Author Topic: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith  (Read 11218 times)


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Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« on: October 13, 2013, 11:19:51 PM »

The arrival of the Buddha’s sacred relics transforms small Southern California Buddhist temple

ROSEMEAD, Calif. — Although he’d been a practicing Buddhist for 20 years, until 10 months ago Dharma Master YongHua hadn’t even seen so much as one of the sacred relics known as shariras that are so important to his faith.
So it came as quite a surprise to the modest, soft-spoken monk when he learned he was becoming the caretaker of more than 10,000 of them.

YongHua’s modest Lu Mountain Temple became a repository for the thousands of colorful crystals, two teeth and a single hair that are believed to have come from the body of the Buddha himself. A congregant offered up the collection that he’d painstakingly gathered for years.

The relics are said to be capable of producing miracles for people who go near them. And although Buddhists, like members of other religious groups, say that has to be taken on faith, even the skeptical are starting to believe miracles are happening since the shariras arrived.

“In the beginning, I didn’t really know what to think,” said Vickie Sprout, who meditates at the temple.
Following YongHua’s advice to keep an open mind, she and others noticed, they said, after six months of meditation in the presence of the shariras, that their efforts were leading to a more relaxed, blissful state.
Looking back, YongHua said, it was no small miracle that the relics even made it to Lu Mountain Temple.
Located on the corner of a hillside residential street, the temple is easily mistaken by average passers-by for what it once was: a modest, 1950s-era, cookie-cutter tract home in an aging bedroom community east of Los Angeles. A glance down the hill offers a smog-shrouded view of hundreds of other homes, all looking the same.

The handful of monks who live there like it that way. They rise at 3:30 a.m. each day and, inside the ornate temple that outsiders never see, they spend much of their days in quiet meditation.
“When we’re cultivating Buddhist teachings we’re kind of hidden,” said Master Xian-Jie. “We don’t want a lot of people around.”

Since the shariras’ arrival, there have been quite a few people around.
Hundreds from around the country arrived earlier this year when the monks put the relics on display.
They crowded up to the altar, around a statute of the Buddha and elsewhere for an up-close view of thousands of colorful crystals, some believed to have come from the heart and other body parts of the Buddha himself when he was cremated nearly 3,000 years ago.

Other crystals are believed to have come from his family members and disciples, said YongHua, as the bespectacled, brown-robed monk showed them off again to visitors last month.

“To us, shariras are very important because if we see them we think we see the Buddha himself, even though the Buddha passed away a very long time ago,” said Thu Nguyen, a 70-year-old retired day-care worker who traveled from San Jose with a dozen fellow Buddhists to see them.

The last time she was in the presence of shariras, she said, was more than 10 years ago at a temple in the Chinese city of Shanghai.

Although such relics can be found at other Buddhist temples around the country, such a large collection is unusual, said Sonya Lee, a University of Southern California professor and expert on Buddhist art and culture.

Tam Huyhn, a retired groundskeeper and recently ordained monk who donated them, said he embraced Buddhism as a means of survival after the former South Vietnamese army officer was sent to a prison camp in the 1970s following his country’s civil war. After his release, he emigrated to the U.S. in the 1990s.
He began collecting the relics a few years ago after finding they’d healed the pain he felt in his legs. During a visit to Lu Mountain Temple last year, he said he had a vision that they should be where more people could see them. That left YongHua with a dilemma.

Since their arrival, the frugal monks, who survive mainly on donations, have had to increase security and gird themselves for increased numbers of visitors. YongHua said he hopes to eventually create a stupa, or gathering place, for them like those found in India and Asia, though he knows fundraising isn’t a monk’s forte.

Still, he said, the monks are honored that for whatever reason, the Buddha smiled on them.

“And we feel compelled to share the connection with everyone,” he said.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 11:47:17 AM »
Very wonderful news! More pictures please :)

What may look like a miracle to common appearance, in my opinion, can be explained as the ripening of positive karma. The daily meditation practice with sincere motivation created a big repository of good merits after a long period of time and attracted the relics. Now that the relics are here it is a good opportunity to educate the community on the benefits of stupa and promote the building of a stupa. A stupa increases many folds the Buddha's blessings on the surrounding lands and regions. It is a good project to rally people together to work as a team. It will make Dharma teachings flourish in the area.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 04:41:23 AM »
Here are more pictures of Sanghas and relics at Lu Mountain Temple at California:

Picture 1: Sangha and all the Holy Relics displayed at the Lu Mountain Temple. The temple has become a repository for the colorful crystals and a tooth that are believed to have come from the body of the Buddha himself.

