Author Topic: Destroying asunder the misguided teachings of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu on Shugden  (Read 12471 times)

Big Uncle

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Here's a very enlightening article by Jangchub Choden who wrote with powerful logic and reasoning on what Chogyal Namkhai Norbu wrote in his article Provocation of the Gyalpos. It is clear that Namkhai Norbu was sorely mistaken about the identity of the gyalpo being under the Nyingma Yidam, Vajrakilaya. Read more...

Refuting Chogyel Namkhai Norbu’s Provocations

Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche is a well-known anti-Dorje Shugden proponent. He has openly spoken against Dorje Shugden on a few occasions. It has come to our attention that Namkhai Norbu has instructed his students together with him to engage in Vajrakilaya practices and to recite thousands of mantras aimed at the destruction of Dorje Shugden. Vajrakilaya practices should be done with the sublime motivation of reaching the highest enlightenment in order to bring benefit to all sentient beings, and not used for any destructive purposes. He and group of students have been engaged in this holy practice of the Yidam Vajrakilaya for unsavory purposes. How can any Buddhist practice be aimed at the harm or destruction of another being spirit or human? Compassion is the basis of all Buddhist practices taught by Buddha in Sutra or as Vajradhara in tantra. I cannot gauge his motivation exactly but results do show clearly.

I have been informed that after this practice of Vajrakilaya against Dorje Shugden, Namkhai Norbu has fallen ill and become temporarily paralyzed. He might have become better since then, but this was the latest news. Engaging in these esoteric practices with wrong motivations can have negative results. His illness could or could not be the results of this wrongly motivated Vajrakilaya practice, but it is certainly a coincidence. Negative karma can be accrued from any action regardless of labeling them spiritual or not. It’s the motivation that counts the most. In the past there was once a Yamantaka practitioner who engaged with wrong motivation. He wanted power and the ability to harm his enemies. As a result he incarnated as a spirit with the ‘form’ of Yamantaka but harmed all those in contact with him. It was not the Yidam Yamantaka that caused this result but his negative motivation during this practice.

I do wish Namkhai Norbu healing and realization of the true nature of Dorje Shugden. Spiritual teachers of his age and lineage should never criticize any form of  religious worship and should respect all forms of spirituality. Religious freedom is not propaganda but the individual rights of every human being on this planet. Criticizing other forms of spirituality does not bring teachers to a positive light nor help their works.

Below is the writings of Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche in regards to Dorje Shugden. Please note in his writings he ‘criticizes’ Nechung as well as H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche in Italy without naming names. Nechung was appointed by Padmasambhava as a guardian of Tibet. He may be a Gyalpo, but he is still highly revered by many. So for Namkhai Norbu to mention that Pehar (Nechung) caused him ”confusion and nervousness” is quite perplexing. Since Samye is the first monastery to be built and blessed by Padmasambhava, it must be a sacred place. Padmasambhava enshrined Pehar to be the guardian in this monastery. Why would Padmasambhava assign some guardian that causes nervousness and confusion? The current Dalai Lama heavily relies on Pehar and often consults the Nechung oracle in trance. For Namkhai Norbu to quote the Dalai Lama positively on the banning of Dorje Shugden, yet on the other hand criticizes Pehar, is also nonsensical. He is indirectly perhaps saying the Dalai Lama is wrong for relying on Pehar? Namkhai Norbu is perhaps biased in his views due to some sort of sectarianism from his personal side? This could or could not be the case. You can come to your own conclusions. I present his thoughts to you here.

Jangchup Choden


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Jangchub Choden sure got some very logical points which is something I can accept then to follow here says.

Well the very fact that he made sweeping claim and statement saying that it "looks" like Gyalpo Shugden to show that we have this kind of problem in this epoch.” is a HUGE TONE OF DISCRIMINATION. I don't think this kind of statements would be allowed in my country as it would have caused violent protest as it is outright insensitive to other people's beliefs and religious rights. Obviously some Lamas do not believe in human rights to religious freedom and care enough to respect that.

I could easily point it out to be another different Lama, it really could be just about anyone. To think that His students and friends would actually listen and belief this statement also shows us the kind of mind set and level of thinking they have as well.

