Author Topic: 9/11 - after 11 years...  (Read 4669 times)


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9/11 - after 11 years...
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:20:35 PM »
It has been 11 years since the 9/11 event.. it has been quite awhile, but many people still can't let go of it because there are so many things unexplained. I personally have very vague feeling about this event, but I was drawn towards this event again because there are many who said that event is actually staged by the US government itself and it has nothing to do with Osama Bin Ladin.

Many experts said that it is impossible that building can collapse in such a manner if there weren't staged

Anyway, watching the footage reminded me all the sufferings of the people the building, on the street etc..

If this is indeed the event is staged by the US government to bring down the building, why not evacuate the people first? So many were killed.. so much negative karma...

May the people who lost their family and friends let go and put this event to an end...


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Re: 9/11 - after 11 years...
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 06:12:11 PM »
Dear Kris,

If you explore the subjects at, you will understand about 9/11 in great depth and about why the building was not evacuated. You will understand many many important things to know about, for the more people are informed the less power the global elite will have to continue the corrupt trajectory they're on.

People need to understand that there is alot more to the the picture than the globalist elite controlled media is giving them. We are being lied to, controlled, stolen from, and murdered with stealth and great skill. We're told this kind of thinking is "conspiracy theory" or the thoughtforms of paranoid individuals, but when you look at the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you realize that it is not paranoia, it is the propagation of great concern for what is taking place.

When people begin to understand the bigger picture, it becomes clear that the 9/11 event is one of many such events coordinated by psychopathic "leaders" with an agenda most people don't want to accept to be true because of how grotesque that truth is. It is similar to why people can't accept that the Dalai Lama would cause so much suffering despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He represents a ray of hope in a degenerating world, and when that goes, the sense of hope begins to decay along with it. When you connect the dots, you understand that 9/11 will not be put to rest for many reasons, one of which is that there's more to come. I'm not going to elaborate because there's plenty of documentation and discussion on

We have what is called "normalcy bias". There is major flooding in Colorado right now. A man was interviewed who said 'you hear warnings from people saying "you better prepare yourself for the 100yr flood" and you think it won't happen to you or in your lifetime, and here we are in the middle of the 100yr flood!'

Time to wake up people: