Author Topic: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA  (Read 16304 times)


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2013, 06:26:24 PM »
Heres the other one, posted by Mar Nee...its pretty comprehensive, suggest you get your cuppa ready and a comfortable place to sit :D


This post is in response to the Ganden Shartse Khenpo’s comments on an article “Abbots Urgently Sent To The USA” that appeared in on the 26th September 2013 and a more recent update, “Update: Abbots Urgently Sent To The USA”, published on 2nd November 2013. In his comments, the Shartse Khenpo has sought to imply that is an unprofessional and disingenuous site that publishes “baseless reports” without making any effort to “find authentic information”.

The fact is, more often than not, this site is extremely sensitive to the feelings and reputations of the lamas it may report on, as the site’s main objectives are to create awareness of an unfair, unholy and illegal ban on the practice of the Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, and to provide facts and supported information to anyone who may wish to learn the truth about Dorje Shugden and the events surrounding the banning of this ancient practice. The site has no interest and indeed finds no necessity to twist facts, when the truth itself provides an abundance of material to write about. However, and quite alarmingly some, such as the Shartse Khenpo have not respected this and continue to mislead the public with distorted information, most of which can be easily proven to be false.

The report on the Shartse Khenpo being sent to the USA was based on facts communicated by people who are very familiar with the circumstances surrounding his visit. Some were even present when the Khenpo visited Trijang Rinpoche. The Shartse Khenpo’s plan to visit Trijang Rinpoche was not public information and was not available on his personal website, his Facebook, Ganden Shartse’s website, the CTA’s website nor the Dalai Lama’s website. It was known only to a small selection of people within the monasteries and for to have come to know of the visit even before it took place is an indication of how reliable and authentic the site’s sources are. What the Khenpo must realize is that there are still honest monks who wish to have the truth being told, and there are still serious Dharma practitioners who realize how wrong the Shugden ban is, and how the efforts to hide the truth from the people have placed the sanctity of Tibetan Buddhism on a slippery slope to extinction.

In response to the Shartse Khenpo’s fallacious statement, we would like to highlight a number of observations.

1.   To begin with, the Khenpo’s attempt to repair the damage between the Dalai Lama and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche, by his own statement, is a clear indication that he acknowledges that there IS a serious problem that has been caused by the ban. The illegal ban forced on the sangha caused deep fractures and schism within the sangha community and ruined many relationships, including that of many gurus and their students. The “gap” between the Dalai Lama and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche was not the only one created by the ban. If the Khenpo recognizes the significance of a guru-student relationship, then he should not selectively contain this matter of great import to merely the relationship between the Dalai Lama and his teacher, but to all similar relationships.

2.   The Khenpo, if he were to be true to his proclamation, should look into repairing the multitude of relationships torn asunder by the Shugden ban that he has condoned thus far. But the Shartse Khenpo has not done anything to that end and therefore it is intriguing that he should, after so many years – each presenting a multitude of opportunities, suddenly make a surprising, feeble and short-lived attempt now. Why only now is the Khenpo interested in this problem that has been festering right under his nose all this time? Why hasn’t the Khenpo done anything about damaged guru-student relationships closer to his own monastery, for instance the individual and collective relationships between Ganden Shartse and Shar Ganden monks? Is the Khenpo only interested in relationships and matters that involve the Dalai Lama?

3.   The Shartse Khenpo’s comments did not say anything much of substance. However, the one thing that screamed for attention is the Khenpo’s vehement and emphatic insistence that he acted on his own accord, instead of on instruction from the Kuger Yigtsang (The Dalai Lama’s Office) which we know to be the fact. The Khenpo “doth protest too much, methinks” which reminds me of Shakepeare’s Hamlet. In that tragic play, that phrase has come to mean to “insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying”. What or who here is the Shartse Khenpo protecting by his insistence?

4.   Assuming the Shartse Khenpo did act on his own accord to approach Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche instead of doing so in carrying out the Dalai Lama’s instructions, then it does raise an interesting point. The Dalai Lama himself had made an exception to exempt Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche from the Shugden ban (
Dalai Lama says Trijang Rinpoche can practise Dorje Shugden Small | Large
). And if the Dalai Lama had decided thus, who is the Khenpo to second-guess the Dalai Lama’s decision on this matter? Instead of respecting the Dalai Lama’s decision, the Khenpo, if indeed he acted on his own accord, presumed to know better and this is just pure and unadulterated arrogance.