I'm not sure if you get dizzy from practicing Dorje Shugden, but I am sure if you practice "spirits" like in Bon religion, perhaps when you do Dorje Shugden it could affect those "spirits" that could cause the "dizzy" spell to prevent you to continue practicing Dorje Shugden? So many possibilities... how can we just single out Dorje Shugden?

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I do engage the readers of this post that wish to learn more about:

1. the reasons why the Dalai Lama instated the ban,
2. the logic and facts that prove Dorje Shugden to be an enlightened being,
3. the logic and facts that prove the Dalai Lama's apparent inconsistencies on the topic of Dorje Shugden,
4. and why it is so important that the ban is lifted through the combined efforts of many,

to read through the following posts and participate to the debates in place.

NEW ARTICLE! A Demon Worshipper's Throne In Ganden?

Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang's Reasons why Dorje Shugden is a Buddha

Reasons for the ban... and why they are all codswallop

Proof that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha

The Great Fifth Dalai Lama's Teacher Was Wrong Too?

And there are many more forum debates, these are only a few links.


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I agree with Jangchub Choden's views on the actions of Chogyel Namkhai Norbu.

Buddha's teaching is always based on compassion and loving kindness.  It is undharmic to harm another being.  How could one recite the holy mantra to harm another?  Karma always follow us like a shadow and is universal principle to all.  Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche begets what he has done.  He will require many body, speech and mind purification.


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It has been proven, beyond the shadow of doubt,in this forum, that Dorje Shugden is an Enlightened Being. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche himself has shown us this so clearly in "Music Delighting An Ocean of Protectors".

However, there will be others who will continue to insist that Dorje Shugden is a spirit. One of them is Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, who has not only openly criticized and condemned Dorje Shugen as a spirit and supported the ban against Shugden practice, but has also instructed his students to join him in engaging in Vajrakilaya practices and reciting 1000s of mantras to destroy Shugden!

It comes as more than coincidental that he should be stricken recently with illness and become temporararily paralysed. As Jangchub Choden explains, the Vajrakilaya practices should be done "with the sublime motivation of reaching the highest enlightenment in order to benefit all sentient beings, and not used for destructive purposes"!

Going further, Norbu has also illogically criticized the practice of Nechung, just because the practice had caused him "confusion and nervousness"! His confusion and nervousness could have arisen from his own state of mind and may not have anything to do with Nechung. By criticizing Nechung, he is indirectly criticizing HH Dalai Lama, who seeks advice from Nechung, through the oracle.


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I agree with Icy that, as Buddhists, we should practice what Lord Buddha taught about compassion. It is not compassionate to criticize another person's practice. It is creating schism in the Buddhist community, instead. Creating schism is one of the five heinous transgressions. Jangchub's reply in which he refuted Norbu was done with logic and reason and not with negative emotions. May Norbu  quickly come to a realization that his views are wrong. May he show greater compassion towards fellow Buddhist practitioners.


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It is true that as Buddhists we should not be creating any schism within the Buddhism community or even for anyone at all. It is one of the hideous crimes in Buddhism.

I do not believe in criticising any religion or practice at all. We should not say that this or that practice is not good. Just imagine the negative Karma that you would accumulate by saying that. It is indeed that Namkhai Norbu should not be saying things like that, but we will never know if the purpose of this life of his is to help spread Dorje Shugden in a opposing way.

It is just really cool that there is actually a spiritual war going on between Namkhai Norbu and Dorje Shugden. It is just neat that things like that can happen within the Buddhism community.


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Thank you for sharing.

I agreed with Jangchub Choden and Icy’s view that Buddhism full of compassion. I have always been taught by my lama and read the stories of other lamas that we should be kind to all beings. Even for spirits that possessed someone’s body, Lamas will still chant mantra or do prayers compassionately for the spirits so that he will be happy, will not create more negative karmas and will be able to let go and near to Dharma.

For example, from the Sorrowless Sutra, when Ananda was attacked by the 64,000 maras, as Buddha gave a mantra to the Bodhisattva Manjugosha. When the king of the maras heard it he generated bodhicitta, the thought of enlightenment, and the king of the maras let go of Ananda.

