!


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2013, 09:17:05 PM »
Thank you Dharma Defender for sharing the story.
As Dorje Shugden is the Dharma protector, his main role is to protect us and create a favourable environment for us to practice Dharma. I would think that he would also help and protect us in our worldly affair so that we can have more focus to Dharma practice. Not forgetting that Dorje Shugden is a Manjushri Buddha. He will know what is good for us not just for this life but also for our future lives when he helps us in our worldly affair. For a lot of people in this degenerated age, most of the time would need to support them to clear their obstacles that inclusive of worldly obstacles such as protection, material support so that they will have faith and start their practices in Dharma.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 06:18:00 PM »
I have heard many stories about the miracle powers of DS and how he cares and protects us.

I have a friend that shared with me a similar story.

My friend lived in a village far away from the city, to go back home, he has to pass by this little road that no one would drive by. Hence one day he was planning to go for a trip overseas to China, bringing some DS items that he bought with him. Along the way home, his Mercedes broke down on that little road. It is impossible for anyone to be driving on that road in the middle of the night at 3am.

Surprisingly, after about 10 minutes after his car broke down, this young man drove passed and ask if he needs help. To what he did not expect was that young man is a car mechanic, not just any mechanic, but also a Mercedes mechanic. The young man had contacts for the car to be towed and fixed. When the bill came back for the repairs and tow job, it costed him less then US$400.

It is really a miracle on how DS blesses us in ways that we will not know. Helping us always no matter what happens.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 06:07:18 AM »
It's actually really nice to read about testimonials like that on how Dorje Shugden helped someone because it proves that he is real and that there is no doubt about that fact. There are many, many other stories of how he has helped thousands of people all over the world, from small miracles to something big and amazing and the stories would just keep coming in and this is just one of them. Testimonials like these are important because they help to clear up misconceptions and serve as evidence that Dorje Shugden is indeed real and benevolent.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2013, 09:33:09 AM »
Not only Dorje Shugden will help us on a secular manner by helping us to avoid bad situations, my Lama has told me that Dorje Shugden is a much bigger help than that.. In the olden days where spiritual was strong, and there are much less distractions to Dharma practice, many people can get gain some level of attainments within 1 lifetime. However, due to our nature of degeneration age, the attainments which can be achieved in 1 lifetime 500 years ago, may require more than 5 lifetime now.. and Dorje Shugden can help to guide us at the moment of death to lead us to a good rebirth where we can continue to our practice.. and that to me, that is much more important!


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2013, 07:58:45 PM »
Thank you for sharing.

I have been a Dorje Shugden practitioner for a long time, and I have a hand full of friends that practice our holy protector as well. Guess what, miraculous stories no longer surprises me lol! I've heard too many of it already.

It is good that shares all these testimonials for newbies to understand that DS is here to protect and guide us through our spiritual path, not the other way round. I have 100% faith in DS, I know coz he has helped me more than once.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2013, 06:56:03 AM »
Not only Dorje Shugden will help us on a secular manner by helping us to avoid bad situations, my Lama has told me that Dorje Shugden is a much bigger help than that.. In the olden days where spiritual was strong, and there are much less distractions to Dharma practice, many people can get gain some level of attainments within 1 lifetime. However, due to our nature of degeneration age, the attainments which can be achieved in 1 lifetime 500 years ago, may require more than 5 lifetime now.. and Dorje Shugden can help to guide us at the moment of death to lead us to a good rebirth where we can continue to our practice.. and that to me, that is much more important!

Dorje Shugden is actually very important to us during this time as we all know, we all have lots of distractions at this time to ourselves and to our Dharma practice. Dorje Shugden's main purpose is to make sure that any distraction at all to our Dharma practice is removed. This is his main duty and purpose and he does not exist for any other purpose other than this. Everything else that he 'provides' are merely circumstantial and are as a bonus to practitioners and should not be the main reason why we as Dharma practitioners pray to him.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2013, 08:15:09 PM »
I remember a Swiss friend of mine who had his car stuck in the Swiss Mountains, no matter what he tried he could not get it started. Then when he was a bout to give he decided ok lets chant Dorje Shugden's mantra. After reciting the mantra he could start his car :).


