Author Topic: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa  (Read 8176 times)


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Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« on: September 06, 2013, 10:36:54 AM »
Personal Observations of An American Shugdenpa in India: More about "My Position on Dorje Shugden" by Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan.

Some friends have recently asked me what the situation is like here in Bylakuppe for Shugdenpas and for me in particular.  So far, I have not been the object of any abuse or harassment at all. Being the only western monk in residence here and having a prominent double-dorje tattoo on my upper arm, I have been the object of ongoing curiosity and pretty much everyone around has either heard something about or seen the American Shugdenpa. There are portions of the colony in which it has been made it clear that Shugenpas are not welcome to either congregate or shop. We simply stay away from those intolerant areas. The colony is relatively small in size and passing through it is a short trip. Beyond the very limited area the colony occupies, the “Shugden” matter is of no concern.  The Indian population has far too much on its own plate to notice the petty concerns of Tibetan politics. It should be noted that the Nyingma Monastic Community of The Golden Temple here in Bylakuppe and the lay population of the nearby Nyingma Camp do not engage in this bigotry. In both places we are freely welcomed and treated warmly . The same cannot be said to be true for the Tibetans living here and in the other Tibetan colonies of India who are not monks or nuns who have both the social status and relative safety of their monasteries to protect them. For them, life is constantly unpleasant and often dangerous.
I know that many have been the object of much criticism and abuse from what my own Root-Lama,  a well-respected tulku from Kham, called the poor, ignorant, largely uneducated Tibetan population who think HHDL is a god-incarnate capable of no wrong or error in judgment. A concept that is nothing less than laughable, generally-speaking, and too downright ludicrous in Buddhism to even contemplate. Those who are more well-educated and well-informed who engage in this outrageous and unseemly behavior are those who think they have something to gain from publicly currying the favor of HHDL and the largess that ensues when the “line-is-toed”. Fortunately, the influence of these people and the influence of HHDL himself are both waning. Despite the celebrity and reputation he has enjoyed for so long as a religious leader and prominent world figure, the more widespread his unrelenting attempt to ban Shugden practice becomes known the more the world-at-large is coming to see that he not only openly advocates but persistently encourages religious intolerance and social ostracism among his own people and in his own faith. This can, in the end, only diminish his reputation, tarnish the public image of the Tibetan people and irreparably damage the cause of Buddhadharma.   The simple truth is that this whole business is a disgraceful display of institutionalized ignorance, intolerance, hatred and bigotry.
HHDL speaks of peace, harmony, and universal brotherhood in some parts of the world and of intolerance against Shugden practitioners in others. One would think that someone as well-educated, well-traveled and constantly in the spotlight of the world stage as the Dalai Lama would have figured out that, in the 21st century, under the scrutiny of a large cadre of journalists catering to the insatiable appetite of a prurient population eager for any scrap of controversy or unguarded moment and in the constant line-of-fire of I-phones, Blackberrys and similar devices, that one cannot speak in condemnation of others or say one thing in one part of the world and something completely different in another and not have the expectation that, sooner or later, it will rise up and lash out at unexpected moments and in unforeseen ways.
It is up to the generations now practicing Buddhism, regardless of the particular tradition to which they belong, to maintain, promote and pass on the pure, undiluted teaching of Shakyamuni free of politics and dissention.
Many Lamas, and the monastic communities continuing to openly practice Dorje Shugden are passing to their followers a pure, unspoiled lineage. My own Lama and the others from whom I continue to have the blessing of receiving teachings pass the same purity of unbroken lineage. Their endless sacrifices and unswerving dedication serve as an example that encourages us all to do everything we can to maintain our practice, strengthen our samaya, keep unswerving faith in our precious Lineage Lamas, and never surrender our devotion to Gyalchen Dorje Shugden. For those of us who have spoken the vows of ‘srog rtag’, this is nothing less than a sacred commitment to which we have dedicated “our lives and our sacred honor”. I will continue to relentlessly share this oft-repeated teaching my Lama. “It does not matter what anyone thinks of you or your practice, regardless of who they are.”
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(We find this well written and comes from someone who has observed the situation with intelligence. We do not condone all ideas shared but nevertheless it will throw more light on the Dorje Shugden's ban. We hope Ven Lozang Gyaltsan will share more of his wisdom in the near future. Admin)


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 11:42:53 PM »
Thank you Admin for posting this up. It is indeed great to hear that as a open Dorje Shugden practitioner, he is not too ill treated.

