Author Topic: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen  (Read 8744 times)


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The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« on: November 03, 2013, 09:50:28 AM »
We are incredibly fortunate to have this first hand intimate account of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen by Kyabje Drakpa Gyetsen on how he became Dorje Shugden the uncommon protector of Tsongkhapa’s doctrine as was promised to Nechung. To be able to hear and read this story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen demonstrates the tremendous merits one processed and the close connection to the protector. We are definitely connected to the protector from previous life time. There is no co-incidence but merely by good samaya and guru devotion.

We must without doubt and without further delay convey and share this story to the world at large so everyone will be benefitted. This can further prove the ban on Dorje Shugden is baseless and illogical when pure evidences are within reach. People must not be superstitious and be blinded by heresay but investigate fully the truth which are fully documented and passed down from great lineage masters, time and again.

The website team is proud to present a one-of-a kind account of the life story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, as told by Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen himself. He is the recognized incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and the story he tells is an intimate account of the renowned High Lama that eventually became the Protector Dorje Shugden. At several key moments, the story appears to be told as a first hand recollection from a distant memory instead of a historical narrative like other biographies and hagiographies of this great Lama. With folded hands, the team offers this story to the world to learn and be blessed with inspiration at Dorje Shugden manifesting as a compassionate lama and martyr.

The great Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was the reincarnation of Panchen Sonam Drakpa and he was just as erudite and accomplished as his predecessor. He lived during the time of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, His Holiness Gyalwa Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso.

Both of these High Lamas lived in Drepung monastery, one of the three largest monasteries in Tibet. They were also the direct disciples of Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen, the first Panchen Lama (who was also considered to be the 4th Panchen Lama posthumously) who had composed the Lama Chopa liturgy. There is also a deeper connection between the two illustrious students of the Panchen Lama. Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s previous incarnation, had been the main tutor to the Third Dalai Lama. Nonetheless, both Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and Fifth Dalai Lama were highly respected and considered pure and precious teachers.

The young Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen studied both Sutra and Tantra mainly under the Panchen Lama and became a great scholar and yogi. He lived in more than a hundred caves to meditate and as a result, he received many direct visions of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. He made a number of predictions including the one that he would become the protector Dorje Shugden in the future. So, his fame in Tibet grew very big and he began to have many illustrious students and patrons.

You see, High Lamas can’t do anything without sponsors. With their kind sponsorship, High Lamas can spread the Dharma and do more work to benefit others. At that time, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen had a wealthy and powerful Mongol King as a patron. This king had immense wealth and he would travel all the way from his homeland to pay respects to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and offer gold bars, silver, brocade and whatever he needed. As soon as the Lama opened his mouth, his patron would immediately comply. The faithful king would just build for him.

Subsequently, the Mongol King, his Queen and all his subjects became the disciples of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. However, due to the political climate at that time, the Dalai Lama came into power and became the temporal leader of Tibet. It was the first time the Dalai Lama took political power in Tibet and he became “king”. At that same time, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen had become very popular among the people. The assistants of the Dalai Lama were very jealous and very unhappy with Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. This was because more people were going over to see this High Lama than the Dalai Lama. More were making offerings to him instead of the Dalai Lama and so the assistants were deeply unhappy. The assistants were normal people and they kept their ill feelings from the Dalai Lama. The assistants felt that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s popularity was very bad for the Dalai Lama and they eventually plotted to assassinate this High Lama. They felt that there was no other way to ensure that the Dalai Lama’s fame would continue to rise without being overshadowed by the High Lama.

During this time, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen had an audience with Nechung. At that time, Nechung was already a popular protector that took trance through an oracle. The oracle took trance of Nechung and spoke to the High Lama. Nechung said to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, “Do you remember the promise you made two lifetimes ago?”

Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen replied, “No. I don’t remember at all.”

“Are you sure?”

“No. I don’t remember. ”

Then Nechung took some rice, consecrated it with mantra, gave it to him, and asked him to eat it.

Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen took it, ate it and immediately recalled his promise. When he recalled his promise, Nechung said to him, “Now is the time for you to rise as a Dharma Protector. Now is the time. Keep your promise.”

However, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen said, “But I can’t. I don’t have any anger.”