Picture 2: A single hair believed to have come from Buddha's head is part of the relics displayed at the Lu Mountain Temple, California.

Picture 3: Photo shows venerable XianChi, left, Bhante Wanarathana, center, and venerable XianJie at the Lu Mountain Temple in Rosemead, Calif.  The temple has become a repository for the colorful crystals and a tooth and a hair that are believed to have come from the body of the Buddha himself.

Picture 4: Photo, Buddhist statues decorate the entrance to the Lu Mountain Temple in Rosemead, California.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2013, 09:48:40 AM »
Lu Mountain Temple is very blessed to have this opprotunity to became a repository for the thousands of colorful crystals, two teeth and a single hair that are believed to have come from the body of the Buddha himself. This will attract many more people to this temple to see the relics and that brings tremendous benefits to all of them. Plus it will also bless all sentient beings in that area. Rejoice !

Tenzin K

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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2013, 03:55:04 PM »
In Buddhism, relics of the Buddha and various sages are venerated. After the Buddha's death, his remains were divided into eight portions. Afterward, these relics were enshrined in stupas wherever Buddhism was spread, despite his instructions that relics were not to be collected or venerated.

Some relics believed to be original remains of the body of the Buddha still survive, including the much-revered Sacred Relic of the tooth of the Buddha in Sri Lanka.

A stupa is a building created specifically for the relics. Many Buddhist temples have stupas and historically, the placement of relics in a stupa often became the initial structure around which the whole temple would be based. Today, many stupas also hold the ashes or ringsel of prominent/respected Buddhists who were cremated. In rare cases the whole body is conserved, for example in the case of Dudjom Rinpoche, after his death his physical body was moved a year later from France and placed in a stupa in one of his main monasteries near Boudhanath, Nepal in 1988. Pilgrims may view his body through a glass window in the stupa.

The Buddha's relics are considered to show people that enlightenment is possible, to remind them that the Buddha was a real person, and to also promote good virtue.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 02:32:21 PM »
Relics are the remains of beings who have been devoted their entire lifetime to virtuous practice.Beings with high spiritual attainments establish relics as a means for passing on blessings on their body,speech and mind.
There are various types of relics.Some of them are bones,teeth,hair,mummified flesh or teeth.Other relics are blessed pills,appearing like pearls,jewels or crystalline deposits.These relics are signs that indicate the greatness of holy beings and left behind due to their kindness so that they can continue to benefit others even after they have died.This all sound unbelievable but true.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2013, 08:21:22 AM »
Relics may look like small pebbles or beads, but they are a reminder of the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha or Bodhisattvas.  Relics are believed to be found among the cremation ashes of great Buddhist masters, and they are believed to contain the energy and very essence of those masters.

Relics are beneficial to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. As Buddhists, we believe that in order to get purification or merits, we need to make offerings. For non-Buddhists, we hope they will experience inner peace and gain a better understanding of Buddhism.”


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2013, 09:43:25 AM »

“The Buddha emanated many kinds of relics out of compassion for us, in order to help us sentient beings generate faith in our mind streams as a cause to receive blessings, purify our negativities and accumulate merit.” Lama Zopa Rinpoche

People are drawn to relics because they're so incredibly sacred; they embody the love and the kindness of Buddha. Seeing holy objects and images have the effect of purifying the mind and plantings seeds for Enlightenment. Holy objects leave a very positive imprint on the mind and they have great powers for purification. The holy relics at Lu Mountain Temple will attract many people to visit the temple and receive tremendous blessings. 

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2013, 04:15:07 PM »
Once I go the chance to see a collection of holy relics brought into my country by a Buddhist society for public viewing and perhaps to raise funds too. We were lined up one by one in a line, and were guided through the whole relic exhibition. The relics were in different sizes, shape and color. We were told the relics were from monks who meditated for many years and has passed on but was preserved carefully.