5.   The truth is, Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche was forced to choose between continuing his devotion to Dorje Shugden (whom his predecessor Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was famous for among other great achievements), or to remain on the good side of the Dalai Lama, which meant being able to remain in Ganden Shartse. Sources close to Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche confirm that at the onset of the ban, the young Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche had asked if he could remain in the monastery should he choose to keep his Shugden practice. The answer was a resounding ‘No’.

6.   As a young lama living in Ganden Shartse, Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche’s life was threatened on a number of occasions for his refusal to abandon Dorje Shugden. Monks in Trijang Ladrang had to stand guard 24 hours a day to protect him. So serious were the death threats that some of the monks were quite certain that they would not have made it out alive if not for Dorje Shugden. The very monks who watched over Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche relayed accounts such as these and of how Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche’s life was placed under threat whilst in Ganden Shartse personally to Things have not changed since then and the ban is still in place. Dharamsala, and the world at large, is still a dangerous place for Shugden practitioners. After all, the CTA’s official decree effectively sanctioning the use of violence against Shugden practitioners is still in place!

Given that conditions have not changed and the CTA and Dalai Lama’s office have not reversed a terrible injustice, how can the Shartse Khenpo even hope that Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche would return to India?

7.   The Shartse Khenpo’s statement that Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche “didn’t say yes or no” to his request is dishonest and mischievous and is designed to imply that Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche may have considered his request. This would not be the first time Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche has encountered attempts to bribe him to abandon his protector practice. Many have tried, including the Dalai Lama who promised fame and position if Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche agreed to drop his practice of Dorje Shugden.

Ten years ago (2003), in a meeting with a young Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche in Graz, Austria, the Dalai Lama had told the young lama pointedly “If you give up this deity [Shugden], myself and all Tibetan people will appreciate it very much and our protector Nechung will take care of you and make you more successful and famous than ever. If you do not give up this deity, then your monastic career, like receiving the full monk’s ordination and taking Geshe examinations will not be possible. So I leave it to your judgement.” Then the Dalai Lama issued an ultimatum to Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche in English: “YES or NO?” It was ‘No’ then and it is still ‘No’ now Khenpo-la. But then you knew that for sure.

8.   But it was not enough for the Shartse Khenpo to mislead the people with falsities that he should also chose to insult the innocence and intelligence of many monks who suffered under the ban. The Shartse Khenpo said in his comments: “some people [monks] chose to abandon the monastery for personal interest and benefits…” Personally this is the unkindest and most sinister cut of all. The Shugden monks did not choose to leave. They were expelled! Any suggestion otherwise is an outright lie.

In this video [ see:
Dalai Lama expels thousands of monks Small | Large
the Dalai Lama went on record to say: “Recently monasteries have fearlessly expelled Shugden monks where needed. I [Dalai Lama] fully support their actions. I praise them. If monasteries find taking action hard, tell them the Dalai Lama is responsible for this…”

Shugden monks were thrown out of the only homes they knew after having renounced all worldly life. Many disrobed very simply because they could not remain as monks without support. Others, like the 450 monks from Dokhang Khangtsen, had no choice but to separate from Ganden Shartse and went on to found Shar Drokhang Draktsang (Shar Ganden) so that they can keep practicing the pure Ganden lineage, which includes the worship of Dorje Shugden. These monks endured tremendous hardships having lost their monastic homes, gurus, brothers, friends, and sponsors because of the heinous acts of the CTA, which was fully supported by the Dalai Lama’s office. The monks from Dokhang Khangtsen’s practice of Dorje Shugden was bestowed upon them by none other than Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche himself and therefore even before the Shartse Khenpo could think of suggesting to Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche to return to Ganden, the Khenpo should have invited and welcomed the return of the monks of Dokhang Khangtsen (now Shar Ganden) who were expelled, back to Ganden Shartse. The Khenpo after all is the Abbot of Ganden Shartse and is therefore authorized to effect such a reconciliatory move. But no such acts of sincerity ever took place.

