Author Topic: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence  (Read 9261 times)


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DHARAMSHALA, September 30: Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama today reiterated his appeal to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop the communal violence. The Tibetan leader was speaking to devotees on the first day of his teachings on Nagarjuna’s Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning (Rigpa Drugchupa) and Tsongkhapa’s Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim Dudon).

“Earlier there were crisis among Buddhist and Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka. Burmese monks were even regarded as terrorists and it is very sad,” said His Holiness the Dalai Lama. “Recently, I visited Prague, Czech Republic to attend Forum 2000 and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was also there. I spoke with her and she was really concerned,” His Holiness recalled.

“Have faith in your own religion but respect all other religions,” He noted. “This will bring unity among various religions.”

The winner of 1989 Nobel peace prize began his three and a half-day teaching at the request of a group of Taiwanese at Tsuglakhang, the Main Tibetan Temple.

According to the Department of Security, over 5000 disciples from 54 countries, including 900 Taiwanese and Chinese, are in attendance at the teachings.

Phayul photo/Phuntsok Yangchen
Phayul photo/Phuntsok Yangchen
His Holiness said, “In 1965 or 1966, I visited Malaysia and Singapore and we prayed Sherab Nyingpo* together. Many Chinese used to pray Sherab Nyingpo in the past but lately I feel like it has declined which is quite sad.”

“We meet almost every year and pray Sherab Nyingpo together, and we not only recite the words of the Sherab Nyingpo, we think of its meaning,” He added.

Live webcasts of the teachings from September 30- October 3, 2013 is available at the official website of the Dalai Lama. His Holiness will be speaking in Tibetan with English, Chinese, Vietnamese and Russian language translations available.

Following the teachings, the Dalai Lama is then scheduled to visit the Unites States of America from October 8 to 20, where he will give Public talks, teachings and attend panel discussion.

*(teaching from the Heart Sutra regarded as the summation of the heart wisdom of Buddha)


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 08:59:39 AM »
Pictures attached to the above article:


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 08:15:08 PM »
With what the Dalai Lama has said, it would still make not much influence to those monks that are against the Muslims.

To really stop this, the government has to capture the main leader and put him in jail for some period of time. While this time when the leader is in jail, promote inter-religious harmony, making all the citizens respect other religions and love one another.


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 11:39:50 AM »
The worldwide sangha is pleading with Burmese monks and layity alike to end the violence against Muslims, and other ethnic minority groups in their beautiful country. The Dalai Lama recently addressed the troubling situation thusly:

"Buddha always teaches us about forgiveness, tolerance, compassion. If from one corner of your mind, some emotion makes you want to hit, or want to kill, then please remember Buddha's faith. We are followers of Buddha." -ABC News (link).

He went on to say that there is, "Too much emphasis on 'we' and 'they'" in the world." -The Huffington Post (link).

The Dalai Lama's words echo those of other international Buddhist leaders who recently penned a joint-letter condemning the violence and calling for calm. The Buddhist magazine, Tricycle, published their remarks and I will quote some of it, but I urge you to read the entire letter at the Tricycle Blog (link):
Buddhist teaching is based on the precepts of refraining from killing and causing harm. Buddhist teaching is based on compassion and mutual care. Buddhist teaching offers respect to all, regardless of class, caste, race or creed. We are with you for courageously standing up for these Buddhist principles even when others would demonize or harm Muslims or other ethnic groups. It is only through mutual respect, harmony and tolerance that Myanmar can become a modern great nation benefiting all her people and a shining example to the world.


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2013, 10:04:29 AM »
The reason why I like Buddhism is that it is a religion of peace, compassion and tolerance, but unfortunately, someone may have twisted the Buddha's teaching and instilled violence towards others. It is such a sad thing.

Therefore, I felt that we need to have all the Buddhist leaders in the world to gather and make it clear to the world that having violence towards others is NOT the Buddhist teaching.

Peace to all!


