Author Topic: SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?  (Read 7438 times)

DS Star

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SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?
« on: November 03, 2013, 03:56:40 PM »
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Description of the video:
Superhuman person or alien saves a man on a motorbike from complete destruction by teleporting him a few meters away in less than a second, and then flees the scene as quickly as possible. A few observations from the footage:

The truck driver swerves to his left at the last second slightly and leaves dark skid marks behind.

The spot the motorbike man is teleported from, there is a dark round imprint left on the road and the same around the new position which both gradually fade away after a few seconds (while the skid marks remain). The truck driver can be observed looking at the dark ring closest to him in confusion, as it fades away (he looks right at this spot). Also, he doesn't know whether to go and apologise to the motorbike man because he isn't sure if it's who he thought he was about to run over, so he wanders around dazed (most likely questioning his own sanity).

The superhuman person (teleporter/jumper) seems to have rather large hands which appear unusually bright white (unless wearing gloves) and is quick to put them in pockets while fleeing the scene. Why flee the scene so quickly? The superhuman could be afraid of being different / rejection from society and so does not want recognition for the heroic act. Or perhaps the hoody is hiding a distinct alien appearance.

The motorbike man sits on the kerb totally bewildered (in shock) trying to figure out where he went and how he survived and ended up safely behind the truck with a random person in a hoody by his side.

The superhuman person likely does not say a word to either of the men, and does not want to acknowledge the intervention at all.

The mysterious hooded figure leaves the scene in a similar direction to whence it came when first bursting on to the scene, which is consistent.

Is this for real?

The video footage seems real and as explained in the description, there are dark rings shadows appeared at the original spot of the supposed accident and also at the new spot where the bicycle reappeared.

The 'superhuman' looks like a girl from the walking manner after the 'save'.

If this is real, it means superhuman like the heroes in the " X-men " movie really exist?


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Re: SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 06:12:49 PM »
Whoa! This is really cool! Do superhumans really exist? The clip looks so real, but of course anything is possible with modern technology. I don't know.. Part of me believes its real but the other part of me still remains in scepticism. Can someone really teleport somewhere else let alone take others with them? How is that physically possible? In that split second, where does the conciousness and physical body go?

I guess if highly attained lamas can astral-travel .. this could be a possibility too? I don't know. This video is so bizarre and cool, it left me with so many questions!



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Re: SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 07:42:49 AM »
Cool Video. Looks real but I am not an expert in the videography. All this can be edited I supposed and made into a movie. Like any sci fi movie, it can just be "special effects". That is assuming that it is not real.
From the dharmic angle, it is also possible. This will mean that the "superhero" jumper must have special superhuman abilities if he is not an Arya Sangha. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas rarely manifest their super mundane abilities and will certainly know about the existence of the CCTV. So most likely this is not the act of a Buddha or Boddhisattvas. That only leaves super humans or "gods" as possibilities. Buddha Shakyamuni Himself has taught the existence of beings in other planets and realms and we can extrapolate that they may have "teleportation" as their special ability.

Personally, I would not be too distracted by this as there are no ends to the speculations and theories about this.


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Re: SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 08:00:39 AM »
I truly like to believe this video of this superhuman who is a good samaritan appearing out of nowhere to save the motorcyclist at a super speed and possessed superpower.  More of these superhuman should appear to lend a mighty hand in times of need like this one and the world will be much a safer place to live in.  I suppose it can happen if one has an extremely good karma and affinity with such a super being.  How wonderful if the story of Superman can really happen to help mankind in this planet.


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Re: SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2013, 03:31:40 PM »
In Buddhism, we believe anything is possible. Mind readers, people who can tell the future, nagas, celestial beings,  beings (aliens) from outer space, mediums, oracles, magic chants and much more. A superhuman who seems to move at super speed seems possible in comparison.  ::)

I like to keep my mind open to possibilities like this. Closing the mind to any possibilities immediately closes that possibility.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: SUPERHUMAN Teleportation caught on CCTV in China?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2013, 03:59:22 PM »
Uploaded videos on YouTube on subjects like aliens can be disputed. Some of these videos were made to deceive the viewers with distorted fictatious stories to attract page views. Some were so unbelievable.  We dont even know who to believe in nowadays with the existence of clever software that can modify practically anything.