The Shartse Khenpos’s statement is an affront to all things truthful and honest. It is an insult to the memory of Je Tsongkhapa himself. It shows the Shartse Khenpo’s true character.

9.   On another point, the Shartse Khenpo seemed quite interested to have Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche attend the Dalai Lama’s upcoming teachings in Sera Monastery. Notwithstanding the Khenpos’s interest in the guest list of Sera Monastery, which is not under his scope of responsibility nor is it his affair, the Khenpo contradicts himself. On the one hand, he spent a significant sum of money travelling with an entourage to Vermont to request Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche’s attendance at the upcoming teachings, and presumably to reconcile with the Dalai Lama. But on the other hand, the Khenpo concluded that whether “some one returns or not won’t make any difference to the Dalai Lama”. This itself reeks of insincerity and deception on the Khenpo’s part and obscene recklessness on the Dalai Lama’s part. [See Note 1 below] And yet in the same breath, the Khenpo felt that it is “really important to revive the relationship between Kyabje Trijang Chogtrul Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama”.

It appears that if the Khenpo truly believes in the importance of closing the gap between the Dalai Lama and the present incarnation of the Dalai Lama’s guru, even though it matters not to the Dalai Lama whether Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche returns to India, then it should be the Dalai Lama that the Shartse Khenpo must work on, instead of flying at great costs of sponsors’ money to Vermont.

Surely, one way of securing the return of Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche and indeed those of the many great Shugden lamas (who are the true treasures of Tibet), and repair the rift between the Dalai Lama and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche (and that of other gurus and disciples who were affected by the ban) is to convince the Dalai Lama to abolish the Shugden ban that has caused such tremendous damage to the delicate fabric of Tibetan secular and monastic community in exile. But this, the Khenpo has not even begun to do and yet he speaks of the importance of repairing relationships.

[Note 1: The great Trijang Rinpoche was a holder of Ganden Oral Lineage and whether directly or indirectly, Trijang Rinpoche is the guru to all Gelug lamas today. In the Lama Chopa itself, it is stated that:

“The Guru is Buddha
The Guru is Dharma
The Guru is also Sangha
The Guru is the source of all joys”

And unless faith and complete reliance as taught by the Buddha is no longer the root of the spiritual path and the heart of Tibetan Buddhism, then the presence of Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche does matter in no uncertain terms. Where would the legitimacy of the Gelugpa lineage’s be, if Trijang Rinpoche’s line, which is so central to the Gelugpas, were to be repudiated . It is shocking that the Shartse Khenpo would utter such thoughtless remarks. In fact, it is just downright dangerous].

10.   The Shartse Khenpo recognizes that he is the “senior abbot of Ganden” and that he is the representative of Ganden Shartse but he failed to remember that Je Tsongkhapa formed the Gelugpa lineage in response to and in defense of monastic codes that were undergoing severe corruption at that time. Those codes had at their core, the upholding of the truth. Ganden Shartse was meant to be a fortress against the degeneration of monastic codes and therefore an Abbot of Ganden Shartse is supposed to be an example of the sangha that Je Tsongkhapa established, not the epitome of the degeneration that Tsongkhapa fought against. The many attempts to divert the course of the truth and the many distortions of facts in the Khenpo’s comments are all proof of this corruption.

The Shartse Khenpo’s comments are plagued with inconsistencies but then, this is very much the characteristic of statements built on the shaky foundation of lies and mistruths. In fact the entire range of reasons given for the Dorje Shugden ban is flawed with incongruities. What is most unfortunate is the impact the ban has had on the sangha. Apart from the heinous schism it has wreaked, the ban has also forced (and in the Khenpo’s case, perhaps even willingly) many monks to abandon their devotion to their gurus and protector, and defend lies that in turn create even more lies. Some uninformed readers may be taken in by this deception and wonder how can monks who are bound by vows even dare to lie? The Buddha did warn after all that the destruction of the Dharma would eventually come from within the sangha.

