Author Topic: Burma: Buddhist mobs burn down Muslim homes and shops  (Read 18119 times)


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Re: Burma: Buddhist mobs burn down Muslim homes and shops
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2014, 01:54:50 PM »
It is very sad to hear news like this :( I cannot imagine how "Buddhist" and "mob" can be associated to each other.

In the mouth of Western colonialist anti-Buddhist and anti-Myanmar hatred propaganda you will see this kind of associations, but never about the crimes perpetrated by Western terrorists themselves together with their allies, the extremist Saudi Arabian-sponsored Wahhabite terrorists acting in Myanmar.

In many religions, the teachings are being twisted and we hear many accounts of "holy war" and "human bomb".

Actually, in the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) there is no need to “twist” any teaching, as violence and intolerance are essential to them according to their own scriptures. Jews, Christians and Muslims have an absolute need to justify their violent teachings and actions and intentions, which they do by accusing others such as Buddhists of their own crimes.

It is really sad to start hearing twisted teachings in Buddhism now.

Where did you hear “twisted Buddhist teachings”? Except of course for the twisted character, the evil dalai, who made himself a puppet of Western Jewish-Christian colonialists, and receives monthly allowances from his Jewish master George Soros.

To me, it is very clear that the monk has twisted the teaching.

If it is so “clear” that the monk “has twisted the teaching”, why don't you show which teaching was “twisted” and how. Since you cannot show anything, it is clear that it is your mind that has been twisted by Western Abrahamic anti-Buddhist hatred propaganda.


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Re: Burma: Buddhist mobs burn down Muslim homes and shops
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2014, 02:02:25 PM »
(Just reposted the previous message because of incorrect formatting, the text is the same):

It is very sad to hear news like this :( I cannot imagine how "Buddhist" and "mob" can be associated to each other.

In the mouth of Western colonialist anti-Buddhist and anti-Myanmar hatred propaganda you will see this kind of associations, but never about the crimes perpetrated by Western terrorists themselves together with their allies, the extremist Saudi Arabian-sponsored Wahhabite terrorists acting in Myanmar.

In many religions, the teachings are being twisted and we hear many accounts of "holy war" and "human bomb".

Actually, in the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) there is no need to “twist” any teaching, as violence and intolerance are essential to them according to their own scriptures. Jews, Christians and Muslims have an absolute need to justify their violent teachings and actions and intentions, which they do by accusing others such as Buddhists of their own crimes.

It is really sad to start hearing twisted teachings in Buddhism now.

Where did you hear “twisted Buddhist teachings”? Except of course for the twisted character, the evil dalai, who made himself a puppet of Western Jewish-Christian colonialists, and receives monthly allowances from his Jewish master George Soros.

To me, it is very clear that the monk has twisted the teaching.

If it is so “clear” that the monk “has twisted the teaching”, why don't you show which teaching was “twisted” and how. Since you cannot show anything, it is clear that it is your mind that has been twisted by Western Abrahamic anti-Buddhist hatred propaganda.


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Re: Burma: Buddhist mobs burn down Muslim homes and shops
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2014, 02:49:48 PM »
As the issue moves on more and more variations and false / true claims will emerge as many attention seekers want to be a part of this scandal for their own self interests.

Then, according to your logic, Dorje Shugden practitioners, who try to expose denounce the abuses and persecution they suffer, are now just “attention seekers wanting to be a part of this scandal for their own self interests”, right?

Besides, since the very purpose of this website is precisely to call attention to such abuses and persecutions, then may I assume that, in your view, it is run by “attention seekers wanting to be a part of this scandal for their own self interests”, right?

If so, may I ask you, what are you doing in this website? Are you presumably just “seeking attention and wanting to be a part of this scandal for your own self interests”?

Indeed, just as the Myanmarese Buddhists, Dorje Shiugden practitioners suffer every kind of abuse from Western “mainstream” press and scholars, but if another version is given, different from such hatred propaganda, then according to you this is just the action of “attention seekers wanting to be a part of this scandal for their own self interests.”

Be it the government of Burma or western government or the media ; the "heroes" or the "terrorists" ,all have their own agendas.

It is possible. But then why do you only complain when the Western pro-Wahhabite terrorist agenda is denounced, but never against the Western pro-Wahhabite terrorist agenda itself? Do you, who see so much “agendas” in others, have your own agenda, should I assume? Or, more likely, you are just brainwashed by the Western propaganda, thus becoming an unwitting slave of its agenda.

By the way, the very naming of Myanmar by its name as a British colony, “Burma”, is itself a sign of a pro-colonialist agenda, or of being deceived by it.

The victims and their families are the ones suffering from this. How many have real concerns over their welfare and their future ?

The funny thing here is that, while showing so much compassion for the “victims“ claimed by Western press, you show little to no concern to the helpless victims of Western and Saudi Arabia-sponsored Wahhabite terrorists perpetrating the most unimaginable atrocious actions against innocent people from Russia to Syria, to Lebanon, to Iraq, to Yemen, to Pakistan, to Afghanistan, to Indonesia, to China, to Sri Lanka and other countries, including Myanmar itself.

Who can they turn to for help ? who is going to stop their nightmare ?

Are you waiting for the “hero”, such as US or other Western colonialist and terrorism-supporting countries such as France and Britain? And who is going to save the victims from their “hero”?

Not much is spoken on these matters.

What a false statement! Day and night the Western war and hatred propaganda press has no other subject than “intervention” here and “regime change there”, so that such countries as Myanmar go back to the control of their old unscrupulous, bloodsucking colonizers.

I really hope all the differences can come to an end quickly. Too many lives have been sacrificed for all these unnecessary in humane actions. It's just so sad !

What about opposing terrorism supported by your own country before being so much concerned with “differences“ in other countries, by coincidence always the same avidly targeted by greedy Western colonizers?