Therefore, how would a monk do any practice with the motivation that will harm another beings? This is just not following the Buddha’s teaching of compassion at all!

I sincerely hope that Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche will realize his wrong view ASAP and practice compassion towards all beings.


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It is quite unfortunate that a lama such as Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche should see it fit to seek to destroy a deity that many high and virtuous lamas regard as a sacred protector of the Dharma, not that he could. A few have tried and the fact that they failed can only mean either (i) they have no real powers or (ii) Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being that cannot be destroyed. It would have been impossible for so many acclaimed masters such as Mindrolling Lama to have failed in exorcising a destructive "demon". If Padmasambava could subdue all the spirits and demonic forces of Tibet, then it should follow that the necessary skills and knowledge in taming and controlling demons would have been carefully passed down over the generations and held by present day masters and still retaining their potency. If indeed Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit as he is accused, I am very sure that the Dalai Lama's office and CTA would have deployed all necessary resources to rid themselves of Shugden. This is only common sense. Instead they have resorted to name-calling and dishonest activities aimed at punishing Shugden monks and lay practitioners.

It is also clear that some lamas, perhaps in attempt to curry favour with Dharmansala, have joined in the persecution of Shugden. In so doing, they have wrought such bad karma upon themselves and incurred a bad reputation along the way. There is one observation that I have made i.e. for all the oppression that Shugden lamas and monks have received, there is not a single attempt spiritual or otherwise, to "destroy" their enemies. Isn't that strange for people who are supposed to be worshipping a sinister, destructive and powerful spirit?

I do hope Namkai Norbu Rinpoche fully recovers from his illness and I pray for Dorje Shugden to bestow upon Rinpoche good health and a long life.


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How could it be for a lama like Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche (CNNR) to desperately want to destroy Dorje Shugden (DS) when high lamas from the Gelug tradition like HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, or even HH the 14th Dalai Lama had never even thought of such drastic actions against DS? Why aren't the Spiritual leaders of the four major Tibetan Schools do something to DS if DS is really dangerous to mankind? 

Buddhism is about compassion for all beings and not to harm or destroy them! 

CNNR had even critised H. E. Gangchen Rinpoche, Nechung and even Padmasambhava indirectly. Is this how a lama should behave?  Instead of promoting harmony and love for all beings, CNNR was promoting hatred, disharmony, wrong views to others about Buddhism and the enlightened beings like Buddha Dorje Shugden and Padmasambhava.  Very heavy negative karma for someone like GNNR to even ask his students to do the Vajrakilaya practices against Dorje Shugden!

Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche is clearly wrong in his actions and accusations about Dorje Shugden! 


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It is indeed very sad to see pictures of harming another deity or Buddha. Norbu Rinpoche may have his reasons why Dorje Shugden is evil and should stop practice (you have the freedom of who to practice and who not to practice), but so do I. He may have his reasons to stop practice, but I have my reasons to continue practice, and the main reason is that many of the high lamas who spread the lineage of Dorje Shugden are very kind, compassionate, and most importantly, by practicing Dorje Shugden, they can control their rebirth and reincarnate back to benefit others. If high lama such as Song Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche who practice Dorje Shugden is indeed evil, how can they reincarnate back to benefit others?

Anyway, my point is, Buddhism is about cultivating patience, compassionate, acceptance, tolerance, etc. If Dorje Shugden practitioners are evil, selfish, etc, then may be you can show us your compassionate and love so that we can become good; not by condemning others to make yourself look better.

Also, Norbu Rinpoche commented that Guru Padmasambhava is wrong about giving the task of protecting the Samye temple to Pehar (because it caused confusion for him when he includes Pehar in his puja). So, does it mean texts/teachings by Guru Padmasambhava are wrong too? Since HH Dalai Lama also rely heavily on Pehar on many important decisions, does it mean HH Dalai Lama is wrong as well?

I am sensing much confusion from Norbu Rinpoche...


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It is also clear that some lamas, perhaps in attempt to curry favour with Dharmansala, have joined in the persecution of Shugden. In so doing, they have wrought such bad karma upon themselves and incurred a bad reputation along the way.