Still, the Khenpo’s haphazard response to his failed mission, flawed with endless discrepancies would indicate that the Khenpo was forced to issue a statement of denial that the Dalai Lama was involved in the doomed enterprise. That the Shartse Khenpo should attempt this feat on his own and without the sanction of the Dalai Lama, would make this one of the most ridiculous stories ever to be told of a senior monk. If it is true that the Khenpo acted on his own, he would be directly countering the Dalai Lama’s instruction that Shugden practitioners not be allowed to attend his teachings. How then can the Khenpo invite Trijang Rinpoche to the Dalai Lama’s teachings in Sera Mey? This is absolute insubordination and would surely call for immediate disciplinary action by the Dalai Lama. Clearly, there is a lot more to this story than the Khenpo has led on but without doubt, the whole truth shall be uncovered very soon.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2013, 08:32:07 PM »
Well I dannae if you lot have been following the comments section closely, but it seems like thereve been some responses to the hypocritical comments. Of course the CTA would never publish these responses on their site, because woe be unto them if they were to acknowledge the fact dissenting views actually existed in their society

From Rachel:


Thank you for posting this comment. It is good to know that Khenpo-la is a regular reader of… this post is so new and yet there is already a comprehensive response from you! If this website did not have credibility, or the ability to change people’s opinions, my guess is that Khenpo-la would not bother to respond.

Please allow me to share my thoughts on your comment.

1. I find it interesting that Khenpo-la mentions Trijang Rinpoche did not say yes or no to your request about changing his stance on Dorje Shugden. Why would Khenpo-la ask Trijang Rinpoche a question like that if Trijang Rinpoche is not practising? Why is the Dalai Lama’s teacher still practising? And since Trijang Rinpoche is practising, why visit a Shugden lama if they are negative and evil? I thought His Holiness’ advice was for all non-Shugden lamas to stay away from those who practise Shugden.

2. I mean no disrespect but if the Dalai Lama cannot persuade his own teacher to give up Shugden, why does Khenpo-la think he can change Trijang Rinpoche’s mind? Especially if Khenpo-la did not receive instructions from Kuger Yigtsang to make this trip?

3. Why did Khenpo-la feel it is necessary to use monastic resources to visit Trijang Rinpoche, although the Dalai Lama has told everyone to stay away from lamas who practise Shugden? It makes me wonder if perhaps Khenpo-la is courting favourable reviews from Kuger Yigtsang, by being seen to reach out to Trijang Rinpoche. I certainly do not hope this is the case.

I find the whole affair quite amusing because if Trijang Rinpoche does not want to practise Dorje Shugden anymore, he would have said so at your meeting. Then Khenpo-la would definitely report that Trijang Rinpoche has given up. Since there is no such report, therefore Trijang Rinpoche has not given up the practice which means Khenpo-la was not able to convince Trijang Rinpoche to give it up. So therefore, I am truly sorry to hear Khenpo-la did not have a successful trip to the USA. I hope Khenpo-la’s future use of monastic resources has a greater chance of coming to a successful outcome.

Kind regards.

Ahhh I saw this! Bet he did not reply anything to these questions!

What this girl asked is very logical and valid and yeah why on earth spend so much of the sangha money, wherever it is from either from  Kuger Yigtsang  or from Gaden, both is sangha money, to such a mission that's bound to be fail. Why is it bound to fail, well simple if Trijang Rinpoche is still practising Dorje Shugden, why would He suddenly "give it up" now because the "Kenpos" requested him to do so?

If he wanted to stop, Trijang Rinpoche would have stopped a long time ago, no? So obviously this was done out of some desperate measures and there is always some ulterior motive behind this. This Gaden Abbot is presently not very popular amongst his own peers and sangha in Gaden. He seems to be all about himself and very political indeed. To me it looks like the HHDL/CTA picked him to be Abbot so that they could easily control the monastery and well simple this Khenpo is their puppet and scapegoat. 

If the trip was not funded by HHDL private office Yitsang and it was funded by Gaden, then what a waste of sangha resources which Gaden does not have much as I heard they are now very tight as the "Khenpo" has not really been doing his job well. He is not promoting or raising funds for Gaden as much as he is promoting himself! Sad for him because the Abbotship is only for a few years, after his term ends, he will have not many followers and also not many will respect him!


