If it is simply a matter of people being killed by a certain group within a country, there are many instances in which Team America does not involve itself. It also makes no sense that in order to prevent the killing innocent people we go in and kill way more people than the initial event. The situation over there is complicated and the general public is not given the meat of the issues.
The US has no evidence to support their claim, the US President is ignoring the constitution, ignoring congress, ignoring that over 91% of the American public do not support his decision, ignoring that the UN Security counsel voted against the attack on Syria, ignoring the advice of many people including former Military commanders, ignoring nuclear warnings from Russia and China, ignoring that Syria and Iran have proclaimed they will turn Israel into a flaming cauldron if the US attacks, ignoring that Israel will forcefully destroy Syria, ignoring the implications on foreign relations, ignoring that Russia, China, and Iran are supporting Syria, and just moving forward with attack plans. Many are considering this to be the start of WW3. Saudi Arabia is involved and threatening terrorist attacks at the Olympics, Hezbollah is involved, Al Qaida is involved, Turkey is involved and so on. At great cost and for what? $, oil, control of real estate, depopulating the earth (check out UN Agenda 21) and so forth.
WTF is wrong with these people. We need to put ourselves in the shoes of all the people, the families who are waiting right now for their countries to be destroyed, and realize that the destabilization that the US President is about to unleash will have grave global consequences. Pray hard people!