Author Topic: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?  (Read 9705 times)

DS Star

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Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« on: July 22, 2013, 11:50:48 AM »
Celebrities especially among the Hollywood circle, seem to have a strange fascination for Buddhism.

The big names that are known Buddhists are Tina Turner, Richard Gere, Steven Seagal, Kate Bosworth, Herbie Hancock, Leonard Cohen, Orlando Bloom and Tiger Woods. Now the latest being Latino diva Jennifer Lopez and troubled diva Lindsay Lohan.

It was was reportedly Jennifer Lopez was so impressed by her co-star Richard Gere’s dedication to Buddhism; this had inspired her to embrace the religion after she had a number of spiritual talks with him.

“Now I know there’s a force in the world. There’s an energy that if you put out good and you put out love it comes back to you. That’s a basic thing that works for me,” the report quoted her as saying.

Whereas actress Lindsay Lohan is turning to Buddhism to help her get through her jail term.

With celebrities' highly-pressured life-styles, I hope Buddhism can help them to lead a happier and healthy lives. At least they have the influence to do something good to help others as well as helping themselves.

A good trend isn't it?


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2013, 07:11:11 PM »
I believe the trend was already there, just went undiscovered for some lol... poor things...

To my knowledge, all those that seek happiness always ends up knocking on Buddhism's door for the answers. And the funny thing is, Buddhists don't even have to go out there to recruit or convince people that Buddhism is supreme! People are just smart enough to build their own conclusion through their own observation. Just like how Jennifer Lopez saw the great qualities of an accomplished Buddhist like Richard Gere and thus aspired to be Buddhist. That's why, if we truly practice Buddhism, we will be of great benefit to others even if we don't utter a single word.


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 03:10:40 PM »
To my knowledge, all those that seek happiness always ends up knocking on Buddhism's door for the answers. And the funny thing is, Buddhists don't even have to go out there to recruit or convince people that Buddhism is supreme! People are just smart enough to build their own conclusion through their own observation. Just like how Jennifer Lopez saw the great qualities of an accomplished Buddhist like Richard Gere and thus aspired to be Buddhist. That's why, if we truly practice Buddhism, we will be of great benefit to others even if we don't utter a single word.

I agree with what you said Q.If we really practice what is taught, people around us will feel and see it. But to know that celebrities embracing Buddhism is great! They are like Buddhism spokes persons! lol
To me, Buddhism is logical and easy to understand and you are right, people are smart enough to know that but they cant accept the truth about themselves so some of them run and leave. Those are the poor things...


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2013, 04:28:32 PM »
More and more celebrities are turning to Buddhism with the increasing stress level that comes with their
profession Most celebrities find solace because of the fact that Buddhism is practical rather than being preachy.There are good things and bad things about having celebrities.They can cause a surge of in interest which bring more people to understand the religion.There are some celebrities who have claimed Buddhism have made to make themselves look better ( for eg.Paris Hilton's latest claim to Buddhism to get out of jail) What do you think? Is this harmful or helpful?


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?q
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2013, 07:02:43 PM »
Buddhism is universal and applicable to everyone. It provides the paths or solutions to solve all our worldly issues and problems.  It helps us to understand ourselves and the nature of reality. Ultimately Buddhism leads us to realise our fullest potential.   It is not surprising that more and more Hollywood celebrities are embracing Buddhism. Due to their popularity, Buddhism is universal and applicable to everyone. It provides the paths or solutions to solve all our worldly issues and problems.  It helps us to understand ourselves and the nature of reality. Ultimately Buddhism leads us to realise our fullest potential - Buddhanature.   It is not surprising that more and more Hollywood celebrities are embracing Buddhism. Due to their popularity, if celebrities were to practise Buddhism, they would become truly effective ambassadors of Buddhism.


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2013, 06:55:53 PM »
Buddhism can help us in so many different levels... on the highest level, it help us to be enlightened to benefit all sentient beings.. on slightly lower level, it help us to be liberated from all sufferings of samsara. On even lower level, it help us not getting into the 3 lower realms.

There are a lot of techniques in Buddhism which can help us to achieve liberation. However, many of these techniques are being used for even lower purposes, that is to get us to feel good, de-stress, etc...

Although many people are now using Buddhism for the very low purpose, I do hope one that day they realise the full potential power of Buddhism and use its' techniques to benefit all sentient beings...


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2013, 02:09:05 PM »
It is great to know that more and more celebrities are turning to Buddhism as they can be spoke person for Buddhism.  Buddhism offers a spiritual journey that focuses on personal spiritual development and the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life and it is applicable to everyone.  If they apply Buddha’s Teachings and there are transformations in their lives, it will benefit not only themselves but the people around them. If Buddhism can make them look better, I think it is because they are less stress, they are able to let go off their attachments and with inner peace, they may glow and look better.

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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2013, 05:37:32 PM »

"Buddhism is one of the world’s oldest religions, originating around 500 BC in India. It offers a spiritual journey that focuses on personal spiritual development and the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life,” Steven Barr writes in his article based on Buddhism in western society, Hollywood. The allure of “insight into the true nature of life,” may have many in the West turning to it for guidance, either in combination with their western religion or entirely in its place. It was not until the second half of the twentieth century that Buddhist ideas reached a wider section of the American society. American servicemen returning from East Asia after the Second World War and Korean War, brought with them an interest in Asian culture which included Nichiren Shoshu and Zen Buddhism. As the population of new practitioners grew in the West there is also an increase in westerners raised with the practice of this Eastern religious philosophy. Buddhism is one of the fastest growing religions in our country.

It is considered a “moral philosophy,” and this could be the draw that is has on western society. There is no form of redemption, heavenly hope, or final judgement; one lives within the circle of Karma where your deed reflects the world you live. In Buddhism, karma specifically refers to actions of body, speech, and mind that spring from mental intent and bring about a consequence or fruit, or result.


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2013, 02:48:18 PM »
In fact some of the celebrities call themselves "JEWBU" which in general mean, a person with a Jewish background who practices forms of Buddhist meditation and spirituality. The term Jewbu was first brought into wide circulation with the publication of The Jew in the Lotus (1994) After World War II, there was increasing interest in Buddhism, associated with the Beat generation. Zen was the most important influence at that time. A new wave of Jews involved with Buddhism came in the late 1960s.
Some Jewish Buddhists claim that the two religions are compatible.
Some of the most famous JEWBUs are Robert Downey Jr, Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson and Sarah Jessica Parkers.


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2013, 10:33:26 AM »
Is it a big deal for celebrities being a Buddhist? Is it rare? Personally i agrees the influence from celebrities being a Buddhist will contribute to the spreading of Dharma and Buddhism, especially for Caucasian. 20 years ago, Buddhism has  the stereotype of a Asian religion. If a westerner got to become a believer, its quite rare as at that time Buddhism hasn't spread far and wide yet.  At this present, its no longer a new news for anyone from any country, any background and races to take Buddhism into their life.


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2013, 12:15:07 PM »
Celebrities make good ambassadors of Buddhism due to their fame. Some, like Jet Li, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford, Goldie Hawn, and Keanu Reeves are active in promoting Tibetan Buddhism and culture to the West. They are also able to influence their co-stars through their dedication to Buddhism. For example, it was Richard Gere who impressed Jennifer Lopez so much that she was inspired to embrace Buddhism after a number of spiritual talks with him. Since celebrities are such good communicators, it is wise to engage their support in the promotion of Buddhism.


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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2013, 04:58:46 AM »
I feel more and more westerners are exposed to Buddhism and its logical explanation towards the way of life. I think this has been going on for quite some time and it is not a new story. It is also thanks to the large influx of Lamas migrating to western countries after what happened in Tibet since 1959. Many High Lamas traveled around the globe to spread the sacred teachings of Buddha and that is how westerners are exposed to the logics to life and some incidences that experienced by them where it is beyond explanation by science. These westerners are inclusive of celebrities or members of the public. Celebrities are powerful medium for spreading influence. It is good that more and more celebrities are coming to realise Buddhism is the best for them. This will in turn be a good advertisement for their fans to ponder upon.

Big Uncle

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Re: Buddhism - Celebrities' new attraction?
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2013, 12:01:39 PM »
I think Buddhist celebrities are fantastic. It is huge and especially if the celebrity is vocal about their beliefs. It would be great if more celebrities become more vocal about their faith so more would be aware of Buddhism. It's great because it will project an image that not all Buddhists are just hippie groupies or just an intellectual club. This would be great because Buddhism becomes more accessible to the masses as a lot of people would come into contact with Buddhism via these celebrities. This is pretty much in line with what some of the people have mentioned here.

On the other hand, Buddhism has a lot to offer to celebrities themselves as well. Buddhism has a lot of teachings that would be relevant for everyone who is really in search of true happiness. Due to the pressure and excess in celebrityhood, it will inevitably create a lot of inner sufferings and depressions. Hence, we see celebrities struggle with drugs, alcohol and short-lived relationships and marriages. Therefore, a lot of the teachings within Buddhism gives a new perspective that would change everything for these celebrities and allow them to continue enjoying and having what they have and not suffer because of it.

Therefore, celebrities stand a great chance to be benefited by the teachings and they in turn can use their celebrityhood to benefit millions. If they have the merit for such beneficial work, it would propel Buddhism forward. Many stars have done this and more will as Buddhism continue to grow.