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2013, 05:19:50 PM »
Guess what guys... it's actually on the CTA's official website...

The impression the Khenpo gave in his response to the article that appeared in is that the trip was in his own personal capacity and was not at an official trip. It is therefore quite surprising that this is actually published in a the CTA's official website. It is amazing that a "government" website should be partial to publishing news that by the Khenpo's account, is a private matter between him and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche. To me it shows that the CTA is extremely sensitive to news regarding Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden, and it does matter to the CTA what the public thinks of the Khenpo's visit to Trijang Rinpoche. In fact, we never hear of the CTA publishing news of other lama's travels and activities. Why this particular one?

By the CTA's publication of the Khenpo's news it is clear to me that Trijang Rinpoche is a big deal to the CTA/Kuger Yigtsang, quite unlike the notion that the Khenpo gave i.e. it did not matter if Trijang Rinpoche returned or not. That was a smokescreen which failed, much like the Khenpo's trip and just like the CTA/Kuger Yigtsang's attempt to secure the return of Trijang Rinpoche.

Personally I am quite certain that the Khenpo's trip and visit to Trijang Rinpoche was borne out of an official directive from the Dalai Lama  but because of its low chances of success, the Tibetan leadership pre-emptively distanced themselves from it. Now, what would make the people with the most power within the exiled Tibetan community send a high-ranking monk on a failed mission to secure the return of Trijang Rinpoche? It shows 3 things: (i) Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche is growing in influence as is the power of the DS lamas, (ii) the CTA/Dalai Lama's power and positions are on shaky grounds, and unfortunately (iii) they didn't think very much of the Shartse Khenpo such that should he fail (which he did) it would be regarded as acceptable attrition.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2013, 09:07:32 PM »
 It shows 3 things: (i) Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche is growing in influence as is the power of the DS lamas, (ii) the CTA/Dalai Lama's power and positions are on shaky grounds, and unfortunately (iii) they didn't think very much of the Shartse Khenpo such that should he fail (which he did) it would be regarded as acceptable attrition.

I find it weird that they sent the Shartse Khenpo to persuade Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche, which all of us know, will never be able to convince Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche to give up Dorje Shugden's practice because His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself has spoken to Chocktrul Rinpoche about this matters at least twice (that we know of) in the past.

Perhaps this is Kuger Yigtsang's desperate attempt to take a chance on this quest although it has the minutest chance of success. The high cost of travels and sending a very important (but not effective) person to persuade Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche can be seen as some sort of effort to either make His Holiness happy, or to show the Tibetans that they are doing something with regards to the ban which I think is futile. I personally do not believe that it is the Abbot's effort, for if it was, doesn't it seem like the Abbot is ingratiating himself with Kuger Yigtsang?


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2013, 09:15:34 PM »
The high cost of travels and sending a very important (but not effective) person [...]

Or rather, a person of diminutive importance, in a very important position (which he disgraces).


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2013, 03:55:34 AM »
One interesting point to note. Since Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche is the only one that the Dalai Lama allowed to practice the Protector, why has the Dalai Lama requested a Shugden Lineage holder to "receive back all teachings" from the Him? If the Khenpo is so young and unpopular, my questions would be, where has all the Lineage Masters gone? It seems to me if there are any Lineage Masters left who condone what the Dalai Lama is doing?

It seems to me that there is a total disintegration in Gaden Sharste. Is the fact the Dalai Lama trying to get HH Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche to go back a last resort?? Interesting!


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2013, 01:12:15 PM »
HH Dalai Lama would have known in advance that Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche would not have agreed to comply with his request to return to Sera Mey Monastery. Yet he still sent the two abbots to invite him back. So why did he send two people whom Trijang Rinpoche would most likely have rejected.

I am inclined to agree that the timing of sending these two abbots is significant. I believe that HH Dalai Lama had already expected a "No" answer from Trijang Rinpoche. The timing ,to me, is indicative of the fact that Dalai Lama is announcing to the world that Trijang Rinpoche is ready to step out into the limelight and be noticed.   The time has come for Trijang Rinpoche to assume the role of  a leader to spearhead the renaissance of Buddhism - Tibetan Buddhism.. This in turn signifies that the ban will be lifted soon. HH Dalai Lama may be appearing (deliberately) as a 'bumbling idiot'. This will pave the way, somehow, for him to fade out as an "irrelevant" leader .