I heard that relics from Lama Tsongkhapa like hair and nail were still growing when the Chinese occupation broke into the stupa that housed his body, but it was since burnt. I believe there remain spiritual powers in these sanghas meditation although they became relics. I believe these relics bless anyone whose eyes came upon them.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2013, 04:54:48 AM »
I heard that Relics are results of attainment. There are many and countless buddhist practictioners that has relics appearing and growing after they are cremated. Many lay buddhists are fascinated and attracted by such 'miracles' and get inspired and blessed by the holy relics.  Making offerings to the holy relics is no difference from making offerings a living Buddha.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2013, 08:01:46 PM »
It is known that 1,000 Buddhas will descend on our realm and turn the wheel of Dharma. We now live at a time when the 4th Buddha Shakyamuni has preached the truth of Suffering 2500 years ago. But who expounded the Dharma before Shakyamuni's arrival?

This picture shows the tooth relic of the previous Buddha, Kasyapa. Just like Shakyamuni, Kasyapa Buddha gained Enlightenment under a tree known as the Banyan, however He did it in just SEVEN DAYS!

This relic is extremely rare, and the tooth relic of Kasyapa Buddha is the only known relic that has survived to this day. It was almost lost during the Chinese invasion in Tibet in 1959, fortunately, a Tibetan family managed to secretly salvage the relic. Fearing it would be lost to the world, the relic was broken to 3 different parts and was offered to 3 different Lamas for safe keeping.

One of the pieces was offered to HH Chogye Trinchen, who placed the relic inside the crown of a three-storey Maitreya Kasyapa Buddha statue in Nepal. It was said that a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky on that auspicious day.

The image here shows a piece of the tooth relic that was offered to Lama Zopa, who kindly allowed it to be exhibited. The 3 smaller pieces appeared spontaneously during a relic tour, an extremely good sign in Tibetan culture.

This tooth relic is indeed extremely blessed, so do share this with all your friends!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2013, 03:34:11 PM »
The residents in the area surrounding the Lu Mountain Temple in California are surely very fortunate to be so near to so many holy relics. Relics are remains of holy beings who have devoted their lives to pure spiritual practice and have very high attainments. Even after their death, they manifest relics to continue blessing sentient beings with their body, speech and mind. Gazing at a relic can help one to accumulate extensive merits and purify negative karma. May the monks at this little unknown temple continue to safe guard the collection of such a holy gift.


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2013, 09:00:34 PM »
Thank you Icy for sharing the information of holy relics of Buddha and tooth relic of previous Buddha, Kasyapa. The residents in the area surrounding the Lu Mountain Temple in California are so fortunate and blessed to be closed to the Buddha’s holy relics. May Dharma spread far and wide from there!


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2013, 03:53:13 PM »
There is a kind of relic called ringsel in Tibetan. They are often discovered in the ashes of a realised master. The ringsel produced by bodhisattvas are a tiny, round calcid substance the size of a mustard seed. There is  another type produced from the bones of enlightened beings, which are bigger, polished, and bright, found in the five primary colours representing the five Buddha activities. Ringsel is indestructible.

What is the cause of ringsel? According to Tai Situpa, "it is due to the great realisation of that person, so its presence will be available for many people; and it comes out in a most pure, precious and convenient form."

Tai Situpa related a story about the spontaneous formation of ringsel from the saliva of the Karmapa. Once when the Karmapa was in a garden he spat on to a leaf. A devotee who was watching folded the leaf and put it in his gaw. Five or so years later he opened the gaw and ringsel was coming out of it, little white bones... He opened the dried leaf and it was full of ringsel.

Because ringsel is meant to benefit as many beings as possible, all good genuine ringsel will multiply miraculously if it is kept properly and treated with respect.  Otherwise, it may disappear.

The amount of ringsel produced depends on the devotion of the disciples and how pure their commitment is. It is the accurate measure of something intangible: sincerity.

When the Buddha passed into Nirvana, his disciples found enough ringsel from his ashes to fill eight pots. These were distributed to the various great kings of India who built stupas to contain and honour the precious substances. The relics of the Buddha multiplied and were taken to every Buddhist country.

from Norma Levine, "Blessing Power of the Buddhas", p. 80)


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Re: Miracles of Holy Relics Increase Bliss and Faith
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2013, 04:34:15 PM »
I guess holy items of Enlightened Beings are capable to send blessings to all sentient beings near its surrounding. The power of such relics would have blessed and purified harmful or negative energies that influenced and changes the conditions / karma of an outcome. If that is true, then it is very powerful. Probably the arrival of such blessed item have renergized the monk. Am just thinking out loud but for sure i do not doubt the power of such holy items. It does bring blessings, beneficial and protection to a certain degree!