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2013, 10:35:15 AM »
Buddhism promotes peace and tolerance. Killing people in the name of religion is very bad and sad.  If the Buddhist community in Myanmar has any grievances against the Muslims, they should sit down and work something out instead of creating so much violence, fear and harming innocent victims.

The government should take steps to protect the safety of the people;  to change the constitution and the rule of law in order that their people feel secure and only secure people can talk to one another and try to establish the kind of relationship that will assure harmony for the future of the nation.

Buddhism promotes peace not violence.


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2013, 09:52:01 PM »
The Dalai Lama appeals against communal violence in Myanmar while promoting communal violence and religious persecution within his own Tibetan Buddhist communities. Therefore, his request is ludicrous, and for sure will be received with contempt by the monks of Myanmar.

By the way, the mere fact that the Dalai Lama disrepectfully refers to the country Myanmar as “Burma” shows how much he is just a puppet under the service of past and present colonialist powers. Again, wasn't the previous 13th Dalai Lama the one who gave a huge chunk of his country (Tawang, now Arunachal Pradesh) as a gift to the British colonialists?


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Re: Dalai Lama Appealed to Buddhists in Burma and Sri Lanka to stop Violence
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2013, 04:29:32 PM »
It is very sad to see the violence between Buddhist in Myammar and Sri Lanka with Muslims, especially monks should be known as the practitioners of Buddhism that promotes loving kindness and compassion. Non-Killing is the first precept vows in Buddhism, so, I just cannot understand why a so-called practitioner Buddhist would kill or cause harm to another person.

I believe the appeal by HH Dalai Lama does not have much impact to the Burmese monks too as the Tibetan government, CTA, is also discriminating the practitioners of Dorje Shugden. So, how would the Burmese and Sri Lanka Buddhists listen to the advice of HH Dalai Lama as the CTA is not following the teaching of HH Dalai Lama?

Gabby Potter

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I hope that the CTA will stop instigating violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners, every single human being should be treated with equality and religious freedom IS a basic human right. I pray for the ban to be lifted very quickly so that everyone can live in peace.


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I think HH Dalai Lama must means what he said he make a statement as have faith in your own religion but respect all other religion is well said but how come he discriminate DS practitioner enforcing the ban of DS practice how to convince others to listen to his advice said but never do.

Dondrup Shugden

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Sorry to say, I do not believe Dalai Lama means what he said about respecting other religions.  Sounds very Buddhist but in reality?

If CTA discriminate and places a BAN on DS then the practice is not to tolerate even differences within the same religion and doctrine. 

Let this contradicting messages be stopped until the right of clear consciousness is realised. 


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Under current murky waters, other Buddhists may not listen to the Dalai Lama as he has not stopped the violence between Tibetan Buddhists themselves. If he does not stop the violence among his people, the Tibetans and Buddhists, how can he urge others who are not subject to his rule bothe secularly and spiritually to listen? If he cannot stop the discrimination among Tibetans and Buddhists in the Dorje Shugden issue, how can he advise others to stop? I am mighty puzzled.


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Under current murky waters, other Buddhists may not listen to the Dalai Lama as he has not stopped the violence between Tibetan Buddhists themselves.

Buddhists in general, in Myanmar and elsewhere, will not listen to the evil dalie, because they know that he is just a professional troublemaker hired by the financial terrorist George Soros to incite violence and bring chaos and division to Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepal, and China.

Dondrup Shugden

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What Matbhadra said may sound extremely far fetched, I wonder if there is any proof to that.

If not, then it is same way that CTA accuses Shugdenpas to be Chinese paid spies, out to create discord for the Tibetans in China.

There is a lot of similarities, I think.


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What Matbhadra said may sound extremely far fetched, I wonder if there is any proof to that.

Reality always sounds far-fetched in our world of illusion, dear Dondrup.

If not, then it is same way that CTA accuses Shugdenpas to be Chinese paid spies, out to create discord for the Tibetans in China.

Right. The evil dalie, the despicable CIA puppet, following the instructions of his puppet-masters, and just as any ordinary criminal, accuses others precisely of what he does himself.

There is a lot of similarities, I think.

Right, as above.