I must say that the "logic" given by HH Dalai Lama about Dorje Shugden is evil does not make sense and has many flaws, and yet many people just blindly accept the logic without much thought, contemplation and debate. My conclusion would be: people want to be to on the good side of HH Dalai Lama, for whatever the reason.

I also strongly believe that CTA by doing all the nasty things to ostracize the Dorje Shugden practitioners, they are now indeed suffering from their own karma of not having a country, and also people are not united.

CTA should focus more on uniting the people of Tibet, both in Tibet and in exile; CTA should also focus on promoting Buddhism and not suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners...


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It is very unfortunate that Chogyel Namkhai Norbu chose to criticize Dorje Shugden practice.Those who visit  Dorje Shugden history site will be able to see more accurate and balanced assessment of the importance of this practice.For he is Vajradhara himself, how can a Buddha be dangerous?
Dorje Shugden practice goes back 350 years and that he was regarded as an Enlightened Being.Realized the  importance and acknowledge the true nature of Dorjr Shugden,who many know to be the emanation of Manjushri in nature.


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The article begins by saying Gyalpo are not always negative but it goes in depth how Gyalpo provokes others. Is provocation positive or negative? It goes on to mentioned that people becomes nervous, confuse and upset when being provoked by Gyalpo. I doubt that not only Gyalpo would provoke others but human generally would provoke other human beings as well. Why? Because if becoming nervous, confuse, and upset are the effect of being provoke then our families, friends, co-workers would come to mind first because these are people we meet every day and there are many situations that one would become nervous, confuse, and upset.

Guru Padmasambhava has subdued Gyalpo Pehar, now known as Nechung. Nechung is now a Dharma protector of Tibetan state government. The author mentioned he observed his confusion and nervousness arises when he did practice of Gyalpo Pehar and he concluded not to do it based on his feelings, the after effect of the puja. Firstly he has awareness that he is in confusion and nervousness. Secondly based on his feelings experienced he deemed it to be negative effect on him. As a lay Dharma practitioner we are expected to experience more negative feelings because of our own negative karma we did in our past. The negativity is a ripening of negative karmas and is purification for us. During Dharma activities including prayers we can experience negative effects in body and mind. If the prayer has been given by our guru then we must do it with good motivation then it becomes a form of blessing. If we don't do our commitments, in this case the prayer, then we will accrue new negative karma. Of course this come with the knowledge that we have checked our guru well.


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It is quite unfortunate that a lama such as Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche should see it fit to seek to destroy a deity that many high and virtuous lamas regard as a sacred protector of the Dharma, not that he could. A few have tried and the fact that they failed can only mean either (i) they have no real powers or (ii) Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being that cannot be destroyed. It would have been impossible for so many acclaimed masters such as Mindrolling Lama to have failed in exorcising a destructive "demon". If Padmasambava could subdue all the spirits and demonic forces of Tibet, then it should follow that the necessary skills and knowledge in taming and controlling demons would have been carefully passed down over the generations and held by present day masters and still retaining their potency. If indeed Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit as he is accused, I am very sure that the Dalai Lama's office and CTA would have deployed all necessary resources to rid themselves of Shugden. This is only common sense. Instead they have resorted to name-calling and dishonest activities aimed at punishing Shugden monks and lay practitioners.

It is also clear that some lamas, perhaps in attempt to curry favour with Dharmansala, have joined in the persecution of Shugden. In so doing, they have wrought such bad karma upon themselves and incurred a bad reputation along the way. There is one observation that I have made i.e. for all the oppression that Shugden lamas and monks have received, there is not a single attempt spiritual or otherwise, to "destroy" their enemies. Isn't that strange for people who are supposed to be worshipping a sinister, destructive and powerful spirit?

I do hope Namkai Norbu Rinpoche fully recovers from his illness and I pray for Dorje Shugden to bestow upon Rinpoche good health and a long life.

Well said Vajratruth! 

It is sheer ignorance of Chogyel Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche (CNNR) to want to bring damage to his own reputation as a Buddhist teacher!  The worst thing is that his actions cause wrong views, disharmony, and disrepute to Buddhism at large! Instead of propagating the Dharma, he is doing otherwise!

May CNNR quickly recover from his illness and stop his damaging actions!