Author Topic: Times Of India's Irresponsible Reporting on Shugden and Karmapa Controversies  (Read 6831 times)


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If the multitude of lies told about Dorje Shugden by the CTA and the Dalai Lama's office have been allowed to persist and spread, it is with the help of a few Indian newspapers who legitimise the CTA's blatant distortions of facts. In July of this year, the Times Of India, the largest Indian newspaper in English printed the following story:

Rift among Tibetans riddles security agencies' task
S Gopal Puri, TNN Jul 10, 2013, 05.00AM IST

DHARAMSHALA: The headquarters of Tibetan government in exile here witnessed high alert for the third consecutive day with security tightened around Dalai Lama's exile home, the Karmapa's monastery and Kangra airport. Meanwhile, threat perceptions to Buddhist leaders from divided Tibetan groups itself is an acid-test for the security agencies here, sources said.

Deep divisions among Buddhist devotees over issues like succession of 17th Gyalwang Karmapa and rifts between Dalai Lama and Shugden community are perceived as potential threat perceptions, sources said. But it is almost impossible for security agencies to identify these anti-elements from Tibetan population. Even Tibetan security agencies find it an uphill task, they pointed out.

"We are weighing every threat perception to Buddhist leaders and Tibetan pilgrimage places. This (Dorjee Shigden) threat is also under our scanner. We cannot ignore the community's recent activities against Dalai Lama. We have already identified some of their places and monasteries in Tibetan settlements across India," said Ngodup Dorjee, security chief of the Tibetan exile government.


The story strongly infers that Shugden practitioners and some Karmapa (presumably the Thaye Dorje since the newspapers seems very bias towards the Dalai Lama) are dangerous elements and spoke of divisions amongst Buddhists in India. However, the Times Of India conveniently overlooks the fact the it was indeed the CTA that creates these divisions and have been demonising those who refuse to toe their line.

Shashi Kei, a regular contributor to this site wrote a stinging response and it is certainly a piece that the exposes how unfair and irresponsible the TOI has been in its history of reporting on the Shugden matter:

Read Shashi Kei's response here:


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The only good thing about the fact that the Times of India Reports badly is that they are so obviously reporting badly that most people in India realize that they are not reading truth.  This is opposed to American newspapers, where we sometimes give them too much credit for not leaving out pertinent info or other slights of hand.
  So, basically, I know more about the nonsense when it came down to the Karmapa's school; what they are reporting in the Times of India about security threats against the CTA/China recognition of Karmapa is quite absurd.  Karmapa's recognition was under Shamar Rinpoche's auspices-- not the Gelugs--- and not the 3rd in command (who seems to be taking money from China) Situpa.
  That western people run around like fools following everything the Dalai Lama says on this stuff is just because they 1. don't know history and 2. believe that its some sort of fact that the Dalai Lama is in charge of Buddhism. 
  So, basically, Karmapa's school in New Delhi was attacked a long time ago by some monks; these were Tai Situ's monks from Rumtek.  Eyewitness accounts were from Shamar Rinpoche's monks, who used to live in the same monestary with Situ's monks.  The Situpa monks came up and started attacking the KIBI (Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) in New Delhi--- this was when Thaye Dorje (Karmapa) was first coming there.  The Karmapa Institute was under attack--- these guys from Situs school attacked Karmapa's monks--- but the papers kept trying to say the other way around--- and of course--- if you ever met these people--- Karmapa or Shamar Rinpoche you would know that they are never against Buddhas teachings; they never would attack anyone.  However, their monks and lay people at the school were the recipients of people throwing glass bottles and rocks at them--- the newspapers reported that some Nyingma monks from a neighboring community were the ones that did this and that Karmapa Institute people fought back.  There is nothing in that neighborhood but universities and an Ashram; there is no Nyingma or other Tibetan group nearby.  (Monks who were there told me that everyone was hiding in the gompa, which is sizeable, and that Karmapa, who was a young boy, sat down on the gompa floor and started meditating when the attack began).
  Short end of it:  they make completely false reports that don't resemble reality at all in Indian newspapers; the Nepali one I read about Shugden was similar: it reported it as a witchcraft practice that only a very small amount of people--- like 20--- did--- and they were all following one guy who did it.  That was the first I heard of Shugden, but I was very surprised when I kept running into people who were rumoured to do Shugden, because it seemed like more than 20.... Now I know there are a lot more, and I am one of the Shugden ones now:).
  But yeah, if you happen to reading Indian and Nepali papers--- they often are nowhere near factual.


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To people who are familiar with the gross misreporting of news by the Indian newspaper, such instances of distortion of facts, may be brushed aside as of little or no consequence.

However,when the issue in question is that which is highly inflammable and can lead to much physical harm and  much damage and pain, as the issue of Shugden practitioners, who are already much maligned and on whom much harm and pain have been inflicted, then this gross misreporting becomes very serious and malicious.

In the case of Mr Nuri, his misreporting has grossly distorted perceptions of the Shugden practitioners as being  aggressive and potentially violent enemies of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people and as having the potential to threaten the life and the safety of the Dalai Lama, as well as the Tibetan people. Whereas the reality on the ground is that the Shugden practitioners are the ones who have been victimized. They have been ostracized. They have been treated like social lepers. They have been denied access to schools, basic necessities, medical care and hospitalization.

Furthermore, Mr Nuri has not even explored the background to this controversy. He has not even ascertained the fact that Dorje Shugden had been propitiated by the Dalai Lama himself until he decided to ban the practice of Shugden. Dorje Shugden had been instrumental in the safe escape of the Dalai Lama and his entourage from Tibet to India, before it fell into Chinese hands.That Dorje Shugden is a Buddha has been determined by Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, the Dalai Lama's Junior Tutor; and that he is an emanation of Manjushri puts paid to the theory of his being a Spirit .


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Totally agree with what vajrastorm has said.

It is just unreasonable for the Indian newspaper to report things that are untrue. No matter what sort of news, it has to be factual with evidences, otherwise it would just be distortion of facts. How can people trust the publisher then?

With all these false information being spread, it will cause so much disruption for all the Dorje Shugden practitioners that are not necessary in the first place.


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It is just unreasonable for the Indian newspaper to report things that are untrue.

Forget about “reasonableness” from the side of the Indian newspaper. The Times of India in known as a mouthpiece of Western colonizers and imperialists since 1838. They will publish whatever lie is convenient to their interests.

And since the current Dalai Lama, like his predecessor the 13th, chose to be a puppet of those very same interests, the propaganda outlet will freely falsify and distort reality in order to support him and harm his perceived opponents.

With all these false information being spread, it will cause so much disruption for all the Dorje Shugden practitioners that are not necessary in the first place.

The practice of Dorje Shugden is deeply associated with Pabongkha Rinpoche, who in turn represents the rare trend within Tibetan Buddhism which rejects the mix of Dharma with politics, and therefore is not useful to Western imperialists, always intent on bringing the chaos to Asia and elsewhere.

Therefore, the disruption to be caused by the false article not only is intentional, but also just a part of the “Bigger Picture”, that is, the centuries old and ongoing campaign backed by Western imperialists, and aimed at destroying whatever is not fully subservient to and compliant with their abominable interests.


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Sorry but what an absolute load of shite. So what if youve identified these temples and monasteries? What have the monks ever done, except practise tolerance and acceptance of the hypocrisies and injustices theyve had to face? You know what the bumfrickin irony is? That all of the divisions have been created by the CTA themselves.

Controversy over the Karmapa? Created by the CTA.

Controversy over Dorje Shugden? Created by the CTA.

Controversy over their lack of independence? Created by the CTA over their apparent inadequacies in their real jobs.

Sigh. Wheres the cavalry when you need em? Time to call in zee Germans.

Tenzin Malgyur

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It is very distressing to see a media of such importance reporting on biased views. I am of the same opinion with DharmaDefender that all of the mentioned controversies are created by the CTA. Sad to say, this is what happens when religion are blended with politics. And the victims are the Tibetan people living as refugees under the govern of this group of leaders who has their own interest at heart. Maybe the CTA should focus more of their time and effort to get Tibet together again instead of harassing the peaceful DS monks who are intend to continue with their belief.
Mr. Gopal Puri, are the Tibetans of Muslim and Christian faith also been stripped of their voting rights?


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It is very distressing to see a media of such importance reporting on biased views.

If such media were not reporting on biased views, it would never become “of such importance” in the first place.

In small matters, the corporate mercenary media may even keep an appearance of neutrality, but when it comes to bigger issues it shows its real face.

The so-called “free press” is everything but “free”; it is jut a tool at the service of the big interests owning them.

The Dalai Lama represents the Western imperialistic hope to put their feet on Tibet, and to plunder Tibet and Tibetans as it has done with so many other countries and peoples around the world.

Therefore, Western-subservient newspapers such as The Times of India will support every atrocity of the Dalai, and will defame, demonize, and try to destroy, anyone setting limits to his tiranny.


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What a stinging lie that has been fabricated on Shugden practitioners and the Deity and what a freaking irresponsibility on the part of the journalist who favor the Dalai Lama clique. What good will this bring onto himself and the media? 

It is a huge mistake for the journalist to report misleading news destroying his own and the media's credibility and integrity.  Is the journalist on the 'payroll' of the CTA or is he receiving some kind of benefit for such defamation on the Shugden community? 


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The Times of India (TOI) is a major Indian English-language daily newspaper and the world's largest selling English language daily. Therefore TOI plays an important role in disseminating and educating its readers with beneficial, accurate and true information. If TOI is merely concerned with self-interest and profit, then it had failed miserably and is terribly irresponsible in news reporting.  News about religion must be handled with care especially when you are writing and reporting about Dorje Shugden who is a Buddha!

It is utterly unethical and unprofessional for a journalist like S. Gopal Puri to sensationalise news and be the puppet of Central Tibetan Administration.  What journalists like S. Gopal Puri and TOI had done will bring about severe consequences in the future!

Tibetans had suffered and continue to suffer due to the ban on Dorje Shugden. Mr. Puri and especially TOI, why put salt into the wound?  Do you not have any conscience and compassion for the Tibetans who had already lost so much in their lives - country, religious freedom, and so on?  What you had published in TOI will affect the faith of the existing and new practitioners of Buddha Dorje Shugden.

In the near future when the ban is lifted and the truth revealed, are you willing to face the repercussions? You will definitely lose your credibility and reputation as a responsible and reliable newspaper.  Who is going to read your newspaper that reports only inaccurate, incomplete and false information about Dorje Shugden?  TOI and Mr Puri, stop creating heavy negative karma for your own sake please!


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My Lama is a Dorje Shugden practitioner, and from what I observe, He taught us compassion and He himself is practicing the Buddha's teaching. He has never taught us about create schism etc. I really don't see how Dorje Shugden practitioners are a threat to CTA. He told us about discrimination towards the Dorje Shugden, and He asked for unity of Tibet and equal treatment to all. I don't see how this will divide the Tibetans. From what I see especially when I visited the old monks, many monks are indeed very confused about ban; it is indeed HH Dalai Lama who divided the Tibetans, not the Dorje Shugden practitioners.

I do hope that the article will bring attention to some human rights groups because the ill treatments to Dorje Shugden practitioners are totally against the constitution of CTA.


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Why CTA have to make the life of those Dorje Shugden practitioners so miserable? Aren't they Tibetan too?  If not, aren't they human too ? Where is this compassion that we are talking about day and night? How can Dorje Shugden , an enlighten being is evil now? Interesting !!!


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It is very sad to see that the journalist and newspaper is not reporting the truth but lies due to self-interest, political or some other reasons.
Dorje Shugden practitioners are peace lover and just following their teachers in their spiritual practices. They do not harm others. They even respect HH Dalai Lama very much and put his picture on their altar too.  It is the CTA who are causing all the controversy and stripping off the Dorje Shugden practitioners’ right on voting, social, medical, education, etc!
Wake up CTA! Please stop wasting your time on creating all the Dorje Shugden stories but use your time wisely to build the nation and Tibet!


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i guess the good thing is that not many people believe the printed news these days and prefer to rely on the internet to confirm facts. Journalism has always been biased - deliberately or subconsciously and journalists - sad to say - often don't check their facts in their rush to get the news out. Anyone who would like to write something about Dorje Shugden need only google and find this website at the top of the list of results. A light skim through the website would reveal a vastly contradictory picture to what is often portrayed by the Dalai Lama, the CTA and all other sycophants or deluded followers.

The silver lining on this cloud is that the criticism of Shugden would provoke some readers to google and they would find... us!  :D
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Since they spread lies about Dorje Shugden in The Times of India (TOI) which is a major Indian English-language daily newspaper and the world's largest selling English language daily, I think it is a good move because more people will come to know about Dorje Shugden and more people will find out more information regarding who Dorje Shugden is. I don't think 100% of The Times of India reader is going to believe blindly what they have read.
On the other hand, we should double our efforts to spread the truth about Dorje Shugden in any means which we can have our hands on and we will see who can reach the most audience at the end of the day.