But he was known to have scolded his students; he shouted and he screamed at them. He was known to be a very wrathful teacher but he did not have any anger. When he had ‘scolded’ or ‘screamed’, this is known as vajra anger or anger arising from Bodhicitta or spontaneous and pure compassion.

He added, ”But I can’t generate that anger to be that kind of Protector.”

Nechung said, “I will create the causes for you. I will make it happen for you. I will generate the causes for you to become ‘angry’. ”

In any case, the Dalai Lama’s assistants plotted and they decided that they were going to have an audience with him and kill him when they were left alone. One day, they came to his ladrang, Zimkhang Gongma or Upper House with khatas and offerings to see Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and they went inside the audience room. Initially, they tried to stab and poison him but they were unsuccessful because he was highly attained. In the end, the lama himself revealed how he could be killed and that was through strangulation.

Seizing the moment, they took the khata and they strangled him and as he was being strangled, he generated the mind of enlightenment. At that moment, he thought about Lama Tsongkhapa and he offered his life up to Lama Tsongkhapa and to the lineage and to all the people who would practice Buddha’s teachings and all the people who have faith in Lama Tsongkhapa. He would take the responsibility to assist, protect, nurture and to clear their obstacles. He thought that he would be the one to push away their difficulties and to even help them with their finances. Thus, he generated that aspiration and he died with that last thought.

When he passed away, his attendants, students and the monastery were in turmoil because such an important High Lama had been murdered. This is akin to having a very important minister assassinated in today’s society. Naturally, the attendants felt very helpless and some were very angry when they eventually discovered the plot. They placed his remains on a very big funeral pyre in Lhasa with thousands of disciples, the Mongol King and all the high lamas. They came to pay their last respects to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. However, they soon discovered that they could not light the funeral pyre. No matter how much they tried to start the fire, it just would not light.

This made his attendants even angrier. They were not enlightened and so it was not unusual that they felt this way. In utter frustration, one attendant took his zen (part of a monk’s maroon robes) and he hit the pyre and he said, “Some kind of lama you are! You were supposed to be a High Lama and you don’t even exact revenge on them and you don’t show any signs… They just simply kill you and that’s it!” He was sobbing and crying tears of anger when he did that.

Somehow, the Dalai Lama heard of a big procession in town and he asked his attendants, “What’s the big procession in Lhasa? What’s going on?” Initially, the bad attendants wouldn’t tell him anything and they hid the truth from him but the good ones revealed everything to him. His Holiness became very distraught so he immediately composed a poem (which is still available today) in apology to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen after he found out about everything.

His Holiness was very disturbed by the whole matter. Remember, this was the reincarnation of a teacher of his previous life and so there was a deep connection from a previous life. So, the good attendant brought the poem down and it was read aloud to the assembly gathered around the funeral pyre. The moment the poem was read, the wood on the pyre suddenly caught fire. It was recorded that from the fire, a tornado appeared – a round and powerful swirling black wind. It swirled and this was a sign of his transformation into a Dharma Protector.

A very strong tumultuous wind blew and an earthquake shook Lhasa. So, the mind of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen left his body in a huge pile of smoke that formed the rough outline of a hand that extended and eventually covered the skyline of the entire city. He had assumed the form of Dorje Shugden. The smoke just disappeared into the sky and people could see immediately many negative omens. The crops failed, many animals died and monasteries lost great sponsors and patrons. Great calamities such as earthquakes and diseases enveloped the land.

The karma to kill such a High Lama was very heavy and these things occurred because of it. So, many bad omens appeared and His Holiness the Dalai Lama invited very powerful Lamas such as Mindrolling Rinpoche to perform pujas to subdue the spirit that was believed to be causing these calamities. Mindrolling Rinpoche was a very high Nyingma Lama. His incarnations extend to this day and they were the most accomplished Tantrikas. At that time, many people thought that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen had become an angry evil spirit.

The Dalai Lama already knew what he had become but the Dalai Lama acted on special intuition. He felt that doing this would reveal Dorje Shugden’s special qualities. If Dorje Shugden is not an evil spirit, he cannot be killed. So the Mindrolling Lama performed a powerful fire puja, Jinsek, to kill Dorje Shugden. The attendants arranged grand offerings that were ritually offered into the fire and they had the highest Nyingma lama who attained Siddhi (spiritually accomplished) holding the ladle. At this point in the ritual, the lama compelled Dorje Shugden onto the ladle by the power of mantra. Then, he threw Dorje Shugden into the fire.

