Author Topic: here is one of many  (Read 11173 times)

jeff Ryan

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here is one of many
« on: November 26, 2007, 12:17:05 PM »
In 1978 I took my son to Wisconsin to recieve blessing from the greart Masters assembled at a meditation course being hosted by Geshe Lhundrup Sopa. H.E. Zong Rinpoche and H. E. Geshe Rabten were among those Masters present. Upon returning home my son fell ill. He had been diagnosed with viral encephalitis. The doctors told us there was no treatment or cure and that he woud either die or come out of it mentally retarded and we should expect him him to remain hospitalized for at least 3 weeks. I called the attendant to H.E. Zong Dorje Chang to request Rinpoche to pray for our son. Rinpoche had some precious pills, special incense and a Protector knot sent to us. Rinpoche performed puja invoking Dorje Shugden to intercede. my son was released from the hospital 3 days after his admission to the hospital completely baffling the doctors and they called it a miracle cure as there was no other explanation. My son is 32 now and quite healthy.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 06:18:04 PM »


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 02:48:11 PM »
Power of Dharmapala and the Enlightened Masters are incredible :D


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 12:58:26 PM »
Thank you for sharing such inspiring story.. It helps me to gain more faith in DS practice. I’m a person that don’t really belief in miracles actually or find it hard to see it happen. But I know that are people that felt it immediately when it happens and now one of them is you.

Thank you for your sharing.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2012, 01:04:17 PM »
It is stories like these that show is that Dorje Shugden is not hear to harm us, but to help us. If the doctors diagnosed him with an incurable disease, and somehow magically he was healed after Zong Rinpoche helped him through Dorje Shugden, then there must surely be some truth behind the fact that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being. Otherwise how could his son have been healed. This is the power of protector practice. We should all practice and gain attainments, then one day we can offer healing, and even heal our own bodies through the power of Dorje Shugden.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 03:20:04 PM »
Dear Jeff Ryan,

Thank you so much for your story, I am very happy to hear that your son got well and is still well and healthy.
You must have told him the story as he grew up?
I am curious, did he become an active practitioner of Dorje Shugden as an adult?

Miracles can be hard to believe because it is easy for our "scientific" mind to conclude (wrongly) that there is no miracle but only physical phenomena.

The thing is this: there would be no miracle if there were no physical phenomena, so to ignore the miracle on the basis of the physical phenomena taking place is contradictory... It is confusing and it is not thinking properly.

When I receive a money transfer on my bank account, I do not explain it by the logical process of money transferring from one bank account to another, I explain it from the fact that someone put in motion that transfer process with intention. So the bank transfer is not explained by the bank transfer process but by the intention and action of the person issuing the order of transfer.

It is the same with miracles.
In fact, it is the same with rainbows appearing in the sky, we can limit our mind to understand this phenomena from the physical aspect of it (water+ air+ temperature+light). And when we see them appearing in the sky, especially when they appear over auspicious events, they have all physical conditions for them to happen (water+ air+ temperature+light), yet, there is more to explain about why they appear at such time and over such event.

With a mind that can accept miracles, we are better equipped to move faster on our spiritual path, for that path will take us beyond the physical aspect of reality.

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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2012, 03:59:10 PM »
Wow! Thank you for reviving this wonderful thread. It is amazing for what miracles that Dorje Shugden can perform for us. However, that is just a very small part of what he can do for us. Due to our affinity with him at this day and age, he can do much to hook us to Lamas and spiritual practice in ways we cannot imagine. That is even more wonderful if you understand the Dharma.

Propitiating him consistently can ensure purification of a lot of negative karma so we understand the teachings better and transform according to our level and capability. He is after all Manjushri and has tremendous skillful ways to bring the Dharma to us. That can alter the landscape of our our future lives. Isn't that even more wonderful? Dorje Shugden, if we have unshakeable faith in him, can lead us to favorable future lives, where the Dharma is easily accessible according to our karma and need. This is symbolized by the Vajra hook he cradles in his left hand. Amazing! 


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2012, 05:06:43 PM »
Dorje Shugden is like a protective father I have no doubt when he is requested to perform actions he will immediately do such.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2012, 05:09:17 PM »
Dont we all love miracles in a way? As it is kind of like a higher outer force existing somehwere that when being called for, can reverse the undesirable situations for us. With our limited minds, we tend to believe more when miracles happen, that is similar to high Tibetan lama who did divination for people. Actually the high attained lama does not need to throw a dice to tell us what would be the solution to our problem, he already knows what the problem is and map out the solutions for us. But due to our limited mind, we will tend to believe more when the lama does the dice throwing and seemingly consulting an outer higher force for answer.

So Dorje Shugden is compassionate enough to perform these miracles, not that he wants to show off, but in this age and time, what can bring us benefits and a faster path to practice the dharma, Dorje Shugden would not hesitate.