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2013, 03:24:46 AM »
This is one of the many accounts I have heard from friends and I have read many of such events as well. I too have personally benefited from the compassionate intervention from Dorje Shugden, some life threatening and some mundane. I believe Dorje Shugden intervened and saved me so I may continue with my dharma practice for my spiritual advancement and purification and in turn giving aid to others. For I may not have such an opportunity again.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 09:26:53 PM »
One of the latest miracles that one of my friends has experienced with Dorje Shugden is that he got a business deal all thanks to Dorje Shugden.

Just two days ago, my friend was doing some sales at an investment showcase. He told me that he had no sales and was afraid that he would get scoldings from his boss if that was the case. Together we did Dorje Shugden mantras and a short prayer in hope of being able to sell one property unit to a client.

Just right before the whole showcase ended, a client approached my friend and was interested to buy the property that he was selling. While he was explaining to him the details, together with price and rules and regulations the client did not say anything at all. Once all is explained to the client, the client just said that he will purchase the unit irregardless of the price. My friend was so shocked and happy that he was able to sell one unit out. He is very grateful towards Dorje Shugden and he believes in DOrje Shugden fully now.


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2013, 10:04:09 AM »
I have also heard many incredible stories about how Dorje Shugden helps on many different levels - from the most mundane to the spiritual. It doesn't surprise me that Dorje Shugden would help on mundane levels because he manifests in a mundane form to remove our obstacles, and our obstacles definitely manifest in many different forms too. If we cannot put food on the table, we would not be able to focus on our spiritual practice so Dorje Shugden definitely makes sure our health, our family, our finances etc would be okay so that we can learn more Dharma and best of all, practice it! How fortunate we are to have this wonderful Dharma Protector!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2013, 07:17:14 PM »
It goes to show how much Dorje Shugden is so close and swift to help us in our time of need. This has happened to me as well... also car accident that could have costed me my life! Perhaps some people may say it is just you're "lucky" or maybe not your "karma" to die yet But I'd say "lucky" or "luck" is too cheap a word to use in such an incident... it is beyond being just "luck"... definitely there was someone watching over us to be there to help... because it was "my" karma to die  :o So yeah this person was definitely saved or helped by Dorje Shugden!

I guess there are too many crazy incidences to say "oh it's just coincidences" or "oh it's just you're lucky" cos there are other times where by after doing prayers to Dorje Shugden to request for some help to a problem... miraculously... the following days, my prayers are answered! Sometimes I just think about it in my head and say... "Gosh Dorje Shugden, please help me in this!" and next thing I do, the solution to the problem manifests!

I guess we don't call him our "Protector" for no rhyme of reason haha. Of course the ultimate protection He gives us is protecting us from committing from creating more negative karma especially when we're on the right Dharma path ;)


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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2013, 06:44:45 PM »
Thank you for sharing this miraculous and wonderful story.

Dorje Shugden, as our protector, will always be on guard watching over us. I've read and heard too many miraculous stories over time from Dorje Shugden practitioners to label it all as just coincidences. Of course, people who propitiate other yidams, deities and buddhas do receive help in the most bizarre ways as highlighted in this story, but having practise DS and having heard stories like this time and time again goes to show that DS is like other enlightened buddhas too that jump in to help you and are able to watch over you.

Having faith and trust in Dorje Shugden will not lead you astray. Don't believe, then try it. :)

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: NEW ARTICLE! Joyriding into a miracle
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2015, 12:52:25 PM »
Dorje Shugden has been helping and protecting many people every minute of the day and sometimes we take it for granted.

This is a wonderful post of Shugden's compassion and care to people under His protection.

A great testimony.