This powerful ritual is to kill an evil spirit that is very powerful so that when they die, the consciousness takes rebirth in a pure realm. However, when Dorje Shugden was caught onto the ladle, every time the lama placed him into the fire, the lama would have a vision of Yamantaka arising from the flames and standing on the ladle. After a few attempts, the lama ceased the puja as he realized this was not an ordinary spirit he was dealing with. The lama realized Dorje Shugden was indistinguishable from Yamantaka and he was unable to kill Yamantaka.

The lama reported this to the Dalai Lama and of course the Dalai Lama was very pleased, as he had known all along. In a separate fire puja, the Dharma Protector Setrab immediately arose from Sakya, riding on his horse like the wind. He was a vision of red and galloping with his fluttering five-wisdom flags. If one had the ability to perceive, one would hear the flutter of his divine flags and the tinkling of small bells on top of his flags. Setrab arose and created visions to stop the monks from performing the puja and then he requested Dorje Shugden to be enthroned. It was said that Dorje Shugden traveled to Tashi Lhumpo in memory of his Guru, the Panchen Lama, who resided there. However at the entrance to the monastery, the Dharma Protectors of the monastery refused to allow him to pass through. So, he moved on to Sakya.

It was in Sakya that their patriarch first enthroned him to be a Dharma Protector. Later, the 8th Dalai Lama, the regent of Tibet and the Qing Emperor Daoguang recognized and enthroned Dorje Shugden in an elaborate ceremony as a Dharma Protector of the Ganden lineage. Thus, he was not only recognized in Tibet but he was also recognized in China but it took time for the lineage to grow. So, the Dalai Lama, the Regent and the Emperor of China enthroned him on an ‘ordinary basis’. On the ‘supernatural basis’, Setrab requested him to be introduced to the other Dharma Protectors and Dorje Shugden was thus ‘enthroned’ as a Dharma Protector amongst the other Dharma Protectors.

This reveals the close connection Dorje Shugden has with Setrab and so whenever there’s a Setrab oracle in Tibet, Dorje Shugden would enter and give pronouncements. Whenever there is a Dorje Shugden oracle, Setrab would sometimes enter as well. Whenever Dorje Shugden speaks through an oracle, Setrab will come and say, “I have nothing to add. Whatever he said is good enough.” I have seen this many times in Ganden and Sera, where we have oracles blessed by Trijang Rinpoche that take trance of Setrab and Dorje Shugden. We are very fortunate that this lineage has not died off and that we can communicate with Dorje Shugden and hear his golden words of advice and prophesy. We are indeed fortunate!

The story of Dorje Shugden is a story of how a very compassionate High Lama together with other enlightened beings such as the Fifth Dalai Lama combined to bring about the rise of an uncommon Protector sworn to protect Je Tsongkapa’s teachings from degenerating. It is the sincere wish of the team that this story, as told by Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen himself through his present incarnation, will remove any wrong views that people may have of a very benevolent and power Dharma Protector as the result of distortions of historical facts. May all who listen to this story come to know Dorje Shugden personally and be protected and cared for in their Dharma journey.

By: Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 01:31:06 PM »
We are incredibly fortunate to have this first hand intimate account of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen by Kyabje Drakpa Gyetsen on how he became Dorje Shugden the uncommon protector of Tsongkhapa’s doctrine as was promised to Nechung. To be able to hear and read this story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen demonstrates the tremendous merits one processed and the close connection to the protector. We are definitely connected to the protector from previous life time. There is no co-incidence but merely by good samaya and guru devotion.

We must without doubt and without further delay convey and share this story to the world at large so everyone will be benefitted. This can further prove the ban on Dorje Shugden is baseless and illogical when pure evidences are within reach. People must not be superstitious and be blinded by heresay but investigate fully the truth which are fully documented and passed down from great lineage masters, time and again.

I totally second that Icy. How incredibly fortunate that we live during a time when this story is unfolding before our very eyes and we witness for ourselves how an enlightened being cannot be banned into extinction and bullied into submission.

Dorje Shugden does not exist for himself and to glorify himself but to protect the very important teaching of Je Tsongkhapa on the Madyamaka, which itself is synonymous with the correct view one should take in pursuit of emptiness.

Everyone should be very familiar with how this great Protector arose and the the noble and virtuous lineage from which Dorje Shugden emerges.


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 03:14:38 PM »
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I've just read The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. I'm curious about a few things mentioned in the article about the rise of Dorje Shudgen.

1. The story tells that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has no anger to be that kind of Protector. Can you explain more what kind of anger and why anger is needed to be that "kind" of protector? What does that kind of Protector refers to?

2. The story tells of his last thoughts when he died and it was all compassionate and thoughts of what I understand to be bodichitta in nature. How so would he have anger then to arise as the kind of protector mentioned in my question 1 above.

Hope someone can clarify my questions.

Thank you.


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 04:43:41 PM »
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I've just read The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. I'm curious about a few things mentioned in the article about the rise of Dorje Shudgen.

1. The story tells that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has no anger to be that kind of Protector. Can you explain more what kind of anger and why anger is needed to be that "kind" of protector? What does that kind of Protector refers to?

2. The story tells of his last thoughts when he died and it was all compassionate and thoughts of what I understand to be bodichitta in nature. How so would he have anger then to arise as the kind of protector mentioned in my question 1 above.

Hope someone can clarify my questions.

Thank you.

Dear gbds3jewels,

Thank you for your question and its a good one.

Generally we associate "anger" as an an affliction and in Buddhism we regard "anger" as a hindering emotion that we are to learn to discard along our practice. That form of anger has much to do with our own egos and attachments and anger arises when we do not get our way.

However, in Tantric Buddhism, there are exceptions and this objectionable condition (anger and hatred) by tantric training are worked on and used as sources of power and knowledge and transformed forces that lead to realizations and attainments. The great Mahasidha Chogyam Trungpa in his book Tibetan Book Of The Dead, called this transformed anger, "vajra" anger - an "anger" with diamond like properties capable of cutting through and piercing anything, and any form of delusion and ignorance. Chogyam Trungpa also said that wrathful deities (such as Dorje Shugden) have as one of their main purpose the cutting of the "continuity of the preservation of the the egoic self, and that is their wrathful quality" (page 66, of Freemantke and Trungpa).

"Wrath" in Tibetan Buddhism, and in refernce to Dorje Shugden, has nothing whatsoever, not even minutely so, to do with anger that arises out of the preservation of the ego and the acting out of our attachment. Instead it is the purified and transmuted form of hatred/aggression that transforms delusional states. This "wrath" is anger that is completely void of any hatred and ego. This is an anger that jolts us into wakefulness, into single-pointed meditation of a correct view, and push us unto a correct path. Much like like the "anger" of a compassionate and loving parent who manifest such an emotion to stop a child from harming himself.


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2013, 05:56:44 PM »
This story clearly highlights the close relationship between HHDL and Dorje Shugden, which has stemmed back for umpteen years now. Since both share such a close relationship, then why does HHDL now disregard the enlightened qualities of Dorje Shugden? If so, then HH is indirectly saying that the actions of his past incarnations are mistaken and wrong, therefore since you carry forth your qualities and the same mind, it means that in this life, HH's decisions, judgements and advices are shaky as well? Since the 5th Dalai Lama was very pleased that Dorje Shugden could not be killed in the fire puja and wanted to show to everyone the qualities and enlightened mind of Dorje Shugden, how can it now be that Dorje Shugden is unenlightened as proclaimed so by His Holiness? Does that mean the state of enlightenment is temporary, and could be lost?! Then it goes against everything that Buddhism teaches which is to gain the state of enlightenment because why gain something that is temporary and can be 'lost'?

Big Uncle

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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 10:03:52 AM »
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I've just read The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. I'm curious about a few things mentioned in the article about the rise of Dorje Shudgen.

1. The story tells that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has no anger to be that kind of Protector. Can you explain more what kind of anger and why anger is needed to be that "kind" of protector? What does that kind of Protector refers to?

2. The story tells of his last thoughts when he died and it was all compassionate and thoughts of what I understand to be bodichitta in nature. How so would he have anger then to arise as the kind of protector mentioned in my question 1 above.

Hope someone can clarify my questions.

Thank you.

Hi gbds3jewels,

You have very good questions there. Anger is one of the most destructive delusion out there and in the Buddhist scriptures, it tells of the destructive nature of anger. One moment of anger can erase tremendous amounts of good karma it is said and so forth. The central nature of anger is the wish to protect one's ego/own interest at whatever cost. Hence, the nature of anger is powerfully destructive. However, in the practice of Tantra, any poison/delusion can be transmuted into the path of practice. Hence, anger can be used by Bodhisattvas and great beings like Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen into a path to ascend into the form of a Dharma Protector. It can be expressed because their nature is that of a certain level of Bodhichitta. Hence, their anger is no longer ordinary anger but that of Vajra anger.

The reason why vajra anger is needed to become a Dharma Protector is because vajra anger is the central reason for their existence. Dharma Protectors' purpose is to fight and eliminate obstacles and negative karma of practitioners and they need to manifest vajra anger in order to be ready, equipped and be swift (anger makes us act and think swiftly) enough to do this. Therefore, for an enlightened being to emanate into that form, they need to experience this form of vajra wrath/anger. Although angry and wrathful, they central nature is the extreme concern for others which is totally opposite of ordinary anger. Therefore, most Dharma Protectors take on wrathful appearances.

Hence, only a person who had realized a certain level of Bodhichitta can claim to possess vajra anger. Otherwise, it is ordinary anger that they are experiencing regardless of whatever motivation or intention that they claim to have.


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2013, 04:18:18 PM »
So we could say Dorje Shugden's anger is not like how we experience anger. He is angry at our ego-centric self that basically creates a lot of unhappiness for ourselves and others. He is ANGRY at our demons that causes us much suffering. So the wrathful snaring expressions depicted in the wrathful Buddhas is how the Buddhas would look at our maras and how we should look at our maras and cut them off! Who would care for us this much if not for a Boddhisattva?

Incredible and how fortunate we have that Buddhas has manifested in such forms to help us tame our minds, our own inner maras. How blessed we are that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who is actually a very kind, gentle and compassionate monk gave up his life so that He can be our Dharma Protector and most importantly to guard and spread Je Tsongkhapa's lineage and tradition because Je Tsongkhapa's lineage is the essence of all the best and essential teachings from all 3 different Vajrayana schools of Buddhism. We could say, Gelug is the synthesis of all 3 Vajrayana schools... perhaps this is what makes other Vajrayana schools feel "threatened" about and perhaps this is why HHDL created the BAN... to stop internal politics of the different Vajrayana schools?

YES agree BIG UNCLE; "a person who had realized a certain level of Bodhichitta can claim to possess vajra anger. Otherwise, it is ordinary anger that they are experiencing regardless of whatever motivation or intention that they claim to have."
  Yes so this does not necessary mean we have the right suddenly to get haughty and use anger and our own wrath to correct others...  we need to first realise Boddhichitta. So does not mean just cause we see our Guru who may at times appear wrathful to correct his students, we an use His example to correct others. We might end up creating negative karma instead! Lol 

Manisha Kudo

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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2013, 05:49:29 PM »
Very well said, Big Uncle. "The reason why vajra anger is needed to become a Dharma Protector is because vajra anger is the central reason for their existence. Dharma Protectors' purpose is to fight and eliminate obstacles and negative karma of practitioners and they need to manifest vajra anger in order to be ready, equipped and be swift (anger makes us act and think swiftly) enough to do this. Therefore, for an enlightened being to emanate into that form, they need to experience this form of vajra wrath/anger. Although angry and wrathful, they central nature is the extreme concern for others which is totally opposite of ordinary anger. Therefore, most Dharma Protectors take on wrathful appearances."   

Personally, I have always wondered why would something as pure, magnanimous, compassionate and unconditional as that of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings need protection. It is so holy and sacred that nothing could contaminate its true nature, what more a little samsaric brat like me! Then as I read and find out more about the great protector, Dorje Shugden whose human incarnation is already recognized [with folded hands], I totally understand that it is not the teachings that require protection but rather the unstable minds of the practitioners like me.

It has been said without a doubt that we are in a degenerate age whereby people will forget about the Dharma. They will chastise the truth and praise the false. As soon as Dharma surfaces, it will automatically attract a barrage of criticisms and objections, some even leading to death and casualties. This is because the minds of the people, due to our own heavy karma, do not have the merits and eye to recognize, accept and appreciate the Dharma. Thus when we try to get close to the Dharma, obstacles arise and after a few tries, we give up. As a result of this turmoil, out of kindness and care, the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden manifests to protect and clear the paths and inner rubbish of practitioners and students who are steadfast and strong in their Buddhist aspirations.

Now, it would make great sense that our compassionate Protector will need to appear in a wrathful form to fight our internal demons that show up as anger, hatred, jealousy, resistance, laziness etc. Just like a loving mother having to force or scold a child to take his bitter medicine knowing that it will cure him. She is doing so out of love and not from the ego. And as such we do need this "kind" of Protector. We are indeed very lucky that we still can chance upon the Dharma within the cradle of our loving Protector, Dorje Shugden.  ;D


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2013, 11:07:59 AM »
The story of  Dorje shugden, as told by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, Kyabje Drakpa Gyeltsen, should dispel all doubts, even niggling ones, of the way in which Dorje Shugden arose , the circumstances surrounding his arising as an Uncommon Protector, and why he arose as a Protector.

That part of the story where Dorje Shugden was indestructible because every time, the Mindrolling Lama tried to throw him into the fire, Yamantaka would arise, convinces me that Dorje Shugden is Manjushri Shugden - one mind with Manjushri. How then can an Enlightened Being  become unenlightened , fast forwarding into the present, where the 14th Dalai Lama suddenly stops propitiating Shugden and declares him is  a spirit of the Preta realm?

I agree with MK that Dorje Shugden is very necessary as a Dharma Protector in this degenerate age, where people's inner demons are more unruly and destructive than our outer demons. Also, this degenerate age particularly needs Je Tsongkhapa's wisdom teachings, his unexcelled propounding of Nargajuna's Middle(Correct ) View of Emptiness. 


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2013, 03:39:35 PM »
Thank Big Uncle and vajratruth for your responses. I still don't quite understand it very clearly. Perhaps I misunderstood the story. I thought Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen already embodied vajra anger because it was mentioned in the story that he was a "wrathful" teacher. Still he reply that he can't generate that anger to be that kind of protector and Nechung replied that he will generate the causes for Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen to become 'angry'. Because of the sequence of the story, I read it as there is another kind of anger (not the vajra anger) that is needed to become the Protector.

Manisha Kudo

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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2013, 05:13:44 PM »
Thank Big Uncle and vajratruth for your responses. I still don't quite understand it very clearly. Perhaps I misunderstood the story. I thought Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen already embodied vajra anger because it was mentioned in the story that he was a "wrathful" teacher. Still he reply that he can't generate that anger to be that kind of protector and Nechung replied that he will generate the causes for Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen to become 'angry'. Because of the sequence of the story, I read it as there is another kind of anger (not the vajra anger) that is needed to become the Protector.

Hello! Thank you for clarifying your inquiry. It is a very valid question, which made me think a little harder.

If I may, Vajra anger is not something that Dorje Shugden whipped our of thin air. This wrathful quality arises originally without being created and it is a tantric term and part of the 5 Buddhas Family, namely it is the mirror-like wisdom. Vajra is associated with the element of water whereby water suggests the sharp, precise, clear reflectiveness of mirror-like wisdom. Vajra anger is compassionate anger and is without hatred, revenge, self-righteousness and stupidity. It is invincible, indestructible, imperturbable because it does not arise out of conditions that come and go in a state of impermanence. Wrathful and warrior - like, it destructs our negative habits like doubts, confusion, foolish compassion, plain ignorance and possessiveness.

Which means, until and unless the negative habits or conditions as above ripen in our karmic phase, Dorje Shugden will not manifest out of deep compassion to destroy our egoistical illusions. When Nechung said he will create the causes, it means He will need to awaken the Vajra anger in Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. No doubt he was wrathful to his students, which means these were clear signs that Vajra anger was already within him, but for a great protector to arise to cut through our delusional minds in the Kali Yuga, there need to be a full embodiment of this Vajra energy. To be slightly more dramatic, jealousy, hatred, lust and greed have conquered our minds and lives. Look at how barbaric we have become in our political and economical struggles. To free us from this bondage so that we could practice Dharma and be on the path to enlightenment, Dorje Shugden in his full glory as an enlightened Buddha came to our rescue. For Lord Duldzin in his incarnation as Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen to give rise to Dorje Shugden, the Vajra anger was needed to reflect our own aggression, confusion, doubts and utter stupidity, which is a complete ignorance of our true Buddha-nature. In short, the causes for DS to arise must be present. Never forget, the two lamas who murdered Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen did so out of the pretext of protecting the 5th Dalai Lama because Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was more popular, which totally reflected the need for Vajra anger to strike. Because these two men were already plotting to kill Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen out of selfish reasons, it was a "perfect" murder that at the point of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen's death, Dorje Shugden's Vajra anger arose for there was a need for it.

In other words, but for our (mankind) own lack of wisdom, compassion and our very own defilement, is there a need for a protector to arise from pure Vajra anger?  :-\ Therefore, for DS to be "angry" it means he would reflect back to us our own negativity through his mirror-like wisdom. A mirror doesn't lie. Likewise, Vajra anger will cut through our petty and selfish anger, confusion, doubts etc so that we are free from them. Does this sound cruel because the wrathful protectors can appear aggressive? But how does a person who is skilled in martial arts and with a karma to kill be pacified out of compassion? You might first have to knock him out and for that you probably need some Vajra anger.  >:(


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2013, 06:34:59 PM »
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I've just read The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. I'm curious about a few things mentioned in the article about the rise of Dorje Shudgen.

1. The story tells that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen has no anger to be that kind of Protector. Can you explain more what kind of anger and why anger is needed to be that "kind" of protector? What does that kind of Protector refers to?

2. The story tells of his last thoughts when he died and it was all compassionate and thoughts of what I understand to be bodichitta in nature. How so would he have anger then to arise as the kind of protector mentioned in my question 1 above.

Hope someone can clarify my questions.

Thank you.

Dear gbds3jewels,

Thank you for your question and its a good one.

Generally we associate "anger" as an an affliction and in Buddhism we regard "anger" as a hindering emotion that we are to learn to discard along our practice. That form of anger has much to do with our own egos and attachments and anger arises when we do not get our way.

However, in Tantric Buddhism, there are exceptions and this objectionable condition (anger and hatred) by tantric training are worked on and used as sources of power and knowledge and transformed forces that lead to realizations and attainments. The great Mahasidha Chogyam Trungpa in his book Tibetan Book Of The Dead, called this transformed anger, "vajra" anger - an "anger" with diamond like properties capable of cutting through and piercing anything, and any form of delusion and ignorance. Chogyam Trungpa also said that wrathful deities (such as Dorje Shugden) have as one of their main purpose the cutting of the "continuity of the preservation of the the egoic self, and that is their wrathful quality" (page 66, of Freemantke and Trungpa).

"Wrath" in Tibetan Buddhism, and in refernce to Dorje Shugden, has nothing whatsoever, not even minutely so, to do with anger that arises out of the preservation of the ego and the acting out of our attachment. Instead it is the purified and transmuted form of hatred/aggression that transforms delusional states. This "wrath" is anger that is completely void of any hatred and ego. This is an anger that jolts us into wakefulness, into single-pointed meditation of a correct view, and push us unto a correct path. Much like like the "anger" of a compassionate and loving parent who manifest such an emotion to stop a child from harming himself.

Hi there,
  I don't know the answer to this, so am asking, should we be using the term 'wrath' to mean like compassionate appearance of 'anger' from a Buddha or Bodhisattva.  I don't know if we should say it's really anger that the Buddhas, including Dorje Shugden, Mahakala and other Dharma Protectors would manifest; my understanding is that regular anger is necessarily a delusion.  Buddhas have no delusions, so it is just an appearance, similiar to  if a parent who is genuinely not angry puts on a stern face to get a 3 year old to behave.  This is how I usually talk: anger is a delusion; Buddhas have no anger, they have wrath.  But I don't know the standard definition, so I don't want to confuse anyone.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2015, 05:26:07 PM »
As enlightened beings have attain equanimity, they only manifest wrath and it is not that they are angry like us as a controlling emotion.


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Re: The Story of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2015, 07:29:38 PM »
Thanks for sharing this. Everyone must know about Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen as he has contributed so much towards Dharma. Each of us would be benefitted so much from his thoughts through the works he produced.