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2013, 07:00:57 PM »
HH Dalai Lama would have known in advance that Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche would not have agreed to comply with his request to return to Sera Mey Monastery. Yet he still sent the two abbots to invite him back. So why did he send two people whom Trijang Rinpoche would most likely have rejected.

I am inclined to agree that the timing of sending these two abbots is significant. I believe that HH Dalai Lama had already expected a "No" answer from Trijang Rinpoche. The timing ,to me, is indicative of the fact that Dalai Lama is announcing to the world that Trijang Rinpoche is ready to step out into the limelight and be noticed.   The time has come for Trijang Rinpoche to assume the role of  a leader to spearhead the renaissance of Buddhism - Tibetan Buddhism.. This in turn signifies that the ban will be lifted soon. HH Dalai Lama may be appearing (deliberately) as a 'bumbling idiot'. This will pave the way, somehow, for him to fade out as an "irrelevant" leader .

This assumption of yours does sound pretty logical if we are to view the Dalai Lama as a Boddhisattva of Compassion. Indeed if not for the biggest act of compassion is to make everyone HATE you and prepare and pave the way for another?! In the most uncommon of human light and behaviour which we would rarely see but by can only be done by those who are beyond the common!

For the uncommon protector of our time to arise, an uncommon method is used? What all these great enlightened beings does is really beyond my comprehension at times. By all means, I pray and do hope so very much your assumption is right. In the end we shall see... I just wish it will be tomorrow. And every broken home, broken samaya, hearts will be free of this treacherous ban!

I guess it would not matter so much for those who care more about a piece of land and their nationality, dharma wasn't there for them in the first place.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2013, 03:40:16 PM »

On a separate note, I'm wondering why HHDL is so adamant for HH Trijang to return to Gaden Monastery and Sera Mey Monastery? Why would HHDL want to reconnect with HH Trijang Rinpoche when HH knows that HH Trijang Rinpoche is a strong advocate of Dorje Shugden's practice? Wouldn't HHDL openly contradict himself?

It's very interesting how everything is unfolding itself. I feel that HHDL is so compassionate that HH would discredit himself for the sake of promoting Dorje Shugden in an unconventional manner. With due respect to HHDL, after HHDL is gone, the next "face" of Tibetan Buddhism will be HH Trijang Rinpoche. So perhaps, HHDL is now preparing for HH Trijang Rinpoche to take on this role.

I think Klein has made a valid point here. Instead of looking at this whole incident negatively, why not contemplate that HHDL has a legitimate agenda in inviting HH Trijang Rinpoche back to Gaden, even though HHDL knows that HHTR will reject his offer? There may be an underlining message that HHDL is indeed waning his stance on the ban and this is his way of paving the young HH Trijang Rinpoche's eventual take over as the future leader of the Tibetan people?


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2013, 08:50:22 AM »
We owe the Dalai Lama so much for all his works to spread buddhism. Whether the people or practitioners are on the Dorje Shugden Side or otherwise, we all benefitted from Dalai Lama's presence teachings and his role as a beacon for what Buddhism represents. He made 'Buddhism' cool. 

The ban was merely a subterfuge for him to bring the Gaden tradition to known worldwide and bring Dorje Shugden into the mainstream. We must understand that monks who are trained to benefit all beings, who teach to thousands does not fumble or is not aware, he is absolutely aware of his actions to send the abbots. 

