Author Topic: Tiger Woods Raised a Buddhist Will Now Actively Practise  (Read 11336 times)


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Re: Tiger Woods Raised a Buddhist Will Now Actively Practise
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2013, 10:56:29 AM »
I agree with Klein , that if Tiger Woods was truly a tantric practioner, he would not have made some of the statements he did in the Vanity Fair article. Tantric practice is not about achieving attainments via sleeping around with multiple partners ! Its incredible how some authors can twist around such a sacred and revered practice .
Its great that Tiger Woods can repent and realise his gross mistakes ; admitting them in public too . Let's hope its not just a PR stunt to clear his name. Really hope he will show the world what a true Buddhist practitioner he is . He has the platform to be a great example to others; his celebrity status can assist him to spread the  wonderful teachings of the Buddha.