Author Topic: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!  (Read 8351 times)


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People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« on: July 19, 2013, 07:21:19 PM »
I just read this article and I'm amazed at how many people wants to live life as monks and nun!

In a time when we thought Dharma is degenerating, there are still many people that wishes to enter a monastic lifestyle. Such a waste that the lack of facilities is a restriction to these applicants from being able to be in Dharma.

Although people may say that it's a short term monk program... but it was said in the texts that being a monk in this age and time, even if it's for one day... the merits one collects is similar to being a monk for one's whole life during the Buddha's time. This is due to the lure and temptations that one has to curb is so much more powerful than what was available then 2500 years ago.


Short-term monk program suspended at China temple

HANGZHOU - A large influx of applicants has forced a Buddhist temple in East China's Zhejiang province to suspend the recruitment of "short-term" monks, the temple said Thursday.

"Safety concerns and media pressure have made the program deviate from our original intentions," said Zhidu, master of the Ci'en Temple.

In July, the secluded mountain monastery in the provincial capital of Hangzhou started inviting both religious and secular men and women to live as monks for periods of time ranging from three months to two years.

The program is free but requires that participants follow the ascetic, vegetarian monk lifestyle.

To date, the temple has received applications from more than 1,100 people. Some of the applicants said they were feeling too much pressure at work and hoped to gain spiritual support and enrichment, Zhidu said.

"The number of applicants has far exceeded the temple's ability to accomodate. Safety is also a big issue," he said.

"The program aims to provide a halcyon period of time for participants, who can enrich and sort out their minds in the process of learning about Buddhism," a post on the temple's website says.

The program sparked heated discussion after a local newspaper posted the notice on Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.

"We have communicated with the applicants and introduced some of them to other temples," Zhidu said.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 10:15:44 AM »
For a person who wants to be a Buddhist monk or nun,he or she have already realized the impermanent nature of life and do not want to waste their precious human life pursuing worldly goals.They want to use their life well for spiritual refinement and development.Some are tired of the monotomy of daily life,of people being fake and putting their needs above others.
China must look into this matter to accommodate the growing numbers of people.The changes show how Buddhism is evolving rather than fading away.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2013, 10:14:55 PM »
Rejoice! This is great to hear about this news in this Dharma degenerating age.
Lots of people at this time suffer from stress and pressure. It is good to hear that so many people want to be monks/nuns to find their solution in spirituality.
Lama Tsongkhapa’s practice is good for the people in this modern society with lots of stress and depression. I hope his teaching will flourish in all over the world so that more people can be happy. I also hope more people can be connected to Dorje Shugden as he is the protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s teaching and will support us in our spiritual journey to find our inner peace. 


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2013, 02:42:03 PM »
This is indeed good news that more and more people are considering walking the path of a monk or nun in this degenerate time. To be a Buddhist monk or nun is truly a meaningful and worthwhile way to spend our life and to be of benefit to others. More centers, places for worship, temples should be opened up to accommodate to the growing numbers of aspiring monks and nuns.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2013, 03:49:45 PM »
In her race towards progress, China like many other modern nations is experiencing rapid changes.

Many people in China cannot cope with the demands and stress of the materialistic world. Interests in new age practices like mind control, positive thinking etc are gaining momentum. These people are seeking for answers to their problems. It is great to know there are many who wants to become ordained or experience Buddhist monk hood in order to understand the truths of life.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2013, 04:43:32 PM »
Thats positive to know that that many chinese in mainland China , are beginning to re embrace Buddhism in a positive way . It is indeed very prudent for those interested to first examine and experience first hand monkhood without having to really be ordained , by signing up for a noviceship program as a first step . It comes as no surprise however , that such programs have increased in numbers in recent years due to the demands and yes i believe this trend will continue in light of the overwhelming pressures of materialistic living standards continuing uncontrollably .


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2013, 05:46:10 PM »
It is worth rejoicing. At the same time one can support sangha in many ways even before one chooses to become a monk or nun. Why not create the cause for the sangha to grow instead of putting the pressure on the temple to accept more monks and nuns? If the sangha has good support from the local community and having it needs met, definitely it will be able to accept more monks/nuns and grow.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 05:21:10 AM »
Rejoice and cautious. Degenerating is still degenerating. I rejoice those who have realised the thought of renunciation for a moment to make that big decision in life but sad if some people are taking advantage of a monk/nun label for selfish gains. the most absurd things can happened in China, probability increases with such a huge population in the country. I just wish the selection process are carried out in a meticulous manner with proper filtering of candidates.