I do sincerely hope that CTA will focus on what they need to do, which is to fight for ALL Tibetans, and don't spend energy on separating the practitioners and inject hatred within own citizens. If CTA really wants to have their "country" back, I think they need to look at a bigger picture...

I am sensing a lift of ban...


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 09:56:37 AM »
Thank you for sharing this. I have had the privilege of knowing Lozang Gyaltsan for a few years, albeit virtually through the internet. He has been a constant source of strength to me as a western Shugdenpa. He does not mince words and is a loyal friend. I love what he has written here very much. it is poignant, passionate and true to his lama and his beliefs and thus inspirational.

I'm glad he did not experience any discrimination though the fact that he acknowledges that discrimination for lay Tibetan Shugden practitioners elsewhere exists, as he says, "For them, life is constantly unpleasant and often dangerous."

It is heartening to read that "Nyingma Monastic Community of The Golden Temple here in Bylakuppe and the lay population of the nearby Nyingma Camp do not engage in this bigotry." After all the supposed schism that Dorje Shugden has caused, and the common belief that Nyingmapas hate Shugden practitioners, it is gratifying to hear from the horse's mouth that this is not true of all Nyingmapas. Of course we are also familiar with HH Penor Rinpoche's kindness to Shugdenpas who were ostracised by the community so this news only confirms that true Sangha are not bigots!

From reading what Lozang said, it is also interesting to note that yes it is true that the Shugden ban "can, in the end, only diminish his reputation, tarnish the public image of the Tibetan people and irreparably damage the cause of Buddhadharma." What i find interesting is that HH Dalai Lama is not an unintelligent man. He was the temporal head of Tibet for most of his life. He is a learned scholar. On a spiritual level, he is Chenrezig, and on a secular level, he is an internationally recognized master statesman.

Now, bearing in mind all his qualities and qualifications AND attainments, why would the Dalai Lama create a PR nightmare for Buddhism, Tibet and his own stature? Just using simple logic... someone of lesser intelligence would NEVER have done this. There must be a reason, and so far, the only reason that makes sense to me is the mission statement of this website.

I know that this contradicts Lozang's view but i guess everyone has a personal view and to each their own. I have been called naive to believe in the 'bigger picture' hypothesis, but it makes sense to me, so naive i may be but i guess time will tell what Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama have planned for us.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 02:59:01 PM »
While it is heartening to note that Venerable Lozang Gyaltsen has not experienced any intolerance from anti-Shugdenpas, perhaps because he is mostly in the safe confines of a monastery, it is sad to know that other Shugden practitioners, who are Tibetans and who stay outside the safe walls of a monastery, are being subject to "unpleasant and often dangerous" treatment from anti-Shugdenpas. But, as Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan says, the Dalai Lama's influence in this direction is waning, as the world comes to realize that his persistent intolerance towards Shugden practitioners is out-of-sorts with his stance of "peace, harmony and universal brotherhood" that he shows to the rest of the world.

A light in the darkness of this intolerance toward Shugden practitioners is the warmth shown by the Nyingma monastic community in Bylakuppe  towards them.



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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2013, 05:12:18 PM »
Dear Admin, thank you for sharing this news , I rejoice to know that Venerable Lozang Gyaltsen has not experienced any intolerance from anti-Shugdenpas . Hopefully this would encourage more Shudenpas to come out in the open and be proud of the practice . On the other hand , it is sad to know that other Shugden practitioners, who are Tibetans and who stay outside the safe walls of a monastery, are being subject to "unpleasant and often dangerous" treatment ! Lets continue to expose this insidious discrimination to the rest of the world so that the ban is rejected by all who are civilized. Down with the ban !