We may not be able to see past our next lunch in terms of whats going to happen but these enlightened beings they can. They can see many years in the future and that is no small feat. Because their minds unobstructed and dwells in omniscience they can not only see the future but also see the finer details of what happens in that future too. Avalokiteshvara always works with Manjushri for the sake of all sentient beings.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2013, 03:12:49 PM »
IF what  Shartse Abbot claims is true that he went in his capacity as the senior monk of Gaden,  then contemplate on this: The ban of Dorje Shugden practice was imposed by HHDL and CTA saw it through. How can Shartse Abbot over ride that and without the permission of CTA go straight to Trijang Rinpoche to ask him to return to Gaden to teach? Shartse Abbot was appointed by HHDL. Do you think Shartse Abbot would want to jeopardise his position to do so without getting the green light from higher authorities????? Talk to the monks in Gaden on how they feel about this current Abbot and you will understand what I am saying here.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2013, 03:47:29 PM »
IF what  Shartse Abbot claims is true that he went in his capacity as the senior monk of Gaden,  then contemplate on this: The ban of Dorje Shugden practice was imposed by HHDL and CTA saw it through. How can Shartse Abbot over ride that and without the permission of CTA go straight to Trijang Rinpoche to ask him to return to Gaden to teach? Shartse Abbot was appointed by HHDL. Do you think Shartse Abbot would want to jeopardise his position to do so without getting the green light from higher authorities????? Talk to the monks in Gaden on how they feel about this current Abbot and you will understand what I am saying here.


There is no way the Shartse Khenpo would dare or even bother to over ride the Dalai Lama's directives. If he did dare do the right thing, the Khenpo need not have gone all the way to the US to seek an audience with Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche. All the Abbot need do is to bring down the wall that separates Ganden Shartse and Shar Ganden. But he has not and so we see from this, that the Khenpo's "concerns" have nor culminated to much positive actions.

In any case, we have never heard much about the Khenpo of Shartse let along expect him to say something positive and constructive about the rift within the sangha due to the Shugden ban, or indeed the gap between Trijang Choktrul and the Dalai Lama - something he claims to care about. Not a word all these years.

So, no…don't expect any truth to come out of this pretender.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2013, 10:10:23 PM »
It is clearly obvious Shartse Abbot wants to remain in the good books of HHDL and CTA.  Quite certainly he is facing much pressure from them.  At the same time Shartse Abbot needs to cover up the super-folly of inviting Trijang Rinpoche back to Gaden which caused him to fumble in his reply.  His statement are all mumbo jumbo and made him utterly silly, unrespectable and undignified of a Shartse Abbot.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2013, 11:19:11 PM »
Agreed with Icy. I always have high regards to Abbot of monasteries as they have done a lot to bring Dharma to many. However, I am reserved for Khenpo of Gaden Shartse especially there is so many illogical reasons given on his statements and his actions. High possibilities that he was pressured by the CTA and HH Dalai Lama.
In Kenpo-la’s reply, he mentioned that he requested HH Trijang  to re-consider his stand on Shugden issue for various important reasons. HH Dalai Lama has openly made an exception for HH Trijang Rinpoche to practice Dorje Shugden. If he is asking HH Trijang Rinpoche to stop practicing Dorje Shugden, then isn’t him against the instruction of HH Dalai Lama?
Besides, Kenpo-la wants to revive relationship between HH Trijang Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama. Both HH Trijang Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama are high lama. I do not see why they will need Kenpo-la to revive their relationship except for the gap due to the ban. The first thing that Kenpo-la can do is to unit the Tibetan by uniting both Gaden Shartse and Shar Gaden, support to lift the ban as that is the main reason that HH Trijang Rinpoche is restricted to be back to Gaden as he is facing death threat when he is in Gaden! Kenpo-la must first create the conditions and causes for HH Trijang Rinpoche to be back to Gaden and not just invite without any sincerity.


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Re: UPDATE: Abbots Urgently Sent to the USA
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2013, 11:45:49 PM »
 Just read about the recent article from on conclusion of the visits.

It mentioned that
“Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche had strongly requested for the Dalai Lama and CTA to focus on uniting the Tibetan people inside and outside Tibet. That the Dorje Shugden ban is creating factions amongst the Tibetans, and that such schism should be stopped immediately. The Abbot did not mention at all that Trijang Rinpoche was very direct and strong on this point about uniting the Tibetan people.”

“During his meeting with the Shartse Abbot, Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche also added that if and when he visits India, he will ONLY visit Shar Ganden.”

Therefore, Kenpo-la should first unite the Tibetan by uniting both Gaden Shartse and Shar Gaden by lifting the ban and not suppressing Shudgen’s  practitioners if his in sincere in his wish to close the gap between HH Trijang Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama.