Author Topic: SO much pain for this octopus...  (Read 13961 times)


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SO much pain for this octopus...
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:06:16 PM »
Oh my!

What is the world becoming? It is already sad enough that animals are being killed each day just to satisfy our hunger but this is so cruel! How can they torture the octopus like that and feel nothing but laughing still! And they can add background music to enhance it! Why do you do this??? The poor octopus was struggling throughout the whole time!

Karma is truly scary! May all sentient beings have compassion and wisdom always!

Cooking a live octopus


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2013, 03:15:03 PM »
Cruel, utterly cruel! Would not understand why some of our own species we called humans will not feel guilty treating another living animal in such harsh torture way. Well, if they do not believe there are consciousness in animals, why not see if the animal struggles to the pain that one inflicted on them. If they do not feel they would not be struggling. As simple as that. Most likely people are too obsessed to satisfy their attachment for taste.


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 12:47:58 AM »
Japanese and Chinese are the 2 cultures which I came to know who will do almost anything for food. In this video, the people are even laughing while grilling the octopus alive :'( Clearly they don't treat the octopus as a living soul and this is really sad. Didn't they see the octopus struggling and trying to escape? This video is so awful to watch, but I felt it is so necessary to share to the world because we need to let the world know that there are such "culture" and through education we can stop these cruel acts.. :(

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 06:41:18 AM »
Such cruelty is beyond comprehension! However, unfortunately it is not uncommon. It is prevalent in this degenerate times. A mere google or search on youtube will uncover rather gruesome finds. All the more reasons why we need spirituality in our lives to give it that balance it so needs!

I certainly do not want to be that octopus that is literally burnt alive, so I shall endeavour to practice with the help of the Protector of Our Time, Dorje Shugden!


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2013, 09:12:06 AM »
What will help them understand another being's suffering is through Dharma education.  To them ignorance is bliss and they will continue such enjoyment until certain circumstance wakes them to realise they are hurting another being. 

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2013, 02:52:24 PM »





Tenzin K

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2013, 01:39:35 PM »
Animals are said to be conscious only of the present. They live with no concern for the past or future. Likewise, little children seem to have no notion of the future. They also live in the present until their faculties of memory and imagination are developed.

Men possesses the faculty of reasoning. The gap between man and animal widens only to the extent that man develops his reasoning faculty and acts accordingly. Buddhists accept that animals not only possesses instinctive power but also, to a lesser degree, thinking power.

In some respects, animals are superior to men. Dogs have a keener sense of hearing; insects have a keener sense of smell; hawks are speedier; eagles can see a greater distance. Undoubtedly, men are wiser; but men have so much to learn from the ants and bees. Much of the animal is still in us. But we also have much more: we have the potential of spiritual development.

Buddhism cannot accept that animals were created by someone for men; if animals were created for men then it could follow that men were also created for animals since there are some animals which eat human flesh.

Buddhists are encouraged to love all living beings and not to restrict their love only to human beings. They should practice loving kindness towards every living being. The Buddha's advice is that is not right for us to take away the life of any living being since every living being has a right to exist. Animals also have fear and pain as do human beings. It is wrong to take away their lives. We should not misuse our intelligence and strength to destroy animals even though they may sometimes be a nuisance to us. Animals need our sympathy. Destroying them is not the only method to get rid of them. Every living being is contributing something to maintain this world. It is unfair for us to deprive their living rights.

The Buddha was very clear in His teachings against any form of cruelty to any living being. One day the Buddha saw a man preparing to make a animal sacrifice. On being asked why he was going to kill innocent animals, the man replied that it was because it would please the gods. The Buddha then offered Himself as the sacrifice, saying that if the life of an animal would please the gods then the life of a human being, more valuable, would please the gods even more.

Man's cruelty towards animals is another expression of his uncontrolled greed. Today we destroy animals and deprive them of their natural rights so that we can expend our environments for our convenience. But we are already beginning to pay the price for this selfish and cruel act. Our environment is threatened and if we do not take stern measures for the survival of other creatures, our own existence on this earth may not be guaranteed. It is true that the existence of certain creatures is a threat to human existence. But we never consider that human are the greatest threat to every living being on this earth and in the air whereas the existence of other creatures is a threat only to certain living beings.


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 04:05:58 PM »
Animals were never meant to be eaten. They should be treated with respect and compassion. This octopus dies a painful death due to the selfish wants of human beings. Is this humane? Absolutely not! Humans are not humane at all when it comes to something that will not benefit themselves. Selfish!

Jessie Fong

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2013, 11:34:15 AM »
It is obvious that this group of people are oblivious to the suffering experienced by that octopus.  They are directly responsible for taking away its life.

There are also people who eat live frogs, fresh brains from a live monkey, etc etc and the list goes on.  There are some who consume such "delicacies" as they are considered exotic food.

While I am not a vegan/vegetarian, I do not condone eating live creatures.


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2013, 06:34:44 PM »
There can only be a cause to this - degeneration of the minds in today's world, and the increase in self-cherishing minds. The suffering of animals just to please the tastebud for the moment is extremely unnecessary and the food will eventually be passed out anyways.

It is extremely unnecessary to put the poor animal through so much suffering. What is the difference between them and you? They have feelings, they obviously can feel pain, they have a conscious, they cry, they have eyes, they are ALIVE, just like you! Physically, and categorically, we differ (in species), but definitely they are no different that all they want to do is just to live their lives. Humans are cruel, abusing their power to show their superiority by making other beings suffer. What a shame.

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2013, 06:24:23 AM »
When I saw this I really didn't know if I wanted to cry or to throw up. This is really horrific, in every sense of the word. So much pain caused to this poor creature all for a "fun" meal. This isn't food, this is sadism, seriously.

Imagine this being do to you, how would you feel? Why in the world would you ever do this some another living creature? We truly do live in the degenerate times!

Jessie Fong

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2013, 07:53:52 AM »
When I saw this I really didn't know if I wanted to cry or to throw up. This is really horrific, in every sense of the word. So much pain caused to this poor creature all for a "fun" meal. This isn't food, this is sadism, seriously.

Imagine this being do to you, how would you feel? Why in the world would you ever do this some another living creature? We truly do live in the degenerate times!

To these people, it may be "fun" but imagine if any of the tentacles should be stuck as it travels down the throat.  Those "suckers" can hold on strongly and you may just chock yourself to death. If/when that happens, you would be paying dearly - a life for a life?

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2013, 12:46:55 PM »

To these people, it may be "fun" but imagine if any of the tentacles should be stuck as it travels down the throat.  Those "suckers" can hold on strongly and you may just chock yourself to death. If/when that happens, you would be paying dearly - a life for a life?

There is some sort of poetic justice in that don't you think? The life for a life would be to your own karma ripening almost immediately for killing a sentient being in this way. Now the image in my mind has become even more intense, imagine the pain in this situation. The octopus being killed in such a way and then the person eating it killed violently as well by choking to death. Choking is a violent way of dying, it invokes so much fear in a person.


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2013, 03:50:40 PM »
It is horrific to consume a life octopus, how can a person to even put it into their mouth? Don't they afraid of been choke to death by all the moving tentacles? Imagine if the karma ripen between the octopus and the person during then. But to be fair it is due to the imprint or the brought up from the culture? Imagine when you were just a baby you have brought up eating only vegetables and fruits, of course this looks very disturbing but what if you have been brought up with this dish been served almost every meal since you were young i guess it'll look just fine. Is also due to our own karma to be not be able to be near to the Buddha's teaching and do not have this karmic connection for us to repair the damages which we have done to our karma and eventually drifting further an further away from the Dharma. So i guess i am very lucky to be able to recognised this and will do something about it.

Below is the link of a video which shows some very cruel individuals was having fun by stepping on a puppy. Why would a person will do this to another being? Is it because themselves were been tortured? Was it just pure fun? It is just very sad to witness a person can be so heartless.

BT: Kumakalat na video ng pananakit sa tuta, kinukondena Small | Large


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Re: SO much pain for this octopus...
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2013, 03:55:01 PM »
i  cannot believe someone would never feel a thing if they ever go and eat something which is alive. I myself would not be able to sustain that kind of freakish feeling obviously. I cannot relate how and why would someone want to even try eating something that is moving ie alive. I heard it is quite normal in Asian countries that they consume animals alive. One of the example is eating the monkey's brain. it is so cruel to just open the brain up and eat it while the monkey still alive... oh dear.