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2013, 10:34:31 AM »
This is truly beneficial, Ven Lozang Gyaltsan writes candidly about his opinion based on his own personal experiences. While it is wonderful to read that monastic and lay Shugdenpas are welcome near the Nyingma camp in Bylakuppe, it is sad to read of other Shugdenpas especially the lay people not accorded the same treatment in and around other Tibetan camps in India. I pray that with the soon-to-be lifting of the ban these people's life (and Shugdenpas around the world) would return to normality.


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2013, 04:12:48 PM »
It has been awhile (almost 3 months) since Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan posted his situation as Dorje Shugden practitioner in Bylakuppe. So far, I am glad to see that he did not post anything that he is being abused after he posted the article. I personally would like to think it is a good sign that Dorje Shugen ban will be lifted soon.

On another note, Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan has started a blog just a few days ago, and I do hope that he would write more articles on Dorje Shugden. :)


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2013, 07:35:17 AM »
Ven. Lozang Gyaltsan had encapsulated quite well the situation surrounding the Dorje Shugden ban. Yes it baffles everyone how His Holiness Dalai Lama (HHDL) could discriminate against Dorje Shugden followers when HHDL is known worldwide as the ambassador of world peace and compassion?  Such a double standard!

HHDL continues to stand by his decree on the ban despite increasing pressures and protests against Him and Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) to lift the ban.  But everyone knows the truth about Dorje Shugden shall prevail.  Any intelligent person can analyze the developments on the Dorje Shugden ban and research about who Dorje Shugden is.  In no time, HHDL will have to admit that He had been wrong about His accusations against Dorje Shugden! However, HHDL does not seem to worry about this?  Perhaps this is the play of the fully-enlightened Chenrezig's emanation as HHDL?


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 09:43:04 PM »

Now, bearing in mind all his qualities and qualifications AND attainments, why would the Dalai Lama create a PR nightmare for Buddhism, Tibet and his own stature? Just using simple logic... someone of lesser intelligence would NEVER have done this. There must be a reason, and so far, the only reason that makes sense to me is the mission statement of this website.

I know that this contradicts Lozang's view but i guess everyone has a personal view and to each their own. I have been called naive to believe in the 'bigger picture' hypothesis, but it makes sense to me, so naive i may be but i guess time will tell what Dorje Shugden and the Dalai Lama have planned for us.

I too wonder how the Dalai Lama could be so blatant in his contradictory statements about his stance on Dorje Shugden, at times denying there is even a ban and yet at times menacingly threatening to intensify the persecutions of Shugden worshippers. [See:

But regardless of the Dalai Lama's motivation, "big picture" or otherwise, the fact remains that many people have suffered because of the ban and continue to. To wonder about the Dalai Lama's true intentions is little consolation for those whose livelihoods and lives have been damaged beyond repair. The ban ruptured the Tibetan community in such a way that they may not be able to recover.

Whatever the Dalai Lama's reasons are to be hostile to a Protector practice that the degenerating world so critically needs, the ban has to be removed and this is all that truly matters. Just as it is a sacred honour for those affected by the ban to maintain their practice at great costs, it is the sacred duty of those who are free of the cancer to fight for the removal of the ban.


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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2013, 07:17:49 AM »
Thank you for the article and giving us first hand information on the situation in India now for Dorje Shugden practitioners. Sad to hear that there is still discrimination but it is waning off. Also that the other Buddhist schools do not make the situation worse.

I agree with Wisdom Being that the Dalai Lama is definitely not unintelligent. He is a great master and surely knows what he is doing. I believe it is for a greater picture that we could not comprehend yet.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: Wisdom from an American Shugdenpa
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2013, 03:24:36 PM »
Thanks for sharing this post. Whether one is persecuted in the clashes of injustice or not depends very much on one's karma. Maybe an enlightened mind like the Dalai Lama and the Protector are agreeing to play a role in this illusion for the benefit of all sentient beings. The question remains: how do you transform your mind based on the events that you are experiencing.  ???