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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 09:55:53 AM »
"To date, the temple has received applications from more than 1,100 people. Some of the applicants said they were feeling too much pressure at work and hoped to gain spiritual support and enrichment, Zhidu said."

I rejoice with this encouraging news where more and more people is showing interest to participate in this short-term monk program.

This is a good trend indeed. As society is progressing and China being one of the fastest growing economy, its population is starting to feel the over-bearing pressure from works especially now that it is competing on international level.

This is definitely a better way, a healthy and more wholesome way to de-stress for the people rather than they turn to unhealthy methods like drinking or drugs.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2013, 07:03:04 PM »
"To date, the temple has received applications from more than 1,100 people. Some of the applicants said they were feeling too much pressure at work and hoped to gain spiritual support and enrichment, Zhidu said."

I rejoice with this encouraging news where more and more people is showing interest to participate in this short-term monk program.

This is a good trend indeed. As society is progressing and China being one of the fastest growing economy, its population is starting to feel the over-bearing pressure from works especially now that it is competing on international level.

This is definitely a better way, a healthy and more wholesome way to de-stress for the people rather than they turn to unhealthy methods like drinking or drugs.

You made a very interesting and logical point. It's true, I totally overlooked at how people would normally try to cope with stress via unhealthy methods such as drinking and/or drugs.

Wish the monastery had greater capacity to accommodate these aspiring monks and nuns. Perhaps the Chinese government will see this as a good sign and set up larger Buddhist monasteries or expand the existing ones. After all, it would serve their citizens well.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2013, 03:16:59 PM »
Wow! What a great way to release stress! I remember reading somewhere that Thais also encourage the young boys to be a monk at least once in their life. And a lot of them actually stay in the monastery, meditate in the forest, shave their head and beg for alms, just like normal Sangha. China is so huge, its good that the temple have such program to encourage more people to learn Buddhism.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2013, 08:00:08 AM »
Certainly is good news to the Sangha world as more and more individuals seeking peace and true meaning of life to lead a life as a monk and nun. I hope it is for some good reason that the huge influx of people applying for monk and nun hood and not because of running away from their personal problems in their secular life. I believe it is more virtuous if one have a good motivation to leave the secular live to be a monk or nun compared to wants to become a nun and monk just because they cannot stand the life in the secular world.


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2013, 08:49:55 PM »
Rejoice! It is definitely great news, and it means people are accepting Buddhism more, or people find the Buddhism methods are able to help them in their daily life.

To me, it is extremely important for younger kids to experience the short term monk/nun program too, and get them close to Buddha, so that when they grow up and face issues, they can use the Buddhism methods to solve the problems.

May there are more and more monk/nun programs to be held everywhere in the world!


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Re: People are queuing up to be monks and nun!
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 03:26:37 PM »
 For the Thai Tradition :-
Monks receive the greatest respect in Thai society, for ordination implies that the person has turned away from worldly desires and ambitions in pursuit of the highest wisdom and purification. Ordination is considered by Thai Buddhists the most worthy act a man can perform. So worthy is it, in fact, that most every Thai male will at some time in his life, generally after completing his studies and before marriage, spend a period in monkhood. Ordination traditionally takes place with much celebration before the commencement of the rainy season and the newly ordained monk remains in the monastery for a period of a week to a few months. During that time he learns to chant some Pali scriptures, studies the Buddha's teachings, and receives instruction in meditation. Upon completion of his time in robes, he reenters society as a layman, wiser for the experience, "ripe," and ready to fulfill his responsibilities as an adult. Some boys receive novitiate ordination as a child and remain novices throughout their youth before receiving higher ordination as a monk. Some men spend their entire lives draped in the saffron robes of the Buddhist order.

It would be great if the above  practice can be emulated in China, or in fact, in all countries. Even if the period of monkhood or nun hood is only temporary, the seeds of enlightment would already have been planted during that period. The teachings of Buddha can then be shared more widely and will benefit more sentient beings.