Like JeremyG said in the earlier post, it just shows who Dorje Shugden is, he is an enlightened being and not an evil spirit as some people claims. We should develope great faith in Dorje Shugden as do his practice well so we can heal ourselves by transforming our minds.

Thank you Jeff for sharing this wonderful testimonial! It is indeed a miracle performed by Dorje Shugden!

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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2012, 09:06:14 PM »
Wow great story...

I also heard quite a few of such stories from the monks that escape Tibet to India. The monks told us how they never lose faith in Dorje Shugden when they were escaping Tibet across snow mountains with great danger and difficulties. They were almost died because there were no water and no food but when they prayed to Dorje Shugden, miracles will happen to help them to safety.

I believe all the monks' stories because they won't tell lies as they are monks. Secondly, there is no reason for them to tell lie and these won't bring any benefits to them.


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2012, 07:13:04 AM »
In 1978 I took my son to Wisconsin to recieve blessing from the greart Masters assembled at a meditation course being hosted by Geshe Lhundrup Sopa. H.E. Zong Rinpoche and H. E. Geshe Rabten were among those Masters present. Upon returning home my son fell ill. He had been diagnosed with viral encephalitis. The doctors told us there was no treatment or cure and that he woud either die or come out of it mentally retarded and we should expect him him to remain hospitalized for at least 3 weeks. I called the attendant to H.E. Zong Dorje Chang to request Rinpoche to pray for our son. Rinpoche had some precious pills, special incense and a Protector knot sent to us. Rinpoche performed puja invoking Dorje Shugden to intercede. my son was released from the hospital 3 days after his admission to the hospital completely baffling the doctors and they called it a miracle cure as there was no other explanation. My son is 32 now and quite healthy.

Everyones forgetting, the story isnt just about the story of the miraculous powers of the Protector but also his samaya with Zong Rinpoche and his Protector. Our Gurus cant do squat for us if we dont have samaya with him. So many things couldve gone wrong - his phone didnt work, Zong Rinpoche had left, no precious pills, attendants work slowly, etc. Likewise our Protectors cant do squat for us if we dont have samaya with him - Dorje Shugden can only help us as long as we have the meritst to be helped.

Anyway glad to hear your sons well mate :)


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2012, 09:21:51 AM »
Rejoice! Another story on how Lord Dorje Shugden helped someone. DS is always helping, NOT complicating nor destroying any of us. I know for sure that since young I have been protected. I just had that feeling and although I was sad and hurt, I didn't die nor do anything against what I have faith in. Buddhism and Dorje Shugden...


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2012, 02:13:47 PM »
Wow, thank you for sharing such a nice story. This story disproves any accusations that Dorje Shugden harms people. He cured this man's son. Dorje Shugden is a REAL protector.  I really rejoice for the swift healing of this man's son. I feel very happy to read about this wonderful story. Stories like this one increases the faith amongst followers. Dorje Shugden is here to help us, not to harm us. There is no denying that fact. May this story inspire many others


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #13 on: February 29, 2012, 04:02:48 AM »
It is always good to hear inspiring stories. :)

I once heard a Lama said,
most of us take refuge in Science, and for the scientists to say that, "if it cannot be proven by science, it is not fact", it is just pure arrogance. There are so many things which science cannot explain and yet they have such arrogance.

I contemplate on this quite a bit and it is quite thought provocative. Compare to the countless life time that we have, the history of science is so short. How can we be so arrogant to claim that science is the truth?

I have in fact taken science as refuge and regard stories shared by Jeff Ryan as "miracle". May be in another world, where people who believe in science is considered miracle? :D

Who else here also took refuge in science? :D


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Re: here is one of many
« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2012, 05:58:09 AM »
Thank you for this "one of many" inspiring story :)

It is stories like this that compel me to propitiate the practice of Lord Dorje Shugden! We have the merits and blessings to meet Dorje Shugden who has protected and granted our wishes generously. It is truly our responsibility and honor to do all we can to ensure that more people accumulate the required merits and create the opportunity to meet with Him.

We often get “stuck” and do not know what we can do for friends who meet with crisis…especially dilemmas related to life and death. This is why we “avoid” getting involved in such “predicament”: we feel helpless in it. However, if we have practiced Dorje Shugden sincerely and, like DharmaDefender said, maintained clean samaya with our Guru and Protector, we can certainly offer hope when facing crisis.

Therefore, Dorje Shugden empowers us to support others through hard times, which is the very essence of Dharma: to benefit others! Simultaneously, in benefitting others, we continue to accumulate more merits needed for our Dharma growth. This creates and maintians an upward spiral affect. Conclusion: in spreading the practice of Dorje Shugden to many people, we are putting Dharma into action in an efficient and effective manner.

Once again, I am awed by the skillfulness of The Lord to “conveniently” assimilate Dharma practice into our daily lives. He is truly the protector of our time!